First day

Armored Princess

It's been 16 years since then. First my 'parents' taught me many things in advance before I went to high school. They said I need to know the basics. They also made a training room for me to practice. Let me tell you that it was huge, I mean even the definition of huge won't explain how big it really is. I love that place I feel like every stressful thing that happened to me can be washed away. It's the one place where I can see who I really am. You guys are wondering that if I already looked like a teen when I was made, how can I be a teen now, right? Well, I am a robot. Which means I don't age. You know, I still get older it's just that, I can't look older.  


False; I am not a Transformer. I can't turn from car to robot and robot to car. False; No I don't eat tools or hardware supplies. My body is designed to replicate a human's body. In English that means I can eat anything a human can. Now to begin with my high school life. Today I will be getting ready to go to high school, I just transferred to Sekai high in Seoul, South Korea. And I am a senior, so wish me luck, because this is going to be a long day. 


"Ok, mom I'm ready! Where's breakfast?"I said.


I walk up to my mom while she's making pancakes and as she turns around the pancake she's flipping, lands right on the ceiling. 


"Why are you wearing your spy uniform instead of normal clothes?! Go get changed and wear something kids in high school wear." She scowled.


"Mom, if kids went to high school, teens would end up in primary."I replied. 


I walk up to my charging chamber and step inside and within a second I am dressed in something more 'normal'. 


"So this is 'normal'? Wait where's my patch?!" 



Suddenly my mom came into the room.


"Your father and I have created contact lenses from a special material that your eye won't be able to melt." She said. 


"Now go, here's breakfast you can eat it on your way, your bag and lunch and have a great day."


They pushed me out the front door. I guess I have to walk, luckily I had a route to the school which I searched up last night. 


15 minutes later~ 


I enter the building and see the entire hallway is cleared out as soon as I enter, by that I mean that the student move as soon as I come in. But when I turn around I find 12 guys standing behind me! All of them look like super models and one of them reaches his hand up to my face, and grabs my chin. He has red hair, nice eyes and is about to get messed up!


"You must be new here, right? Well then let me tell you that this is where we walk."


He starts to lean in close, but as soon as he does I give him what he was asking for. Meaning I grab his collar in return and pull his face so close our lips our almot touching. His eyes open wide and just then I slam him against the locker. His friends all stare at me and him. 

"Try to make another move on me and you'll regret it."


I give him a glare and walk to my first period class. I don't care as long as no one else gets in my way. The other 11 help the red head get up. 


"I am going to have so much fun this year."


He said, and turn to look at him. He looks at me and shoots me a glare, I ignore him, turn on my heels and head for class.


"Now let's see, math room 203? Ah, found it." I said.


The bell rings and the last of the students come in. I have to stand in the front since I'm new and all. But as I'm standing I see that the delinquents from before turn up.


"Alright guys, we have a new student here today. Go ahead." The teacher said.


"Hi, my name is Erza Scarlet. I hope that we can all be friends." I said.


I bow and go back to my seat and the teacher begins writing some math problems on the the board. But while she's doing that the guy from before switches seats with the guy beside me.


"The name is Luhan. I hope we can become the best of friends."


He whispers and gives me a wink while I completely ignore him.


"Alright can anyone answers these brain twister math problems? No one, really?"


I raise my hand.


"Ok Erza, now I'm letting you know that these are university level math problems. So if you don't get them right it's ok. Now tell me the answers." Said the teacher. 


"Twelve, six and in the last problem you mixed the seven and nines' places." I said leaving everyone shocked. Luhan even dropped his jaw.She looks back at the board, then back to me. 


"You're correct, but how?!" She asks me. 


"Well, unlike some people I'm not caught up doing stupid things." I shoot Luhan a glare.  


And the rest of the period passes until lunch. When I sit down on a table far away from Lu-dumb, I see a two girls looking around the cafeteria for a place to sit. I wave them a hand, they look at each other and come to the table I'm sitting at. 


"Um, do we know you?" One of them asked. They looked like sisters.  


"No, but I think this is a good chance to. Hi, I'm Erza." 


They sit down and look me in the eyes. 


"Wait are you the one who seriously knocked out one of the EXO?!" She asked. 


"Who's EXO?" I asked. 


They looked at me shocked. 


"EXO is the group that is made up of the hottest guys in school."


I nodded and the both looked at me and smiled.  


"You. Are. So. Awesome! By the way I'm Sydney and this is Emilie." 


After chatting for a while I look and see that I don't have any juice. I look around and see a vending machine. The problem is the EXO group is right in front of it. I tell Sydney and Emilie that I'm going to get some juice and they both nodded. I walk past the table Luhan is sitting on and take money out for the juice when suddenly someone makes an announcement on the P.A. 


"Good afternoon guys! For those of you who don't know me I am the principle. Now as you all know that tomorrow we have a secret field trip. Remember we will not provide food and for those of you who didn't hand in your forms can't come. That is all."


I guess that's me. I went back to my table, juice in hand,a little disappointed. The rest of the day went by smoothly. When I got home I told my parents all about what happened. My mom looked at my dad then back at me. 


"Well it's too bad if we knew about it then we would have sent you, but why don't you stay home tomorrow. Besides we have a gift for you, and we want you to test them out." She said. 


"What kind of gift?" I asked. 


"They're called armor cards. They're only meant for you, no one else has the ability to control them. What they actually are, different armors embodied in different cards. So if you took this one, um lets see...ah! The card lightning Empress, when you take this card and put it on this band you will be able to have a super strong armor and weapon. Each one is different. We want you to test them out tomorrow in the training room okay, and we'll come to see if you're doing well." She said. 


"But I'll be too nervous if you guys watch me." I said.


"That's why we installed one way windows. We'll be able to see you, but you won't be able to see us." 


They gave me the pack of cards and the band. After dinner I went to my charging pod. For those of you who don't know it's where I recharge, sleep, and change clothes. 


You guys better leave a comment after this long chapter! >:( Just kidding!


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bloomst #1
Chapter 6: Guys I make this like an anime, meaning imagine watching an anime while you read my stories. I'm sorry their not detailed enough >^<