

My fingers slowly crawled across the kitchen table to curl around the soft, non calloused hand that rested across from mine. Those slender fingers shied away at my touch and I just stared at the tabletop. Before long, the chair across from me scraped back against the floor with an almost painful screech and the body that was resting in it left the room, my head turned up, watching him as he faded into the dark of the hallway.

   I remember a time when his touch was warm, and his smile was mine. But it was temporary. For a moment, though, I held his heart in my hand, and I felt how beautiful he was with every heartbeat. I lived and breathed and dreamed and wanted only him, temporarily.

   Tear drops splattered on the dark wood I was staring at, remembering.

   The creak of the floorboards on the stairs alerted me of his presence returning and I quickly wiped my eyes, though I knew it wouldn’t fool him, I did it mostly for myself. I did many things for myself, which is why I was in this situation to begin with. I caught sight of him in the doorway of the kitchen, leaning against the frame with an old shoulder bag slung at his waist. Our eyes locked for a moment, that was all, after that he was out the door and I was following him.

   I always hated the dark days like this. The rain that wasn’t enough to soak you, but enough to turn everything grey though I doubt this day would feel different whether the sun was beaming or not. To me, the world was on fire. And I could only stare at the red glimmer of tail lights until the trees ate them up, swallowing the last bit of everything that I loved…

   I awoke with a heaving chest, sitting up in the darkness as I gasped for one more breath, one more painful inhale of stale air that my throat tried to deny me. My hand reached to my face and I felt the bitter tears that had been shed during my sleep.

   Why had I dreamt of him like that, after so long?

   This unexplainable feeling lingered inside me, waiting in the shallows of my mind for me to seek it out and find it. It was a foreboding, calling out to me, that woke me from my sleep. With a glance around the dark room, I pushed the covers away and slid out of bed to check on Junho. I stepped across the cold chilling floor, shivering slightly as I opened my bedroom door and stopping when I noticed the door down the hall was cracked open.

   Two deep blue irises stared at me, reflecting the moonlight that poured in from the front window.

   “Junho,” I said, just loud enough that he would hear me. “Come here.” The door creaked open and he stepped out slowly, his pajamas half sagging down his tiny frame and his skin looking paler than before in the light of the moon. But I couldn’t look away from the ocean blue eyes that stared at me with concern. “What are you doing out here?”

   Junho looked down sadly, as if he was caught doing some heinous act. “You made sounds in your sleep . . . I felt . . . odd.”

   “Were you scared?”

   He closed his eyes and when the glow of blue disappeared, I silently longed for it back. “It was irrational.” He mumbled and I felt my heart soften at the broken sound of his voice. Without thinking before I acted, I reached out and pulled him into my arms, hugging his warm body to mine. I felt Junho’s slim arms attach to my waist, and thought it good that he didn’t pull away from me or something, he seemed to enjoy it, even hugged me back harder. His chin nestled against my chest and I barely heard his soft mumbling. “Why does this feel . . . better?”

   I didn’t quite know how to answer that, so I did the best I could, smiling faintly. “Because . . . for now, you’re human.”


Junho sat beside me in as I drove down the empty road into town. All I could think about was last night, how he’d followed me back to bed, tangled his legs with mine and slept hugging my waist; and those eyes that haunted my dreams beautifully, like a night light, lulling me into sleep while I listened to his quiet breathing.

   When we woke up, he insisted on coming with me to work and I caved without much of a fight, giving him a fresh change of clothes out of the back closet. And now he sat quietly, unmoving, as we drove through the morning fog that covered the road. The shirt that covered his body was worn, hidden by my oversized jacket – I only had one of those, so I let him use it – he looked like a kid, curled up with his feet on the leather seat as he hugged his knees.

   “How old are you?” I asked but he didn’t look at me, his stare stayed out the window, watching the things pass by us.

   “A number your brain could not fathom.”

   I furrowed my eyebrows in thought, my grip on the steering wheel tightened. So he was insisting on his story, that he wasn’t human and that he was from space. I looked at him for a brief moment before staring back at the road. If he was an alien, he was the cutest one I’d ever seen.

   My eyes widened at my own thoughts and I cursed myself for thinking things like that. “What about your body, how old is that?”

   Junho finally moved, looking over himself and then catching sight of his reflection in the side mirror of the truck. “I do not suppose this body is much older than nineteen of your years.”

   “You know I don’t believe you’re an alien, right?”

   “One does not have to believe something, for it to be so.” He looked at the first few shops we started passing, just on the edge of town, the first signs of inhabitants other than an occasional house here and there. “What is the population of this area?”

   Surprised by his question, and subtle change of the subject, I thought about it for a moment. “Roughly . . . three hundred people, more or less.”

   “I would wish to visit a metropolis, during my stay with you.”

   I pulled the truck and parked behind the gas station, staring at the boy in my passenger’s seat for a quiet minute. “Let’s go inside now.” I murmured before getting out the car and letting Junho follow me.

   The sound of the other car door shut behind me, following by smaller footsteps on the gravel as I made my way around the building and then held the door open, waiting for him. “Do you have an aversion to large cities?” He asked with all of his innocence showing, right there on his face.

   I looked at him and then softly shook my head. “I just don’t like them.” I could tell he didn’t understand, but I was grateful that he let it go and stepped inside the shop. Junho wandered around immediately, touching random things and poking at packaged foods that sat on the shelf near the wall. I didn’t pay much attention to him and stepped into the back room.

   “Hey Taec?” I called out, grabbing my cap and slipping it on as I looked around for the annoying giant. “Dud, come out here . . .” I sighed, murmuring. “You gotta meet someone.”

   “Gotta meet who?” Taecyeon’s voice startled me and I spun around, seeing him standing in the bathroom door, shamelessly displaying his body that was covered by a simple pair of boxers.

   I looked away and whined a little at the unwanted sight. “ man, put some clothes on!”

   “Alright, hold ‘yer damn horses.” He grumbled like an ogre and shut the bathroom door. My eyes scanned the place, seeing Junho completely immersed in his own little world as he flicked a cigarette lighter over and over again. It seemed like seconds later, the bathroom door was opening up again and Taecyeon stumbled out, tucking a plaid button up shirt into his jeans. “Who am I meeting?” He questioned me, running his fingers through his long, dark locks of hair that made a mess of his entire head.

   “I brought him with me.” I said and Taecyeon’s eyes widened.

   He pointed downwards and whispered. “Here?” I nodded, and looked at me for a moment, before his mouth formed a smile that I didn’t quite like the looks of. “Did you two . . .?” Taec  nodded, but I didn’t get it. “Ya’ know . . . did you?” He rolled his eyes with understanding still didn’t reach me, leaning in to whisper quieter. “Did you do it?”

   I leaned back from him and refrained hard from smacking him. “Oh my god, you are so retarded!” He laughed but I just glared at him. “Dude, that’s so not right . . . we’re talking about someone I just met.”

   “You know I won’t judge you, Sunshine~” Taec chuckled and I almost called out ‘bull’ had I not noticed someone standing next to us.

   I looked at Junho and my cheeks immediately turned six shades of red darker. He stared back and forth between me and Taecyeon, his eyes ending on mine. “Who is this?”

   “Uh . . . this is my good friend, and co-worker.” I motioned towards the giant, who was staring at Junho with slightly wide eyes. “Taec, this is Junho . . . Junho, Taec.”

   “Hello.” Junho said to him, smiling so much his eyes seemed to disappear into tiny slits above his cheeks, and then he looked at me seriously. “He is also embedded deeply into your database.”

   Taec looked at me with a raised eyebrow and I sighed, knowing that this was going to be a long day.





A/N: Wow, I am getting quite a lot of updates for this in...
Just to avoid confusion, anything in bold and italic is a dream and/or memory
So, Junho and Taec are meeting...the stories gonna unfold some more
However, I'm still plotting, sorry
But, if you guys have any guesses as to who the boy in the photo and Nichkhun's dream was, comment and let me know your thoughts! It might surprise all you Nickhun fans out thereeee~


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BLUE update. Please enjoy and comment!!


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rereading this story because I miss it so much, hope yiu‘re doing well :-)
vestropia #2
Haii.. Hope you're going to continue this story
hiii i hope you're going to continue this story
Chapter 17: a new chapter when?
Chapter 16: " And then my brother died, along with many traditions and the house never quite felt as warm as it used to. " DDDDD: poor Nickh...
Chapter 12: Hahahaha MinJun is a ¿¿??
Chapter 10: the little kitting is Ggomaengi...
Chapter 8: A kitting!!! I love the cas. I had 3 cats LoL -end of random comment XD-
Thanks for the chapter.
STupiem #9
Chapter 17: Khun doesn't deserve all of this. It broke my heart ;_;
What happining to junho isnt fair ;~~~; but again whats fair in this life?
Thank for updating <3