
Forget It

Jinki snorted, tossing a rolled up ball of paper at the back of Jonghyun's head, a large smile splitting his lips when it hit its target and Jonghyun let out a loud whine, causing even Minho to laugh. 

It hadn't been long, but since Jonghyun had broken the ice, deciding to play charades, it seems that the two boys had warmed up to one another, and the atmosphere was no longer as suffocating as it had seemed earlier. 

"You at this game," Jinki said, sticking out his tongue as Jonghyun pouted, tossing himself onto the couch and half on top of the other male, causing him to squirm as he laughed. Trying to push the younger male off of himself. 

"I'm better than you!" The male huffed, nuzzling against Jinki's stomach as Minho stood up to take his turn, freezing for just a moment when Jinki smiled up at him, still slightly unused to the sight. Though he knew that the only reason the male held such an expression was because Jonghyun was so playful with him. And it hurt, just a bit, that Minho would never be able to bring such a smile to the boy's face. 

Not that he had completely lost hope, but he had determined that it was best to start low and build himself higher, something that Jonghyun had approved while Jinki was washing the dishes and singing a children's song that had subsequently gotten stuck within the Choi's head. 

"Ready?" Minho asked, tilting his head as Jinki nodded eagerly, eyes watching the males every move, only to groan as Jonghyun sat up straight. 

"Hey! You guys never guessed mine!" He yelled, holding up a finger in Minho's direction as Jinki finally squirmed free, nearly falling off of the couch in the process. 

"That's because you're so bad no one could ever guess," Minho muttered, causing Jinki to laugh, Minho's heart fluttering a bit at the sound.

It was awful that he had developed such an affection towards the other. After all, he should have been focusing on how to befriend the other, and it would be a stretch if he were to reach that. Let alone if he were to get the others affection back. Sometimes he found it hard to believe that Jinki had ever liked him, what with how the boys gaze had been so emotionless just hours ago. Though he tried to convince himself that if it happened once it could possibly happen again, and he just might be able to gain Jinki's more than friendly attention. 

"I'm not that bad!" Jonghyun snapped, sitting up on his knees as he glared at Minho, his arms crossed over his chest. 

"You are that bad," Jinki whispered before standing up and brushing off his pants as he glanced at the clock, lips pursing. "It's almost nine, do you guys want a snack or something? I can make a cake." He said, exciting himself at the idea. He was a rather big sweet tooth when it came to baked goods. 

"A cake sounds great," Minho replied, ignoring a sulking Jonghyun who was still trying to figure out why the two agreed on his lack of skills when it came to acting out whatever movie the male had in mind.

"Alright, let me just check-" The older groaned as he opened the fridge, lips pulled down into a pout as he looked over at Minho. "There aren't any eggs." He said, glancing over at Jonghyun who had dragged himself into the kitchen and was leaning against the counter. "I guess I have to go buy some for the cake." 

Jonghyun nodded, looking between the two before grinning. "It's dark out though, so take Minho with you ok? I'll stay in case Taemin gets home." He said, smiling wider as Minho shot a look of disbelief in his direction, not wanting to be alone with Jinki anytime soon, still eighty percent sure that the male hated him with every fiber of his being. 

"Alright." Jinki mumbled, going to get his shoes as Minho shook his head and followed, leaving Jonghyun to hop onto the couch and get comfortable as he waited for Taemin to come home.

"You should have worn a heavier jacket!" Jinki chided, glaring at Minho who had been complaining about how cold he was for the past twenty minutes, thoroughly irritating the older boy who had stopped to glare at the other as he peered in the small outlet stores they passed. 

"I didn't think we'd be wandering to a store this late at night." The other retorted, causing Jinki to sigh before walking over to grab Minho's thin jacket, tugging him ahead towards the corner store, his patience wearing thin around the male. 

"Just hurry and we'll be back to the house sooner." The shorter male muttered before pushing open the door to the store, smiling faintly at the woman behind the counter before stalking to the fridges in the back of the shop. 

Minho rolled his eyes, following the other obediently, his eyes scanning the small store with a bit of distaste, used to the larger shops by his own home. Though he didn't say anything, not wanting to frustrate Jinki any more than he already had, after all, the other had just begun to hang out with him willingly, and Minho didn't want to mess that up. 

Though he was sure that the only reason Jinki bothered to give him another chance was because the male had clung onto Jonghyun in his moment of need, something that confused Minho to no end. Sure, Jonghyun had defended Jinki, but he hadn't done much besides that. It had been Minho who saved Jinki, though the male still refused to press charges against the awful man who had ruined his life. 

Minho clicked his tongue at the thought, eyes narrowing at Jinki as the elder picked out a small thing of eggs. 

Sure, the teacher had been the others friend for a long time, but Minho would have pressed charges if he were in the others place. There was no way such an action could have been forgiven. 

"Ready to go?" Jinki asked once he had paid, turning to face Minho and arching a brow when he found the other staring at him. "Why are you looking at me like that? I don't like it." He huffed, shoving the bag into the Choi's hands, shocking the other out of his thoughts before walking out of the room, causing Minho to sigh before following after him. 

"What do you like?" He asked, a bitter tone in his voice, causing Jinki to scowl, his arms crossing over his chest as he walked faster, Minho sighing and hurrying after him. 

"I like a lot of stuff, most of which don't involve you," Jinki said simply, hands sliding into his pockets 

"That's rude-" Minho muttered, holding the eggs loosely in his hands as his followed behind the other, forgetting about how cold it was. 

"But it's true." The other said, shrugging as he stopped at a red light, glancing back at Minho and sighing quietly at the other's expression before turning back around. Not bothering to ask what was wrong, sure that the other wasn't done talking anyway. 

"You know before you used to like me, no matter how rude I was," Minho said, crossing his arms as he narrowed his eyes at the others back. "You were head over heels for me without me even talking to you." He spat, smirking when he saw the others shoulders tense, "So, why the sudden change, huh? Why go from some freaking marshmallow to this?"

Minho's lip curled, waiting for a response from the other as a heavy feeling began to settle in his stomach. He knew he was in the wrong, but he wanted to know why, why was it when he decided to give the other attention that was when Jinki decided to hate him? It made no sense. 

Jinki took a deep breath, glancing back at the other for a second before shaking his head. "Because I didn't realize how much of a you were until recently." He mumbled before shaking his head and starting to walk ahead when the light turned green only to let out a small cry of shock when Minho grabbed his arm and pulled him back. Staring down at the boy with narrowed eyes. 

"How am I a ? I saved you from the man you were so obsessed with, I spent so much time trying to get you to forgive me, I was nice to you before that too! I don't understand what I can do to be a good guy in your eyes!" He snapped, voice rising steadily, causing Jinki to glance around nervously, not wanting people to stare at them.

When he was sure that no one had paid them any mind he jerked his arm free from Minho's grasp, looking down as he swallowed hard. "You're only nice to me when you think I owe you, or when you'll get something out of it," Jinki whispered, frowning. "I was stupid before, I let myself be lead on by a man who wanted to use me, but he was the only one I had." His voice trembled, fingers curling as he glared towards the ground. "I had such a huge crush on you because I thought you were a good guy because in high school you were less of a bastard. And before all that you weren't nice." Jinki looked up at the other, shaking his head as he let out a small bitter laugh. "You pitied me Minho, I don't want or need anyone's pity anymore."

Minho scoffed, running his fingers through his hair as he glared down at Jinki who took a deep breath before turning to walk away. 

"Look Minho, I just think... we need to forget. We'll forget I ever liked you, you forget you ever hated me. We can act as though we just met each other today." He said simply before sliding his hands into his pockets and crossing the street, "Because, honestly, I can hardly imagine myself ever liking you that way again."

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Chapter 25: Llegue muy tarde pero igual si la reestructuras la leere también ♡
Chapter 24: Que lindos ya est tiempo que sean felices se lo merecen mis hermosos chicos ❀.(*´▽`*)❀.
Chapter 22: No me imagino el dolor que Jinki es sintiendo pero eso es lo mejor ya así el maldito pagara su crimen
Gracias Mingo por cuidar de mi bebé 💪('ω'💪)
Chapter 11: Sabía que ese maldito maetro tenia que ver con los rumores.
gracias Minho por salvar a Jinkisito bebe (^O^)/o(*^▽^*)o
Chapter 9: Maldito ese bastardo como fue capas de tal cosas lo odio ヾ(`ε´)ノ
Chapter 6: Mi pobre Jinkisito quiero protegerlo y cuidar de él
Se me hace que el maestro es el que inició los rumores
Chapter 5: Yo que creí inocente a el lindo Jinki pero es diablillo vamos 💪
969 streak #8
Chapter 25: The last chapter feels like an ending.
But I would be very happy if you will just continue to your intended ending.
Thank you so much for thinking of continuing this fic.
969 streak #9
Chapter 16: Whatever happened to Mr. Shen? Is he still in that school?
Or has he resigned?