I like you

Watch Out Mr.Simple

Ryeowook POV:

We're all sitting around 1 table eating dinner together. Suzy is sitting in front of me. She's barely touching her food, well, I'm not that surprised. She doesn't even eat at school, she only buys smoothies. I looked at her face. How can she not be last year's prom queen? She's beautiful, athletic and she plays so many musical instruments. Suddenly, she looked at me. I quickly look down. Why did she have to look at me? I feel so shy when she looks at me. I look back up and see her still looking at me. 

"What is it?" Suzy asked me. I didn't want her to know, so I acted normal.

"What do you mean 'what is it'? " She sighs and looked at me.

"You keep on looking at me. Is there anything wrong?" I couldn't tell her the truth, so I lied. As usual.

"You're so full of yourself. I wasn't even looking at you." Suddenly, the door opened. A little girl came home, I think it's Suzy's sister.

"Umma, I'm home." She walked into the kitchen and looked at me.

"Umma, Unnie, Who is this Oppa?" Umma looked at me and giggled.

"This is your Unnie's new boyfriend." I started to blush when she said that, but then, Suzy put down her fork and spoon and walked to her room without saying a word.

"Unnie! Unnie!" Suzy's sister called while chasing Suzy. When they both left, I asked Umma.

"Umma, am I seriously Suzy's boyfriend now? Cause I can see that she doesn't like the idea of me being her boyfriend."

"Don't worry Ryeowook. You're a nice, handsome and talented young man. I'm sure that Suzy will like you in no time." When Umma said that, I felt happy but I'm still wondering what Suzy feels.

Suzy POV:

Seriously? Ryeowook? Kim Ryeowook is my new boyfriend? I've never even had a boyfriend before! It's not that Ryeowook isn't good looking or stupid or anything. He's a handsome and smart guy but he's been teasing me for the past years and suddenly he's my new boyfriend! I took a pillow and covered my face and started screaming. Suddenly, Ryeowook came in. I quickly fixed my hair and acted normal.

"What do you want?" I looked at him with an angry face.

"Um, ar.. Suzy...um..are you..urm.." What's wrong with this boy? He's never like this at school.

"Yes Ryeowook. I'm fine. Anything else you wanna ask me?" I looked at him with a bored face. He started turning red.

"Are you upset that your umma paired us up together without tell you?" Did he come to ask me that?

"Not really. I don't mind. Why are you upset?" He started blushing. He was turning so red.

"I...um...I...I..." I can see that he wanted it..and now that he got it he doesn't know how to tell me.

"Ryeowook. Come here." I asked him to sit beside me. He hesitated but eventually he sat beside me. I laid on his lap and looked at him.

"You wanted us to be together didn't you?" I smirked at him. He started to blush.

"Well...I...Um..Not to say that I wanted this..but..." I laughed and sat up. I looked at a picture on my desk.

"Don't worry. You don't have to hide it. I already know. I heard what you said about me to my umma just now." I looked at him. His eyes widen. 

"OMG! Suzy! Really?! You knew?!" He started to panic and I started giggling.

"Yes, I knew. That's why I looked at you during dinner. But I wanna ask you something." I turned my body to him.

"Yes Suzy? What is it?" I looked at him.

"Why are you only telling me this now? Why not long ago?" He started to hesitate. Finally he got himself together.

"I'm sorry Suzy. I wanted to tell you but I guess I didn't know how. So, I acted like I hated you all this time. I'm sorry but I actually love you very much." Suddenly, Ryeowook hugged me and started crying. 

"Hey, it's okay. Everything is going to be alright. I think, I'm starting to like you too." Touched his hair while hugging him back. Not realizing what I was doing. Is this... a start of something new? 

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please update, I've been waiting forever!
M3IQ1heartSUJU #2
Noooooo!!!! There must be a miracle!!! Sungmin can't die so easily!!!!):
M3IQ1heartSUJU #3
:O what happen to sungmin?!?! Pray him all the best!! Stay safe sungmin! T.T
--nerdyexotic #4
Aww both Sungmin and Ryeowook would be great for Suzy
Suzy, please be okay... you namja chingu and your best friend is there... Dont make them upset
i want ryeowook and suzy to be a real boyfriend girlfriend here... Please... *puppy eyes*