
'I ran around the playground trying to hide behind the side only to be found. I couldn't help but laugh as it was my turn to be it. I was starting to head over to the counting station when I felt a pair of hands push me roughly to the ground. I felt pain in my hands and knees as they skidded across the concrete. Then my face slammed into the ground and my cheek scraped against it. I could feel my tears prickle at the edge of my eyes as the three boys got closer to me. I stood up but my fear had gotten to me that my knees wobbled. I was only in fifth grade and I was already going to get beat up. I thought that only happened in cartoons. Where was the teacher, not like she would care either way. 
They had gotten close enough that the boy on my left pulled out one of my pigtails. The one on my right kicked me in my shin hard enough that I fell and clutched it. The one in the middle just smirked at me. I was just about to fight back when someone yelled.
"Hey, what are you doing?" I heard a boy yell before sprinting over to my side. He looked at my body that was now covered in blood. Then back at the three boys before punching the middle one in the eye. He staggered backwards with tears in his eyes before running back with his hand back getting ready to strike back only to miss and fall over the boy's foot. The other two came at him the same time hoping to get a punch at him. They got about two in at his face before he was able to get them both down. They looked at him with fear in their eyes before all three ran for it. 
"Are you ok?" He said as he kneeled down next to me pushing hair out of my eye. I pushed myself up before brushing myself off and I must of had a look of admiration in my eyes because he laughed a little. I just looked at him and shook my head. 

"My name is Choi Minho. I'm new here," he put his hand out for me to shake. I shook it and introduced myself. When I was shaking his hand I felt my heart swell with hopes and a feeling that had never been there before. The rest of year he was my best friend then it all changed.' 
I shook the memory out of my head quickly before grabbing my books out of the locker. I looked out the edge,down the hallway at the boy I was just thinking of. He was laughing at a joke one of his friends said when his eyes came down the hallway right onto me. I quickly ducked my head back into my locker. I closed it quickly before going to my first period. 
For half the day I thought about telling Minho my feelings towards him. I finally got the nerves up to do it at lunch as I started walking toward him. I pushed up my glasses up and smoothed my hair out as I got closer to him. I could hear him laughing and felt my insides flip. 
I finally made it to his group and looked at him. 
"Um,hi Minho. Can I talk to you?" I said as I rubbed the back of my neck. I felt my glasses start to slip off my face so I pushed them back up the bridge of my nose.
"Ya, Hea. What's up?" He said as he stood up from a slouch. He looked at me like in fifth grade, which brought back memories.
"Can we talk alone?" 
"Why? We can talk here it will be fine." He said with an emphasis that we aren't leaving.
"Well, the thing is that I like you a lot. So I was wondering if you liked me, too?" I said quietly but not quite enough that no one heard me. All the people around me laughed at my confession to him. 

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Yessssss finally updated!! Keep updating author-nim!^^
Minho, just tell her yyou love her! TT-TT the feels
Chapter 2: Yesh.. More! Update soon author-nim ^.^