Help Me

Forget It

Minho scowled when the other walked by him, his fists clenching and his breathing becoming heavier for a moment before he stood. He had to go after Jinki, there was no way he could just let the boy ignore him. Then again, maybe Jinki had finally had enough? 

No, no, even if Jinki was sick and tired of him he had to go talk to the other! Yes, that's what he had to do. So taking a deep breath to steady his nerves Minho began to walk, stalking down the hall after Jinki, praying that the boy hadn't gotten too far. Where could he have gone? What was his first class? He knew it wasn't Social Eco, he had that with Jonghyun and that was around noon. 

There weren't many classes so early in the morning though, and that was a perk. He would have fewer places to check for the other if he had to search each class that was. 

But if he wasn't in class where would Jinki go? The library was still locked, same with the cafeteria. 

Groaning Minho glanced around the hall, peering into the rooms he passed and trying to see if Jinki's hunched form was shown through any of the windows, but of course, he saw nothing but desk and papers. The occasional professor, but not the boy he needed to see. "Where the could he be..." Minho growled out before freezing when his eyes landed on the name screwed onto the door to his left. 

Kang Shen.

Yes! Why wouldn't Jinki come to him? 

More importantly, why hadn't Minho thought of it?

Cursing his self quietly the male strode over, knocking loudly and calling the teachers name, finding it odd that it was the only office with a shade over the thin window. "Mr.Shen?" He called out, hand sliding down to his pocket as his phone went off, glancing at it quickly before rolling his eyes when he saw Jonghyun's contact number. He didn't have time for the idiot. 

"Mr.Shen? Are you there?" Minho called again, knocking more before leaping back when the door opened and the teacher peered out of the small crack. 

"What do you want Choi?" The teacher asked, his voice low as his eyes dragged over the male's appearance. "I am busy." 

Minho scowled at the man's tone, shoving his hands in his pockets as he tried to peek into the room behind him. The teacher moving to obscure his view further. "I was wondering..." he stopped his self when he heard something move in the office. A dull thud then nothing. The hair on the back of his neck stood on end as the teacher stiffened at the sound, but didn't look behind him. "I was wondering if I could ask about finals, you said to see you early in the morning." He breathed, placing his hand on the door and smiling wide. 

"Not today, come tomorrow," Mr.Shen grunted, beginning to push the door closed before Minho pushed back. 

"I can't come tomorrow. It has to be today." He said quietly, stepping closer to the other. "You're a teacher, it's your job to help me."

The male scowled, trying to push the door closed once again before groaning and glancing at something behind him inside the room. "Let's go to the library, I'll help you there." He said stiffly before pushing Minho aside and exiting his office, closing it firmly. 

"Why not in your office, we're already here," Minho asked, nudging past the man and groaning when he was pushed back. "Why can't I go in your office?" Minho asked sternly, eyes narrowed as the teacher slipped out into the hall, closing the door firmly and locking it behind him. 

"I have my right to privacy." Mr. Shen muttered, pushing Minho towards the library as the boy stared back at the office, lips pursed. His fingers curling as they neared the library and the office slid out of view. 

"Alright, allow me to run to the bathroom real fast. I'll meet you in the library." He whispered, ducking out of the mans hold and darting towards the bathrooms. Ignoring when Mr. Shen called after him, instead focusing on how it would take for the teacher to enter the library and how long it would take him to get to the office. Because he damn well knew it wasn't just a question of privacy that kept him out of there. He had something in that office, and Minho would find out. 

Then again, the door was locked, and Minho was no pro and picking locks. 

Cursing under his breath the male gripped his hair, glaring at the mirrors. Of course, there was a possibility that there was nothing that concerned Minho in that office, nothing at all. But he knew, he could feel it, that Jinki was in there. That something was wrong and he needed Minho's help, well someones help but Minho was nearly positive that no one else knew that Jinki was in there. That he needed help.

Biting his bottom lip hard Minho jerked out his phone, sending a quick text to Jonghyun before slipping out of the bathroom quietly, looking around for any sign of the teacher before dashing down the hall to the janitor's room, ignoring when his phone vibrated in his hand. The janitor would have a key, and if he asked what Minho needed it for if he had the key with him that it, he would simply say that he had forgotten something in the room. Yes, he was a diligent student. It would be believable. After all, what would he janitor know of his dislike for Mr. Shen? 

Spinning on his heel the tall male nearly ran face first into Jonghyun who arched a brow. "Woah, rushing much?" The male asked, laughing before blinking in shock when Minho brushed past him to the janitor's closet. "Dude, you ok? What's all this rushing about?" He hurried behind Minho before freezing when the male snapped at him. 

"Don't follow me, didn't you get my text?" He asked, knocking on the Janitor's door and smiling when it creaked open. "Go distract Mr. Shen." He ordered, not looking to see if Jonghyun went, instead listening and smiling when he heard the loud footsteps and the other shout.

"You better explain this to me later!" 

Then it was silent again and Minho was able to slip into the small closet unnoticed, flicking on the light and searching for the keys. As many rooms as there were in the building, he knew that there was a master key, only the dean and the Janitor having copies of it. So the key would get him into the office, he needed the key. 

Cursing under his breath the male searched faster, turning over buckets and different bottles of chemicals before letting out a small happy cry when he found the key, hanging on a hook behind a bottle of bleach. 

Grabbing the key quickly Minho spun and exited the closet, not caring who saw him as he ran to the office, his hands trembling slightly as he unlocked the door, his bottom lip caught between his teeth and rolling it gently. Shoving the key into his pocket the male slowly stepped inside, closing the door behind him and looking around, feeling rather out of place in the large office. "Hello?" He called, stilling as he listened before rushing forward when he heard something move on the other side of the large couch. 

"Jinki!" He gasped, falling to his knees beside the boy who stared with wide eyes, struggling to get away as soon as Minho touched him. "Calm down, hush, come on, I'll help." He whispered, grabbing the tie that was wrapped firmly around Jinki's wrists. "God... that sick did this to you." He whispered, ripping the tie off and tossing it aside as Jinki whimpered, another tie wrapped around his head and tightened within his mouth, keeping the boy from speaking. "It's ok, calm down." Minho cooed, reaching forward as soon as he saw tears in the others swollen eyes. 

A small smile formed on his lips as he cupped the boy's cheeks, only to fade as Jinki winced, his eyes snapping shut. "Come on... let's get you out." He whispered, taking off his thin sweater and wrapping it around Jinki's shoulders, clasping it in the front, covering Jinki's torn shirt as the male began to cry. "Come on, I'll take you home..." He kept his voice low, helping the shaky male up as he clung to Minho's arm, the Choi feeling the need to hurry in case Jonghyun was no longer able to stop the teacher who no doubt realized something was wrong.

Slipping an arm around the boy Minho huffed, feeling a bit of anger at the idea of the other man having touched Jinki at all, but tried to keep calm as he ushered Jinki out of the office and down the hall, they were safe once they were out. Minho would bet on the fact that Mr. Shen would shy away from the idea of confronting them in a large campus, no, there would be teachers rushing out as soon as one of them shouted. 

"Lean on me..." Minho whispered, the boy's hair back as his head fell onto Minho's shoulder. The two slowly making it out to the parking lot where Minho helped Jinki into his car, helping him buckle up. "I'll take you home..." he whispered, noting the way Jinki's eyes seemed to widen at the thought before hurrying to the driver's seat and texting Jonghyun, letting him know where to meet the two.

It . I apologize.
But hey I'm back!
Well, Thank you for reading!
Thank you so much!!! 

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Hey guys! Update will be coming by Monday!


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Chapter 25: Llegue muy tarde pero igual si la reestructuras la leere también ♡
Chapter 24: Que lindos ya est tiempo que sean felices se lo merecen mis hermosos chicos ❀.(*´▽`*)❀.
Chapter 22: No me imagino el dolor que Jinki es sintiendo pero eso es lo mejor ya así el maldito pagara su crimen
Gracias Mingo por cuidar de mi bebé 💪('ω'💪)
Chapter 11: Sabía que ese maldito maetro tenia que ver con los rumores.
gracias Minho por salvar a Jinkisito bebe (^O^)/o(*^▽^*)o
Chapter 9: Maldito ese bastardo como fue capas de tal cosas lo odio ヾ(`ε´)ノ
Chapter 6: Mi pobre Jinkisito quiero protegerlo y cuidar de él
Se me hace que el maestro es el que inició los rumores
Chapter 5: Yo que creí inocente a el lindo Jinki pero es diablillo vamos 💪
969 streak #8
Chapter 25: The last chapter feels like an ending.
But I would be very happy if you will just continue to your intended ending.
Thank you so much for thinking of continuing this fic.
969 streak #9
Chapter 16: Whatever happened to Mr. Shen? Is he still in that school?
Or has he resigned?