
Forget It

Minho wasn't late for class, but he wasn't early either. His usual seat was taken making him grumble before finding a different seat and settling down, getting out his notebook and pen, eyes peering over other students heads to look at the teacher and ears locking on the words that were being said. Then he became bored, something that rarely happened, but he had gone over this subject the other day and he didn't like repeating anything.

So with a small drawn out sigh he turned and watched the others students that were sitting in front of him. Of course, there were only a few he spoke to, not caring about the rest. Not that he was consciously cold, but what would there be for him to say to them? Absolutely nothing.

Though there was Changmin, he got along with the older male well enough. But he was always busy with one thing or another. And the others he knew through Jonghyun, so he really only spent time with them with the other decided to drag him out.

It surprised Minho at times, why the puppy like male chose him as his best friend. He was a cold quiet person, he would rather focus on his grades rather than partying and girls. And Jonghyun was the opposite. He didn't care about grades. He cared about people. Friends and lovers. Parties and social gatherings. Yet he stuck around the Choi anyway. And Minho was grateful for that. He wasn't one to get attached to people easily, but he was tied so tightly to the Kim that if he left Minho had no clue what he would do.

Sighing Minho pulled his self from his rambling thoughts and continued to observe his classmates before stopping when he realized someone was missing. A certain blonde someone wasn't there and it made him furrow his brow. It was odd since he could remember the other never missed a class. Especially not his precious Shen's class. But he wasn't there. And it made something in the back of his brain fight to be remembered. 

Rubbing his temple Minho closed his eyes and stared down at the blank page he had opened his book to, wondering why he had cared for that small moment. The boy was probably with some other guy or doing something that made Minho's skin crawl. 

So he shouldn't bother worrying. No, it wasn't worth his time. 

Closing his eyes, Minho let his mind wander to other things before class ended. 

He gathered his things as soon as the bell rang, shoving everything into his bag and walking to the door ignoring the way the teacher's eyes followed him. Following the flow of students, he left the room, looking up and looking through the many heads, looking for Jonghyun's so they could head out for lunch. He found him easily, smiling and talking to someone who was waving their arms, their light blue sleeves sliding up their arms with the movements before freezing when Minho appeared.

Jinki was waiting, leaning against the wall and running his fingers over the small design on his bag. 

He had decided on the class right after his previous one in order to get home at the same time if he just bumped up his Mathematics class and Taemin would suspect nothing. 

Though Mr. Shen had tried to push him towards a later class he had given up easily when he realized Jinki wasn't going to change his mind and driven the boy to the building, leaving him to his lunch as he went to teach the group of students the boy was once a part of.

And honestly, it made him sad to know that no one in the class would miss him. Because he was disgusting and nasty to talk to. 

He shook his head, leaning it back against the wall for a moment as he closed his eyes and hummed to his self. He wanted to be happy, to be cheery when class started. And when it ended. Maybe someone in this hour would be nicer to him and actually speak to him. He hoped so, even though he knew it was unlikely to happen. It would be nice.


He jumped and turned, peering at the other who was waving to him awkwardly. "I thought you and Minho had this class together?"

Jinki swallowed and shrugged before answering. "I switched hours, Mr.Shen said I should." He mumbled, watching as Jonghyun nodded slowly eyes narrowed for a moment before leaning against the wall opposite Jinki. 

"Oh, ok. So you're in the one after this?" He asked, thumb jerking towards the door eyes watching as the elder nodded and tugged at the strap on his shoulder posture tense. "You don't have to be so weird near me." He commented, watching Jinki with soft eyes. "I'm not like those other idiots, I don't believe what they say." He whispered finally smiling when Jinki's hopeful eyes landed on him.

"Really? You don't?" He asked, voice still guarded making the other want to laugh at the childish side of the male across from him. Instead, he smiled softly and nodded.

"Really, I think you need a friend that isn't twenty years older than you too." He said with a laugh as Jinki seemed to unwind slightly.

A conversation was started easily and Jinki was laughing and smiling, surprised how easy it was for him to open up to Jonghyun as he told him a story of the time Taemin got lost at the playground before freezing when a tall male appeared behind him, eyes falling on Jinki's form and making him shut up quickly.

"Jonghyun, let's go." He mumbled, placing a hand on his friend's shoulder and Jinki whispered a farewell before turning and scurrying off into the classroom, still slightly giddy because of what happened. 

After all, he had a conversation with another student! And it had been nice and fun and not at all forced! Though he wasn't sure if it would happen again it made him ecstatic! 

Bouncing into the class he barely noticed Mr.Shen before the large hands landed on his shoulders, a small amused grin on the older male's face as he took in Jinki's expression. "Something good happen?" He asked, brow raising as the student nodded.

"Yeah, someone actually spoke to me for a bit out in the hall." He said, a large smile breaking on his lips. "He said he doesn't believe the rumors either." 

"Oh yeah? That's great! Who was it?" Mr.Shen asked as other students began to trickle in, Jinki shuffling to a seat near the front. 

"Minho's friend. Jonghyun. I have a class with him I think. Not to sure." He responded as he got a book out. "But even if it was just for today that he was being nice it made me really happy." 

The teacher nodded, a small smile still on his face as he sat down eyes on Jinki who was slowly calming and going back to his more reserved attitude as two girls seated themselves beside him, snickering and stealing glances at his form; which slowly curled over the table to hide his face. 

"Minho," Jonghyun whined as soon as Jinki ducked into the classroom. "Why do you always scare him off! We were talking!"

"I didn't scare him, he left on his own." The taller male responded with a shrug as he turned and began to walk to the cafe he wanted to eat at, hearing Jonghyun huff before following behind him. 

"You scare everyone off, and you're always so cold. Try to warm up to some people." He grunted as he caught up with his friend, hands in his pockets. "Plus, I bet it's your fault that he was advised to switch hours."

The younger male didn't respond, though he wanted to defend that it could not be his fault when he didn't even talk to the boy, instead his mind got stuck on a small fact. "Who advised him to switch?" He asked quietly, entering the crowded cafe. 

"That teacher he was at the bar with," Jonghyun answered, scanning the room for somewhere to sit. "Why?" Glancing up at the other he waited for an answer, a small frown appearing when he received none and was instead dragged to a small booth in the back of the cafe. "Are you going to answer me?"

Minho kept quiet still, seating his self and looking up at Jonghyun who stood for an extra moment before sighing and sitting across from him. "It's just odd." He finally mumbled, voice barely loud enough for Jonghyun to hear.

"What's odd?" 

"How he's always around that man. It's not normal." He said, looking at his friend with furrowed brows. "Not to mention the way that man looks at me during class, like he hates me."

Jonghyun let out a snort and leaned on the table, closer to his friend who was still frowning. "Look Minho, he's always around that man because Mr.Shen actually talks to him. And, not to be mean, but it's not hard to hate you. You're pretty damn rude. "

"I know that! But... it unnerves me." 

"Why do you even care? Last time I checked you hated Jinki as much as anyone else." Jonghyun said, glancing at the colored chalkboard behind the counter to decide on what he wanted. 

"I don't ha-... alright, I admit I might have but- I don't know." He let out a groan, eyeing up Jonghyun as he stared at the menu. 

"Look, let's just get some food. And tomorrow, if I run into Jinki again I'll invite him out and talk about his relationship with the teacher. Alright? Then you can calm down and leave it alone." He said simply, glancing at Minho before getting up. "Now come on, I want a cookie."

The class had ended for Jinki and he had no notes written on the pages in front of him thanks to the girls who had to stay next to him. They had been constantly whispering and giggling, and when he took a moment to listen in he had realized it had all been insults directed at him. His good mood had deflated and he waited for everyone else to leave before standing his self and gathering his things, not noticing Mr.Shen as he walked over. 

"You ok, Jinki?" He asked quietly, placing his hand on the boy's arm and watching as he nodded before tossing the, not full, bag over his shoulder.

"I'm fine, I'm used to it by now." Was all he muttered before offering a small smile and leaving. "I should get to my next class now." 

Then he pulled away and left the room, head down and hands clutching the straps of his bag. 

It had never hurt so bad before. Never. So why? Why was it making him feel so low and crushed? Why did it hurt so much? Was it because, for a moment, he had been happy and thought that he might actually gain a friend? Had he hoped?

He bit his bottom lip as it trembled, cursing his self for being so weak. He didn't want to cry. He was in public. This had been going on for years. Why cry now? Why?

Blinking his eyes quickly Jinki shook his head and quickened his pace, praying that he could hold it in. Shove it in the bottle inside that had been containing it for all these years. 

He wouldn't break down. He was stronger than that. 

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Chapter 25: Llegue muy tarde pero igual si la reestructuras la leere también ♡
Chapter 24: Que lindos ya est tiempo que sean felices se lo merecen mis hermosos chicos ❀.(*´▽`*)❀.
Chapter 22: No me imagino el dolor que Jinki es sintiendo pero eso es lo mejor ya así el maldito pagara su crimen
Gracias Mingo por cuidar de mi bebé 💪('ω'💪)
Chapter 11: Sabía que ese maldito maetro tenia que ver con los rumores.
gracias Minho por salvar a Jinkisito bebe (^O^)/o(*^▽^*)o
Chapter 9: Maldito ese bastardo como fue capas de tal cosas lo odio ヾ(`ε´)ノ
Chapter 6: Mi pobre Jinkisito quiero protegerlo y cuidar de él
Se me hace que el maestro es el que inició los rumores
Chapter 5: Yo que creí inocente a el lindo Jinki pero es diablillo vamos 💪
970 streak #8
Chapter 25: The last chapter feels like an ending.
But I would be very happy if you will just continue to your intended ending.
Thank you so much for thinking of continuing this fic.
970 streak #9
Chapter 16: Whatever happened to Mr. Shen? Is he still in that school?
Or has he resigned?