Reset Button

Forget It

A faint hum filled the room as Jinki shoved the last of his things into the overnight bag he had borrowed from Taemin. Excitement flooding his body as he went over a mental list in order to make sure he had everything. His lips pulling into a thin line as he tapped his fingers against the side of the bag, finally shrugging and tossing the bag over his shoulder. Figuring that if he didn't have something then it must not be that important. 

All that was left to do was to wait for Minho to arrive, which was the only thing putting his mood down. Of course, he wanted to get closer to the Choi, but he was also resistant to that desire. He was scared to befriend the male, as he didn't want it all to be a lie. Minho's sudden urge to be friends had him suspicious, it made him want to run rather than cozy up to the other. 

He shook his head, running his fingers through his hair as his phone went off. Gripping his bag before he exited the house, phone in hand and call answered., "I'm on my way out." Taemin having gone out for the night he had no one to say goodbye to and instead just locked up. Slowly he turned around, waving to the car that sat idle across the street before heaving a small sigh. His first sleepover since elementary school, it seemed a bit odd that it would be with an ex-crush and his best friend, but there was nothing to be done. 

With a small bounce in his step, the male made his way over to the car, possible outcomes of the short ride flying through his mind as he opened the passenger door. "Thank you for picking me up." Jinki all but whispered as he settled into the seat, swinging his bag around to lay on his lap. His head bowed to avoid contact as the car revved to life and began to drive down the street. 

"No problem, it was on my way," Minho responded, casting a glance in the other males direction before letting out a small sigh. A hand sliding over to ruffle the boy's hair, his eyes focusing on the road. "Lighten up, it's going to be a fun night." He said, trying to make his voice sound rather chipper, though it only succeeded in getting Jinki to slide further away. 

Minho's shoulders slumped, eyes dragging back towards the road as they neared Jonghyun's house, the silence echoing in the youngers head. "Have you ever been toJonghyun'ss house before?" Minho asked, not wanting to push the other male too far, in case he really didn't want to talk much. 

It took a moment before a quiet answer sounded from Jinki, "Not really, why?" 

A swell of victory shot through Minho, as the other answered calmly, maybe even friendly, "Because his room is usually a mess, his dog got lost in there once." He added with a quiet laugh, remembering how they had to dig through a mountain of clothes to find Roo. 

Jinki perked up at this, a smile playing on the corner of his lips. "He has a dog?" The male asked, hands resting on his knees as his eyes locked on MInho, who nodded. "I love dogs! Big or small? What's his name?"

"His name is Roo, he's a small dog." Minho replied as he pulled into the small driveway that sat beside Jonghyuns house. The building itself a pastel blue with a white picket fence, very suburban yet locked within the turbulence of a city. It was something that summed up Jonghyun and his family perfectly, at least in Minho's opinion. "Here we are," he breathed, turning off his car before climbing out. A small chuckle escaping him at the hurried way Jinki threw himself out of the car and flew up the stairs. His shy persona gone in a moment, which had the younger wondering if it was due to the dog or if it was how Jinki was around the puppy like man that was their mutual friend. "Wait for me at least." 

Jinki snorted before stepping back from the front door, his bag slung across one of his shoulders and hands shoved deep within his pockets. "Can you knock-" He asked, brows creasing for a moment as Minho strode over. A confused expression crossing his face as he knocked twice, the sound of Roo barking being heard immediately.

"It's just knocking," He said before humming as the door was jerked open and the face of Jonghyuns mother peered up at them. 

"Oh! Jong is in the shower, come in through. Dinner is almost ready!" She chirped, eyes crinkling into a smile that resembled her sons perfectly. Minho nodded, stepping inside immediately, as familiar with the house as he was with his own, Jinki, however, hesitated. His bottom lip caught between his teeth as his eyes lingered on the strange woman, an uneasy feeling settling in his stomach.

"Come on in," Minho repeated, watching the other closely as Jonghyuns mother hurried off to the kitchen. "We can go to his room and wait if you feel uncomfortable," The Choi offered, worried about the other though he wasn't quite sure if Jinki was acting the way he was because of what had happened for him. Or if it was due to him being shunned by his classmates for a few years. 

"No... I'm fine down here." Jinki whispered, though he stepped inside rather slowly, slipped his shoes off slowly as well before shuffling towards the couch with Minho. Making sure not to be further than a foot from the taller. 

It had felt like an eternity for dinner to be finished and for the three to finally be settle inside of Jonghyuns rather large bedroom. "I have one bed, but I do have a futon." The Kim said as he hopped onto the queen sized mattress, "We just need to decide who is sleeping where then we can have some fun. I have drinks downstairs, and a ton of video games." He said with a wide grin that threatened to split his face. 

"I don't mind sleeping on the futon," Jinki said as he settled cross legged on the floor, Minho's eyes on him. "I mean- you two would be more comfortable closer to each other." He continued, causing the other two to scoff. 

"We kick each other if we sleep next to each other," Minho said as he sat on the bed beside his best friends. "One of would probably be pushed onto you." 

Jinki laughed, "I can sleep in the bed with Jonghyun then." He offered, the name being stressed, as was to be expected, so it didn't sting Minho too bad.

"Futon it is for me," Minho stated, a grin on his lips, though he wanted to argue against it, he hated sleeping on the floor, he knew it was the only sleeping arrangement that would work. Plus, he wanted the other to become closer to Jonghyun so perhaps the male would be able to convince Jinki to press charges against Shen. The cocky bastard who didn't even bother to hide or run from what he had done. Sure, it seemed at times that it had never happened. It seemed as though Jinki was simple an anxious boy, yet Minho heard otherwise. He heard Sulli talk to Taemin over the phone. He heard how concerned the teen was for his brother that had nightmares or cried at odd hours. It had scared the male, and Shen had to pay for that. 

"Good! Onto the drinks!" Jonghyun finally called, extending a hand up before he leapt off the bed and flew down the hall, "You two stay there!" He shouted back after a moment, leaving Jinki to erupt in small giggles. 

"Well, tonight will be fun." Minho breathed, flashing a small smile to the other, hoping that Jinki's at east nature would persist through the night. Instead of the shell that continued to appear when he was around Minho. 

Jinki nodded in agreement, his gaze fluttering from the door over to Minho who extended his legs further from the base of the chair. 

It was odd to be in a room alone with Minho without the two being locked in an awkward situation or without a powerful emotion taking over Jinki's chest. And he had to admit he rather liked it, while it was nothing compared to the companionship he felt with Jonghyun it was a start. 

Of course, he was still upset. He in no way felt as though he could forgive Minho for everything, for talking about him nor for acting as though Jinki owed him his friendship but as long as the male did not push then Jinki would not take offense. After all, he had once loved the male, and he was sure that it was those feelings that had roused the intense dislike. After all, he had been able to forgive those in their school, some of which had done worse than Minho himself. 

"So..." Minho drawled, causing Jinki to snap out of his thoughts, glancing up at Minho. "The silence is kinda awkward...." 

Jinki nodded in agreement before clearing his throat and glancing down. "Just a bit..." He agreed before looking back up at Minho and offering a smile. "I, ah, wanted to apologize for being so rude to you lately." He breathed out, taking a bit of pride in the shocked expression on Minho's face. "I've been really rude to you, and it wasn't for no reason but it was a bit much." He shifted his weight, looking back down at his legs as a rush of shame filled him. "So... yeah. Let's really start over now." 

His cheeks were red, shame and pride for admitting his wrong fighting within him as he heard a long sigh pass Minho's lips. "Well, damn, wasn't expecting that tonight." The younger said quietly before nodding. "But yeah, let's start over." 

Jinki beamed, though he knew there was no such thing as a reset button it was as good as it would get. He would just have to do his best not to let his feelings get mixed up again. Minho wanted to help, why not let him? Though he wasn't sure how much help he really needed anymore.

"I'm back, ladies~" Jonghyun purred as he slid back into the room, three beers in each hand. "Now can the fun begin!" 

it kkks i knoooow
But next chapter is all the fun of the sleep over and some fluffy parts <3
So yeah! Thank you for reading and supporting my story

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Hey guys! Update will be coming by Monday!


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Chapter 25: Llegue muy tarde pero igual si la reestructuras la leere también ♡
Chapter 24: Que lindos ya est tiempo que sean felices se lo merecen mis hermosos chicos ❀.(*´▽`*)❀.
Chapter 22: No me imagino el dolor que Jinki es sintiendo pero eso es lo mejor ya así el maldito pagara su crimen
Gracias Mingo por cuidar de mi bebé 💪('ω'💪)
Chapter 11: Sabía que ese maldito maetro tenia que ver con los rumores.
gracias Minho por salvar a Jinkisito bebe (^O^)/o(*^▽^*)o
Chapter 9: Maldito ese bastardo como fue capas de tal cosas lo odio ヾ(`ε´)ノ
Chapter 6: Mi pobre Jinkisito quiero protegerlo y cuidar de él
Se me hace que el maestro es el que inició los rumores
Chapter 5: Yo que creí inocente a el lindo Jinki pero es diablillo vamos 💪
969 streak #8
Chapter 25: The last chapter feels like an ending.
But I would be very happy if you will just continue to your intended ending.
Thank you so much for thinking of continuing this fic.
969 streak #9
Chapter 16: Whatever happened to Mr. Shen? Is he still in that school?
Or has he resigned?