
'I was walking down a dark hallway at my school like I would usually do, until three little boys stepped in front me. They were under a flashing light making it seem like a horror film. I couldn't recognize their faces, but their hair brought something up in the back of my mind.
"Hey, it's late you shouldn't be here at this time of night," I said as I stepped closer to them. When I saw there faces in a dim light I jumped back. It was them, the three bullies from fifth grade. My intuition was right, it was the three boys that brought me Minho. 
I looked down at myself and saw that it was my old self. I quickly turned back toward them, saw that they were right in front of me. I screamed only nothing came out, they pushed me down to the hard floor before starting to kick me in the stomach and every other inch of my body. I curled into a ball praying that Minho would come. I finally couldn't feel my stomach so I jumped and sprinted down the hall. I didn't get far until they were back in front of me, I had about a heart attack the first time they did that I didn't want to try again. They were pulling my hair and pushing me that I felt myself crying like when I was younger. 
"MINHO! MINHO,HELP ME!" I screamed as terror went through me. I don't know why of all people I yelled for was Minho when I had Taehyung or someone else, but I screamed his name so many times that my voice become horse. I waited in a ball until I finally couldn't take it waiting. I was about to start kicking when I thought I heard something behind me. It was as if someone was hitting the lockers behind me, I looked and there stood the younger Minho from when he saved me.
"Minho, help please!" I screamed to him. He just stood there with his finger pointed at me, for a minute he just stood there until he started to laugh. It was a laugh that made me cringe with fear and sadness. 
"Minho, please! Please help me!" I screamed as his laugh went through my head. 
"Please, he-"' 
I woke up with a start, my body covered in sweat and my heart racing. I started to cry to myself feeling as if the dream had been real. Why did it feel so real? I was crying hard when my phone started to ring, I looked through my bed looking only to come across nothing. I looked everywhere until I remembered my backpack. I ran over to it and looked at the screen. 
The name flashed across my screen like warning lights in bad weather. 
Minho. I didn't even know i had his number, to be hundred percent honest. I kept reading that name until I finally got the nerve to answer it. 
"Hello?" I said cautiously. I didn't want it to be him so I thought that if I spoke slowly that it might not be him.
"Hey, this is Hea right? I need to take to you," I heard the familiar voice say. I looked at my phone really quick before throwing it against my messed up bed. I wasn't sure if it was that he got my number or that he was the one calling me first that frightened me the most. I think it was a mixture of both. 
"Hello? I hope I got the right number.." He said loudly. I looked at the clock and saw that it was four in the morning. 
"Can't you read a clock, stupid? I mean it's four in the morning," I said as I picked the phone back up. My breathing hadn't calmed, but it wasn't as noticeable through the phone. I hoped. 
"Yes, I can read a clock. I'm not completely incompetent in some areas. Listen, can we see each other, like now?" He begged through the phone. I just looked around my messed up room trying to come up with an excuse on why I can't meet with him now. I used the time since I didn't have enough time to fully come up with a reasonable excuse.
"No, it's four in the morning. We have school in a couple hours, you can see me there." Heading over to my window seat and sitting down, I breathe a sigh of relief as no comment came back. I was about to hang up when he spoke quietly on the other end. I didn't quite catch it," what?" 
"Listen, what I said this afternoon and earlier has been on my mind since then. The guilt has been eating me ever since it happened. I know that no apology will fix the damage I have already caused to your heart. I can't get rid of the sorrow that quickly, but I want to be the one to put the joy back in your life. I want to be the one and try, I don't want it to be Chosung or Taehyung or any other guy. Only me if you will let me try. Please, give me a chance," I sat there and wiped my cheeks of the fresh tears that had just formed there. I heard a sniff in the background of the phone from his side, but didn't believe it. 
"Minho, yo-, you had your chance in fifth grade and every grade after that. You even had yesterday, but each chance I gave you threw it back in my face. My sadness can't be replaced by just anyone. I want someone who I know won't let me down. So far you have let me down about hundred times in a limited amount of years. Now it's the people I trust to fix the damages you caused. I don't think you should be given another chance," I spoke quietly to the breathing on the other side. I started to pace the room an pick up all the clothes my closet spit out and threw them in the laundry. I have always been a nervous cleaner. 
"Stop cleaning, Hea. I know you are nervous and what happens when you are nervous. So stop, and think about this. If you didn't think I deserved another chance why did you answer the call? I bet you knew who this was all along. So why answer if you didn't want to give me another chance," I stopped cleaning wanting to reach through my phone to hit him for saying that. It wasn't true so why would he think that. Well I didn't think it was true, right? 
"Listen, wipe that thought from your mind and get over yourself. I'm hanging up, I'll see you school maybe," I said as I pulled the phone away from my ear and pushed the end button. 
"Wait, not-" was all I heard when I hung up. What he had just said made me want to prove to him that I'm not a toy that he could just come back to anytime he wants. 
Being wide awake now I went through the clothes I bought yesterday until I picked a nice shirt with a picture of the Effie tower on it and a skirt to go with it. I threw it on and did my usual morning stuff until it got to my hair. I didn't know what to do so I just left it until I was done with make up. 
I looked in the bag and then dumped it. I had experience with most of it from when my mom would show me how to put it on so I started with all that. I looked in the mirror and was shocked by the girl who stood in front of me. It didn't look like me, but was me. I also had to say I did pretty well with the make up as I did a hair flip. I couldn't help, but laugh at my own joke. I finished the make up faster then I thought and went straight to my hair. 
I decided to curl it so I went to my moms bathroom and stole her curling iron, before sneaking back to my room. I did it slowly, but was still able to burn myself on the iron several times before I was done. I didn't want to burn myself again so I set it down and ran from it like a scared little elephant with mice. 
That had taken me about an hour so I still had an hour to finish the book I was reading yesterday. I tried to read, but his words kept echoing through my head of him wanting another chance and me answering the phone. Why did I answer? 
I couldn't read so I grabbed an apple and my backpack before slipping on my sandals and walked to Taehyungs house. It cleared my head for awhile until I made it to his dwelling it all came gliding back in. I cursed to myself as I thought about it. 
"Why are you here? I thought I was going to pick you up, but man you look beautiful," he said as I rang the doorbell. I blushed as he looked at my outfit, I've never been bombarded with this many complements in so little time. I didn't feel like talking so I just shrugged. 

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Yessssss finally updated!! Keep updating author-nim!^^
Minho, just tell her yyou love her! TT-TT the feels
Chapter 2: Yesh.. More! Update soon author-nim ^.^