

NOTE: Hello lovelies! So I haven't updated this fic since...the start of the Unreal 2PM Challenge (Round 1) LOL, I bet you all hate me! Well, I just finished this like, 2 minutes ago so I decided to post it right away instead of reading it over another 20 times and possibly deleting all of it and starting from scratch.
There's a bit of angst in this one. Slight details and more confusion for you all. Enjoy~
PS. Sorry for typos. I'm technically at work right now but who gives a hoot? Not Me.



MinJun stood in from of a light board, pinning several x-ray sheets to it. He examined the skeletal structure in the image of the body and reached up to a part of the skull where a faint dark line was. “You see this,” He glanced over at me before pointing to another darker grey patch across the shoulder. “And this. They’re both recovered fractured bones.” My jaw set as I crossed my arms and leaned back against the doctor’s table I was standing in front of.

    I watched Wooyoung step up to the board, taking notes of everything that fell from his boyfriend’s lips as I tried to follow all of MinJun’s words. “There’s a lot of cartilage build-up in Junho’s left shoulder and signs of a broken scapula, and the type of skull fracture – also on the left side of his body – suggests that the trauma wasn’t inflicted by a blow to the head but possibly a slip and fall or something of the likes. He also very recently had both his wrists broken, a broken ulna and several cracked ribs, which you can see along the front of the chest here.” MinJun looked at me a bit worriedly as he said the last bit. “What alarms me the most is the broken nose and the tissue damage in his vocal cords, like they’ve been crushed – possibly by strangling . . .”

   “What do you think happened to him?”

   It was Wooyoung that answered me. “It could be a great number of things, so it’s hard to say exactly what happened.”  He took another look at the x-ray and then let out a frustrated sigh, running his slender fingers through his disheveled hair. “We’ve seen cases like this so many times before, almost every time our questions go unanswered.”

   That was what I feared most. That my time with Junho would end and every question of mine would remain unanswered. I feared the unknown. That’s why I hid in that small, rundown town, in the farmhouse.

   As if on cue, the door swung open and a rosy cheeked nurse walked in, with Junho following close behind her, holding a convince store bag. “I got strawberry milk.” Junho’s soft smile momentarily erased my fears and I reached out to him without even thinking, pulling him into my arms as if we weren’t standing in the middle of an exam room, as if we were back home on the couch, watching whatever old movie was on TV.

   Things were changing, I could feel it. I didn’t want it, I hated it actually. In a sick way, part of me almost wished that I had never met this wonderful being in my arms, so that I would never feel the changes happening right now. Junho stiffened in my arms, his endless black eyes looked up into mine and, with his hand placed on my cheek he leaned in so that only I could hear him. “You cannot stop change, it is the only constant thing there is in this existence.”

   How did he just accept things like that so willingly? I wondered, and of course he answered. “What is life without acceptance?” Was all he said before going back to drinking his milk like a happy child and the title wave inside me continue to crash and silently destroy everything in its path.

   Our exchange, though, did not go unnoticed by a pair of inquiring eyes, eyes that knew me far too well for my comfort. I tried to ignore MinJun’s stare in vain, only to find myself meeting his eyes. I knew then, from that one expression, that he would do everything he could.


An hour had never lasted so long in my life. The amount of time I spent literally staring at the clock while Junho and Wooyoung ate dinner and talked about theoretical physics, I sat across the empty cafeteria table from them and waited patiently with my arms crossed for MinJun to return with a police report. I watched the second hand of the clock tick around and around until footsteps from behind had me turning around hopefully, standing up with a fearful excitement when this time was not another false alarm.

   The folder MinJun carried in his hand was a little thicker than I expected, and his lips pressed into a thin line while he looked back and forth from Junho to me. “What is it?” I dared to ask with a barely there whisper.

   MinJun’s jaw clenched and it wasn’t until I followed his gaze to the smiling boy sitting at the table that he finally spoke. “Let’s take a walk.”

   My heartbeat was irregular as I followed him. The suspense and tension building with every step I took until I was suffocating from it. I wondered if it was possible to just forget this whole thing and go home. To pretend that nothing happened and just go about my life with Junho for as long as he allowed it. Such a stupid thought.

    When we were alone in some hallway, he finally stopped to run a hand through his hair and then flipped open the folder. “Lee Dong-Woo, twenty-two year old college student at UOS,” For a short lived moment I let out a sigh of relief that he wasn’t a minor. “Part of a double missing person case filed in October. Dong-Woo was last seen arguing with his boyfriend, Doojoon, in a restaurant parking lot in Busan after a concert by some of their mutual friends. The couple then started their drive back to Seoul but never made it. Previous claims against Doojoon include multiple accounts of assault, domestic violence, disturbing the peace, resisting arrest–” MinJun closed the folder and looked at it like it was full of some kind of vile ersion that disgusted him. “Khun this entire case has ‘homicide’ written all over it.”

   “So you think Junh–Dong-Woo was an attempted homicide?” It felt funny saying that unfamiliar name, like I was talking about someone that I hadn’t known, a name that hadn’t rolled off my tongue in the heat of love making before. It was the awareness that made my hair stand up uncomfortably, the recognition that I was, in fact, in love with a stranger.

   “Just think about it.” MinJun leaned closer as he explained, once more flipping open the folder and showing me a file containing information and a picture in the top right corner of a hopelessly young looking couple standing in their college sweatshirts. “They were fighting, right, and everyone figured they’d just go home and talk it out and everything would be fine.”He flipped the page to a personal file, the name at the top read Yoon Doojoon. The guy was handsomely average, but there was an air about him, something that resonated through his picture gave me the chills. “But the fight didn’t end in the car . . . They kept arguing and arguing, until eventually they pulled the car over – that’s when things got physical. One of the most common forms of domestic violence is strangulation, fortunately most victims lose consciousness within ten to thirty seconds and their attacker lets go. But in this case, Dong-Woo blacks out and Doojoon thinks that he’s killed him, so he does the most logical thing he can think of in his situation . . . He dumps the body in the woods and disappears.”

   “Falling in a ditch would account for the other injuries.” I was surprised at how easily the words fell out of my mouth like something normal. And I was infuriated by the plausibility of the scenario MinJun just played into my brain. I could see it all, and feel my stomach rot from it. I could imagine the look of fear in Junho’s eyes as his lungs were denied air, his thrashing legs and discoloration of his skin. His small, broken body being dragged through the dirt and left in the woods to be forgotten.

   I saw it all clear as day, in my head; the color of bruised skin.

   I had seen it so many times before on the man standing next to me.

   MinJun let out a frustrated sigh that brought me back from my daze. “ing hell!” He ran his fingers through his thick locks and clenched his fist while I watched the way his frustration turned into panic. “We’ve got no leads, we’ve got no evidence . . . Junho himself is the only potential suspect.”

   “He couldn’t have killed him.” I started to defend the boy I knew nothing about but MinJun just waved his hand at me.

   “I know that . . . I know that,” He dug his finger into his chest, looking at me seriously. “But a judge . . . a judge would know that two boys went missing, and only one came back.” Those words seemed to hurt him as much as they did me. “One boy who claims to not remember anything . . . It’s not a solid case, Khun.”

   “I have no intension on making this a case.”

   “Then why’d you come here?”

   “Because I don’t have anyone else!” It was the truth, a sad one but true all the same. MinJun stared at me as I gathered the rest of my words and spoke them carefully. “You were all I had, and you left . . . Now he’s all I have, and guess what? He’s leaving too, and all I want is to know why!”

   I didn’t understand any of this .

   Why it was happening. Why it was happening to me. Why I had to go through the same loss again and again and most importantly . . . Who was this person that flew across my sky, only to disappear like a shooting star?

   MinJun closed his eyes for a moment, like he always did when he was angry or about to say something that he didn’t want to, often both at the same time. “I’m really not trying to sound arrogant here, but you can’t replace people.” I tensed and he rolled his eyes, looking sadder than he already was. “You can’t fill the void someone leaves behind with another person. It just doesn’t work. It’s not love.”

   “You think I don’t love him?” The thought alone was frustrating, hearing those words fall from MinJun’s mouth.

   “You can’t love someone when you’re so dependent on them that you’d crumble without them . . . That’s not giving them love, that’s giving them your crumbled pieces and relying on them to make you feel better.” I could hear in his voice that he meant what he was saying. That even though Junho was the victim, I was the one MinJun was really concerned for.

   The worst part, was that before, I was so sure that nothing could make me doubt my love. Before, I knew that Junho and I were meant to be. Before. “You’re probably right . . .”

   The words had barely left my lips when I noticed him standing at the corner of the hallway, looking as if his heart had just been broken. Our eyes met for a short moment but he looked away and spoke quietly. “I would very much like to go home, now.” Junho looked at me again, this time with tears lining the edges of his deep brown eyes, mixed feelings reeling inside of him. “Please.” 

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BLUE update. Please enjoy and comment!!


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rereading this story because I miss it so much, hope yiu‘re doing well :-)
vestropia #2
Haii.. Hope you're going to continue this story
hiii i hope you're going to continue this story
Chapter 17: a new chapter when?
Chapter 16: " And then my brother died, along with many traditions and the house never quite felt as warm as it used to. " DDDDD: poor Nickh...
Chapter 12: Hahahaha MinJun is a ¿¿??
Chapter 10: the little kitting is Ggomaengi...
Chapter 8: A kitting!!! I love the cas. I had 3 cats LoL -end of random comment XD-
Thanks for the chapter.
STupiem #9
Chapter 17: Khun doesn't deserve all of this. It broke my heart ;_;
What happining to junho isnt fair ;~~~; but again whats fair in this life?
Thank for updating <3