
Illegal Marriage
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“Oppa what are you doing!” Jessica yelled at Donghyeon who was dragging her and her luggages from the front of the house to the back via the side entrance. The side entrance is for maintenance to dump their rubbish in it, not a good sight to see after you just got off a 15 hour flight plane.  “Seriously! Oppa,” Jessica wasn’t hiding her frustration. Donghyeon hated going through this way but it had to be done, for both Jessica and Donghae sakes. He understand that the girl is tired and just wants to be seated to relax. 

Donghyeon wasn’t giving her answers either, he just continued to grab on her wrist harder and drag her to the back of the mansion. Jessica was somewhat confused as to why this guy is dragging her through the back way, it was obvious he was hiding something from her. “Ya why are you doing this!”

Finally Jessica and Donghyeon were put to complete hault when a farmiliar face came out to greet her. It was just coincidence that grandama Jung was relaxing at the backyard when she heard a farmiliar voice whining and companing. It just so was, Jessica’s and her high pitch voice that she actually missed. 

“Jessica!” the old lady spread her arms out to make room to hug her beautiful granddaughter. The hold on the girl’s wrist softened as Donghyeon let go off Jessica to give her grandmother a hug. “Halmoni!!” It was a long awaited reunion. Jessica ran straight into the arms of the one person she really misses, her grandma.

Social media is great however, meeting someone in person is much better, to touch them, smell their scent was defiantly something Jessica missed about her grandmother. However now that she is here, all the worries are gone because now Jessica is here for the summer.

“What are you doing here gorgeous girl!” Jessica’s grandmother asked as they let go of the long awaited hug. “Surprise!” Jessica laughed with the old woman.

“Is it who I think it is?” Jessica saw her mother and Donghyeon’s mother come out of the house together and into the backyard to greet Jessica. Just like Grandma Jung, Jessica’s parents haven’t seen their child in months. She has refused to come visit them in San Fransisco, so the only way they can see their daughter is by visiting her in New York which is hard due to their conflicting schedual.

“Mum! Aunty,” Jessica ran to give her mother a hug and one for Mrs Lee whom she hasn’t met in 2 years. “Jessie!” Jessica looked up to find her father looking down at her with a happy smile.

Of course she was gonna give him her greetings, she actually missed her father after all these months of not seeing him.  Skypes high def camera doesn’t beat the one on one interaction of meeting someone. She of course gave Donghyeon’s father a warm hug, and just like that Jessica felt complete again. The Lee and Jung family are reunited again. 

Its like the whole family is here just like old time. The Jung’s and the lee’s together again as one family. But of course one had to ruin it…..

“So why is everyone in the backyard?” Donghae came out form the inside and out to the backyard when he realized there was no on in the house. The circle around Jessica broke revealing the ice princess standing in their patio. When Donghae saw the girl he was stunned and was taken a back from seeing her after a year away from each other. 

Jessica looked the same as Donghae couldn't identify a thing different from her. She still had long brown hair, her style has not changed and from what he sees she probably is the same ice princess he fell in love with. However, it was different for Jessica, when she saw Donghae she wasn't just shocked to see him as it wasn't expected. She also identifyed how different the boy looked. He wasn't in cheap clothing, instead he was in an expensive looking clothing. His shoes were leather, the polo logo stood out on his shirt, his hair aswell was gelled back and his expensive colonge could be smelt from where she stood. 

Jessica has heard news from Donghae about how he has sucessfully reached high ends of his career as a designer. He has done well in a year and in a year he has earned a lot of money. Jessica may haven't changed but it was loud and clear that Donghae has. The exclusive brand he was wearing just said it all and truthfully Jessica didn't like it because she knew that he hasn't changed because of their distance but because of money. 

Everyone was silent, some were worried about their reaction of seeing each other again and others like grandma Jung were keen to know what will  happen next. Jesssica blankly stared at the guy that use to be her husband as he walked down the patio’s steps not breaking the eye contact.

He approached her slowly as this is all a shcock to him, is this a set up? Is his family trying to set him up with Jessica again? The way he looked at her hasn’t changed and Jessica could sense that. Obviously he still has restored feeligns for her, if not the atmosphere wouldn’t be this awkward.

Donghae had no words to say, he couldn't define how he feels. All he could do was look at her and differientate aspects about her that have changed. Due to living in the east coast, Jessica has become more pale, her hair has gotten longer and more lighter. Her hairstyle hasn’t changed, her style hasn’t either.

It was the same Jessica he feel in love with in San Fransisco, the only difference now is that she is a New Yorker.

He finally reached the step next to her, he gave her a smile and asked, “How are you?”

After a year of not seeing her he asked her how is she because he didn’t know any words to say. He did plan many things when he would encounter Jessica, especially the times when he was working in New York. Just in case he bumps into Jessica, it was best to prepare a speech for this moment. He was hoping to run into her, but he didn’t. Even tho he was prepared to meet her in different surrounding, he wasn’t prepared to meet her in all places in Korea, with his family surrounding them. So a simple ‘how are you’ was all he could say.

As a result of that pathetic greeting, Jessica slapped Donghae hard on his left cheek shocking the others watching. “Jessica!” her mother scold but Jessica didn’t care. She has been waiting for this moment to do this. “After a year of not seeing me you ask how I am?” Jessica yelled at her ex husband.

“I’m being nice,” Donghae argued back as he held on to his left cheek that was stinging in pain.

“Well shove that fake niceness and shove it up you wife’s ,” Jessica harshly yelled. She then turned to her family, “I’ll be in my old room, looking for the next flight to New York,”

Jessica magestically marched off into the mansion she once liveed in, still remembing everything about it. Jessica was pissed, she hated the fact that Donghae could march in here and be so nice to her like nothing happened. She’s not an idiot, she wasn’t born yesterday. He can’t just get her forgiveness just like that, who does he think she is? Her heart hasn’t soften in that year of separation, in fact Jessica’s walls have rebuilt after its fall and now they are standing stronger then ever. Her walls are anti Donghae, not even the sweetest thing can bring her walls down.

Jessica’s mother and grandmother ran after Jessica worried, now that she is here, they don’t want her to go back to the states and not see her for a couple of months again. Mr and Mrs Lee stepped away from the problem they try to not associate with, after all they are just the help of the house they don’t really get any say. Mr Jung walked away expecting his daughter to act this way, while Donghyeon was the only one who could support poor Donghae.

He patted his brothers back, “Lets get you some ice for that,” Donghyeon smiled as he lead his little brother to the kitchen for ice.

Throughout the day grandma Jung spent her time catching up in Jessica’s room. She managed to get Jessica to stay but promised no games or match playing when it comes to Donghae. Grandama jung understood that as she could see the hatred in Jessica’s eyes everytime Donghae was mentioned. Nethertheless, they caught on other things like school, life and Jessica’s new job as part of the board in her fathers company. The two started their conversation in Jessica's room, through the masnion and into the back yard where they sat by the pool and watched the sun set. 

By the time they finished talking it was time for dinner, which the two ladies were called upon on when dark darken the sky. “I’ll have dinner later,” Jessica explained, she doesn’t mean to be rude but she would rather not want to bump into Donghae. A third slap is itching in Je

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Writing the wedding chapter! Ahhh can't wait to update it


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aryuniee #1
Chapter 47: Oh My God... it’s finally happy ending....
Thanks for the great story!!
SwiftSwiftSwift #2
Chapter 47: Aaaand this story has finally come to an end. Really proud that I stuck to this story till the very end. I remember being curious when I first saw this story 5 years ago and how excited I felt whenever you updated, and it stayed that way until the final chapter. I was already crying because I really thought everything was over between them and it was too late, but the turn of events made my heart jump higher! Thank you for writing this magnificent story! From the first chapter to the last, I read it with a smile on my face (there were some tears too! Hahahahahaha!). Congratulations on doing an amazing job!

P.S. At first I was like 'who names their kid Pudding?' That really made me laugh.
koreaLife #3
Chapter 47: Since the debut of this story i'm here and just want to congrat you.. This story is amazing and will always one of fav. Thank you so much for this story.
aidenjung #4
Chapter 46: Comeonnnn Jessica!! U should chase after donghae!!! Pls i wanna see u both getting back together (again)
Chapter 46: Aww go chase him jess
zicky_yun #6
Chapter 46: I really wanted Jess to go back to be alone and then reunite with donghae and finally be together, but it seems that something different will happen (╯︵╰,)
aryuniee #7
Chapter 46: Go get him Jess!!
Chapter 46: omggg jessica you go girl!!!!
Chapter 45: Oh gosh I almost cried at the end of the chapter
SwiftSwiftSwift #10

YEAH THEY SHOULD GIVE THEIR RELATIONSHIP ANOTHER CHANCE!! Donghae wanted her back and now he decided not to just because he doesn't wanna hurt her again :( that's real love right there! Geez, this fish needs to win his woman back big time! Can't wait for the next chapters!! I really can't believe that you're back and you'll be completing this story, you have no idea how happy that made me! Thank you so much for coming back and deciding to not abandon this masterpiece! I'll be waiting for the next chapters ?