Ninth Dose: Love Blossom

Two Opposite Poles


Bangkok, Thailand


All 2PM members are in the dressing room, preparing for their concert. Wooyoung and Junho doing their same old routine; bickering, bickering and bickering. That was all they do while waiting for their make up to be put on.


Taec comes in the picture to sort things out but he just makes things worse. And he smacks both kids' head showing his anger and walks away after that, slumping his on the couch resuming his paused game just now. 


While Chansung munching his favorite fruit while having his hair being done by the prettiest stylist noona. Not forgetting to keep an eye on each of the members. Honestly eventhough he's the maknae..but he's the one who actually acts mature and keep them together, solving things out.


Khun and Minjun both drowned in their own thoughts, playing with their smartphones. 


Minjun keeps thinking about Ailee. It was all true that he himself defided to let her go after GO told him he was determine to treat her right. But right now he's the one hurting cause he keeps avoiding her calls and her messages. Seriously, he loves her too much. This; avoiding her things has inflicted a lot of pain and scars in his heart.


His forehead frowns as deep as his thought.


Khun on the other hand has been thinking how should he starts a conversation with his girl. He also thinks hard on how to explains things to her, how to get her attention since he knew that she loves his hyung. No scratch that. She adores his hyung. Merely adoration. That was what he's desperately hoping for.


I miss you already and I was hoping you feel the same.


He pushed send button subconsciously.


"Guys..let's get ready." 


Minjun's angelic voice echoes throughout the medium size dressing room.


It manages to drag Khun out from his train of thought. And he saw what's written on his screen. His eyes widen. He starts to panic. 


But there's nothing he could do. He put on his work face. Tries his hardest to calm the storm in his chest down and smiles a little to reassures every single person in the room.


They gather, forms a medium size circle, with each beast surround it. They put their right hands at the centre of the circle.


Channie starts to chant whem he sees everyone ready.












Their strong masculine voices shakes the room. They smile satisfied with their high spirit and dash towards their allocate space and starts their concert.


Bangkok was Khun's hometown and being around his people makes him more comfortable.




They finished their concert around 1 a.m. It was damn tiring and exhausting but they happy interacting with their fans. Seeing their smiling faces is a huge satisfaction for them. 


Smiles plastered on their exhausted face and they talk about their silly little mistakes on stage just now.and they just laugh it off with a determination in their heart to do better for the next time.


Nervous feeling return to Khun as soon as he steps in the dressing room. He tries to act as usual but his heart is another story. His heart beats like mad and almost jumpout from his ribcage.


He picks up his phone and peeks if there's any reply from her.


And pout is the only thing come out when he sees his phone. Definitely no reply from her.


"Is she that busy? She didn't even reply a word to me. This is ridiculous. How can I the Thai Prince be ignored by a mere girl? Damn her!" He curses her.


"Lets wait and see how long you can avoid my charm." Khun thinks to himself and smirks and evil smile.


"Hyung, why do you look so scary? You smiles to yourself like a crazy person. Anything I should know hyung?" Chansung suddenly asks him jumping from behind, try hard to peek Khun's phone. 


Khun hides his phone behind and flashes his fake smile.


"Aniyo. Nothing's going on. I just arrange a date with Tiff after our tour ended and I am happy. How can I be scary Channie-yah. Have you ever seen me be a scary creature? Aren't I am angel, Chanana-yah??"


Chansung just nods his head.


"Yeah, being scary not suits you hyung." He said then and walks out the room.


Khun just realised all s already left. He was alone in the room. Thus he quicken pack his things up and walks faster to join his other member in the van provided for them for their tour in bangkok.




They arrived at their hotel and they rushed to their respective rooms, take their bath and snuggle under their thick blanket. They have a day off tomorrow so Khun plan to go home bringing s and pay a visit to his family. The next morning they got up early, get ready and depart to Khun's family house.


Wooyoung become excited since one of Khun's sister likes him a lot and boy, she's damn pretty. However no matter how much they likes each other Khun would never approves them to be together. He's such a grandpa.


Minjun and Taec both fallen asleep with Minjun's head on Taec's shoulder while Taec's head on Minjun's head. Both of them such a sleepy head. Khun just shakes his head when he saw their position.


Junho giggles when he saw Minjun and Taec's position and snaps a picture. He then upload the picture on his SNS account caption as "sweet roomates having sweets dreams".


Everyone's phone who follows his account buzzes then, as a notification of his recent activity.


Khun take a look at his phone and a soft fatherly smiles appears on his beautiful face. Junho would be dead if Taec sees this was all he thinks.


He then resumes to play his phone, play games while waiting for her reply.


But still it is not coming.


He sighes deeply, thinking, what makes her resistance against his charms.


He shuts his eyes tries not to thinks about her anymore. 


But she seems so stubborn, rooted in his mind and memory. Her smiles her laugh her serious face her poker face her playful face her silly face all flashes in front of his closed eyes, one by one.


"Arghh..why is this lady keeps on haunting me?" he thinks and ruffles his hair. Anger seeping into his heart sice she keeps on bothering him while she ignores him completely.




Johor Bharu, Malaysia.


"Doctor, the patient on bed 12, his glucose level is 20." The staff nurse on duty informs Elyssa.


"Hmm, gives him actrapid 6 unit stat." Elyssa endorse the medication, sign and stamp on it. The staff nurse just now nods her head and administer the insulin. 


Elyssa then resume her pm rounds. 


"Hey, let's eat after this?" Shamill asks her suddenly when she's busy writing her report on patient's record.


"Aishh, can't you see I still have a lot of patient to be reviewed?" She answers without even looking at him.


"Aeyh. I'll help you okay. Accompany me please." Shamill pleads again. 


"Aish..this kid. Yeah yeah. Go start review patients in the back cubicle." Elyssa then decides.


"Yeah I know I can count on you. I love you." He whispers to her.


"Wanna die early?! Don't you want to get married to your fiancee? Huh?" Elyssa scolds him. 


He just walks fast to the back cubicle, ignoring her harsh words. He knew she never means it. He know how her love for him is as much his love for her. They are friends till the end, friends till jannah.




"Do you know something interesting?" Elyssa said when they land their on the chairs.


Shamill just shakes his shoulder indicating he has no idea.


"I met the apple of my eyes, the one I love and adore all these while." She said, smiling.


Shamill smiles at her statement. 


"Please, don't bluff me. I know you and you would never approach them. You hate crowds. How can you meet them?"


"Well, if you not believe me I had to show you this." She said then and show him her phone.


There she has their pictures having breakfast and snacks at airport prior to 2PM's departure to Bangkok.


Shamill's eyes widen. He can't believe it. Elyssa did met them and she has meals with them on top of that. 


"So what now? Are they your friends? Don't tell me you actually have their contact numbers." He said to her.


She just smiles and raise one of her eyebrow.


"To answer that question, please scroll on my kakaotalk friendlist."


Shamill did as he told and his eyes widen more; if that even possible.


"Like seriously? Who are you? What have you done with my bestie?" Shamill teases him.


Elyssa giggles at his questions.


"Well I have tried my best to avoid them but it seems seeing them is my destiny. They keep on popping in front of my face. I don't really want to be friend with them but what can I do? They seems really want to be friend with me and they seem nice..."


She paused a while and smiles.


Shamill saw her special smile. That smile she carves whenever she talks about somebody she loves.


"They? Are you sure "they" seem nice.? I think you're thinking one particular person right now." Shamill starts to interrogate  her.


"Hey, don't go and judge me. They really are nice. All six of them."


Elyssa try to stand her stance.


Shamill wiggles his eyebrows and grin his silly grin. His foxy eyes become a thin line, dissapearing.


"I am telling the truth. They really nice; as idol and as a human being. And they are really curious too. We have a lot of things we discussed and they are completed with a brain. They don't just rely on their beautiful face and manly body. But they also talented and intelligent. What more can I ask in a man?"


She rambles then.


"Oh wow! So now you see him as a man. Not as an idol you adore. Not just a mere singer with soothing angelic voice? You see him more than that. A whole lot more!"


Shamill squeals.


"O my Lord. Please save this girl from falling into the deepest pit." Shamill prays then.


Elyssa just smiles at his action.


"Yah! Don't over reacted. They are my friends. I repeat. THEY!! All six of them are my friends. I am not looking at a particular person. But a group of people with handsome face and handsome personality. That's all. Don't drag these things any longer if you want to stat alive."


Elyssa warns him playfully.


He just sticks his toungue out and playfully grins back at her warning.


They know each other for too long and they understand each other enough to understand their cynical and silly jokes. No hard feeling between them.




Elyssa is in the on call room trying to sleep when her phone vibrates. She picks it up and check what is it.


From: Mr Celebrity


I miss you already and I was hoping you feels the same


It is weird for her to receive this kind of message and it was from a world star on top of that. 


They should have been busy right now with their concerts in Bangkok is what she thinks.


So she just shrugged it off and ignores it. Plus, she didn't really fond of that type of discussion. 


She close her heavy eyelids to have a little nap while there is no new admission.




The next morning she starts her round as early as 7.30 am. And she successfully finish review all her patient sharp on 9 o'clock. Then they resume the morning rounds with the surgeon, Mr Razif.


They finished all of the compulsary works on 2 pm and Elyssa packs her stuff and get ready to go home.


While she was driving home there's another message in. She decide to check on it when she arrives home because it was dangerous to text-driving.


As soon as she arrives she rushes to her room, take a bath and rest her tired body on her bed.


The she remembers about the message she receives while she was driving just now so she get out from her bed and picks her phone from her bag.


She lies down again and scrolls through her messages.


Another message from Mr. Celebrity.


"Shouldn't he be busy at this times?" Elyssa talks to herself.


She opens kakaotalk application and read the message.


From: Mr Celebrity

To: Elyssa


Are you really, really busy or you just simply ignores me?

I need your honesty, please.. please.. pretty please.


Elyssa smiles reading his message.


From: Elyssa

To: Mr Celebrity


Aren't you busy? You're in Thailand. Supposedly you don't have time for others.

And if you really do have time, I don't expect te receive texts from you. 

You should use your precious time on your girl dude.

Don't hurt her. *merong*


She push send button and stands up. She picks up her telekung and perform her prayers. She recite her duaa and 2pages of Quran after that.


Her phone vibrates again.


She walks toward her bed and picks up her phone, reading the message.


From: Mr Celebrity

To: Elyssa


I am busy, girl. And you should be honored I use my precious time on you.

And what if I want to make you my girl. Will you be my girl dear? *serious face*


Elyssa touch the alphabets on her qwerty keypads.


To: Mr Celebrity

From: Elyssa


Yah pabo! I know you're an idiot. But please don't be silly.

I won't be the third wheel.

And I hate player.

Don't play around like this if you wish to be friend with me for a long time.


Elyssa laughs to herself. This guy really silly.


"I don't love you stupid. I love your hyung. Your groupmate."


She smiles and jumps on her bed. She wants to take a nap before drive to her hometown later. Tomorrow's her day off and her younger sister's engagement day. So she needs to be home, help whatever necessary.


She closed her eyes and in no time she fallen asleep.




Bangkok, Thailand & Johor Bharu Malaysia.


Khun really misses her so he send another message that afternoon.


To: My Girl

From: Khun


Are you really, really busy or you just simply ignores me?

I need your honesty. Please.. please.. pretty please.


He smiles thinking she would be replying this. If she still not reply his messages means there goes his love.


He resumes his conversation with his family where he drops out a little just now. Fortunately no one seems to notice he is in his world just now.


Not long after that his phone buzzes.


His smiles got wider.


"Hyung, do you have a happy news for us? Your beautiful face will rip if you keep smiling like that." Wooyoung asks him.


He just shakes his head.


"Ani woodong-ah. Nothing interesting. It is just I am so happy to see my two important families mingles well." He create an excuse.


And it was not a lie. He really do happy seeing how well they interact with each other eventhough there's a little language barrier between them.


Wooyoung nods his head. Believing his hyung's words completely.


Nichkhun types on his phone when everyone seem busy with their own things.


To: My Girl

From: Khun


I am busy girl. And you should be honoured I use my precious time on you.

And what if I want to make you as my girl? Would you be my girl? *serious face*


Khun laughs to himself after sending the messages. He slips his phone in his pocket and resume his activity with his family.


They have fun eating and chatting.


He feels his phone vibrates in his pocket while they were playing boardgames in the living room.


He was about to fish out his phone when he hears a familiar voice.


A very familiar voice yet the owner shouldn't be here right now.


His smile turn into a frown when he saw the owner of the voice.


"This can't be. Oh god don't let this happen to me." He prays hard.


But it was all drain in vain. There's nothing he can do. She's already here. With a huge smile on her face. And his family members seems glad to see her here.




















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Finally, after 5 years. I am so sorry for the delay. I thank all of you for your passion. Comments away question or request. I will try my best to comply. 😘


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ffajarr #1
Chapter 26: I'm getting curiiousssss... OMG :-)
1129 streak #2
Chapter 22: So Shamil is Soohyun Elysa is Eunjung and Fayeh is Nickhun? Right? I thought Elysa loves Nickhun? So does that mean her love for him is fading away and is being replace by Shamil?
1129 streak #3
Chapter 21: Wow so Nickhun converted to Muslim for her? Welcome back authourssi; D
Chapter 21: a little present for my subbies... sorry, i am having writer's block i think. i hope i wont leave you all in silence for long. i really want to finish this story soon...
ffajarr #5
Update soon please :(
yasminajung #6
Chapter 20: update soon please...
ffajarr #7
Chapter 20: I almost jumped from my chair when I saw you update this ff. You never dissappoint me authornim :)
I love your diction, they are beautiful. ;)
yasminajung #8
Chapter 19: update soon please....
ffajarr #9
Chapter 19: Thank you for upating this story authotnim :)
ffajarr #10
Chapter 18: Hi Authornim. Been a long time you're not updating this ff. Hopefully u'll have an eager to continue this ff.
Dear authornim, I love ur story bcz it just different with others ff. I'm so curious to know the continuatipn of this ff.. please update soon authornim :(