Happy Birthday

Watch Out Mr.Simple

Suzy POV:

I woke up, realizing today was my birthday I quickly changed into my birthday clothe that Umma bought for me last week. 

It's so cute. Tho I don't like wearing cute things, this is acceptable. Maybe I should go to Sungmin and ask him what he thinks about this outfit. I walked to his room but didn't see him. I didn't want to go Ryeowook's room, I'm still upset with him. So, I walked down stairs and saw everyone there except for Ryeowook.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY DARLING!" Umma shouted. I giggled and ran to her. I gave her a hug. Suddenly, I felt someone pulling my dress, I looked down and saw Jessica.

"Happy Birthday Unnie!" Jessica smiled. I hugged her too. 

"Happy Birthday Suzy. I'm going to make this birthday the best you ever had." I turned around and saw Sungmin. I giggled and hugged him. 

" Thank you so much everyone. This really means a lot to me. Did Ryewook see this?" Everyone shook their, I nodded.

"He left early. He said he had to celebrate Gayoon's birthday." Sungmin said. I titled my head. Gayoon's birthday? Isn't her birthday 4 months from now?

"I never liked that Gayoon girl. She takes everything she wants without thinking what others will feel." Umma said. Sungmin and Jessica nodded. I giggled.

"Come on honey. All 4 of us are going shopping." I raised an eye brow and pointed at Sungmin.

"Oppa is going shopping too?" Sungmin stepped closer to me. 

"Why? Can't I follow?" I raised an eye brow and gave him a confused face. Suddenly, he pouted.

"OMO! Suzy doesn't want me, her best friend, to follow her shopping. BOO-HOO!" Sungmin turned around and pretended like he was crying. I rolled my eyes. Drama King.

"Araso, Araso. Come along." Sungmin turned around and gave me a smile. I giggled. 

We went shopping. Umma bought me everything that I said was cute. Sungmin's, Umma's and my hands were full. Suddenly, someone called my name.

"Suzy?" I turned around and looked up.


"OMO! Minho Oppa!" I yelled. Umma, Jessica and Sungmin turned around. It was SHINee. We were best friends. They're a little older than me except for Taemin Oppa but he went to a different school.

"Yo Key!" Key looked at Sungmin and high-five Sungmin.

"Hey Sungmin. How's school? Still Class 9?" Key laughed and Sungmin rolled his eyes.

"I'm not an idiot anymore. I'm a Class 2 student now." SHINee smirked and nodded.

"What are you doing here anyway?" I looked behind Minho and saw someone with blonde hair.

"Who are you?" SHINee turned around and looked at the blonde guy. Key, Taemin, Minho and Onew laughed.

"Yah! Suzy! How can you not remember your handsome Oppa?" Handsome oppa? Where have I heard that before? OH! RIGHT!

"JONGHYUN OPPA?!" My eyes widen and Jonghyun raised his eye brow.

"Aigoo. How did you forget me so easily?" I giggled.

"Mianhae Oppa. You coloured your hair blonde, so I couldn't recognize you." Taemin giggled and Jonghyun smacked his arm.

"Why are you here? We always come here but we've never seen you around. Why today?" I pouted.

"You idiots. It's her birthday!" Sungmin said behind me. I turned around to say something but suddenly SHINee shouted.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY SUZY!!!" I jumped and turned around and bowed.

"Thank you." I giggled and SHINee smiled at me.

"Suzy. You go with your SHINee friends. Me and Jessica will go find our own stuff. Take care darling." I hugged Umma and she walked away with Jessica. So now, it's me, Sungmin and SHINee. 

"So, what are we going to do?" I asked them while putting my hands in my pocket. Minho was carrying my shopping bags while Key shared the burden with Sungmin's.

"Where do you want to go?" Taemin asked me. I shook my head.

"Aren't you guys thirsty? I am. Let's go get something to drink." Jonghyun said and ran to a cafe.

"YAH! KIM JONGHYUN! Haish!" Key yelled. He and Sungmin ran after Jonghyun. Then Taemin ran with them. I looked at Minho.

"Aren't you going to run too?" Minho looked at me and smiled.

"Want to race?" I raised an eye brow.

"Muh?" Minho smiled and ran away. I giggled and ran after them.

When we all arrived at the cafe. We ordered our drinks. After a few minutes, our drink came.

"So, how's collage?" Sungmin asked SHINee.

"It's going fine. Better than high school. No arrogant students. No heartbreakers. No bullies. No gangsters." Minho said and flipped his bangs. 

"No Gayoon" Taemin smirked and everyone laughed.

"I can see you still have some grudges against her." I raised an eyes brow. Everyone rolled their eyes.

"You kidding me? My life has been a lot better since I changed school and got away from her." Taemin said and sipped his drink.

"And I can't believe you dated her." I pointed at Jonghyun. All eyes were on his now.

"Hey,Hey. It was a 2 hour date. So, it's not an official date. GOD. Those 2 hours killed me. Do you know how much that girl can nag?" Jonghyun hit his  head on the table. 

"I don't know what's wrong with her. She still likes Ryeowook right?" Onew asked me. I bit my lip and nodded.

"And you still like Ryeowook." I looked up and Key raised his eye brow.

"Aigoo. Get over him. Date someone like me!" Key said. Everyone bursted into laugher. 

"Hey, hey. You used to like me before you knew Ryeowook." Key stuck his tongue out, I giggled. Suddenly, I heard someone calling my name again.

"Suzy?" I knew that voice. I didn't turn around. It was Ryeowook. SHINee and Sungmin gave Ryeowook an angry stare. 

"What are SHINee doing here?"I looked at SHINee, they rolled their eyes.

"This is a free country. We can go where ever we like." Onew said. 

"I mean, why are you guys with Suzy?" Ryeowook asked again. Suddenly, I felt another shadow behind me, guess it's Gayoon. 

"We bumped into her and if you didn't know today is her-" Before Taemin could finish his sentence I stepped on his feet. He didn't scream but he just looked at me. I mouthed 'Anni.' Taemin nodded.

"Today is her what? It can't be her birthday since today is mine." A girl's voice said that. Yeah, now it surely is Gayoon. Tears came to my eyes. SHINee looked at me and looked at Gayoon with an angry face.

"Gayoon. Shut up." I said to her.

"What did you just say to me?" Gayoon's voice sounded pissed.

"I said Shut up. Get out of here." 

"Don't you dare say that to me." Gayoon took my drink and poured it on me. SHINee and Sungmin stood up with anger but Ryeowook didn't do anything but laughed. Pabo. Some boyfriend you are. I took my bag and ran away. 

No One POV:

Suzy ran away crying. Ryeowook and Gayoon just stood there laughing. Sungmin was angry at Ryeowook but he ran after Suzy.

"Jerk." Taemin said while glaring at Ryewook. Ryeowook just rolled his eyes.

"Your birthday? You told me your birthday was 4 months from now." Jonghyun said while crossing his arms.

"Maybe that was another girl you dated. You ARE a playboy." Jonghyun almost snapped but then Minho stopped him.

"Enough, we don't have time for this." Key took out his phone and called a few people. All the words to each phone calls were the same.

"It's tonight. Get ready." 6 phone calls. Key put back his phone is his pocket and glared at Gayoon.

"You are such a liar." Key pointed at Gayoon.

"You are such an egg head."Key pointed at Ryeowook. Then everyone left.

"What was that for?" Ryeowook asked Gayoon, she just shook her head.

*I never liked those SHINee guys. They knew everything about me. Even when I'm lying.* Then Gayoon and Ryeowook left.

On the other side... Suzy was sitting under a tree crying. Sungmin came and sat beside Suzy.

"I hate Gayoon." Suzy said. Sungmin smirked.

"Who doesn't? Other than that blind Ryeowook?" Sungmin looked at Suzy.

"Everything was going fine but then Gayoon just had to ruin everything." Suzy looked at Sungmin. She stopped crying but she was still heart broken.

"Remember. What comes around goes around. Everything is going to be okay." Suddenly Sungmin got a text.

"Bring Suzy to Seoul Park at 8. We have a surprise for her. Don't tell her."  Key sent Sungmin the text. Sungmin looked at his watch, it was 6. Sungmin grabbed Suzy and took a taxi home. 

"Where are going?" Suzy looked at Sungmin confused.

"When we get home. I want you to get dressed. Wear your nicest dress. I'm taking you somewhere." Sungmin smirked and looked out the window.

"Where are you going?" Sungmin just smiled and continued looking out the window.

"You're always keeping secrets from em. Fine then." Suzy said and pouted. 

When they arrived home, Suzy quickly took her bath and changed. Sungmin took his bath and changed too. When Suzy walked down the stairs, she looked like a princess. She sat on the couch and waited for Sungmin. When Sungmin came down. 




"Is it bad?" Suzy asked. Sungmin blushed and shook his head.

"Can we go now? I can't wait!" Suzy jumped up. Sungmin smiled and jumped.

"Let's go!" After a half an hour drive. They arrived at Seoul Park.

"What are we doing here?"  Suzy asked Sungmin. Sungmin smiled and clapped his hands. Lights were every where. Everything romantic.


"OMO! THIS IS SO PRETTY! DID YOU-" Before Suzy could continue her sentence, Jiyoon and Jihyun sat her down on the bench.

"OMO! What are you doing here?!" Jihyun put her fingers and Suzy's lips.

"Stay here and enjoy your birthday!" Jiyoon said and they both went away leaving Suzy alone. Even Sungmin was gone. Suddenly, the music start.

"Hello! Hello!" Suzy cupped her hand over .  SHINee started singing.* This is co cute!* That was what Suzy said to herself. After they finished singing, another group of friend came to her.

"OMO! CHUNJI?!" Suzy yelled.

"Hey, Suzy. It's been a while." Chunji winked. Suzy giggled. She hasn't seen Chunji nor Teen Top ever since she moved. 

"Now, sit back, relax and enjoy." Ricky said while smiling. The music started.

"Noona is my Noona~" Hearing Chunji's voice made Suzy blush. She used to have a crush on Chunji but now they were only friends. Teen Top finished singing. Suzy wanted to stand up but then someone pushed her down.

"Hey,Hey. Where do you think you're going?"  A familiar voice said to Suzy. She turned around, her eyes widen.

"Minwoo Oppa?! ZE:A?!" ZE:A smiled and bowed.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY SUZY! WE'LL SING OUT HEART OUT FOR YOU!" Suzy smiled. ZE:A and Suzy were close friends. All of them were older than her, so they left school earlier. ZE:A started singing. 

"Here I am, Here I am." Suzy laughed as ZE:A started acting weirdly.  When ZE:A finished singing. 4 girls went up stage. Suzy looked up and her jaw dropped.

"UNNIE?!!!" It was Jiyoon, Jihyun, HyunA and Sohyun. Her closest girl friends.

"Oh! Hi Suzy! We're not going to sing, only HyunA but we're going to dance for her." Hyuna smiled at me.

"Wish me luck dongsaeng!" HyunA  said to Suzy. Suzy pumped up her fist.

"FIGHITNG UNNIE!" HyunA laughed and started singing. 

"Bubble Bubble Bubble Pop. Bubble Bubble Pop Pop!" Suzy sang along since she and HyunA always sing this song. After HyunA finished singing, she said something.

"This is going to be the best. Give it up to Super Junior!" Suzy's eyes widen. Super Junior, her pre-school friends. Everyone was on stage, even Sungmin and Ryeowook.

"Sorry for making you cry baby. But it was actually these guys idea." Ryeowook said. Super Junior winked. Suzy started laughing.  Then they started singing.

"No Other~" Suzy giggled and blushed. After the finished singing. Everyone went on stage and bowed.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY SUZY! WE LOVE YOU!" Everyone said together. Suzy stood up and ran to them.

"I LOVE YOU GUYS!! THANKS FOR EVERYTHING!! THIS IS THE BEST BIRTHDAY EVER!!" Suzy screamed. Everyone hugged her. Suzy started crying in happiness. 

" Today was amazing. I met everyone I loved. And they all sang and dance for me. I LOVE YOU! FOREVER AND ALWAYS!"  Everyone smiled and pumped up their fist.

"SHIN SUZY FOREVER FIGHTING!" Everyone said together. *This is the best birthday ever. I love each and everyone of you. Especially you two, Ryeowook and Sungmin." 

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please update, I've been waiting forever!
M3IQ1heartSUJU #2
Noooooo!!!! There must be a miracle!!! Sungmin can't die so easily!!!!):
M3IQ1heartSUJU #3
:O what happen to sungmin?!?! Pray him all the best!! Stay safe sungmin! T.T
--nerdyexotic #4
Aww both Sungmin and Ryeowook would be great for Suzy
Suzy, please be okay... you namja chingu and your best friend is there... Dont make them upset
i want ryeowook and suzy to be a real boyfriend girlfriend here... Please... *puppy eyes*