Just Cruel

Forget It

Minho sighed as he laid back on his bed, the controller still in his hand as his friend cheered and jumped up on top of the chair. "Ha! I beat you!" He yelled making the Choi wonder why he was friends with the immature male, who just happened to be older than him as well. A shame really. "I beat you at your favorite game!" He yelled out, jumping off the chair and leaping onto the bed with a smirk, placing his hands on Minho's stomach and smirking, his canine side showing and making the other regret inviting him over. 

"Shut up will you?" he asked as he rolled onto his side sending Jonghyun back onto his instead of his knees. "I let you win since you got rejected. Again."  He smirked as the other whined and crossed his arms, cheeks puffed in annoyance. 

"Oh shut up! I will get him!" He called, finger in Minho's face making the younger male glare. "He is just...hard to obtain." He whispered with a faraway look making the other raise a brow before letting it drop and looking away again. There was a silence for a few minutes before the other spoke again. "Where is your sister anyway? Isn't she usually wandering around somewhere?" The other stood up, still on his bed and causing the taller male to slip a bit before he jumped off his feet hitting the ground with a dull thud before he turned back to him, waiting for an answer. 

"She went out to a friends, I'm supposed to pick her up later," Minho muttered as he swung his legs over the edge and pulled at the edge of his sweatpants that had shifted until it sat by his shin, something that made him uncomfortable and was a pet peeve of his. "She text me the address I think," he mumbled before standing and walking past the other, grabbing his phone from its spot on the bedside table the message blinking on the home screen. "Yeah, not that far from your place actually." 

He put the phone back down with a small hum before turning to Jonghyun who was already distracted by something else. The male was laying on his stomach in front of Minho's closet, flipping through his textbook and pointing out the boring pictures, commenting on how stupid it was to take a math class in college because they had learned more than enough. "So, did you hear about that Jinki kid?" He asked, distractedly as he turned to the next page. 

"What about him?" Minho asked, sneering at the name of the male. He hated him more than anyone. He just didn't understand how one could sleep with so many people and not feel anything. He would want to die by that point, he'd despise his self! It was just wrong. When you sleep with someone there's supposed to be love. At least in his mind, and he thought people who did it for the pleasure were disgusting. 

"Well I was thinking the other day, I've never seen him with anyone." The Kim turned another page. "I watch him sometimes because I noticed that when he sits in front of me in social eco, he just looks so....lonely." He huffed the last word and looked up at Minho. "I mean, his shoulders are all hunched and he moves so slow. It hurts to watch."

Minho sighed at this and shrugged as his phone went off, "Of course he's lonely Jong, no one wants to hang with a ." He explained simply as he grabbed his phone and checked the text. "Come on, we're going to pick up Sulli, I can drop you off after."

The smaller male nodded at his and jumped up, closing the book even though his eyes were still lost in his thoughts. He just couldn't imagine the lonely boy in his classes living up to all those rumors, hell he shied away from everyone who came near him except for that creep of a teacher. 

Jinki was tired, he eyes were begging him to let them close as he forced them to focus on the textbook in front of him his hand playing with his pen. He just couldn't concentrate, he was too tired and hungry and that damn music from downstairs was too much. Why must Taemin always listen to music at the most inconvenient times? Honestly when the house was silent and there was nothing to do the boy didn't bother. Always when he was studying, that was the times that Taemin decided to blast some random music to the point that the house almost shook and Jinki felt his head pounding. 

Groaning in frustration he shoved the book away and let the chair roll away from the desk a bit, his feet dragging on the polished wooden floor before stopping in the center allowing him to stand and make his way down the stairs, making sure to grab a sweatshirt since Taemin had one of his friends over, and tugging the thick cloth over his head as he slipped into the kitchen ignoring the doorbell. No one has rung for him since middle school. Not that he cared, he became used to it and learned to ignore the dull part that it left in his chest since all teenagers and young adults craved a friend. 

Tugging open the fridge Jinki's eyes were drawn to the container from the night before and grabbed it quickly. It was his favorite and he was happy that there was some left for him since he had gone out with Mr.Shen instead of coming home, not that his mother minded. She enjoyed the fact that he spent his time with someone like Mr.Shen, simply because he was a nice person. Not to mention the fact that he took good care of Jinki. Humming he opened the container and placed it in the microwave as Taemin called him in to meet his friend's parents or whatever since their parents were out for the night and hit the two minute button before running out. 

"Could you be any louder you brat?" He huffed as he made his way into the living room before freezing when he saw Sulli, Taemin's friend, clinging to Minho. The Choi Minho. "Oh, um, hello." He whispered as he waved, face red.

Minho just stared at him face blank as his friend, Jinki recognized his face and that was about it, laughed and shook his head. "Hey! You're Jinki right? I'm Kim Jonghyun, nice to meet you properly." he chirped as he reached forward to shake his hand.

Jinki smiled in relief that the other liked him at least and shook his hand. "You know me?" He asked, brow raised. 

"Yes, I do, well everybody does!" He chirped as he let go of Jinki's hand, the elder now feeling slightly ashamed since he knew what was being referenced in that sentence. He had never told anyone in his family after all, since they were all protective, and now he was sure that Taemin would be asking questions. Questions he never wants his family to ask. 

"Oh... okay." He mumbled as he bowed his head for a moment, eyes going to Minho who was glaring when he looked back up. "Thank you for allowing Sulli to come over, Taemin enjoys her company. She is a very polite girl." He said, offering a smile.

"See! You should let me go to my friends more, plus Jinki and Taemin are very nice people." The girl chirped as she pulled on her brothers arm, who in turned pulled away, still giving Jinki dirty looks before he nodded.

"Thank you for taking good care of her. Goodnight." He said, voice dead and emotionless before leaving with both Sulli and Jonghyun trailing behind him.

Neither of the Lee boys moved until they heard the door close behind the trio with a click. 

"Well, that was rude! He was nice the last few times I saw him." Taemin huffed as he gathered his and Sulli's mess, glancing up when Jinki left. He didn't want to be with anyone at the moment since he was feeling terrible. 

He hated when people treated him the way Minho did as though he were a monster. It made him want to hunt down who ever started the rumors and confront them, to make them admit to everyone that it wasn't true. So that maybe he would have a chance with the boy of his dreams. Not that he ever would, he was a wimp. Always has been and always would be. 

Grabbing his food and a fork, Jinki called to Taemin telling him that he might be going out soon before calling Mr.Shen. 

It took him a while to answer, and when he did Jinki had a mouthfull of chicken. "Jinki?" He asked, wondering why the other had yet to say hello.

"Yeah, sorry I was eating a bit." He said before laughing awkwardly and placing is food aside. "I just wanted to know if you wanted to go out somewhere tonight, something happened and I feel a bit down." He admitted.

The other man laughed a bit and Jinki heard something moving before he got a reply. "Yeah, I'm free. Where do you want to go?" he asked, not asking questions which Jinki was grateful for. 

"I was thinking of the movies and maybe we could walk the mall." He said, knowing that it would take up time. He wanted to waste a lot of time. 

"Movies? And the mall?" The other hummed. "Sure, sounds good to me. I'll be over in ten minutes to pick you up okay?" 

Jinki nodded happily before remembering that the other couldn't see him and agreed verbally before hanging up and finishing his chicken. 

He grabbed nicer clothes as well and changed quickly before running downstairs and pulling on his shoes, calling out to Taemin who appeared from the basement. 

"Yeah?" he mumbled, popsicle in his hand. "You going out?" 

Jinki nodded and mumbled an explanation before hugging his younger brother when he heard a car honk and darted outisde to Mr.Shens car, sliding into the passenger seat and smiling up at the man who ruffled his hair. 

Jonghyun sighed as Minho parked in front of his house, and glanced over at the other as Sulli played on her phone in the back. "Minho..." He mumbled as he turned and eyed up the other who was fiddling with the radio. 

"Yes?" He asked, not really paying attention. 

"You're a real bastard." The shorter male grunted, gathering his bags. "There was no reason to be so cruel to Jinki."

"Of course there was, I don't want Sulli around scum like him. People who just sleep with whoever! He could have made a move on her, and what if that Taemin is like him too?" He said, voice getting more and more tense. 

Jonghyun just snorted. "People like you piss me off sometimes Minho, you are no different from everyone else in out school who believe the rumors with no proof." He opened the door at this and stepped out of the car, smirking at Minho expression. "You are so lucky I care about you or I would cut it off right here. Anyway, we are going to the bar with the cutie tomorrow. See ya!" He chirped, closing the door before turning and running into the house. 

Short yes but longer than the intro!!!!
I hope you guys like the first chapter. Gives some sort of depth into both of their lives.
Thanks for reading!

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Hey guys! Update will be coming by Monday!


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Chapter 25: Llegue muy tarde pero igual si la reestructuras la leere también ♡
Chapter 24: Que lindos ya est tiempo que sean felices se lo merecen mis hermosos chicos ❀.(*´▽`*)❀.
Chapter 22: No me imagino el dolor que Jinki es sintiendo pero eso es lo mejor ya así el maldito pagara su crimen
Gracias Mingo por cuidar de mi bebé 💪('ω'💪)
Chapter 11: Sabía que ese maldito maetro tenia que ver con los rumores.
gracias Minho por salvar a Jinkisito bebe (^O^)/o(*^▽^*)o
Chapter 9: Maldito ese bastardo como fue capas de tal cosas lo odio ヾ(`ε´)ノ
Chapter 6: Mi pobre Jinkisito quiero protegerlo y cuidar de él
Se me hace que el maestro es el que inició los rumores
Chapter 5: Yo que creí inocente a el lindo Jinki pero es diablillo vamos 💪
961 streak #8
Chapter 25: The last chapter feels like an ending.
But I would be very happy if you will just continue to your intended ending.
Thank you so much for thinking of continuing this fic.
961 streak #9
Chapter 16: Whatever happened to Mr. Shen? Is he still in that school?
Or has he resigned?