Dude you're dead -_-

Armored Princess

I ran as fast as I could away from that freak. I can't believe that he just took my first kiss. That little....I don't even know a word bad enough to describe him! 


I scream as I head toward the fitness room. As I yell the staff members all look at me with a shocked expression. They're probably wondering whether my dad accidently did something or I have gone mad. Most likely it's #2. I barge into the fitness room hang up one of the sand bags and start to realease my stress by punching the life out of that thing, imagining his face. 


I kept punching and kicking that sandbag until I punched it so hard I ended up punching a hole through it.

 images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS5tR_mOrTZb3npmjuGmIk  (this is what Erza would look like if Martha just came in) 

"Well you're in a bad mood." 

Suddenly Martha came in and sat down on the bench. I took a seat next to her and she handed me a bottle of water. 


"No problem, now tell me what has you troubled." 

"Alright big sis. So I was done with give the guys a tour, and headed off for the charging pod. But on my way I was pulled into the janitor closet. It was dark but when the light I saw it was Luhan. He said he wanted payback." 

"Payback, for what?" 

"On the first day of school he bothered me so I flicked him in front of the entire school. I may have over done it though. He ended up hitting the lockers hard but he didn't seem to have passed out. Anyway he told me the he wanted to return the favor. In other word he kissed me. I tried to push him away gently so it wouldn't end up like last time, but in the end I had no option but to use force." 

I turned to Matha and her jaw was wide open. 

"Y-Y-You kissed!" 


After a nice talk with Martha I went back to my charging pod. On the way I saw that jerk.


A smirk appeared on his face. But before he finished I ran as fast as I could. Leaving him dumb-founded. 

"What the-" 

Luhan POV~

As I was trying to find out where the dorm was I got lost. Suddenly I saw Erza come out of the corner. I put on my best evil smirk to make her jump. 


But before I could say anything she ran off, past me. 

"What the-" 

I asked some people directions to the boys dorm but I couldn't stop thinking about why she was running off like that. 

"Dude! Where ya been?" 

Suddenly Tao came up and wrapped his arm around my neck and started to rub his knuckles on my head. 

"Ow ow ow!! Dude stop it,.....by the way can I ask you guys a random question?" 

They looked at each other and then nodded. 

"So what would upset a girl?" 

They did a double take. 

"Why do you wanna know?" 

Lay asked, to be honest I don't even know. 

"Just answer." 

"Um ok, lets see, lizzards, spiders, scary movies,-" 

"What about guys, what kinda habbits make them uncomfortable when guys are around?" 

They gave me a weird look, I knew that look. It was the 'do you have a fever?' look. 

"Um well, I guess that when guys try to hit on girls, or you know try to kiss them. I tried once and the girls' dad was the basketball couch. I had nightmares for the semester."  

Oh boy. The thing is I didn't just upset a normal girl or her couch father. I upset a female robot who is ten times as strong as 100 men combined! And also her dad is a scientest who works for the the South Korean government!


Sorry for the short update. Highschool has my hands tied. ='(


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bloomst #1
Chapter 6: Guys I make this like an anime, meaning imagine watching an anime while you read my stories. I'm sorry their not detailed enough >^<