
Forget It

The next few days centered around Jinki being sprawled across the floor of the living room as Jonghyun ran through the things they would have to do in order to start pressing charges, the police having been called two days before, arresting Mr. Shen which had managed to boost Minho's mood. The male finding himself at Jinki's house more and more often, sitting beside Jinki who now found him to be the prime source of comfort even if he didn't want to admit it. 

He could sense Minho's sincerity when he pressed for the other to take action to defend himself, his eyes constantly watching as Jinki fumbled through the next few actions that he was forced to do, ready to extend a hand if needed. Sure, Jinki was still bitter about the fact that Minho chose now to be the man Jinki had wanted but the fact was that it was finally happening. His feelings were still there, just buried under all the other feelings that had overflowed into his system the last few weeks. And it seemed that Minho was determined to dig them out, pry them from the past and reinstate them even if it was a hard effort, which Jinki fully intended on making it. 

"Okay, but that doesn't mean we can't go to the beach," Jonghyun argued as he sat back on the couch, Minho propped up against the wall with his legs outstretched as a pillow for Jinki who was lying down. Minho's hand resting on the male's shoulder as they all spoke, something that Jonghyun took quick notice off, wiggling his brows playfully at the two who both glared back. It seemed that his bailing out on them was actually good as the two bonded. Both seemingly aware of the others feelings even if they didn't want to admit it to themselves, or each other. 

"Do you really think that's a good idea right now?" Minho asked, eyes rolling as he spoke. "People are going to be keeping their eyes on Jinki now that he pressed charges and we don't want them to use that against him," He muttered, Jinki tensing at the comment before swallowing hard and turning his head to press his cheek firmer against Minho's leg, obviously rather apprehensive about the entire situation still. Minho squeezing his shoulder in an attempt at comfort before looking back to Jonghyun who sighed heavily, having no way to argue the situation. "We can still do something fun for Jinki though, as a little light in all of this?" He suggested, wanting the other to perk up again even if it seemed unlikely. 

"Like what?" Jinki mumbled, Minho sighing as he shook his head and tried to think, Jonghyun watching the two with a small snicker. 

Slowly he slid off the couch and leaned forward towards the two who both took notice with a frown, seeming creeped out. "Well, you two can have a little inside date," He cooed before being slapped by Jinki whos cheeks had gone pink. "Come on! You both are into each other!" He huffed, pushing the idea as he dodged another slap. 

Minho didn't object however as he looked down at the other with a smile, "We don't need it to be indoors, we can go do something small," he whispered with a grin, looking down at Jinki shyly as the older male peeked up at him before groaning and hiding his face once again. "I would love to go on a date with you..." He repeated before jerking back with a laugh as Jinki reached up to hit him, both Minho and Jonghyun laughing at the action. 

"Fine, just a small one though!" He huffed, cheeks puffing slightly, "A friend date between us, nothing else." He added sternly before closing his eyes as Minho beamed and gave in to Jonghyun's high-five. 

The date was kept a secret, of course, as Minho spent a few days planning it, wanting it to be as perfect as possible without Jinki getting irritated at the "mushy-ness" as he put it. He was excited, sure he had been on a few dates before but he never really cared about them and wanted to do something that would warm Jinki up just a bit more to the idea of possibly not hating him?

So when the night finally rolled around Minho was practically shaking as he pulled up to the house he had become all too familiar with and climbed out of the car to walk to the door and knock. Already expecting Taemin to answer with his usual bitter expression before being brushed aside by Jink who stepped out and greeted Minho shyly. 

He was dressed casually and yet the outfit still looked adorable, black jeans with a light blue button-up shirt, it definitely suited the others delicate features and made Minho want to wrap his arms around Jinki and keep him close. "You look- really nice..." He said instead, Jinki shuffling his feet for a moment before thanking him and taking Minho's hand to drag him back to the car. 

"So, what did you plan?" He asked curiously, climbing into the passenger seat and buckling in as Minho grinned, he was proud of his plan, he thought it was really cute even if others disagreed and called it cheesy. Hell, he had even asked Sulli for advice which was something he rarely bothered to do. 

He shifted, starting the car again before beginning to drive in the opposite direction of town causing Jinki to raise a brow curiously, fingers turning a ring that he wore nervously as he watched the houses pass by, Minho eventually parking out front of his own, still having not mentioned what his plans were. "Why are we here? Did you forget something?" Jinki asked quietly before climbing out along with the other who shook his head and simply took Jinki's hand in his own, the male scrunching up his nose in reaction to it though he didn't pull away. It wasn't as though he didn't like it after all. 

"Just come on, you'll like it, I promise," Minho stated confidently even if he wasn't actually feeling just that way yet. He shrugged off the feelings mentally before guiding the other towards the gate adjoined to his backyard rather than to the front door, Jinki trying to peer ahead curiously as the walked around the bend of the house to expose the small makeshift tent that was set out, lined with string lights by a projector and a picnic blanket. "Something small, personal, and outside." He chimed, looking to Jinki who had frozen at the sight. "Do you like it..." He asked after a moment, concern building up

The other brought his hand up to cover his mouth, a small laugh escaping him, "I love it, Minho," he said quietly, looking up at the other with a small smile, eyes shining with what seemed to be tears, happy tears Minho hoped. Jinki pulling his hand free of the others before pulling Minho into a tight hug, "You really put thought into this, huh?" He asked, laughing quietly before reaching up to wipe his eyes. No one had ever done something like this for him, it made his heart swell and allowed him to think that maybe all of this wasn't a fleeting feeling for Minho. Maybe he was sincere about what he had been feeling. 

"I'm glad," Minho whispered, hugging back and pressing his cheek to Jinki's hair as the other nuzzled close for an extra moment before pulling away and practically skipping towards the tent, sitting down and opening the basic, laughing when he found an assortment of food and treats nestled inside. "We're going to watch some anime movie that Sulli said was nice for things like this," He said as he settled beside Jinki and hit the power button for the projector the opening screen of Spirited Away showing up on the sheet that he had hung up for them to watch on. 

"This is what I meant by not getting too mushy," Jinki chided as he popped a piece of candy into his mouth before leaning forward and press a small swift kiss to Minho's cheek, the taller's males eyes widening in reaction. "But.. I don't dislike it."

AH I am so sorry that it's a filler!
Finals have been killing me but I didn't want you all to think I abandoned you!
Thank you all for 300 subs! I'll give a real update when finals are over 
(Like a week or two!)

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Hey guys! Update will be coming by Monday!


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Chapter 25: Llegue muy tarde pero igual si la reestructuras la leere también ♡
Chapter 24: Que lindos ya est tiempo que sean felices se lo merecen mis hermosos chicos ❀.(*´▽`*)❀.
Chapter 22: No me imagino el dolor que Jinki es sintiendo pero eso es lo mejor ya así el maldito pagara su crimen
Gracias Mingo por cuidar de mi bebé 💪('ω'💪)
Chapter 11: Sabía que ese maldito maetro tenia que ver con los rumores.
gracias Minho por salvar a Jinkisito bebe (^O^)/o(*^▽^*)o
Chapter 9: Maldito ese bastardo como fue capas de tal cosas lo odio ヾ(`ε´)ノ
Chapter 6: Mi pobre Jinkisito quiero protegerlo y cuidar de él
Se me hace que el maestro es el que inició los rumores
Chapter 5: Yo que creí inocente a el lindo Jinki pero es diablillo vamos 💪
961 streak #8
Chapter 25: The last chapter feels like an ending.
But I would be very happy if you will just continue to your intended ending.
Thank you so much for thinking of continuing this fic.
961 streak #9
Chapter 16: Whatever happened to Mr. Shen? Is he still in that school?
Or has he resigned?