Twenty Second Dose: Your Happiness is Mine, Because I Love You...

Two Opposite Poles

Kluang, Johor, Malaysia


Fateh started to feel pressure when he feels both pairs of eyes staring at him. He tried his best to arrange his thought, to convey to his listeners what he really felt.


“Well, you know we’re not getting younger each passing day. I am not confident with myself. I am not as attractive as I once was. There are so many younger, more handsome and more talented artist. Not much to expect nowadays.”


Not much he can say to make them understand what he being faced every day.


“So you decided to run? Didn’t being a singer, a performer is your passion, your dream?” Elyssa asked then.


“Well in a way I don’t see myself running from my dream. It just that performing is not my only dream. Maybe this is the time for me to achieve my other dream.” He said, sound more like he’s trying to convince himself rather than trying to convince his listener.


“You do know that there’s a thousands of stars up above in the sky right?” Shamill said suddenly.


Fateh just nods his head, indicating he’s listening and want him to continue.


“And among those stars, the sun is the brightest.” He paused for a while.


“Yes, I do aware of the fact. Are trying to teach me science?” Fateh jokes around, earning soft giggles from Elyssa and a smirk from her best friend, or husband to be.


“Well, have you ever thought the other stars has less importance compared to sun, due to its lack of brightness?” he asked then.


Fateh just shook his head, waiting patiently where this metaphor will bring him.


“Then you are just like one of the star. There’s a lot of stars blinking, decorating night skies. Some seems so bright, some seems so small, but it doesn’t change the fact that they are the stars that illuminate our dark night, guiding sailors through their sail in the wide ocean. It doesn’t make them less of a star. Same goes to you. Even there’s so many idols out there, as you said, younger, more handsome and talented, doesn’t make you less than them. You’re just need to find your charm, unique charm that only you have. Also, don’t forget all your hottest that are waiting for their favorite idol to comeback and entertain them. You are not the same as other. You need to remember that. “


Elyssa just smiles, there’s the Shamill that she knows. Positive, and always know what to say, what to do in order to cool down waves in someone heart, someone brain.


Fateh just sit there, digesting Shamill’s words of advice.


It’s interesting how they were similar age but one seems to be so mature with life, while others were full of doubts. Shamill’s words just now makes he think how wrong his thoughts were. He was so grateful he was met with these two beautiful friends. On the second thought, can he call them his friends? Elyssa has been his friend, yes but Shamill on the other hand he just met less than 24 hour, but he already felt that they were the best friend, almost at the same level with his friendship with other 2PM members. Thinking of his other members make his sorrow mood became worst, his eyes watery and he’s on the verge of crying. What will they think of him if they knew he was all ready to let them go; he of all people knows how devastating it is to have one member to depart from the whole group.  Been there, experienced it first hand when Jay left them years ago.


“Hey, why so serious” Fateh was dragged out of his thought with Elyssa loud and cheerful voice. He wipes his almost, almost fallen tears and gives them a smile; the best smile he could muster. But unfortunately it probably still looked crooked in Elyssa’s eyes, maybe. That’s why she said then,


“There’s no right or wrong in the way you decided to live your life. Life is not a multiple choice question that you need to solve, rather it was like, I don’t know, an essay? Where you need to consider the most suitable answer tailored to your need and condition at that particular time. If you met with similar difficulties with different time and sets of options, you might have other choices. It is not wrong to go down the road not taken. It just, we are here to give you another perspective of what you’re dealing with thus you can weigh your options better. Don’t you ever think that you are less than a person, or you are bad just because you felt like leaving. I am sure each one of them also once thought of that.  Just think of this through, and next time try to involve others related to this things, like your members. Do they even know you have converted? Its okay if you felt like you should keep this from your fans first, but I think your members deserve to know and I am pretty sure they would understand and accept it well.”


As always, Elyssa sees right through him and give him the best piece of advice and Shamill came in second. Fateh smiles and almost, almost hug her. But then he remembers, they are not allowed so he holds himself and smiles. Sincere smile this time, at least that was what it looks like to Elyssa as she drops the subject.


“Speaking about your possible soulmate, who is she? Why did you think she would not accept you as a singer?” Shamill asked all of sudden.


Elyssa just frozen at her spot. Just now she thought she can get away with this.


Fateh just laugh faintly and said,


“She’s just someone I met, not really in entertainment industry so I doubt she would like her privacy to be shattered if I decided to pursue her. I don’t know, I don’t even know if she aware of what I feels towards her. I tried to confess to her but I guess we started on the wrong foot as she keeps on doubting my love for her. I don’t even know what else should I do to prove that I am dead serious about her.”


And that gloomy mood is back.


Elyssa keeps her silence as she had the rough idea of what he’s saying right now. Shamill on the other hand had a hunch about what happened judging from Elyssa’s reaction when Fateh so sincerely said everything.


“Well, you know what? Love is not a race, it has no time line. So if you really think that she’s worth it, then slowly learn her. Try to sweep her off her feet. One mistery thing about destiny is, maybe she is your other half, but because it wasn’t the right time for one of you, or maybe both of you then she will be passed by as a friend, or best friend even. But, if she was fated to love you, love will come find both of you. Don’t worry and don’t think too much. Just let HIM do HIS job, while we, do ours.” Once again Shamill give him a good piece of advice.


“Remember, we do our best, let HIM do the rest” both Shamill and Elyssa said simultaneously and laugh afterwards. They have such a beautiful chemistry. But Fateh won’t give up. Just like Shamill said just now, nothing can separate them if they really were meant for each other.


He took a sip of his cool down tea with lighter heart. Now he has a new perspective and new goal. In order to spread happiness, he needs himself to be happy first. He thinks he can go back to Seoul with lighter hearts.


Elyssa just released the breath she didn’t even realized were holding just now. Didn’t expect this encounter and conversation would end so well.


KLIA, Kuala Lumpur.


“Have a good rest through the flight. Don’t stressed too much. You know where to find us right?” Shamill said, patting Fateh’s shoulder.


Fateh just nods his head. The word ‘us’ sounds so natural rolling from his lips; us, referring to him and Elyssa. It’s as if us for them has been so long, he can’t help feeling like a third wheel at that moment; can’t help being depressed a bit when he know how true was that. They have been best friends since their study days. Their bond was also the same as hid and s. They got through the most difficult times in life together, been there for each other. If he ever felt like being someone else in life, that time was now. He really felt like he wished to be Shamill at the moment. To be the one who hold Elyssa during her toughest times, to be her strongest pillar.


“Fateh,” he was brought back to reality, dragged out from his thought when he heard her soft voice calling for him, with a snap of fingers.


He smiles at her when she asked him where was he.


“Nothing, I was just thinking how good both of you looked together. You were like soulmates” he said then, answered with half true answer.


Both of his friend laugh.


“Heard that too many times before, some were not believe him when he got engaged with somebody else previously,” Elyssa said with a smile at first but faded when she realized what topic she’s talking about.


Shamill just smiles faintly, still hurting from losing his fiancée so suddenly like that.


“It’s okay, He will not give us trials so heavy that we couldn’t afford to bear right? Each thing or person that we lost surely will be replaced with something even better if not similar. Have faith and keep going strong, alright?” it’s time for him to lighten his friend burden. That’s the least he can do.


“I think I really should go. Need to board the plane, or else I will have to retired straight away.” Fateh jokes lightly earning soft chuckles from the couple.


“Yeah. I still need all 6 of you on the stage, so please have the honor to board the plane sir.” Elyssa jokes back.


Fateh gives her the most sweet smile he can carves, and give Shamill a tight hug.


“I will miss you both” he said and waves them goodbye.






  **A/N: I already had idea to conclude this story but I need some time to organize it all. Be patient with me everybody. Maybe 1 or 2 chapter more. Here a short chapter for you guys <3<3** 

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Finally, after 5 years. I am so sorry for the delay. I thank all of you for your passion. Comments away question or request. I will try my best to comply. 😘


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ffajarr #1
Chapter 26: I'm getting curiiousssss... OMG :-)
1128 streak #2
Chapter 22: So Shamil is Soohyun Elysa is Eunjung and Fayeh is Nickhun? Right? I thought Elysa loves Nickhun? So does that mean her love for him is fading away and is being replace by Shamil?
1128 streak #3
Chapter 21: Wow so Nickhun converted to Muslim for her? Welcome back authourssi; D
Chapter 21: a little present for my subbies... sorry, i am having writer's block i think. i hope i wont leave you all in silence for long. i really want to finish this story soon...
ffajarr #5
Update soon please :(
yasminajung #6
Chapter 20: update soon please...
ffajarr #7
Chapter 20: I almost jumped from my chair when I saw you update this ff. You never dissappoint me authornim :)
I love your diction, they are beautiful. ;)
yasminajung #8
Chapter 19: update soon please....
ffajarr #9
Chapter 19: Thank you for upating this story authotnim :)
ffajarr #10
Chapter 18: Hi Authornim. Been a long time you're not updating this ff. Hopefully u'll have an eager to continue this ff.
Dear authornim, I love ur story bcz it just different with others ff. I'm so curious to know the continuatipn of this ff.. please update soon authornim :(