
Illegal Marriage
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“Okay I finished cleaning the windows, the floors and the walls. What else do you want me to do?” Jessica asked her mother who was lying down on her recliner under the Californian sunlight. “Ahh just another cup of juice honey, Donghae?” Mrs Jung asked her son in law who was sitting on a recline next to his mother in law, taking advantage of the sun to relax. 


“Ummmm, yes some juice,” Donghae smiled so cheekily at Jessica. Before she left to get Donghae's order she was stopped by him “Oh and wifey don’t forget I like fresh juice, so from the fruit,” 


“Where do you expect me to get fresh fruit?” Jessica almost yelled at Donghae at his ridicules request. 


“Honey no need to yell, just get it out of the tree,” Mrs Jung said so calm like it’s no problem retrieving the piece of fruit from their garden full of different insects. Jessica couldn’t saying anything else but angrily stomp away from her mother and Donghae, when she was far enough she screamed at the top of her lungs to vent out her frustration. four days down, another three to go until she can live her normal life again. 


Four days ago Jessica was caught partying in the club all because Donghae told on her to her father. As punishment, she is cut off for the next week and has to act like a maid around the Jung household. Her whole life, she has had a nanny by her side, she learnt to do household work from watching people serve her but actually doing it was much out of her place. Donghae doesn’t have to be there but when a superior person fails then someone must be there to laugh at their karma. Well that is at least what Jessica saw in her eyes, Donghae was actually there to play around with Jessica. 


When she reached the garden her mother has built for her self enjoyment , Jessica couldn’t find any fruits that Donghae wanted. The only ones she could find were high up in the tree. “Aishh the things I do for this boy!” Jessica rolled up her sleeves and attempted to climb one branch. 


From one branch to the other Jessica tried to climb to the top to get Donghae’s wishes. “Marry him, they said, help him they said. I swear I’m going to kill that boy,” Jessica spoke to herself as she continued to climb the tree. 


“That’s not a nice thing to say, especially about your husband,” Donghae yelled from the bottom of the tree. “For a 22 year old, you can still climb tree’s well.” Donghae chuckled teasing the girl.


“I’m pretending there’s a Chanel bag at the top,” finally Jessica got the branch that contained all the fruits. “Oppa, catch the fruit okay,” Jessica yelled form the top. 


“What, but I’m not ready-“ suddenly all these fruits were flying at him, it was as if it was raining fruits. Donghae covered himself from getting hit, little did he know that it was all purposely done by the ice princess from above. Two was enough to make juice out of, instead Jessica picked out ten and threw it all at Donghae, aiming for his head. No one can mess with the ice princess.


All week karma has been striking the two, firstly Jessica got caught out clubbing, as revenge she has been pulling master mind pranks on her husband for ratting her out. That can be seen as his karma, but today Jessica about to face her own karma.


“YA! OPPA I CAN’T GET DOWN, I’M STUCK” Donghae looked up at his wife who finally stopped flinging fruit at him. Now she is clinging onto her life on a tree trunk. “Ummm okay!” Donghae panic looking for a way to get his wife down. 


“LET GO AND I’LL CATCH YOU!!” Donghae yelled back to the girl. The tree was probably half a story high, still it was high enough for Jessica to feel unsafe. “NO! I’m going to die!” the girl cried. It was always Donghae’s job to help the girl get out of her problems, like  the 14 year old Donghae trying to get the 12 year old Jessica get out of fights with the neighbors. Same rules apply, 10 years later Donghae is still helping Jessica out of her problems. 


“You can die up there then!” Donghae called out.

“At least my body won’t be splattered on the ground if I die by jumping,” oh how stubborn Jessica is. It was always like this, Jessica would get into some sticky situation, Donghae would come up with a plan, Jessica at first would resist and then finally she would follow Donghae after his kind encouraging words. “Why did you get up there?” the question raised Jessica’s blood pressure. 


She threw an apple down to Donghae which hit his head, “You said you wanted fresh juice you jerk!” 


“Okay okay,” Donghae laughed, somehow he found that Jessica is more attractive angry, when her alter ego- the ice princess comes out. “Okay, just trust me,” Donghae said as he pulled his arms out ready to catch her.


“I can’t, I just can’t” Jessica looked down and saw Donghae’s arms ready to catch her, what if she misses? What if he hurts himself form catching her? 

 Jessica was more worried with Donghae then herself, afraid to admit though. “You promise?” Jessica was close to tears, she's been up that tree for awhile now and getting down alive is a rare outlooks for her at the moment. “I promise, I’ll catch you,” 


“What if you miss?” 


“I will catch you no matter what, you’ll keep falling and I’ll always be there catching you. You know that Jessica,” it is true, even if Donghae is playful as he is, he is always there to catch the girl to help her with her problems. Jessica didn’t need to assure that he will catch her, because she knows that no matter what he will be there to catch her.



She just loves hearing the word promise, because everything time Donghae’s promises it’s never broken. 


“I promise I’ll see you again,” 


10 years later meant each other again. 


“I promise you I’ll never leave you,” 


“You promise Ren?” 


“I promise,” 


10 months later he left her. 



Jessica let go knowing that Donghae will be there to catch her, she closed her eyes and within seconds she felt two arms grabbing her back. She opened her eyes knowing that Donghae once again did not break another promise. “I told you I’ll catch you,” Donghae smiled as he placed her feet on the ground from a cradle position. 




“What are you doing honey?” Mrs Jung walked into the kitchen while Jessica was putting some fruit into the fruit processor.


“My stupid husband wants fresh juice so I’m giving him fresh juice!” Jessica was annoyed how she still has to work as an maid serving her husband. It was so ironic how their roles changed. 


The processor was done and Jessica handed her mother a glass of juice, “What have you done to it?” her mother asked taking the cup and sniffing it as if Jesssica sliped something into the glass of juice. 


“Nothing? Why are you pretending like I’ve done something to that?” Jessica question the old woman as she shrugged.


“It’s just, you said it was meant to be for Donghae’s and for the past and I know you always do something to Donghae’s food.” 


“Please I make his food, I feed him every course of the day and he is living fine. I haven’t done anything bad to it!” Jessica raised her voice like she always dose when she gets defensive. “Since when are you so considerate, doing things for others. If only I knew you did house work, I wouldn’t have hired maids when you wre growing up,” 


“I’m only doing it because Donghae oppa is my husband,” 


“Wow your icy heart is defrosting, maybe you’re starting to like him,” Jessica’s eyes grew in fury. She almost did some physical damage to her mother for even saying it aloud. “LIKE! I just learnt my kindness from your husband,” Jessica rudely stated before taking the drink from her mother and taking to Donghae who was still relaxing outside on

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Writing the wedding chapter! Ahhh can't wait to update it


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aryuniee #1
Chapter 47: Oh My God... it’s finally happy ending....
Thanks for the great story!!
SwiftSwiftSwift #2
Chapter 47: Aaaand this story has finally come to an end. Really proud that I stuck to this story till the very end. I remember being curious when I first saw this story 5 years ago and how excited I felt whenever you updated, and it stayed that way until the final chapter. I was already crying because I really thought everything was over between them and it was too late, but the turn of events made my heart jump higher! Thank you for writing this magnificent story! From the first chapter to the last, I read it with a smile on my face (there were some tears too! Hahahahahaha!). Congratulations on doing an amazing job!

P.S. At first I was like 'who names their kid Pudding?' That really made me laugh.
koreaLife #3
Chapter 47: Since the debut of this story i'm here and just want to congrat you.. This story is amazing and will always one of fav. Thank you so much for this story.
aidenjung #4
Chapter 46: Comeonnnn Jessica!! U should chase after donghae!!! Pls i wanna see u both getting back together (again)
Chapter 46: Aww go chase him jess
zicky_yun #6
Chapter 46: I really wanted Jess to go back to be alone and then reunite with donghae and finally be together, but it seems that something different will happen (╯︵╰,)
aryuniee #7
Chapter 46: Go get him Jess!!
Chapter 46: omggg jessica you go girl!!!!
Chapter 45: Oh gosh I almost cried at the end of the chapter
SwiftSwiftSwift #10

YEAH THEY SHOULD GIVE THEIR RELATIONSHIP ANOTHER CHANCE!! Donghae wanted her back and now he decided not to just because he doesn't wanna hurt her again :( that's real love right there! Geez, this fish needs to win his woman back big time! Can't wait for the next chapters!! I really can't believe that you're back and you'll be completing this story, you have no idea how happy that made me! Thank you so much for coming back and deciding to not abandon this masterpiece! I'll be waiting for the next chapters ?