
"Well, here's the thing. You are a nerd and well I'm me. So that would never work. So why don't you go back to your library and get the delusional thought that we would ever be anything. Let alone friends." He said harshly to my face. I looked up at him and saw the regret in his eyes but that didn't stop me from raising my hand and slapping his face full on. I didn't care who saw. Nor would I ever. 
"I thought you were different. You're no better, then those boys who beat me up in fifth grade. Wait, actually you are ten times worse," I said as I my heels before running toward the cafeteria to sit with my now best friend,Taehyung. 
How could I throw my heart out there so casually hopefully to see him catch it. Only to have him drop it and let it shatter so easily. I was scrambling to tape it back together at this moment. How could I have been so stupid! Why did I even think I had a chance? Because of one old memory? 
"Why are you crying, Hea? Do I need to beat anyone up today?" I heard the familiar voice of Taehyung. I couldn't help but do a snort sob at his statement before I broke down in his arms. He stood there and rocked me until I calmed down. 
When I finally calmed down, I told him what had happened. He sat there and started clenching his fists with each word I told him. At the end of my story he jumped up and started to walk away. I grabbed his hand before he got far knowing exactly what he was about to do. 
"No, don't do anything. This is my fight now yours." I said begging him through my eyes. He just started at me,pleading for me to let him throw one punch at him. 
"I know you want to hit him, but it won't change anything. I'm not pretty enough or anything to be with him so why does it matter?" I said as I sat back down with a sigh. He finally sat back down in front of me, looking distressed until his face lit up. 
"I have the perfect idea!! Why didn't I think of this before?" He said as he banged his head on the table. I just smiled and put my hand under his forehead before he banged it again. 
"What? What are you talking about?!" I yelled at him with a laugh. He always made me happy after an incident. 
"Why don't we give you an upgrade and rub it in that jerks face? I mean you're not good enough for him how but what about after we increase your look he will be at your heels begging for forgiveness," he said with an evil smirk lighting his face. 
I sat there and thought about this before beaming with joy of this idea. It's perfect, I mean he deserves to paid back like that. Prove that I am good enough and then ignore him like he never existed. 
"I love this! You wanna go to the mall after school?" I said all excited with this new found idea. I looked around the cafeteria and saw the guy I didn't want to see one bit. My smile slowly slipped off my face as he was looking at me. He had a look of regret on his face as he started to walk over to my table.
"Hey, I gotta go Taehyung. I'll see in parking lot after school to head to mall,ok?" I said as I started to grab all my stuff. 

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Yessssss finally updated!! Keep updating author-nim!^^
Minho, just tell her yyou love her! TT-TT the feels
Chapter 2: Yesh.. More! Update soon author-nim ^.^