New Life

Illegal Marriage
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Jessica looked at her phone ringing, for the 10th time today it has rang continuously. However, she refuses to accept it knowing the she has to cope at the other end of the line. Her and Donghae are officially divorced by law, but in Jessica’s eyes she still hopes that one day Donghae will have a change of heart and will re marry her again.

She doesn’t believe that he is really like that, that’s Donghae they are talking about. She knows and hope that one day he will come back. Even tho her mind says no, her heart believes in him.

It’s been a couple of weeks since they both signed the divorce papers. Jessica hasn’t been out much, except for her occasional stroll to the shops for grocery. Lately she's been busy fixing up everything before her departure to New York where she will attend college there and will reside there for the time being.

In the end Jessica ended up moving to New York, the city where she has always dreamed of living. Now Donghae and Sun live together, ironically they live close to Jessica making Jessica not wanting to leave the house at all just in case she runs into the two. Maybe New York is good for her, it will allow her to breath in a fresh air and not scare her into hiding in her room all day.

Since then Jessica hasn’t seen any of them, and seeing them she would probably hate it. That encounter would be awkward filled with a lot of tension that Jessica does not want to mend with.

Now 75% of her room is packed, in a few days she will be leaving her old life into her new life in New York. This divorce and her marriage with Donghae is something the girl is trying to erase from her head forever, the atmosphere of New York City will hopefully do that for her.

Living in San Francisco is too hard for her as it holds a years worth of memories she holds with her ex husband. She needed a new place to meet new people to live in a good atmosphere hoping to get away from her life in before.


Jessica's phone rang again and yet again she rejected the call, the call from her lawyer probably discussing about the divorce. Jessica has had enough with the divorce talk, from her lawyers all she hears is the legal terms she needs to hear about the divorce, her parents brush off the divorce as if its nothing and her friends and others talk about her divorce as if it's nothing, explaining that she will go through many divorces until she meets the right one. It's getting tiring, sickening her. 

She needed her get her mind of this, she needed to talk to someone that will bring her down to earth again, that will get rid of all the stress that is causing her. She didn't need advice, she just wanted someone to listen to her. Since the divorce she hasn't got the chance to say what she feels deep down, not one at all. As everyone has been butting themselves into her business, when obviously the divorce is about her and Donghae. 


Gladly, Jessica knew exactly who to call. She picked her phone up again and dialed her grandmother's number. She knows that woman would listen to anything she says, even though she is a million miles away, Jessica can feel better venting out her frustration to her. She knows for sure her grandmother is no kind of person to judge, she's the kind to listen.

Not even caring  about the 16 hour time zone, making it 11pm at her grnadmother's side of the world. Jessica needed someone to talk to. 


She may seem strong for continuing on, for attempting to move on but truthfully she isn’t. Right now Jessica has reached rock bottom and due to her ice princess image she has no one to speak her feelings out to. She doesn’t have a girlfriend to hold her hand through this divorce because all she had was Donghae. The closet thing she had to a friend are girls trying to be her friend because of her popularity and fortune. Apart from that, she really has no one.

So she called the one person she knew that would understand her, her grandma Jung.

“Hello?” the old lady answered through the phone. It’s been awhile since she last spoke to her grandmother. The old lady on the other end of the line seem tired, considering the time difference between San Francisco and Seoul. Jessica should have bare in mind that the old lady needs her sleep. However this was emergency, she needed someone to speak to, bottling all her emotions in isn’t helping her. It’s only making the separation anxiety worse.

“Halmeoni,” in one word grandma Jung knew exactly who it was, she knew that familiar voice. She knew who exactly it was. The voice that once sounded so lively and happy that has now turned into a depressing tone. It was very easy to pick out that Jessica is running through a tough time.

Of course Grandma Jung knew about the divorce, she knew that Jessica loved her husband as Jessica has talked about it to her over the phone previously. The old lady has fought long and hard to get these two together knowing their feelings for each other, but Mr Jung spoke to grandma Jung explaining to her the heavy consequences if she interferes.

So there was nothing that could be done but to sit down and watch two people separate and can’t do anything about it. It sadden Grandma Jung, it was so hurtful to watch her granddaughter fight this fight alone. Donghae is like a grandson to her, to her it was also hurtful to see Donghae frustrated loosing over a battle he knows he has no fight against. 


However, grandma Jung knows nothing about what truly happened.

“What’s wrong sweetie,” a voice from the other line asked. A warm welcoming voice that Jessica missed dearly.

There was no sounds coming from Jessica’s line, as grandma Jung waited for a minute for Jessica to answer. There wasn’t any words coming out of because nothing can express what she's feeling now. A sudden outburst tears were heard from Jessica’s line.

Grandma Jung allowed Jessica to cry it out, no words were needed to express her thoughts. Crying was enough to indicate the old woman Jessica’s current state.

“So he left you?” Grandma Jung repeated what Jessica said as she couldn’t believe herself that Donghae would do such thing. She pretty much raised that boy and hearing this is something she couldn’t accept or see him do. “I thought he would fight for me,” Jessica continued. “He promised me he would,”

After almost of an hour crying, Jessica spent another hour explaining the back story and what happened to her and Donghae. “I can’t believe it,” grandma Jung said in utter shock.

“Neither,” Jessica whispered back.

Honestly grandma Jung hasn’t spoke to the boy, not since he was happily married to Jessica and even back then he sounded so happy. After hearing this story she want to know what happened, she wants to speak to Donghae But her granddaughter wished he

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Writing the wedding chapter! Ahhh can't wait to update it


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aryuniee #1
Chapter 47: Oh My God... it’s finally happy ending....
Thanks for the great story!!
SwiftSwiftSwift #2
Chapter 47: Aaaand this story has finally come to an end. Really proud that I stuck to this story till the very end. I remember being curious when I first saw this story 5 years ago and how excited I felt whenever you updated, and it stayed that way until the final chapter. I was already crying because I really thought everything was over between them and it was too late, but the turn of events made my heart jump higher! Thank you for writing this magnificent story! From the first chapter to the last, I read it with a smile on my face (there were some tears too! Hahahahahaha!). Congratulations on doing an amazing job!

P.S. At first I was like 'who names their kid Pudding?' That really made me laugh.
koreaLife #3
Chapter 47: Since the debut of this story i'm here and just want to congrat you.. This story is amazing and will always one of fav. Thank you so much for this story.
aidenjung #4
Chapter 46: Comeonnnn Jessica!! U should chase after donghae!!! Pls i wanna see u both getting back together (again)
Chapter 46: Aww go chase him jess
zicky_yun #6
Chapter 46: I really wanted Jess to go back to be alone and then reunite with donghae and finally be together, but it seems that something different will happen (╯︵╰,)
aryuniee #7
Chapter 46: Go get him Jess!!
Chapter 46: omggg jessica you go girl!!!!
Chapter 45: Oh gosh I almost cried at the end of the chapter
SwiftSwiftSwift #10

YEAH THEY SHOULD GIVE THEIR RELATIONSHIP ANOTHER CHANCE!! Donghae wanted her back and now he decided not to just because he doesn't wanna hurt her again :( that's real love right there! Geez, this fish needs to win his woman back big time! Can't wait for the next chapters!! I really can't believe that you're back and you'll be completing this story, you have no idea how happy that made me! Thank you so much for coming back and deciding to not abandon this masterpiece! I'll be waiting for the next chapters ?