Twenty Fifth Dose: You Are The Lighthouse To My ship

Two Opposite Poles

Later that night after everything settled Elysa was in her room just finished praying, she was startled bit when she heard unlocked sound of her door. She turned to look at the intruder, there stood just now became her husband. It felt weird rolling on her tongue, feels so foreign to her. Husband, my husband, words she never thought would be said by her in a long run. Too long being single almost make her think that she was not capable of being someone’s wife. Keyword, almost. Never thought that guy right there would totally change her mind.


She can’t help returning the smile he adorned on his face. Such a dazzling and beautiful smile, compared to her crooked one. “Have you prayed?” she asked, seeing he might probably just finish talking with all her relatives. They were all curious on how those two not so peas in a pod to met each other. She just smiles reassuringly when she saw him shakes his head. “Go take a bath and perform ablution, I will prepare your cloth.” She said then. Her husband just nods his head and heading towards bathroom.


A slight blush crept upon her cheeks when she saw him step out of the bathroom with only towel wrapping his lower half. How could she forgot that he didn’t bring his shirt inside just now, she shouldn’t wait until he finished his shower. This is so embarrassing. She quickly turns around and said, “I will go outside first, there’s a lot to do and clean up.” And rushed outside once she heard small yes muttered from her husband. 


Her husband couldn’t help release a small chuckled at his wife cute behavior. How she was so flustered seeing him half like that, even though they have become husband and wife. He turns to see what his lovely wife had prepared for him. There, on the edge of their bed lay a round neck red t-shirt and a grey sarong. He picked it up and slide on to him. He was touched as his wife remembers, he like color red the most. He wears the sarong, feels awkward at first but later he was smiling as the comfortable feeling reeling in.


He performs his prayer and spending more time during his sujood to express his gratitude towards Allah for all blessing he had in life. He never feels more complete from what he felt right now. Everything feels so perfectly fall in place. After quite some time he finished up his du’a and folded the praying mat and hang it on the hanger. Carefully he arranges his steps, afraid his sarong will give away. Once he confident enough with the fold, he reaches the door knob to go out and meet his fellow friends.



His eyes scanning surrounding of the kitchen, some of Elysa’s relatives were still there spending time chatting with his mother-in-law, while he couldn’t find his wife. Slowly he approached Madam Khatijah and touch her lightly. “M-Mom, sorry for interrupting but where’s El?” he asked. Right then all pairs of eyes were eyeing him and give him that playful smirks. Madam Khatijah also joins in and teases him. “Why. Already misses her huh?” Then, there’s the loudest laughter he hears in his whole 30 years of life.  And his face right then, well the t-shirt he wore would be embarrassed to be called red right now, unsure how a person’s face could rival his color like that.  Seeing her son-in-law flustered like that makes Madam Khatijah’s smile wider and pats his shoulder. “She’s at the back, washing the woks and pots.” He nods his head and heads towards the back. He opens the door and immediately sees his wife playing around with her younger sister while washing the mountain of kitchen utensils. He walks towards them and slightly touch her shoulder. She startled, and turns her head, honestly, she would feel dizzy just from how fast she spins her head, but she become more dizzier when she realized she had the best view right now; the dazzling face of her hubby.


“Why? You need something?” Elysa asked her husband, once she collects her consciousness, after been charmed by her husband. There’s a big pause before he answered the question. Just like Elysa was charmed by her husband, he was charmed even more by her.


“Let’s say goodbye to our friend, they have a flight to catch.” He said after he was drag back to reality by his wife’s cold hand, a result of soaked in water for too long.


“Oh, do they?” Elysa hurriedly wash and rinse her hand and follow her husband to the front to bid their friends goodbye.


“Have you all eat?” Elysa asked all of them which replies with nods everywhere. Elysa can’t help but laughs at their antics.


“We are so full, the food’s delicious and I really loved the curry.” One of them said. Elysa just nod slightly and hugs one of her bridesmaid, her classmate.


They bid their friends goodbye and go back to the kitchen to resume their work.


“I have left the biggest pot and wok for you two.” Her sister said and stick her tongue out, teasing the newlywed couple.   


Both of them laughs at her antique and get ready to work. Elysa grabs the sponge to start scrubbing the pot, but was stopped by her husband. She flinches a little, not used to the touch. She looks at her husband with questioned expression. He just smiles and extend his hand with spread fingers; indicating that he wanted the sponge.


“Let me,” he said when he saw Elysa hesitated.


“Why?” she asked back.


“Please..?” he plead with that puppy eyes of his, and how supposed ELysa to reject his request?


“Are you confident you can do this?” she asked then. She gives him the sponge after he nods his head several times.


He scrubs the pot and wok earnestly while Elysa rinse the utensils until it was cleared from foam. They hang the utensil once it was spotless.


They stayed for a while in the kitchen, chatting with her mom and relatives, answers question and laughs at their jokes.


Elysa asked to be dismissed after she noted her husband yawn for the 5th time in their conversation.



Elysa just finished washing her face and steps into her room. There he was, calmly sitting on her bed with his back laid at the head rest reading a book.


She was stopped in her track, unable to take another step. Charmed by his dazzling aura.


He felt someone gazing at him and turn his gaze from the book. He can’t stop smiling looking at his wife looking all fragile and cute, playing with hem of her pajama. Her long wavy black hair falls from her shoulder and end just before her waist. He was charmed even more with her right now. His heart started to run a full marathon, not letting him rest. He coughs a little to take her attention, which flying God knows where. He smiles seeing her response, flinching and looking at him with a very, very cute expression it shouldn’t be available in a adult woman face.


He patted the bed beside him, calling her to sit there. She slowly walking towards the bed and sit down keeping a safe distance. It feels so awkward, being alone with a man she never imagined will be her husband.


“Why do you sit so far away?” he asked, teasing her. Blush creeps up her cheeks, and she cover her face with her hands, giggling.


He decided he loves that response and decide to further.

She became more tense when she felt weight on her lap. Not long after that, another pair of hand grab her hand, gently and put her hand on his head. She felt like her eyes would rival saucer right now, she was so shocked, and tense. But the tense slowly goes away when she saw the most adorable smile an adult male could muster, with his disappearing smiley eyes. And he slowly plays with her other hand.


Instinctively, her hands his luscious hair. Her spontaneous act evokes low hums from her husband, satisfied with the act.


“Can I have this every night? I want to fall asleep like this. Please?” He pleads, nicely.


“No can’t do honey, you know nature of my work right?” she said nonchalantly. 


He opens his eyes with that endearment. His heart rate doubled up, seriously he might have a heart attack if his heart stubborn to slow down.


Elysa just realized what came out of just now, and she became redder and immediately tensed, letting all her action paused.


“It’s okay. I will come to you if you have on-call duty.” He said, shrugging his shoulder. He softly pats her hand, indicating that he didn’t want the hair to end.


“Nope, too many hassles then.” She forbids him and continue to his hair.


“You know, even though I am really, very grateful I am the one in your life but I can’t help thinking why on earth you were single until now.” He said as a matter of fact.


“Maybe, just maybe I was waiting for you” she said, sticking her tongue out and pinch his nose. It’s her turn to . She was very satisfied with blushes on his face.


“Ha.. Ha.. So funny! To think that you keep on rejecting my advance, you expect me to believe you baby? Not in a million years princess.” He said then sitting up. She just felt so embarrassed with that double endearment. Can’t handle it well so she hides behind a pillow.


“Hey, honey, my baby, my dear, my precious, what’s wrong?” he said with the most soft, smooth angelic voice she can afford to listen to. He drags the pillow away, revealing a very cute face with the most adorable pink tint.


“Yah, how come you can be so cheesy?” she smacks his shoulder playfully.


“Ouch, now I know why you are single. Pity me, I am conned!” He said then, feign being hurt from harmless smack.


“How could you..” she said with small voice with glassy eyes, her tears threatening to fall down anytime from now.


“Hey, hey baby. I am so sorry. Didn’t mean to hurt you. I am just joking. Baby please, forgive me.” He said in rush, trying to apologize, worried he has hurt his lovely wife. He tries to hug her but she wont budge.


“Princess, please. You know that that won’t be enough to hurt me right. I am seriously trying to tease you. Please my love. I love you, couldn’t live without you.” He said, holding her hand.


He was seriously on the verge of crying. He just vowed to take a good care of her, to love her, and not to allow her to shed tears. But right now, just several hours of his wedding vows, he manages to hurt her. And he was really sorry and regret the words he said. He was startled by low pitch chuckled from his wife.


Well, it looks like he was played by his wife. He thought he want to , but table has turned. He’s the one being teased. He hugs her tightly.


“How you manage to draw that expression so suddenly? I never know you had this talent.” He said still impressed with her skills. She just lightly chuckles and shrugged her shoulders.


“Well, I might be a member of drama club in my university days. Just I might forget to tell you that.” She said playfully.


He laughs with her and kiss top of her head. He spooned her and her hair. She snuggles into his chest.

“But, seriously though what do you mean? Are you waiting for like me, ME?” he asked then, needs more confirmation.


There’s a short silence. Elysa take a deep breath before explains to the one who hold her heart.


“You know, it’s not like I am literally waiting for you, You. I am not a shaman or oracle who can predict or see my future. Its just after too long being alone, I guess I just too comfortable with my life style. I can do what I like, whenever I like without need to think of others’ opinion. So, I guess I was just lazy to throw my heart out and jump into relationship just to be broken to pieces by some jerks or s.” She explains in one breath.


Her husband just nods his head, trying to see and understand from her point of view. He keeps his silent as a sign for her to keep going, so she continued.


“Though I am proudly said that I am kind of smart person but I doubt my sense of character judgment side. I keep on thinking what would I lose if I make a wrong decision, and how would it affect my life. In the end just before any introduction, I will keep on thinking do I really want to involve in this? Some of guy recommended by my friends or family end up being victim of my cold exterior. They chickened out after like twice or thrice unanswered messages. I think that’s for the best though. Don’t really feels the spark or connection with them.” Elysa took a deep breath, contemplating whether or not she should continue further.


“But to my defense, how do you suppose to response to cheesy good morning messages when you never met the person? Ughhh.. its so frustrating how these people didn’t have like general common sense in meeting new people. It was so uncomfortable and how do I explain this? Burdensome? Yeah, I guess that would be perfect way to explain my feeling reading their messages.”


She continued after seeing her husband waiting for her further explanation to his question while playing with her hands. Seeing their hands molded together, it feels like the most perfect thing in the world. How the sizes of their hands complementing each other and fit perfectly together.


“Well, honestly I don’t think I am asking too much of criteria for my spouse, you know? I just hope someone good enough to look at, not so cringey, and have a good basic knowledge and common sense. Is it too much too ask?” she mumbles with low voice. He just shakes his head, supporting his wife that what she asked for was reasonable enough.


“Hurm, just in short I was waiting for a guy decent enough to love and worthy enough to have my heart break a little and not so often. It just that guy emerge in the form of you so, I am grateful you not chickened out despite of my reaction. Thank you, husband.” She said, with a small, shy smile.



He can feel her sincerity from her eyes glowing warmly and can’t help to have his heart swelling with proud.


He lightly tugs her hand so they came closer, making him the bigger spoon, spooning his lovely wife in the most tender way. There were no words spoken out loud but it felt like both of them screaming, confessing their undying love to each other.


“If it’s okay, may I ask what make you so sure that I was the one you really want? Among thousands, no millions of attractive and fine women out there. Why me though? I am nobody, compared to you. You basically can get any lady you want but why me?”


She asked then. This is their night to really, really get to know each other, physically and spiritually.


There’s a big pause. He was trying his best to arrange and organize his thought. After beautiful and meaningful confession of his wife, he can’t help but feeling inferior of his thoughts.


“Okey, this might come as cheesy to you, but believe me, this is what I really feel so please bear with this my love.” He pleads. She just nods her head, trying her best to prepare for the coming cringey moments.


He takes a very deep breath, trying to stabilized his racing heart.


“I think my life basically can be divided into two; before and after you. Before I met you, I was like a ship, floating on the wide sea, without direction. Just go with the flow, without any meaning. Yes, I do have a dream and I lived living my dream. But somehow, there a space here in my heart that felt empty. No matter what I do, every direction I turn to search why is it feels that way but it seems like I would never find the answer. So, I give up on searching and just let it be there. Sometimes the hollowness of my heart felt so light like it doesn’t even have any significant affect to my life, but some other time it felt so gig, overwhelming and consuming making me so tired.”


She just lightly hums to his words, lightly his hair and cheek, so he continues;


“Then one day I bumped into you. At first, I thought it just curiosity, but then I realized you were more than just infatuation. I was so contented just looking at your face, or listening to your laugh. The more I know you more hooked I am. You were like the constellation send by god to help lost sailor like I am to reach to Him. And I also deeply grateful that my constellation was you, someone who I will gladly love and care for all my life.” He smiles pecking her top of head, hoping his love will reach her heart.


She stiff with his action. She felt like she just heard the most cringey confession but she can’t help feeling giddy and falling more into him. He was literally a blackhole; her in with no way out. She keeps on falling and she’s glad. But she can’t easily confess, thus she playfully rolls her eyes as if she was annoyed with him.


He suddenly grabs his phone and scrolling through his phone. Suddenly soft music plays to the background followed by flicking of fingers. Then, there it is; comforting voice of Jinyoung heard across the room. He hums along with the song. But instead of singing in Korean language, he sings in English. Translating the song so that Elysa would understands.


Meaningless days
As I'm getting used to it
As I'm getting tired of it, I

Close my eyes and think about you
My heart is beating
The beating is getting louder baby

More than half of my day is empty
The depth of my heart won't be filled
Getting bigger, deeper and wider
What I'm feeling right now is like before the sun up

I'm confused and lost
When my head is pounding, when I'm exhausted
You hold my worn out hand
You hold me warm and tight

I've always been running without looking back
Whenever I run out of my breath
Please be my sky

It's a beautiful sky
The sky is clear, like you
There is not a cloud
Because of you
The world feels different to me

My day's been rainy
Other people can't see my sky
I can't breathe, I can't eat, I can't sleep
I was completely destroyed before I met you

Now I'm okay, feel alright
Because you're within my reach
When I see you behind the clouds clearing up, I

I'm confused and lost
When my head is pounding, when I'm exhausted
Take all my pain away go away
My cuts get healed by your touch

I've always been running without looking back
When the reality hits me
Please be my guidance

It's a beautiful sky
The sky is clear like you
There is not a cloud
Because of you
The world feels different to me

You'll look up at the sky when you're happy
When it's hard, let your painful half rain
Tomorrow my sky will be full of you
I don't need anything but you, understand

Just like now, you
Just stay beside me
Look at me with warm eyes
Just like this

You wouldn't know this but
It's your existence
That keeps my breathing

Beautiful sky
The sky is clear, there are no such thing as tears
There is not a cloud
Because of you
The world feels different to me


His soft voice lulling her to sleep. She yawns sleepily and looking at him with half closed eyes. Night getting deeper and she was tired from all the activity for the whole day.


Added with his soft calming voice, she really just waiting to drift into sleep.


“You know, this is exactly how I felt, before and after I met you. You cleared up my sky and make me see the world differently. Thank you for existing, thank you for loving me, thank you for choosing me, thank you for giving me a chance. I can’t promise that I would love you forever, because we both know He who holds our heart, but what I can promise is I will try with each and every cell in body to love you just how you deserved to be.” He said, giving light peck to her lips.


Her cheeks tainted with darker shed of red. Feeling embarrassed to be this intimate for the first time in her life, and he decided that he loves this part of her the most. So, he drags her nearer and deepens the kiss, she was stunned for a moment, then responding, melting into the kiss.




Well guys, this story coming to the end. And i really sure you know who her husband is right now. 

It's sad its end already but every starts of journey we must see the finsihing line, guess here it is for this one after like what, 4-5 years? I am ashamed with my turtle speed.


Thank you to those who are patient enough with me. I love you all to the moon and back.





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Finally, after 5 years. I am so sorry for the delay. I thank all of you for your passion. Comments away question or request. I will try my best to comply. 😘


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ffajarr #1
Chapter 26: I'm getting curiiousssss... OMG :-)
1120 streak #2
Chapter 22: So Shamil is Soohyun Elysa is Eunjung and Fayeh is Nickhun? Right? I thought Elysa loves Nickhun? So does that mean her love for him is fading away and is being replace by Shamil?
1120 streak #3
Chapter 21: Wow so Nickhun converted to Muslim for her? Welcome back authourssi; D
Chapter 21: a little present for my subbies... sorry, i am having writer's block i think. i hope i wont leave you all in silence for long. i really want to finish this story soon...
ffajarr #5
Update soon please :(
yasminajung #6
Chapter 20: update soon please...
ffajarr #7
Chapter 20: I almost jumped from my chair when I saw you update this ff. You never dissappoint me authornim :)
I love your diction, they are beautiful. ;)
yasminajung #8
Chapter 19: update soon please....
ffajarr #9
Chapter 19: Thank you for upating this story authotnim :)
ffajarr #10
Chapter 18: Hi Authornim. Been a long time you're not updating this ff. Hopefully u'll have an eager to continue this ff.
Dear authornim, I love ur story bcz it just different with others ff. I'm so curious to know the continuatipn of this ff.. please update soon authornim :(