
"Okay, see ya!" He yelled after me as I walked away quickly with Minho following me. I felt my stomach go back into knots with each step I took until my stomach was barely holding any of my lunch as it wanted to come up. I knew he had something to say and I was kind of afraid to find out what. I finally spotted the girls room after a few minutes of walking and ran into it like I was running from an explosion until the bell rang. He was gone when I stuck my head out the bathroom, so I was free to get to my class without trouble.
I spent the rest of the day playing a very sad game hide-and-seek from Minho.
The last bell rang for our dismissal after our final class so I ran to the parking lot to meet Taehyung by his car. I was praying he was already there like usual but, when I walked out the doors only to severally disappointed. He wasn't there and wasn't anywhere behind me. I walked over to Taehyungs car and leaned against the hood of it. I was watching people as they strolled by me only to see that their eyes were already on me. I quickly put my head down and felt the searing embarrassment corse through my body like a virus. I guess that the story had gone throughout the whole school in such little time. I was sitting there for about ten minutes with my latest book open in my lap until someone came up to me and blocked the sun from my the words on my book. 
"Hey, I can't see the words!" I said squinting up at the sun to see the culprits face. I finally was able to make the face out and instantly gasped in shock and fear before  throwing my book down onto the hood. I grabbed my backpack and book before I jumped down from the hood. I started to sprint toward the doors of the car praying that Taehyung forgot to lock the doors this morning. 
I tugged on the door,but it didn't open not even an inch. I tried again and it didn't open. I slammed my hand against the window in anger of the one time I need to get into his car it's locked. What is going on? Why is this happening to me? Was the first humiliation not enough for him, did he want to keep going with those harsh words he spoke to me? I was pulled away from my thoughts when I felt someone tap my shoulder lightly and there Minho stood as I turned to him. 
"Can we talk, Hea? I would just like to apologize for what I said earlier. It was inappropriate for me to say." He said while looking at me with his doe eyes. 
Did he honestly think that he would get my forgiveness after the words he said to me? He had purposely took a hammer and smashed my heart and was now once again smashing it? My eyes started to blur with anger that was flaring in my insides.
"Are you kidding me? Are you seriously kidding me right now? Am I being pranked right now?" I said looking for kids with cameras pointing over at us. Only to find only eyes staring back at my red face.
"No, I swear this is no joke. I was out of line, but I didn't want to hurt my reputation, instead I hurt you. You know I still remember fifth grade when we were best friends? What happened to us being friends even best friends?" He said to me acting like he didn't know. I could feel anger going through me again and clenched my teeth. I thought my words carefully to make sure not to say anything I would regret, but then I decided not to. It's not like his words could hurt anymore then the words he said to me.
"Your reputation?! Are you stinking kidding me? So your reputation is more important then someone else's feelings? I really thought you were different," I said pushing my finger into his chest. I could feel myself crying again, but this time the tape I used earlier for my heart was starting to let go.
"Also, you don't know what happened between us? Well let me see, you were my hero and best friend in fifth grade always by my side. Picking me up when I was down, or helping me when I was bullied. You were my best friend and I thought I could trust you but then we went to sixth grade and on and you left me farther behind each level. I tried so hard to still hang out with you, but you got into the popular crowd and forgot me. I couldn't get into the group so I gave up. That's what happened," I screamed at him. By the time I was done I was starting to sob and my stuff ended up on the ground. He just looked at me as I crouched to the ground. Clutching my shins, I could feel all my emotions leaving my body like a volcano. My snot was coming out, but I didn't care. I couldn't care less anymore, no one liked me anyways. Technically I was the school loser and weirdo now, but there was nothing I could do to change that.    
Everyone had turned from their conversations sometime during my screaming and was watching me as I sobbed on the ground in the dirt. Till  I finally heard the doors unlock behind me and I snatched my stuff up from the dirt and threw myself at the door. I got in but not before Minho tried to grab my hand. I pushed him away, along with my heart before locking myself in. I saw Taehyung coming toward the car slowly until he saw Minho with a few tears going down his face and the people around his car, he started to quicken his pace. He went over to Minho and punched him in the jaw. I gasped as Minho toppled over clutching his jaw, but not fighting back. He went over to Minho and bent down next to him before putting his head near Minho's ear and whispering harshly at him. He stood back up and sighed hard before pushing his hand through his messed up hair.
Taehyung got into the car and slammed his head back into the headrest. Before slamming a hand into his steering wheel. When he was finally done he smiled over at me with his usual goofy grin.
"Well, heesh if I had known I would miss a drama show I wouldn't have gotten into trouble today! Dang it." He said snapping his fingers. 
"Let's just go, Taehyung. I want to get all the stuff to prove him wrong tomorrow. So drive, please," I said smiling at his reaction. He acted like he didn't just punch the most popular kid in the jaw. He started the car and pulled out with Minho staring at us still. He face was a little red but not enough to make me think like he actually cared what I had said. He couldn't care now, I wouldn't allow it, he can't pretend not to care then care. I was just done with him, and everyone around him. I was alone in a world of Minho admirers, only one who cared for me was Taehyung. 


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Yessssss finally updated!! Keep updating author-nim!^^
Minho, just tell her yyou love her! TT-TT the feels
Chapter 2: Yesh.. More! Update soon author-nim ^.^