

I tried to ignore the stares Junho and I attracted from the other patrons as I pushed the shopping cart down the aisles of the small supermarket that our town had. Junho obliviously stared right back at them, unaware of the cold suspicions that were undoubtedly fuming in their minds. In small towns such as these, there was little acceptance for those who chose to live outside of the norm of social standards. Ever since my parents passed and left me alone in that house, after I failed to find a wife and settle down, that’s when the suspicions began, and that’s when I found myself being stared at every time I walked through town. And now, with this sweet, eye smiling stranger next to me, I knew what they were thinking about me. What they were thinking about Junho.

   I sighed as I piled a few boxes of cereal into the cart, since Junho liked it, getting more milk and juice boxes. I was standing in the produce section, picking out a watermelon when a deep and familiar smooth voice called out from behind. “Hyung!”

   Chansung was his normal, cheerful, tall and clumsy self as he ran up to me and hung on my arm, much to the dismay of a couple of old ladies that were no doubt gossiping about my love life. “My parents are out of town for a wedding,” I knew that smirk on his lips well enough to know that I was about to be invited to one of his famous parties. “Taec hyung and I decided to throw a little gathering of sorts, you in?” Hwang Chansung had been throwing these parties every time his parents left him alone on their farm for more than twenty-four hours ever since he started high school, and now he was in his last year. I don’t know how he did it, but he somehow managed to successfully get away with being more than a little ‘curved’ in his uality without becoming the talk of the town and had remained in a faithful, but still secretive, love affair for the last two and a half years with none other than Ok Taecyeon.

   Setting the oversized fruit in my cart and shaking off Chansung’s arm from my shoulder, I shook my head, motioning to Junho, who was wandering around and picking up literally every piece of fruit he could and examining it carefully. “I’m busy.”

   “Oh my god, is that him?” Chansung grinned and nudged my shoulder and my face instantly fell while I planned for a way to kill Taec for opening his big mouth. “Why don’t you just bring him by to meet everyone?” He almost begged, hanging onto my arm and shaking me like a grade schooler. “You know we wouldn’t let anything happen to him.”

   “I’m not bringing Junho around you crazy people.” I hadn’t even noticed that Junho was standing next to us until his honey voice spoke up.

   “I would like to go.”

   Chansung and I turned to him, and while Chansung smiled in victory, I pleaded with Junho silently. He was my responsibility, or so I felt, and though I felt I needed to protect him with every inch of strength I had, I forgot completely that Junho was his own being with his own decisions. He was a being who honestly believed that he had lived a countless amount of experiences that I could never even imagine. I had to respect his feelings, no matter how crazy and absurd they sounded. It was easy to look over the illogical, when you were blinded by the potential to experience love.

   “I would like to attend the party, since my stay here I have had limited social interaction . . . I am curious to know more.” Junho smiled and then looked at Chansung. “We will be there.”

   “Great!” Chansung chirped and shot me an ‘I told you so’ look that made me sigh in defeat. “Party starts at dusk.” He said as he left the store with me and Junho staring after him.


I had been around the Hwang farm enough to know that this ‘gathering’ was going to be little more than ten people, most of whom I knew from high school, since the towns were so small in this part of the country that it wasn’t uncommon for four or five neighboring villages to combine their students into one close-to-normal sized school. Junho and I knocked on the front door of the loud house that was bustling with music being played from somewhere deep inside it. A few seconds later, the door creaked open and we were greeted by a short, stocky guy with tattoos covering his arms and chest and a stare that didn’t seem in the least bit friendly.

   He looked Junho up and down until I cleared my throat and his eyes finally rested on me again. “Your uh . . . big brother invited me.”

   As much as he tried to hold his death glare, Jaebeom eventually he cracked and his lips curved into a smile at the same time that he held the door opened and said. “ you, Khun.”

   “Not even in your dreams.”

   “Hey, who’s this one, huh?” Jay motioned to Junho as we stepped inside the house and the way he tensed when Junho stared back at him blankly made me smirk.

   “This is Junho,” I introduced them with a pleased smile. “Junho, this is Chansung’s stepbrother, Jaebeom.”

   “Hello.” Junho didn’t let his eyes linger on Jay for long, since there were obviously more interesting things in the house, like the girl who walked past in a pair of tight pink short shorts, with her feathery blonde hair in a loose ponytail and bangs hanging in her face. She turned around and I could clearly see a distinct bulge in the front of the pants, nearly choking when I realized that she was in fact a he, just a very feminine looking he.

   The boy’s pink lips formed a smile. “What hyung, you don’t recognize me?” When my eyes widened at the familiar voice, Minki rolled his eyes and went back to the drink in his hand before stalking off back the direction he was headed.

   Junho stood close by me as we walked through the living area, where a couple of guys were sitting around a table and I recognized them immediately. I’d heard Yongguk was back from the marines, but I didn’t expect him to still be in his uniform. Least of all with his sleeve rolled up, cigarette tucked behind his ear as he arm wrestled his polar opposite, the blonde, shaggy haired Jiho. Another familiar cat faced boy sat on one of Yongguk’s thighs. I tried to remember his name as he grazed his fingers across the ex-soldiers buzz cut while he watched the match. Just as quickly as I walked in, Jiho’s hand was slammed down to the table and Yongguk grinned in victory, kissing the boy in his lap fully on the lips.

   It wasn’t long before their kissing turned into touching, and with that, I pulled Junho away before he could see too much. “I do not understand the behavior in this place.” Junho said quietly and I chuckled.

   “You asked to come here.”

   He looked at me. “I didn’t say I don’t enjoy it . . . I just do not understand it. But I am fascinated all the same.”

   “Hey Khunnie!” Someone cut me off and I looked around for the owner of the voice, finding a very shirtless Seulong carrying a very drunken Jinwoon upstairs, probably to one of the bedrooms. “I haven’t seen you in forever hyung~” Jinwoon smiled.

   “Where’s your cousin?” I asked him.

   “He’s out in the barn.” Seulong answered and hoisted Jinwoon over his shoulder, muttering something to the younger. He looked back at me from the top of the stairs. “It’s nice to finally see you around again, Khun . . . we all missed you.”

   Reaching for Junho’s hand, I pulled him out the back door and we walked the quick distance to the barn. Looking at him, I cursed at myself for not remembering about his eyes until now, if someone were to see him like this, it would be a catastrophe. Thankfully, the barn was well lit – in certain places – and when we stepped inside, the blue tint to his irises faded completely. We found Taec and Chansung sitting at a poker table with five other people, in a haze of smoke from a cigarette they were passing around and from the smell of it, it didn’t contain tobacco. I walked up and took an empty seat, introducing everyone to Junho before they could ask me. “Hey guys, this is Junho.” I said as I pulled out my wallet and threw in ten thousand won onto the table and was given the equal amount of poker chips in return.

   “Junho, you already know Chansung and the idiot next to him,” I motioned to Taec and Chan, then went down the line of seats surrounding the table. “This is Joon, Byunghee, ChaeRin, Jiyong . . .” I motioned to the girl sitting in Jiyong’s lap. “And this little lady is . . .?”

   She smiled an overly cutesy smile and tucked her chin length hair behind her ear. “Minji, nice to meet you~”

   Junho looked around the table and nodded. “It is a pleasure to become acquainted with all of you.” For a moment, all that could be heard was the fuzzy sound of the radio playing quietly, but the game was quickly moving again. But I saw the way Taecyeon’s eyes lingered on the outfit that Junho was wearing before he shot me a concerned glance and a slightly raised eyebrow. I just shook my head and he knew to not even ask. Though our silent conversation didn’t go unnoticed, Junho looked at me curiously but I just motioned for him to take a seat at my side.

   I had lost count of how many hands had been played long ago, and by now, Joon’s chip stack was completely busted and he had passed out in his chair, way too drunk to continue playing. Chansung was also out of chips and hanging on Taecyeon’s side, trying desperately to convince his lover to ‘play’ with him. The boy even went as far as to start nibbling on Taecyeon’s earlobe, to which the fellow giant responded by pushing his entire stack of poker chips into the center of the table.

   “I’m all-in.” Taec’s jaw tensed a little, and the table erupted in a fit of sighs and curses while the remaining players folded their hands.

   But my eyes stayed on him, his shaking leg and tensed but silent inhales. “You know, Taec . . . I think you’re bluffing.” I started counting up the right amount of chips, letting them linger in my hand for a while. “I call.”

   “Ah .” Taecyeon threw his cards into the center of the table and stood up so his lover could hug him. “I got a pair a’ deuces.”

   I showed my bull pair of sevens, which was stupid to call an all in with such a low pair, but in this case, it was just enough to win. Taec growled as he gripped onto Chansung’s shirt collar and dragged the younger boy to a darker, more secluded part of the barn.

   The game went on, more joints were passed and I had to stop Junho several times from trying to take a puff or tasting a drink he was offered, though I was sure Minji was sneaking him some of her drink when I wasn’t looking. Jiyong chuckled at me as he dealt the next hand, a slim cigar hanging from his lips while he muttered.

   “It’s been a long time since we were blessed with the Thai Prince’s presence . . .” Jiyong set the deck of cards down and then looked at me. “Whatever happened to that one cat you used to bring around – you know . . . the one with the nice voice?”

    I folded my hand and sighed, shaking my head. “I’d rather not talk about that.”

   Jiyong shrugged and called the bet that Byunghee made, burning a card and flipping over the last one. “Sorry . . . I just heard he took off . . . someone else said he's a cop now.”

   “I said I don’t want to talk about it!” I stood up abruptly and all eyes were on me, wide and quiet. It took me a moment to compose myself before I realized that Junho was no longer next to me. I looked around and was thankful that I found him standing a little ways away, staring at something in the corner of the barn.

   I took this moment to excuse myself from the table, leaving the damn chips and going over to Junho. I was just about to ask him what he was staring at, when I saw it for myself. I could see the outline of Taecyeon’s solid figure over top of Chansung, his pants were pushed down and you could see his muscular flexing as he rolled his hips into the younger boy. Chansung’s head was turned so that he only had to open his eyes and he could see us, but he was too overwhelmed in pleasure, his lips parted in silent moans, to even think of looking our way. The whole scene was so , so sensually captivating that I almost wanted to just sit and stare, and I even knew that they truly wouldn’t mind. But the look on Junho’s face made me grab his arm and pull him away.

   Junho hid his face in my chest and only then did I notice that he was crying. My arms wrapped around him and I pulled his chin up to look at him with worry. “Junho, what’s wrong?”

   “I-I . . .  I don’t . . . These feelings.” Junho managed to whisper before the shaking took over and he clutched his chest, crying silently. “I don’t understand . . . I don’t understand.” I looked at his bloodshot eyes and sighed.

   He was drunk, and most likely had never been before.

   I went to lift him up but he shied away from me, covering his crotch with his hands. Only then did I notice that he was completely aroused and it all suddenly made a lot more sense. He looked at me for a moment, and before I could say anything, he was running out the barn and into the darkness.

   “.” I ran after him.




A/N: Hey guys~ It's been a couple chapters since I've had an author's note
I bet you guys are pissed at me for leaving this cliffhanger
*regrets nothing*
I just had to though, I want you guys to want more because I'm selfish like that
Sooooo, what do you think of the chapter?
It was a little longer than the others, but I liked it
If you feel like there will be more drama in the next chapter....
Just a warning.
Anyway, love you all
Dont forget to leave comments because I'm crazy and check for new comments like 10 times a day and it really helps me with motivation to actually write more

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BLUE update. Please enjoy and comment!!


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rereading this story because I miss it so much, hope yiu‘re doing well :-)
vestropia #2
Haii.. Hope you're going to continue this story
hiii i hope you're going to continue this story
Chapter 17: a new chapter when?
Chapter 16: " And then my brother died, along with many traditions and the house never quite felt as warm as it used to. " DDDDD: poor Nickh...
Chapter 12: Hahahaha MinJun is a ¿¿??
Chapter 10: the little kitting is Ggomaengi...
Chapter 8: A kitting!!! I love the cas. I had 3 cats LoL -end of random comment XD-
Thanks for the chapter.
STupiem #9
Chapter 17: Khun doesn't deserve all of this. It broke my heart ;_;
What happining to junho isnt fair ;~~~; but again whats fair in this life?
Thank for updating <3