First Dose: Character Introduction

Two Opposite Poles

Seoul, South Korea.


He is a heartbreaker. 5’ 11” tall, fair skin, angelic face with brown eyes, sharp beautiful nose, completed with killer smile and gold blond hair.


He’s not just insanely handsome he’s just too beautiful to be a man. How can God be so unfair; He gave him everything but give others none instead.


With a killer face and good manner, seriously he’s a husband material.


Any girl will be glad to have him as her other half. Glad is an understatement. Any girl will be lucky to have him. Well, at least that would be most of the woman in this world will think.


Unfortunately, there’s something public won’t know.


He’s not a cliché hero of multiple romance drama portray as; He’s not a super nice kind of person, neither did he a hardcore jerk type of guy. He’s just an ordinary guy who has good qualities in him, but he’s still capable of being mad and angry, like any other person. He also knows multiple curses to be use and of course he curses sometimes. He just don’t do it publicly, still cursing is still a curse even though it is done secretly, right?


But being a public figure, an idol he has an image to uphold. Well, more like he needs that image.


An idol I said?


Yeah, if he’s one of the 6 members boy group named 2PM, well, what more can I say? He’s definitely an idol. And he’s the one who responsible in visual department. He always need to be insanely dazzling and heavenly, excessively nice; it’s not exaggerating if I said he needs to be the angel of the group.


Well, I guess now you understand why did I mention he’s a heart breaker at the very beginning of this story.


With his handsome look and angel-like personality, it’s not impossible to fall in love with him. In fact, not falling in love with him is impossible.


He always being loved wherever he goes and, he takes it for granted.


He enjoys being nice, super lovey dovey, flirts and beds with any girl he met and he just simply forgets her. Just like blown away dust.


Some of the girl would be grateful to have even only one opportunity to be his, but many others who deeply hurt by his action. And most of them curse him to feel how he made them felt like.


Sounds like a good curse for him. Heh.


Maybe, because of their curse he will finally feel how those girls he played feel. Later in this story, I promise. Not exactly the same, but still the pain hurts amazingly.




“Hey Khun, Tiff’s waiting for you outside,” Taec informs Khun.


“What did she want?” Khun asks Taec since she’s not telling him that she’s coming today.


“Dude, you ask me that? How should I know? He’s your damn girlfriend Khun. Should I ask her instead? I totally can be a nosy person you know?” Taec shoots back, sarcastically with an enormous grin on his face.


Seriously Taec, your cheeks will rip one day if you keep doing that. ~keke~


“Haish. Taec, you really couldn’t be more sweet to me huh?” Khun replies his sarcasm. It’s only fair right; tooth with a tooth and eye for an eye?


Khun stands up and go towards Tiffany direction. She’s lucky she made that visit exactly by the time they’re taking rest from their upcoming concert practice. Soon they will go for world tour; promoting their newly released album.


Since they announced that they are dating, their album promotion skyrocket.


Oooh, those insanely crazy beasts are capable to love. That might be what their fans are thinking.


Grown, is the album title. With y, average manly boyfriend concept, it’s only rational if one or two of them announce their dating life.


Thus, that is what he’s done right now. However it is faked. He’s not really dating Tiffany. It is only business. Purely deal made between JYP and SM entertainment CEO. Since GG also made their comeback just few weeks after 2PM’s, why don’t they use it as a marketing strategy? Since Taec’s WGM filming just finished, his close relationship with Jessica can’t be use. It will complicate everything.


The next person who has close relationship with GG member in 2PM only Khun. So, he needs to do it for the sake of their group.


It’s a win-win situation for both parties. They just use their close relationship to raise album sell. Of course all of these thought by their management companies. Well, what do you expect from a busy idol?


All they can think of is it enough if you work hard. Your sincerity will reach the audience. Well, in this cruel reality it’s not like that. Of course you need a booster to add up the effect of your hard work to audience.


“What do you want Tiff?” he asks monotonously. Not indicating he’s happy nor he’s not with visit. He’s just indifferent.


“Well, well, there’s no need to be that cold toward your “girlfriend” don’t you think so Khunnie?” Tiffany lean on closer to him, touch his chest to show off their intimacy and whispers to his ear, raising one of her eyebrow, afraid to be heard by passing by people.


Nichkhun separate himself from her, and playfully answer.


“Well, as long as it’s not public, I have the right to act as I want.”


“Hmm, don’t you think it’s a little bit cold to treat your best friend like that?” She asks, returned to her usual self, non-complicating, best friend self.


“Hehe. Mianhae Tiff, but I’m in a middle of practice for our world tour. So I afraid I don’t really have time to play with you.” He answers honestly.


“Well, that’s the thing Khun. If we don’t go date, not even once after we go public before you go to that long world tour of yours, what will public think? It will be suspicious.” She states as a matter of fact.


“Hmm, you make a point there. We’ll date later. I’ll find a suitable date and call you later, okay? Now I need to go back to my members.” He answers simply and go back to his practice room after gain a nod from Tiffany, indicating she’s understand.


Tiffany walks slowly out of JYP building.


“Why didn’t he see me like I see him? How can’t he see my love for him? Did he too blind or my acting skills have improved? I might as well ask my CEO to act after this. Hehe.” Tiffany thinks to herself as she walks.


This is the biggest secret she holds from everyone.


The biggest taboo; don’t fall in love with your best friend.


But she did. She has fallen in love with her best friend and her best friend just too blind to know it.


She has multiple heartbreaks every time Khun tells her about his ONS.




Johor, Malaysia.


She’s definitely an ordinary, average girl. 5’5” tall, slightly dark skin, cat eyes with dark brown iris, full lips, small, cute nose, light curl eyelashes and naturally shaped eyebrow.


She’s not really into people but she works with them.


Well, the best way to describe a doctor; she’s socially retarded with Da Vinci’s brain.


Yeah, yeah, yeah, she’s a doctor.


She is a slightly introvert person; yes, those who are uncomfortable to start a conversation, avoids crowd places, and not really friendly. But she is a very nice person. For her friends are forever. There’s no way to cut her off.


And since she’s a little bit boyish and not very feminine type of girl, she has a lot of male friends. And she closes with them. They are comfortable with her because she’s not clingy and fussy. She’s comfortable with them because they are simple. Men are simpler being compare to women.


She’s also not that cliché main character of novel or romance drama. She’s not super beautiful, super rich, super talented nor did she a helpless, poor woman. She’s just an average woman struggling to have a stable life, working like a bull 24/7. She had fun with her friends whenever she has time which is never and she’s trying hard to be docile to her parent.


Yes, her parent. Her dad has passed away since she’s fourteen due to heart attack.


And please, before you come to conclusion that is definitely not the reason why she’s a doctor right now. Instead, she brainwashed herself in becoming a doctor because she was enrolled into boarding school; where all of the students either want to be a doctor or an engineer. And for those five years, she only herself become a doctor or an engineer.


I know, she sounded like a narrow, shallow minded person. But, for God sake, she’s only 13 at that time. What else do you expect from a teenager who just hit puberty? She can’t be matured overnight right? So, please cut her some slack.


As I said, she’s not cliché. And she knows a doctor can’t treat his or her own family member. It’s not ethical to do so. And she completely knows the fact.


Like I said, she’s only an average girl.


She has had difficulty which is finding love.


It’s not that she’s incapable of finding love. It is just she has been in her comfort zone for too long. Now, it’s uncomfortable for her if there’s somebody who tries to care for her.


She’s too comfortable being single and that become a problem since her mother wants her to settle down in this coming time.


Other than she’s comfortable being alone, it is hard to find a man who find her boyishness charming. All of the men she met are comfortable being her friend, not her special friend. There’s one or two man who want to be more than a friend to her but she’s not.


So she comes to a conclusion that men are meant to be her friend. Not more than that.




“Hey Elyssa, what’s your plan for tonight?” Shamill asks her as soon as she lands her on the stool beside him. He continues eating his noodle waiting for Elyssa’s answer.


“Did you forget? I’m on call tonight. I hope nothing major coming.” She answers plainly.


They continue to eat in a rush. They still need to get into operation room after this. They have appendicectomy and hernioplasty case to work on after their lunch break.


They just assisting so they need to be there before the actual surgeon came. They need to prepare the patient nicely and assist during operation.


Total hour of operation depend on surgeon who’s operating.


Today’s surgeon is Mr. Tan, so I expect today’s operations will be messy. This guy really obnoxious and honestly, she don’t know what he thinks. She doubt he knows what is in his mind himself. Thus today’s appendicectomy and hernioplasty that should be simple, roughly one-hour procedure will be longer.


“So, how was your thesis going?” Shamill ask her again, still munching his noodles.


She lifted her face, facing Shamill’s direction. She saw his plate nearly cleaned. She smiles, and answers him.


“So far so good, I am currently collecting information for my proposal. I barely got approval for my early chapters. You know how meticulous she is right?”


He nods at her answer. She’s just starting her master program. It a tough decision to pick which department she loves, since she started this carrier after brainwashed herself. Honestly there’s no single department she really interested in. But for her, she must end everything she has started. There’s no halfway work; is what she thought and taught.


He knows her well. He knows and understands her thoughts and principles. Thus, he’s trying hard to support her all the way. He loves his best friend for she is a nice, honest and simple person. She’s also a good listener. He always feels calm after have a talk with her. She always gives him valid, reasonable answer.


He smiles at himself at his thought; he is the man, he should be the one with rational thinking. But it seems like she is more rational than him. Absurd isn’t it?


“Hey, aren’t you done?” her voice drag him out from his thinking.


He nods his head.


“Let’s go. Otherwise we wouldn’t finish patient preparation on time.”


She tells him and gets up, picking her plate and glass on the way. She walks towards dish stash at the corner of the café, puts her meal utensils there and washes her hands. He follows after her, doing the same.


Then, they walk side by side to staff’s prayer room located at first floor of the hospital. They perform their prayer, recite du’a and continue their work after that.


Upon reaching operation theatre, anaes team has finishes their part. They scrub fast and start clean the patient, drape over operation area. The surgeon came in, readily scrubbed.


Shamill announces patient’s name, operation that will be perform, surgeon’s and assistants names, all surgery details to be recorded in medical record later, and Mr Tan starts operating.


After approximately 5 hours in total, two procedures completed. They take a deep breath, relieved. Anaes team starts reversal and they go to wash their hand.


Shamill rushes to the prayer room to perform Asar Prayer and she sits at nurse counter and writes operation report.


She finishes everything around 6.30 and rushes her way to perform Asar prayer. She’s late already and she didn’t want to be later than that.


Then she walks to MO’s room to take a shower and change her clothes into something more casual. Her office hour has ended so she didn’t have to wear her usual formal attire.


She prepares herself for Maghrib prayer, perform her prayer as soon as she heard Athaan and walks out of the room to start her PM rounds.




Shamill is free tonight so he’s home soon after he finished performing his prayer after operation neded just now. He walks to his gold coloured Toyota Vios and starts the engine. After he warms the engine up, steps on the gas and drives home. His house not too far from the hospital, about 5 minutes drive if traffic clear. It can reach up to hours to arrive at his home if the traffic is congested. Sometimes he just walks home.


He washes himself up, and goes to the kitchen to fix some dinner. He lives by himself, since he’s not married yet and he’s a bit picky. And yes, he’s a decent cook. Sometimes he orders takeout if he’s too tired from work. 


Finished cooking, he perform Maghrib prayer and recite Holy Qoran. He wrapped up his recital when he heard Isyaa’ Athaan from nearby mosque. He then perform Isya’ prayer.


After he has completed all his responsibilities, he goes to the kitchen. But then the silence in his house made him feel so lonely. He realizes he don’t want to eat alone so he picks up his smart phone and start dialing a familiar number. He waits and prays the girl he’s calling will answers his call.


He ended the call, disappointed badly. She’s too busy to spend time with him. That’s the problem with his fiancée. She’s also a doctor, a dentist to be exact. She opens her own clinic so all the responsibilities are on her shoulder. She rarely has time to spend with him. He should understand her, her patients are her first priority since he’s also a doctor.


So, unable to whine he calls third number on his speed dial list, his best friend; hoping there’s not much chaos in hospital tonight so that she can accompany him.


“Hello, Assalamualaikum. Why are you calling me?” Elyssa answers her ringing phone and asks him in one breath.


“Hehe. Wa’alaikumussalam. I’m kind of bored and lonely, plus I don’t want to eat alone so I am hoping there were not much new cases tonight and you can accompany me.” Shamill answers honestly.


“Hmm, well I guess tonight is your lucky night. Most of old cases were discharged and ward right now as quiet as graveyard. I, fortunately can accompany you if it’s on you.” She decided.


“And you need to bring it here. I don’t want to be too far away. Just in case anything happens.” She added then.


“Haha, well I know you really miss my cook so, I cook something. I’ll bring it to you in about 20 minutes. So, be ready with plates and glasses okay.” He assured her.


“And please, make me some coffee. You know your coffee is the best in the world. I totally fallen in love with your coffee.” He added.


“Yeah, yeah. I’ll hang up, bye, Assalamualaikum.” She ended the call and walks towards the pantry for staff. She’s the only doctor on call that night and other nurses are busy with their task so, they’ll enjoy dinner just by themselves.


“I’m glad I have performed my prayer earlier.” She smiles to herself.




Author's Note:


i change Eunjung name to Elyssa and that Shamill guy is supposedly Soo Hyun

i use Malay names to relate to their origin in this story.. don't get confuse, please :-)


I'm sorry I took such a long time to post this first chapter..

I'm kind of busy lately with wedding invitations, so, I tried my best to write

and i honestly hope you will have fun reading it..

To Khunfanny shippers, don't hate me too much..

and don't hate Eunjung.. she's innocent :-)


you're welcome to ask anything

and comments are also welcome..


please don't unsuscribe :-)

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Finally, after 5 years. I am so sorry for the delay. I thank all of you for your passion. Comments away question or request. I will try my best to comply. 😘


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ffajarr #1
Chapter 26: I'm getting curiiousssss... OMG :-)
1128 streak #2
Chapter 22: So Shamil is Soohyun Elysa is Eunjung and Fayeh is Nickhun? Right? I thought Elysa loves Nickhun? So does that mean her love for him is fading away and is being replace by Shamil?
1128 streak #3
Chapter 21: Wow so Nickhun converted to Muslim for her? Welcome back authourssi; D
Chapter 21: a little present for my subbies... sorry, i am having writer's block i think. i hope i wont leave you all in silence for long. i really want to finish this story soon...
ffajarr #5
Update soon please :(
yasminajung #6
Chapter 20: update soon please...
ffajarr #7
Chapter 20: I almost jumped from my chair when I saw you update this ff. You never dissappoint me authornim :)
I love your diction, they are beautiful. ;)
yasminajung #8
Chapter 19: update soon please....
ffajarr #9
Chapter 19: Thank you for upating this story authotnim :)
ffajarr #10
Chapter 18: Hi Authornim. Been a long time you're not updating this ff. Hopefully u'll have an eager to continue this ff.
Dear authornim, I love ur story bcz it just different with others ff. I'm so curious to know the continuatipn of this ff.. please update soon authornim :(