
Armored Princess

"I have to go. I'll be back in a minute." I said  while turning around to leave. 

I have to apologize. Not only have I made a robot angry, she might have told her dad. I'm 6 feet deep in my own grave. I run as fast as I can and try to find her. 

"Erza?! Erza?!" I keep trying to call out but she doesn't answer. 

"Er-" I turn around and see that she's standing right in front of me. 

"Ugh...um ahhh.." I'm chocking on my own words and my troat feels dry. 

Before I could say anything else she grabbed my collar and started to drag me across the floor! I tried pull away but she was way stronger than the average man. She dragged me into the same supply closet that I locked her up in. 

"You! You stole my first kiss! And now you are going to pay!" She said with eyes full of anger. 

It's been a good life. 


Erza's POV~ 

I heard someone calling my name and that voice sounded like that toad. I follow the voice and I was right, it's the toad. As he turned around he saw me and his face turned completely pale. I guess I have that affect on people. 

"Ugh...um ahhh..." He would say anything. 

I grabbed his collar and dragged him across the floor and threw him in the same supply closet which he had stolen my first kiss. 

"You! You stole my first kiss! And now you are going to pay!" I said as I was about to punch him. 

I stopped half way and saw him curl into a little ball. 

"What you're gonna take my punch?" I asked completely surprised. 

He nooded. 

"I'm sorry... I shouldn't have done that just to get even." He said still curled in a ball. 

I couldn't believe what I was hearing, the great toad is apologizing to me?!

"What did you just say?!" I still can't believe what he said. 

"HUH?! You want me to what?! Come on I apologized once isn't that enough?" He screamed. 

"Okay fine. I was just wondering if I was dreaming when you said I'm sorry." I said while smiling. 

"Hmph! well you aren't. So do accept?" He asked.

I turned around and opened the door. 

"No way." I smiled and left. 

"WHAT THE HELL?!" He screamed so loud I could hear his voice from down the hall.

I ran up to my room locked the door and jumped onto my bed and let out a great big sigh.

"Hehehe Ahahahahaha! I can't believe his reaction!" I felt so happy that I could explode. And just like that I fell asleep. 

The next morning I went down to the kitchen and saw the entire senior class cramed in there. I ran over to the counter and saw my dad writing several things on a paper.

"Dad! What is this?!" I asked.

"I don't know! They all are demanding things and I don't know what to make! Help me!" He pleaded.

I ran over to the fridge and saw that mom had prepared for this to happen so she bought 12 dozen eggs and 14 loafs of bread. SHe also bought lots and lots of bacon. 

I ran back to dad who was hiding under the table, I ran and jumped ontop of the counter. 

"ALRIGHT! IF YOU WANT BREAKFAST SHUT UP! IF YOU WANT TO STARVE KEEP TALKIN'!" As soon as I said that everyone calmed down. 

"The breakfast menu for today is eggs, bacon, and toast! If you don't want it then deal with it! This isn't a 5 star hotel with high class survice! Alright now line up outside the door and wait until you get called!" I screamed so everyone could hear. 

I started to cook and dad got out the disposable plates. As soon as I was done Dad called in the first person and about 1 hour later we were done with breakfast. 

"I'm beat!" I said as I fall onto the chair. 

"Thanks again for your help kido'." said dad. 

Suddenly the toad came and put 2 plates with eggs bacon and toast with 2 glasses of orange juice. But before I could thank him he ran as fast as his legs could carry him. 

"Well I guess he isn't so bad." I said as I bit into my toast. 


Soooo sorry for the long update. ^-^

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bloomst #1
Chapter 6: Guys I make this like an anime, meaning imagine watching an anime while you read my stories. I'm sorry their not detailed enough >^<