Eight Dose: Anyeong Pt 3: Is This Our Goodbye?

Two Opposite Poles

On The Bus, On The Way To The Airport


Since the cameraman who his turn just before Minjae being punished, Minjae starts anew with a new set of song. Everyone was nervous waiting for his song of choice. Then he started,


“I believe I can fly, I believe I can touch the sky,

I think about it every night and day,

Spread my wings and fly away, 

I believe I can soar, I see me running for that open door,


I believe I can fly~~”


He ended his song with wicked smile. It is quite hard to find a verse of song that start with word “fly”. He wished for Khun to be punished.


Everybody on the bus keeps quiet and keeps their gaze on Khun, waiting for him to sing.


While Khun himself looks a little bit daze, probably busy scanning through his memory, looking for the most suitable song to be sing.  He wants a song that enable him to express his feeling right now to her, without anybody to notice and in the same time, he wants her to be punish; he wish she will have to express her love for him, solely him.


After a quick thinking, he turns his body faces her, and stares right into her eyes, breathes in a deep breath and starts to hum,



“Fly me to moon, and let me play among the stars"

“Since I met you, I always in this high state”

Let me see how spring was like on Jupiter and Mars,

“Ever since I met you, everything around me become a beautiful scenery, it’s always spring for me”

In other words, hold my hands, in other words, darling, kiss me

“Please open up your heart and look at me, accept me, accept my love”

Fill my heart with song, and let me sing for ever more

“You make me a lot happier and your sounds are music to my ears, to my life”

You are all I long for, all I worship and adore

“You are all I wish to have right now”

In other words, please be true in other words, I love you”

“In other simple word, I love you”


He desperately wished for Elyssa to read his thoughts in between the lyric he sang to her.


But Elyssa as she is, just play her poker face. Seriously she is no psychic. So, she didn’t really know what Nichkhun thinks.


Since Nichkhun has stop so, it is now Elyssa’s turn.


She tries to focus and think to continue the game. And she suddenly recalls one of her favorite song. That song was popular long time ago, by Jay Sean.



“You were my eyes when I couldn’t see,

You were my air when I couldn’t breathe,

But you always knew what you mean to me,

You were my strength when I was down,

You make me humble when I couldn’t bow,

I held on to your promise that you’d be around.”


She sang that song softly, shyly looking at Minjun. Her shy acts make Minjun himself feel embarrassed.


Minjun as a shy person he is, blushed like mad.


Nichkhun at the side looking at them with anger that he tried really hard to suppress. He can’t risk another emotional explosion and suspicion from his other group member. So, he tried the method Elyssa use on him the other day. He takes a deep breath, slowly and repeatedly.


“She really knows how to handle human being. No wonder she become a doctor.” Khun thinks to himself.


Still, his gaze still fixed on Elyssa who just finished sing the verse of the song.


On the other hand, the other members of 2PM gape and clapped their hand. They are struck in awe to listen to such sweet and soft voice. Every word go directly to their heart and the simple verse of song sound so beautiful with her voice.


While Minjun, feel shy with Elyssa song just now, he is blinking his eyes repeatedly. And he tries his hardest to find a song starts with word “around”.


“Hyuung~, palli palli.” Junho rushed him.


He smiles sweetly and starts singing,


“What goes around come around come around come around…”


Unfortunately, he didn’t manage to finish his song verse since Taec throws a green OkCat sleeping pillow at him.


“Yah! Do you want a good beating? That’s not it.” Taec scolds him.


“Yah? Yah? Is that a way to talk to your hyung?” Minjun stands up and smack Taec’s head in the process. He feels so irritated with what taec do just now.


“Hyuung, you lost the game. You need to be punished.” Wooyoung said to him, with a wide neighborhood pabo grin.


“Yeah, yeah I know. To whom should I confess my love to?” he asks in a defeated tone.


“May I choose the person please?” Natasha suddenly asks.


She know how much Elyssa loves this man. So, she was planning to make her receive a confession from him. Even though it is just a fake confession, she wanted this to be a precious memory to Elyssa. Since she has gotten her precious memory one; sitting side by side with her ultimate bias and got to know him, better and personally.


Since everybody didn’t seem to go against her wish, she starts pretending to think who should Minjun confessed his love to. She didn’t want others to know Elyssa’s heart.


“Ah, I know. I want you to confess your love to…….. *drumroll* *drumroll* ELyssa!!” Natasha said after “thinking” for a while.


Elyssa’s face starts to redden and so that Minjun’s face. Elyssa just hangs her head low, didn’t even have the courage to raise her head and look right into Minjun’s eyes.


Minjun as red as he is, stands up and walks two steps, approaching Elyssa.


Elyssa still staring at her shoes, as if her shoes were the most beautiful scene she can look at right now.


Slowly, Minjun kneels down in front of Elyssa.


Fortunately the road in Malaysia is fairly smooth, so there’s not much shakes during their games.


Minjun kneels for quite some time in front of her. When she feels it has been too long she gather all her courage to look at him. As her gaze landed on his handsome, almost beautiful face, she blushed again and try to turn away. But then Minjun ask her not to, and just look at him.


Elyssa once again gather all the braveness she can get in this world to fix her gaze on his face.


When Minjun feels satisfied, he starts to smile.


Oh boy, his sweet, soft, genuine smile did have a lot of effects on Elyssa. She can feel her cheeks become hotter and hotter.


And then he suddenly starts to sing.


“Babocheoreom wae mollatneuji

Like an idiot, why didn't I know?
Babocheoreom wae guedaereul bonaen geonji

Like an idiot, why did I let you go?

Babocheoreom deodige ooneun gaseumeh

Like an idiot, my heart cries slowly

Eeje eejeyah arayo

I know now

Nae sarangeun ojik guedae bbooningeol

My love is only you

Nae nooni guedael chajado

Even if my eyes look for you

Gaseumi jakku joyeodo

Even if my heart pressures me

Saangeun anira mideotjyo

I didn't believe that it was love

Geunyang jom weorowo gidaetda mideotjyo”

I believed that I was lonely and had to lean on you


Minjun stands up after finish sing his serenade for Elyssa. His eyes were teary from the thought of Ailee when he sang just now.


And Elyssa as an observant doctor she is, she caught those sight. She can feels something wrong, but she knows better, not to pry other personal business. So she just keeps silence, but her eyes still fixed at him, her subject of admiration.

Khun who sits just across the aisle sees all of this clearly, and he also caught the sight of Minjun’s teary eyes just now. Since he knew the full length story of Minjun’s love life he understands why exactly those tears threaten to fall down right now. 


Chansung, as a person interested in psychology also kind of sensitive to others’ body language caught this awkward atmosphere immediately. So, he starts to shout again.


“Hello, hello! Should we continue this game or what?” he said loudly intended to ease down the uncomfortable feeling felt by his hyungs, and his new friend.


Everyone turn their gaze to him and just nods their head.


So the game continued with Natasha who sits across the aisle from Minjun and Taec successfully pass the game to Chansung at the back. Unfortunately, Wooyoung failed to keep the game flow and he was punished to confess his love to one of their stylist noona.


The stylist who have Wooyoungie as her phone screensaver. She adores Wooyoung too much so when he confessed to her, she kind of ecstatic. Everybody on the bus cheers for them and the game was ended there. Everybody laughs their heart out and the atmosphere become lighter.


Well, that was what most of them think of, because Khun is anxious about what exactly Elyssa’s feeling toward Minjun.


“Did she love him? No, no it can’t be. She just adores him as a singer only right. She didn’t love him. She can’t love him. Please God, don’t let her love him.” Khun thinks to himself, prayed hard.


While Elyssa herself; sinks deeper into her thoughts.


“What happens?


Why those tears?


Why he looks so sad?


Is he in love with someone? One sided love maybe?”


She can’t help thinking about it since she always have high curiosity. Still, she controls herself from asking him further.


After that they just have a light conversation about themselves, their field of work and anything interesting to be talked about.


Kuala Lumpur International Airport, Sepang.


They have arrived at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport after an hour and half long journey. They get down from the bus and go towards check in counter lined up at the centre of the airport.


Since they still have several hours before departing time after they have settled everything necessary, they decided to have a nice snack and continue their paused conversation from the hotel this morning.


“So tell me Natasha. Don’t you lead a boring life with all those burdensome rules?” Junho asks again.


Natasha smiles, sips her orange juice and said.


“Well, Islam is not just a mere religion. It is our way of life. The rules are something we have to abide not just for nothing instead it is a guide for us to live in this world, so that every person has their share of happiness and hardness.”


“Why do we need to face hardness when we can have happiness and fortune in our life?” Chansung then asks.


“Wow, you give me such a hard question to be answered.” Natasha just smiles.


“Why do we live?” Elyssa suddenly asks him then.


Everyone sit still, thinking; the simple four words question is indeed so deep, they couldn’t answer that question straight away.


Wooyoung, as a child he is felt that this topic is too burdensome for him. He stands up and goes to take a look around the airport, visiting the duty free shops.


Both Natasha and Elyssa just smile at his behavior and continue their interrupted discussion just now.


“What is your goal? What do you want to achieve in your life? What do you want to do sith your life?” Elyssa asks again. She has this serious yet gentle expression on her face.


Khun tried to think.


“Why did she ask us all of this? How is this related to Junho’s question just now?”    


“Well, of course everyone wants to be wealthy and happy. For me personally, I would like to be an excellent actor some day. As you might or might not know, I have debuted as a sitcom actor through “High Kick”.” Chansung answers casually.


While others just nods their head.


“I want to be a successful model and actor! It might sound a little bit greedy, but I also love to success in business field. As you know I am the founder of OkCat character. It will be produced into animation soon.” Taec then said, accompanied by his infamous wide, toothy grin.


“I have this vision where I someday, will have my own production company and I can produce the music I want. I don’t really want to be wealthy, but I would like to have a comfortable life, with a beautiful wife and lovely kids.” Minjun answers.


Everyone cheers at his dream, something expected from someone oldest in the group and of course more mature than others.


Elyssa smiles and daydreamed. It would be fun if she was the mother to his child. That’s what running across her mind when he said that. But she shrugged it off, thinking it was totally impossible.


“I would love to have a free-worries life and I can go shop whenever I want however I want.” That was what coming out from an immature kid, the emperor. He really loves shopping, buying clothes and shoes. No wonder he has the most attire collection among those six beasts.


And then everyone at the table turn to Khun, waiting for his answer. Khun, on the other hand still in his deep thoughts; why actually he’s here on this world? What he want in his life? What exactly he want to do with his life?


Minjun elbowed Khun when he gives no sign to engage in the conversation. Luckily, it did it’s job when Khun return to their small cluster of people with a heavy topic to be discussed.


He flashes his angelic smile, stares right into his girl’s eyes and simply said,


“Honestly, I don’t know. I did have some interest in modeling, but I don’t think I want to do it for the rest of my life. What I do know now, I want to find someone who really understands me who can be there for me, console me when I am down and be happy with me when I’m in luck.”


“And you should know Elyssa I think that someone is you” He only dare to think it, not express it.


Everyone become confuse with his statement.


“And here I thought you found it already?” Natasha asks him then.


“What do you mean?” Khun asks her back.


“Damn, did she notice?”Khun thinks to himself.


“Tiffany, isn’t she’s the one for you?” Natasha explains.


“Oh, well we are still getting to know each other.” He answers then.


“That’s not what written in the press conference report when they go public” in the very same time the same thing come across both Natasha’s and Elyssa’s mind.


But they both decided to let thing slide. So, they continue. Elyssa takes a deep breath before she starts.


“Well, in summary everyone wish a good and successful life ahead.” She paused for a while and sees everyone nods at her words.


“Before I go further, I would like everyone to keep an open mind and of course an open heart, okay?” She asks then.


When everyone nods, and she satisfied with their answer, she continues.


“Okay, so I would like to asks, how were we here, in this world?” She asks again, but not long after that she said,


“Of course God created us to be here. But why? There must be a purpose to why we are created at the first place. Just like us. Every gadget or electrical appliances we created bare a purpose to serve right? We need fans and air conditioner to cool us down during hot days. We need phones to communicate. We need TV and radio for entertainment. We need computers to ease our workload. Every little thing has its own purpose, isn’t it?” She paused for a while, giving them time to absorb what she tried to convey.


Everyone nods their head, understands what she has said or agreeing with her, Elyssa don’t really know, but she satisfied with the nods so she goes further.


“Like that, we human also created with a purpose; to serve our creator, not in physical way but in spiritual way. And just like those expensive gadgets which has manual to ease their user, we also has our manual. Allah is so merciful so He gave us this manual for us to follow in order to gain a happy life here and thereafter. And that manual for us human is Islam, the religion, the way of life.” She tried her best to explains this logically and simply so others could understand better.


“How could you say Islam is the way of life when it taught the followers to kill innocent people?” Chansung asks then.


“Ouch, seems like media has succeed to imprint this image on you. Muslims are terrorists, Islam is religion of terror. Isn’t it?” Natasha shoots back, a little offended with his statement.


“It is not your fault since you know nothing about Islam. It was our fault actually not to spread about Islam enough until it was easily mistaken as a belief of terror.” She took a deep breath before she continues.


“How many muslim do you know, personally?” Elyssa asks him back.


“You two, I never have the opportunity to be friend with muslim.” Chansung answers honestly.


“And have you seen us do harm to others? Without any solid reason?” She asks then.


Chansung and others just shakes their head. Those two girls are the warmest person they have ever met.


“If it was true that our religion teach those unfair things, would we be like this?” She asks again, pointing her finger to her and Natasha.


Khun nods his head repeatedly.


“Everything seems so right. Every explanation was so logic. But why media has made those reports? Are those reports false? Or am I has so influenced by this girl to the level that I only agree with her?” Khun keeps thinking to himself and he didn’t know what is what anymore.


“Attention to all passengers for flight MH796 bound to Bangkok, you may start boarding now”


Suddenly, the announcement echoes. They pack their things up and get ready to board the plane.


They rushed bid farewell to the girls, saying they have a fun moments here in Malaysia and they will come visit again. They did exchange their contact number and they went their separate ways.


Khun walks his heavy steps towards the boarding gate. He turns around for the last time and see Elyssa still standing there, smiling. And he waves to her, flashes his best smiles and make I’ll-call-you sign with his hand.


Elyssa smiles to him and nods several times.









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Finally, after 5 years. I am so sorry for the delay. I thank all of you for your passion. Comments away question or request. I will try my best to comply. 😘


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ffajarr #1
Chapter 26: I'm getting curiiousssss... OMG :-)
1129 streak #2
Chapter 22: So Shamil is Soohyun Elysa is Eunjung and Fayeh is Nickhun? Right? I thought Elysa loves Nickhun? So does that mean her love for him is fading away and is being replace by Shamil?
1129 streak #3
Chapter 21: Wow so Nickhun converted to Muslim for her? Welcome back authourssi; D
Chapter 21: a little present for my subbies... sorry, i am having writer's block i think. i hope i wont leave you all in silence for long. i really want to finish this story soon...
ffajarr #5
Update soon please :(
yasminajung #6
Chapter 20: update soon please...
ffajarr #7
Chapter 20: I almost jumped from my chair when I saw you update this ff. You never dissappoint me authornim :)
I love your diction, they are beautiful. ;)
yasminajung #8
Chapter 19: update soon please....
ffajarr #9
Chapter 19: Thank you for upating this story authotnim :)
ffajarr #10
Chapter 18: Hi Authornim. Been a long time you're not updating this ff. Hopefully u'll have an eager to continue this ff.
Dear authornim, I love ur story bcz it just different with others ff. I'm so curious to know the continuatipn of this ff.. please update soon authornim :(