Second Dose: Little by Little, I am Heading Towards You

Two Opposite Poles

Seoul, South Korea.


Khun’s having dinner with Tiffany and they make sure some of papparazi see them. They did pretend that they didn’t aware of those paparazzi and leisurely let them take their candid photos. Smiles are carve on their faces and they act as sweet as possible.


He picks her plate, cuts her piece of tenderloin steak and returns the plate to her. She gladly receives that and eats the meat. They enjoy their sips of red wain of year 1975 which compliment the steak they just ate.


They casually have random talk and laugh at each other jokes. Outsiders may see these as sweet moments between them but they just simply are two best friends, having dinner together.


He drives her home after that and gives her a passionate kiss just before he leaves. Again, it is something for those paparazzi stalking in front of Tiffany’s house.


Well, they have to be convincing aren’t they? So, a passionate kiss is a must.


He drives off not even glancing back at her.


Unknown to him, she walks up the stairs to her home at 4th floor while placing her finger over her lips. The feeling of the kiss they shared just now lingers and she loves that. She is love struck. She always takes the stairs as one of her exercise regime.


She lands her body on her soft, fluffy mattress, still thinking about the kiss. She perfectly knows that it doesn’t mean anything to him, merely an act. Unfortunately she can’t help fallen deeper into him.


Khun quickly ride on the elevator upon arriving at his apartment building. Yes, after 5 years debut he has afford and trusted enough to have his own place. In fact it is not just him, not long after this Wooyoung and Minjun will also be living at their own separate places. It just Channie and Junho decide to stay in their old dorm. And since those two were maknaes, Taec decided to stay with them, as a guardian.


Well, it doesn’t really change anything really, since Taec is sometimes more childish compare to those two kids. It just a hyung image staying there giving Jinyoung hyung some kind of relieve.


Anyway, as soon as he is inside his house, he rush to his room and packs up his things. He is going to his world tour tomorrow. The first country to land is America, California to be exact. He is so excited to be there.


There is where he has spent his teenage years. Of course he loves that place. They’ll finished Europe countries then they’ll fly to Australia and then last to Asia’s countries before they return to Korea.


Finished packing up, he walks to the kitchen and pour a glass of cold water. He sits on one of the stool in his kitchen and drinks up. He sits there for a long time. Thinking, up until when did he needs to act to be with Tiffany. Will they end up falling in love for real?


Well, to think it through it is not a bad end actually. Tiffany is a really nice person. She always understands him and she’s pretty. His family has known her and they have met. They seem to like her. She gets along well with his grandmother. What more he can asks for? It just she’s not as good cook as Victoria.


That’s the only fault but, still she’s a decent cook. So basically he can’t think a single wrong to end up with her. But heart and feeling matter is not something you can calculate like math, it definitely abstract and unexpected.


He just shrugged his thoughts off and wrapped up with he’ll still waiting for the one; the right one.


He washes up and jumps on his bed. Hugging his favorite banana pillow given by Channie, he tries to sleep.


But it is not easy to contain his excitement. He ends up sleep with a big smile on his face as if he is having the best dream ever.




“Hey Khun. Odisseoyo?” He was greeted by an annoyed voice as he answers his phone.


“Yah, be patient can’t you? I am on my way there. In fact I can perfectly see your ugly back from here” Khun shoots back.


“Aishhh, i-sarama. Only if his patience is as big as his teeth.” Khun thought to himself, still staying on the line.


He sees Taec turns his body facing his direction.


Taec grins widely.


“Dude, with that pace of yours we’ll be left behind, did you know? Have you checked in?” Taec asks him again.


This guy really tries his hard to piss him off.


“I did! Several hours ago, okay? Don’t you worry about me, did you settles those kids properly?” Khun fires him back.


He just smiles and nods. Khun slaps his arm and cut off the call as soon as he steps beside him.


“Where’s Minjun hyung?”Khun asks when he can’t see his favorite hyung in his sight.


“He said he needs to take a pee just now and it looks like he stops by somewhere. It has been hours since he is gone.”


His other half answers, not other half as in soulmate, but other half as in Jun brothers. That’s what they sometimes call them. Their names rhymes and their face also kind of similar, any person would believe it if they were told that those two were brothers.


Khun nods his heads. Minjun is not someone to be worried about. Yes, he is very clumsy sometimes indeed but most of the time he is not a trouble maker. But Taec is, so he would be deadly anxious if that missing person was him.


True to his thoughts, not long after that he can see Minjun walking leisurely towards them with a smile.


“I bought these,” he simply says, showing them packs of colourful candies he loves the most.


“Hyung, did you bought a year supply?” Wooyoung asks him sarcastically.


“Woodong-ah, you know I can’t live without them,” he answers him with a pout.


Even for a man, that was a cute sight. Khun just smiles lightly and says,


“Woodong-ah, it’s enough. Let’s go. We can board now.”


Everybody agrees with Khun and walk in group towards boarding gate. Their manager and some of the crew that will help them while they were away are with them. They just laugh happily watching those kids behavior.






They just finished their last concerts in Europe region and Australia, after two months period. They have two days off before their flight to Asia tomorrow. Phillipine will be the first country in Asia region, then they will have concert in Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand. Then they will fly to Taiwan, before Japan and return to Korea.


Tomorrow they will go sightseeing, shopping and everything before take a full rest the day after tomorrow. They definitely need their energy for their upcoming concerts.


Fortunately, songs for their new album are not as beastly as their previous albums. So, the choreography is not as hard as before. They can sing and dance comfortably for this round. But still, some of their best title songs will be sang. There still one or two difficult movements that will consume their energy.


So, rest is an important thing that cannot be skipped. Accidents on stage are things needed to be avoided.


They were having fun visiting grapes orchard, wine factories and bought some of the best wines. They also went for see koalas. They are so, so cute. They just wish they can buy one to be kept as a pet, unfortunately it is not possible. So they end up buying lots of koala bears teddies as souvenior.


Khun as a good manner “boyfriend” didn’t forget to buy one to be given to Tiffany. Just something she can show off to her SNSD members and reporters if they were asking.


They go all out that day so they can rest to their heart content tomorrow.


And true to their words, they don’t move out of their beds. Even their meals are delivered straight to their respective beds, they eat on their beds and only go to toilet to answer nature calls.


That evening, they wash up, pack up their belongings and get ready to continue their journey.




Johor, Malaysia.


She always on her daily routine; Go to works after dawn, do her morning rounds, reading for her thesis on her free time and best friend when things get dull and boring. When she’s on call, she stays till night and does her night rounds, receive new patients, and so on and so forth.


Some days she will be busy as hell, she didn’t even manage to grab a bite and some other lucky time she has enough time to rest.


This morning, she was called to her HOD office. She wonders what is it about, and walks nervously to her boss’s office.


Knock, knock, knock. She enters the room after she heard “enter” word muttered by her boss’s voice.


She sits down as asks and waits patiently for what will come out from her boss’s mouth.


He finishes up his matter and lift up his head, facing Elyssa.


He hands her a letter.


“Have you heard about this?” he simply asks. That is his personality; only talks about what important, straight to point with few, simple words.


She frowns her head, not really can connect the dots. She did heard about the conference, but what about it?


“Sir, I do hear about it before, but did we need to participate? We’re in surgical department and how is this conference connected to us in any way?”


She tries to convey her point as polite as possible.


She relieved as she believe her boss understand her thoughts since he only nods his head several times and close his eyes, as if he is in deep thoughts.


“I understand your concern, but it seems our director thinks this topic is important and he wants each of department to participate and send a representative. And, here I am thinking I could send you there. Is that okay with you?”


He explains clearly when his gaze falls upon her cute face.


She nods her head several times, thinking if she should go.


“Well, I chose you because you love this kind of things and you’re single. So it is easier for you to go compare to other married doctors. It will be held in KL for 3days 2nights. Don’t worry about the expenses since it will be on the hospital since the director himself insisted.”


He added then. She nods her head again.


She looks at her boss’s old face. With his grey hair, arcus senilis can be seen around his iris, and melasma start to spot at his cheek, he looks sorrow to let one of his doctor away. There are not enough doctors as it is in the department and less one person to work means more workload for the others. And it is not for one day, it is for three days. Three effing days! It will be hell for those who stay.


“Is it really okay for me to go sir?” she asks her boss again. “How about works here? Will it be okay for them to work with less a person here?” she worries about her colleagues.


“Yes, it is for next month right? I’ll ask nurses to lessen the appointment for those respective days so that there’s not too much to work for. You can go and focus for whatever being told there. Return back with fresh mind and teach us here instead okay?”


He assures her. And she was convinced so she agrees to go there.


So, she folds the letter into three parts horizontally and slips it in her front pocket.


“Anything else sir?” she asks him again.


“Oh, you need to email your details to director’s secretory since she’ll books for tickets. This is her email address.” He said, passing a small piece of paper to her.


She nods and excuses herself.


She walks out of the office with a smile carves on her face.


She did love psychiatry. Unfortunately there’s no place for her at the time she register for her master study. So she decided to master surgery skills and knowledge since it is the second discipline she will choose after psychiatry.




She enters her house with a big smile. She has her time for herself tonight. It seems like ages since her last sleep in her own bed. Most of the time she have to sleep at hospital or she didn’t even get the chance to blink her eyes. That is how busy she is.


She has completed her proposal and handed to Dr Rusmina this morning for her go through it and correct any mistakes she made. She only needs to wait and she will hear from her soon. Dr Rusmina is an excellent person and surgeon. She’s so skillful and Elyssa glad she’s willing to be her advisor.


Growling sounds originate from her stomach her back into reality from her thoughts. She hurries finish her bath and perform Maghrib prayer. After simple Du’a and one page Qoran recital, she folds her telekung nicely and hangs it on the hanger.


She walks to her kitchen and go through her freezer to see anything she has that can be fixed into delicious dinner. She’s really hungry right now.


She ends up defrosting marinated chicken wings she bought last week and start boiling corn. She also prepares some long beans, carrot, broccoli and spinach to compliment her chicken wings. After the chicken wings have been defrosted perfectly, she grills them. She’ll only has plain water for her dinner.


She has simple, western style dinner tonight. She lives with her other two best friends. Unfortunately tonight those two have date with their respective boyfriends. So she has to eat alone. It is not a problem for her. After finished perform Isya’ prayer, she enjoys her western style dinner while watching television; Gayo Daejun rerun. She has been waiting for this. She can’t wait to see her idol stars perform. They are making their comeback after two years. How much she loves and misses them.


Yes, she’s a fan of K-pop idols.


She munches her meals with care counting to 44 times before she actually swallows it. Her eyes gaze stays on the screen. There they were. She has heard their comeback songs before, she downloaded their new album. It is kind of disappointment actually. She started to fall in love with them because of their fun and catchy music, but their new songs kind of slow dance, romance songs and not as rebellious as before.


But still, she’s expecting something wonderful for their stage performance since they have always, always have incredible performance ever.


There, they’re dancing ily for their A.D.T.O.Y song. That groping dance, is provoking. No wonder why their fans about them. And she didn’t really understand why Taec’s acting like that. He should have expects this will coming with their provoking songs and dances.


She has finished her dinner when the songs coming to the end. The lights off for a while, then they emerged from back stage with heavenly smart black outfit. Kind of those who war generals would wear to war. They’re undeniably handsome and talented. They start dancing aggressively for this second song.


This is more like them, catchy and fun, rebellious in hurts. She really loves them. Those backup dancers carrying silver shields; those shields police would bring to face demonstrator. “Game Over” was written on the shields.


Well, they always have something unique to be part of their dance. Before, they have use neckties, masks, chair for ‘You’re Beautiful’ and also A.D.T.O.Y songs, and now they’re incorporating shields? How are they going to use that?   


Her jaw drops when it comes. Like, seriously Woobaby on top of that? Well, they live up to their image; group with acrobatic dance.


Since Wooyoung is one of her bias, she prays hard Woo won’t fall or injured in the process. Fortunately, it goes smoothly; most likely the outcome of their continuous, hard practices. They look so charismatic on the stage, exactly one of the reasons why she falls into them; talented, charismatic, manly, beastly and beautiful young men.


She smiles to herself while washing the dishes she has used just now. Thinking, and replaying the images of her favorite idol stars on the stage, enough to bring happiness to her. When everything has cleaned up, she heard sounds of keys opening the front door. She’s expecting her housemate to enter, and there she is, with a smile on her face.


They sit at the couch, continue watching whatever TV stations play for them and they have light talk. Her housemate is an engineer and the other one is a dentist. So, they don’t really meets often since Elyssa always busy at the hospital. Plus, she’s completing her thesis right now so her times are not hers anymore.


Dalila, the engineer, is the one just back home. She excused herself since she feels so sleepy and tomorrow is another early morning for her to start her day.


“Oh, I forget to tell you just now Ila. I’ll be going to KL next month for 3days and 2nights. I have conference to attend there. Please tell Nina later ok. You already know she and I won’t see each other face in the morning right?” Elyssa added before she enters her room.


Dalila nods her head and asks her, “What type of conference would they held?”


“Well, not much actually, something about handling stress at works, and how to handle surgical patients with mental illness. I guess I’ll be having fun there.”


Elyssa answers and smiles a silly smile. Dalila nods her head and make hand gesture for her to go sleep. Elyssa enters her room and lands on her bed. She misses her bed. After turning left and right, she stands up. She forgets to brush her teeth. So she goes to bathroom in her room and washes up. Washes her face, brushes her teeth and put on her night cream. Then she goes to sleep, soundly.


She wakes up the next day and starts her old, same daily routine.




Author's note:


Because I feel so sorry I decided to do a back to back update..

So, when will they meet..?

In next chapter maybe?


I am sorry I don't put a's hard to find a picture with both Khun nd Eunjung..



last word from me..happy reading :)

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Finally, after 5 years. I am so sorry for the delay. I thank all of you for your passion. Comments away question or request. I will try my best to comply. 😘


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ffajarr #1
Chapter 26: I'm getting curiiousssss... OMG :-)
1128 streak #2
Chapter 22: So Shamil is Soohyun Elysa is Eunjung and Fayeh is Nickhun? Right? I thought Elysa loves Nickhun? So does that mean her love for him is fading away and is being replace by Shamil?
1128 streak #3
Chapter 21: Wow so Nickhun converted to Muslim for her? Welcome back authourssi; D
Chapter 21: a little present for my subbies... sorry, i am having writer's block i think. i hope i wont leave you all in silence for long. i really want to finish this story soon...
ffajarr #5
Update soon please :(
yasminajung #6
Chapter 20: update soon please...
ffajarr #7
Chapter 20: I almost jumped from my chair when I saw you update this ff. You never dissappoint me authornim :)
I love your diction, they are beautiful. ;)
yasminajung #8
Chapter 19: update soon please....
ffajarr #9
Chapter 19: Thank you for upating this story authotnim :)
ffajarr #10
Chapter 18: Hi Authornim. Been a long time you're not updating this ff. Hopefully u'll have an eager to continue this ff.
Dear authornim, I love ur story bcz it just different with others ff. I'm so curious to know the continuatipn of this ff.. please update soon authornim :(