
Forget It

Minho's fingers clenched around the steering wheel tightly, his lips pulled into a worried frown as he tried his best to focus on the road, his eyes flickering to Jinki every second he could. The boy was so quiet, and he hadn't said a thing about what happened, so Minho couldn't know if he had been hurt by that god-awful man. He knew something had been wrong with him! He knew it! And now he would be able to rub it in Jonghyun's face, well, after Jinki was ok. 

"Hey..." He mumbled, glancing at the other, noticing how his eyes were still closed and his legs were pulled up to his chest. His breath coming in shallow pants, a small jerk of his shoulders telling Minho he had been startled at the sound of the other's voice. Shaking his head the male looked back to the road, parking carefully once they reached Jinki's house. "We're here," Minho said quietly, slowly getting out of his car and walking around to the passenger side to help Jinki out, smiling wryly at the way the male tried to avoid touching him.

Slipping an arm around the shaking male, Minho lifted, carrying most of Jinki's weight to the front door and knocking as hard as he could without dropping the other from his arms. 

It was odd that all this had happened in the middle of the day, and as Minho's eyes scanned the street he felt a heavy sensation settle inside him. 

If he had still hated Jinki, what would have happened to the boy? No one would have helped him, he would have been at that sick man's will. Possibly even killed or kidnapped after the man had gotten what he wanted. It made Minho want to nearly cry, though he instead straightened his back, the door opening to expose Taemin, wearing a loose white t-shirt and sweatpants that were sliding off his hips. His hair wet with some shampoo left in it, though as soon as his eyes landed on Jinki he seemed to forget the irritation that had been written across his face.

"Oh my god, Jinki!" He gasped, grabbing his brothers cheeks and lifting Jinki's face, trying to look into the other's eyes, but was unable to as Jinki had closed his eyes tightly, head turned away from Taemin. "Jinki, god..." He whispered, gaze flickering to Minho, causing his eyes to narrow before he slipped an arm around Jinki to take his brother away from the taller, and stronger, male. 

"I can carry him if you need me too..." Minho said, following the other and sliding off his shoes as he entered. "It'd be easier for me." 

Taemin rolled his eyes, setting Jinki on the couch and watching as he curled up immediately, not saying a word or making a sound, even as Taemin crouched down to whisper to him and cover him up with a blanket. 

Finally, the younger male his heel, eyes narrowing again as soon as they landed on Minho. "What happened to him?" He asked, pushing the other out of the room and closing the door firmly. "Tell me what happened to him, right now or I'll call the cops on you!" He huffed, chest puffing out as though he were trying to be bigger than he actually was.

"I just... I found him in the teacher's office tied up..." He mumbled, frowning down at Taemin. "Are you thinking I did that to him?" He asked, voice louder than usual as he stepped a bit closer to Taemin. "I would never hurt Jinki like that!"

The younger male laughed at this, his eyes rolling. "From what I heard, I wouldn't put it past you! Why would a teacher do this anyway? Huh?" He asked, placing his hands on his hips as he his heel to walk back out to Jinki. "You can go home if I find out you're the one who did this you're dead." He spat before freezing when Minho laughed a bit and follows him instead of leaving. 

"I want to talk to Jinki, I'm not leaving until he tells me to," Minho said firmly, brushing past Taemin who scowled and grabbed his arm, tugging the male back. 

"No, you will leave, now!" He glared, pointing towards the door as Minho opened his mouth to retort before snapping shut once again when he heard Jinki, both of the males turning to look at the male who was watching them with sunken eyes. 

"Just shut up..." He whispered, pulling the blanket Taemin had wrapped around him closer, "Please... if he wants to stay... let him." 

Minho grinned, puffing his chest and brushing past Taemin to sit down beside Jinki before gasping when Taemin forced his way between the two and crossed his arms. 

"So," Minho began, glaring at Taemin before sighing as his eyes landed on Jinki who looked as though he were about to pass out at any moment, his body still curled and skin still pale. "Do you want to talk about what happened?" He asked quietly, Taemin shooting him a stern look before placing a hand on Jinki's shoulder as the male averted his eyes from them. Staring at the wall as he answered quietly.

"I don't want to get him in trouble..." He whispered, voice choked as he closed his eyes tightly, as though he were about to cry. Minho, however, felt a surge of anger shoot through his body, brows furrowing as he stared at Jinki. 

"Don't want to get him in trouble? Jinki, he-... he had you tied up in his office! Gagged and everything!" Minho snapped, causing Jinki to jump before finally letting out a small sob, tears beginning to stream down his face as Taemin slapped Minho's shoulder. 

"It's okay Jinki..." Taemin whispered, pulling his brother into a hug, ignoring the weak protests as he wiped the tears from his cheeks, listening silently as Jinki choked out excuses, his hands clutching at Taemin's shirt. 

"He was s-so nice before!" Jinki choked out, shaking his head, "He took care of me, a-and let me cry to him!" Jinki's voice rose slightly, a small sob escaping as Taemin continued to rub his back. 

"I know, just tell us what he did Jinki, we won't get him in trouble," Taemin whispered, ignoring the look that Minho shot him as his brother shifted to pull from his hug, wiping at his eyes and sniffling sadly before slowly turning to face them. 

"You promise?" He asked, watching them both closely, only beginning to tell them what happened once he was sure that Minho nodded as well.

"Well, I went t-to just thank him and say bye... cause he helped so much..." He began, fingers playing with the hem of his shirt as his breath hitched, a small hiccup escaping him. "And h-he got so angry, said I shouldn't was-waste all his efforts." Jinki in a large breathe here, his eyes focusing on his fingers. "A-And he pushed me onto the couch... and....and he-" He cut his self off, beginning to cry once again as Taemin held him tighter, rubbing his back as Jinki looked up at Minho with sad, tear-filled eyes. "I'm finally what you thought I was." 

Yep, so, I figured I could extend this a bit! 
Give Minho a chance to fix his relationship with Jinki!
Thank you all for reading <3
I hope you liked it!
Plus I made another OnHo (My OTP ;;)
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Hey guys! Update will be coming by Monday!


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Chapter 25: Llegue muy tarde pero igual si la reestructuras la leere también ♡
Chapter 24: Que lindos ya est tiempo que sean felices se lo merecen mis hermosos chicos ❀.(*´▽`*)❀.
Chapter 22: No me imagino el dolor que Jinki es sintiendo pero eso es lo mejor ya así el maldito pagara su crimen
Gracias Mingo por cuidar de mi bebé 💪('ω'💪)
Chapter 11: Sabía que ese maldito maetro tenia que ver con los rumores.
gracias Minho por salvar a Jinkisito bebe (^O^)/o(*^▽^*)o
Chapter 9: Maldito ese bastardo como fue capas de tal cosas lo odio ヾ(`ε´)ノ
Chapter 6: Mi pobre Jinkisito quiero protegerlo y cuidar de él
Se me hace que el maestro es el que inició los rumores
Chapter 5: Yo que creí inocente a el lindo Jinki pero es diablillo vamos 💪
969 streak #8
Chapter 25: The last chapter feels like an ending.
But I would be very happy if you will just continue to your intended ending.
Thank you so much for thinking of continuing this fic.
969 streak #9
Chapter 16: Whatever happened to Mr. Shen? Is he still in that school?
Or has he resigned?