Twenty Third Dose: Out of my Comfort Bubbles..

Two Opposite Poles

Seoul, South Korea.


“Hyung, could you come and pick me up at the airport?” Nichkhun asked Minjun for a favor.


“Why don’t you ask our manager?” He asked back.


“I have something I need to tell you. Please hyung.” Nichkhun ask him one more time.


“Yah, be thankful you are one of my favorite dong saeng.” He replies with soft chuckles.


Nichkhun always feels grateful for having someone so reliable in his life. While waiting for Minjun arrival, he thinks about how to break the news to s, what will he say to the company. He was hoping there’s nothing bad going to happen.


His hair just started to grow back, so he looks a little different thus he doesn’t need heavy cover not to be recognized.


He was deep in thought when he feels tug over his left ear. He was just about to shout to the person who was disturbing him and his thought but hold his breath when he saw the responsible person. He just hugs him tight and says how much he misses him.


“Yeah.. yeah.. yeah. Let’s go back before someone recognizes us.” He said simply and punch Nichkhun shoulder lightly.


Nichkhun nods his head and drag his suitcase with him.


“So, what happen with your hair?” Minjun asked him as soon as they were inside his car.


“Is everybody  available right now hyung?” Nichkhun asked him back.


“Hurm, yeah. Why?” Minjun just shrug his shoulder when his question just now left unanswered.


“Can I have them all gather in our dorm? I have something I need to announce to all of you.” Nichkhun said then.


“Is it a good news or bad news?” Minjun said, trying to calm down his palpitating heart. He was kind of have a clue of what all of this about but he was not sure how far that Khun will take action. All those brawling and eye swelling tears are not for nothing.


“I don’t know, for me it’s a very good news but I am not sure how will you take all of this.” Nichkhun mumbles slowly.


He was 100 percent sure that his decision is the best decision he ever made in his entire 29 years of life, but he still afraid that s couldn’t take it well. He was anxious about reaction of his agency. For now, he just can pray that s and his company could take new him with open arms. He really hopes he didn’t misjudge them; and pray he did. He prayed hard for everything to be smooth.




All six of them greet each other once gathered at their old dorm. 2 weeks holiday and they didn’t see each other make them miss each other so much. Most of them shock seeing Nichkhun with short hair, almost like he shaved himself bald and his hair just started to grow back.


“Hyung…what happened to your hair? Are you planning to enlist in our military programme? But it was not compulsory for you though? Even Minjun and Taec hyung didn’t enlist yet.”


Woo baby whine to him. As expected from his closest dong saeng, and the king of whining in JYP.

“Well, before I explain about my hair, I have an announcement to make.” Nichkhun said, getting a pause; to assess s’ reaction and to calm down his racing heart.


“Well,” he restarted as he sees everyone calm enough and seems ready to receive the news.


“’” he said it in one breath afraid that someone might interrupt him.


He closes his eyes and covers his face with both his hands, afraid to see rejection, disappointment or even anger in s’ eyes. He was expecting shouts or even beating from them.


He knows that all 6 of them love each other and they were like brothers. He also believes that they will accept him as who or what he is but, still with sudden and secret decision, he just afraid that it was all too much to take. And he will gladly understand if any of s was furious at him.


But, there was nothing coming his way. One minute passed, 3 minutes passed, even now 5 minutes has passed, but still there is nothing. Absolutely nothing, so he opens his eyes and takes a good look of s.


All of them has the same face, jaw dropped except for Minjun, he might or might not have shocked as the same degree with the others. All his ranting just before he converted and became calm might disclose him a little to his hyung. And all of the times he’s been missing to go to his teaching were covered by Minjun, so he might have an idea.


“Okay, guys you might want to close your mouth a little bit, you don’t wanna fly to make residence in your mouth don’t you?” Minjun said, clapping his hands to gather everyone’s sanity back.


It seems that the news punched everyone’s consciousness out of their brain, and the comical view is really no joke. Hell, even Minjun will be rolling on the floor laughing if this is not a really serious matter. It might disturb their dynamic as a group, their company might have took action in another way if they knew. They never face issue like this before, thus they have no idea of where they stand in this.


“So you are a moslem right now?” Channie asked him, as if he just found his voice back.


And Nichkhun nods.


“Just like Elyssa and Natasha who we met in Malaysia?” Junho asked then.


And again, Nichkhun just nods.


“Do you change your name? What we call you now?” Now it’s the turn of Woobaby.


“Uh-um. Nope, I didn’t change my name, but I do have my Islamic name though. Changing your name is not necessary as I think that was the most precious thing in my life as it was the first present I receive from my parents. But if I meet with other moslem, my Islamic name was more understandable. All of you still can call me Khun, Nichkhun, Hyung. Nothing’s change, that I can assure you.”


For once he gave a long answer to the question.


“Will your religion restricted you from continuing your career in this field?” Taec is the one who asked this heavy difficult question. It sounds so simple. But instead it carries the meaning of, will you leave us with your new faith? Will you leave us like Jay hyung?


“Yes and No.” he answered, another short one. He took a deep breath, trying his best to explain. He knows such a sensitive issue needs to be answered in a most gentle way, so that there will be no misunderstandings arise later.


“Yes, because I might need to restricted my activity as a model and actor as there are some rules and regulations I need to obey once I uphold my faith. No, because I don’t think our career as boy band will be restricted much as the most we did is sing and dance. But I might need to restrict our act in music video but I think that wouldn’t be much problem. We can adjust it accordingly.”


He explains in the most soft and calm way he could, hoping everybody will understand and will not be threatened.


“Why you tell us now? Why don’t you discuss about this thing with us earlier?” Minjun asked then.


Everyone is taking their time to digest and understand the new info they just get, trying to match to appropriate emotion. But most of them were just confused.


“I was not ready. I am afraid that if I discuss with you earlier there might be someone who opposed and I will change my mind.” He said with low voice. It’s not that he didn’t believe s, his brothers, but he is not ready with rejection or anger, or awkwardness.


“Are you happy now? Like you really content with your decision and your life and your new faith?” Channie then asked him with the biggest puppy eyes he ever seen, package with starry and teary eyes.


And Khun couldn’t help but to nods to the question. He really is happy with his life right now, yes not all of his problems in life were answered but he was sure he will find the answers soon, soon enough. And it is okay if he still has some questions of life here and there, but for now he is light hearted as he knows he will always have home to be back to, his one and only Creator.


His tears rolls down his cheek as he nods and he started to sob as Chansung come to hugs him. Followed by his other dongsaeng; Wooyoung and Junho who also gives him the tightest hug he ever experienced. Then he smells oh so familiar fragrance, he knows that it’s his hyung who has joined their group hug.


“Taec, won’t you give your friend here your best bear hug ever?” Khun asked, try to coax Taecyeon. He seems so distant. Khun couldn’t help thinking if Taecyeon mad and it will affect their group bond, then it will be over.


One by one of the member let Khun go. All trying to coax Taecyeon and make him understand that, no matter what their religion are, as long as they happy with their life they can think of something to meet in the middle, to work their differences and be brothers again.


Taecyeon just stand there with his poker face. No one could read his thoughts, his feelings. He didn’t seem happy nor did he seem angry. So everyone was nervous again.


“Will this really be the end? Being 6 out of initial 7 member of boy band still acceptable, but left with 5? It didn’t seem right; doesn’t feel right.” 


Minjun just shakes his head and go towards Taecyeon. He stands right in front of him and what he did next shocked all of their members.


He flicked Taec’s forehead and said in thick sattoori..


“Yah imma!! Cut your act and hug your friend. Don’t make him more nervous than he already is. You know how hard it is for him to protect us. He keeps the secret to himself and bears the burden by himself these past months. He did his best for his own and our happiness. If he manages to work well before we know he converted I can’t see the reasons why he will slack off after this. Yes, there are some changes need to be made, but it will not kill us you know. If anything it will make us stronger. And don’t start as I know you saw him praying once at our concert right?”


“You knew..?” all of their dongsaengs shouted altogether; with shocked face.


With that Taec couldn’t hold his poker face anymore. Minjun was such a spoiler; he was planning to tease Khun a little bit more, but hey, enough is enough. Happy news should be celebrated. He hugs his friend in a tight bear hug and all of them re-group hug again; with tickle attack from the dongsaeng to Taec. A light punishment for him to make everyone think their group will face a problem.


It was such a heartwarming view of such a strong brotherhood not by blood, but by sweat and tears.


“Hey, should we have a toast tonight?” Minjun asked. That was their tradition to celebrate happy news with toast.


“Hyung, I can’t. but we can party with soda and snacks right? It doesn’t make it less of celebration as long as all of us together right?” Khun answered then.


All of them burst into laughters as they knew booze is just bad for their liver so maybe it was a good news for them; less one problem to think about right?


All of them scurried to the kitchen to collect and gather snacks and soda found to have a little party. They continue their talk about their recent holiday and how they spend their holiday. Thankfully the nest day the only schedule they had was to practice for their new comeback. Thus they will not face press yet, for the moment.


And once again, Elyssa was proven right. That s has right to know, and that they, his brothers will gladly accept him as all they want is each other happiness.





The next day, the meeting with their CEO was smooth as he explains everything calmly, with the support of all group members.


Surprisingly, JYP was supporting enough to help him with his career path, to ensure he get the best resource according to his new faith. And he also gives him time and full authority on when he will announce his change. And about his fake relationship with Tiffany, they will end it soon after he discussed with Soo Man later.


Nichkhun was so grateful he has such lovely and supportive team surrounding him.




Johor Bharu, Johor, Malaysia.


“Doctor, patient in bed 11 has coffee ground in his ryle’s tube free flow.” One of her housemen spoke through the phone. She just finished her Dzuhur prayer. Thank God she always pray in the beginning of time.


“What about his vital sign?” she asks then, put her phone on loudspeaker so that she can wear her hijab properly while receiving the report.


“Not good doctor, I think he had acute upper GI bleed. His BP dropping 96/60 compared to 120/76 when he first admitted. He also had tachycardia. Currently I already run fast and send for crossmatch, preparing for transfusion.” Her house officer then explained.


“Good, I am coming, on my way. Keep monitoring his vital sign, we might need to do emergency  OGDS to see what’s wrong with him.” Elyssa said then and jogs toward the ward. On the way to the ward she gives her specialist a call to update regarding the patient and possibility of further action, just to let him ready.


She bumps into Shamill at the front door. He was coming for evening round and she brief him about the patient. They rush towards him.


By the time they arrive, the patient barely holding up, his heart rate still racing at 110 beats per minute, and they saw fresh blood in the free flow bag. Blood pressure also borderline low thus she calls up her specialist again to give update regarding patient condition and they decided to proceed with emergency OGDS for ligation as patient was known case of esophageal varices.


It’s a good thing that happened during office hour and she had all the hands she needed. one of her house officer ran down to the blood bank to get the blood ready and Shamill get consent from the patient. She explains to her family members and in a short 5 minutes the patient already on the way to the scope room for procedure.


The procedure was assisted by their other colleague, thus they are staying in the ward continue their other duties; keeping all the patients safe.


They complete the round at 4.30 pm. Thank God both of them are of call tonight so they can go back home for their rest early. They stay in the ward until 5 pm, making sure all the ward work was done properly and went back at 5 pm sharp.


“Well, since office hour has ended can I ask you something personal?” Shamill said as they walk side by side to their car.


“What is it?” She said.


“My mom has been asking. Are you ready or not for us to proceed with our parents’ plan?” he asked, calmly, unfazed.


Elyssa on the other hand frozen, stay rooted at her spot. Shamill turns around when he saw Elyssa no longer at his side.


He takes strides towards her.


He analyzes her face, in silent trying to read her expressions, her emotions, and her thoughts. Also if he lucky enough, her heart.


Well, it was a hard job to do since she keeps her head down; Shamill being taller than her unable to take a peek.


After what felt like eternity, she holds up her head and gives her sweetest smile to Shamill. She just shrugs her shoulder and walk away to her car.


This time, it was Shamill’s turn to be frozen. He can’t do anything when he only realize that Elyssa honks at him, waves and drives away, package with sticking her tongue out, leaving him behind.


“Hey. NO honking in hospital area!!” he shouts as he was outraged with her action. He just laughs and skip lightly towards his car afterwards, can’t wait to deliver happy news to his mother.













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Finally, after 5 years. I am so sorry for the delay. I thank all of you for your passion. Comments away question or request. I will try my best to comply. 😘

Who would Elyssa ended up with?



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ffajarr #1
Chapter 26: I'm getting curiiousssss... OMG :-)
1128 streak #2
Chapter 22: So Shamil is Soohyun Elysa is Eunjung and Fayeh is Nickhun? Right? I thought Elysa loves Nickhun? So does that mean her love for him is fading away and is being replace by Shamil?
1128 streak #3
Chapter 21: Wow so Nickhun converted to Muslim for her? Welcome back authourssi; D
Chapter 21: a little present for my subbies... sorry, i am having writer's block i think. i hope i wont leave you all in silence for long. i really want to finish this story soon...
ffajarr #5
Update soon please :(
yasminajung #6
Chapter 20: update soon please...
ffajarr #7
Chapter 20: I almost jumped from my chair when I saw you update this ff. You never dissappoint me authornim :)
I love your diction, they are beautiful. ;)
yasminajung #8
Chapter 19: update soon please....
ffajarr #9
Chapter 19: Thank you for upating this story authotnim :)
ffajarr #10
Chapter 18: Hi Authornim. Been a long time you're not updating this ff. Hopefully u'll have an eager to continue this ff.
Dear authornim, I love ur story bcz it just different with others ff. I'm so curious to know the continuatipn of this ff.. please update soon authornim :(