Goodbye Mia

Illegal Marriage
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A little bead of light through the blinds hit Donghae’s eye, awaking him from a great sleep. Married to Jessica for more then six months he has started to love going to sleep and waking up early in the morning. Letting Jessica, his love, sleep in his arms and letting her cuddle him back. He can sleep better now knowing the girl he loves, loves him as much as he loves her. The mornings feel much better when he wakes up to a beautiful girl lying in his arms.

Every morning since they have gotten together is like heaven. Spending time together has made this marriage experience so great. Donghae could see the difference being with Jessica and Sun, he’s more happier being with Jessica even waking up in at dawn he didn't mind as long as Jessica is laying in his arms. He could see the future with her, their future house, how many kids they are having. Donghae and Jessica are so in love in this happy marriage that nothing can push them over, or this fine morning. That’s anyone but…

“Aunty, Uncle,”

Jessica and Donghae’s eyes suddenly peaked upon hearing a child’s voice they forgot they are looking after. “Mia..” The two sat up. Being curled up to him all night, Jessica forgot that they had a little child that her and her husband are looking after. 

Sitting up they saw little Mia covered in flour, all over her face and her body. Quickly the couple retrieved to their little niece. “What happened?” Donghae crouched to her level as he asked dusting the four off her while Jessica went to the bathroom to get a wet towel to whip the flour off the little girl. “I..I was doing… I was trying to make breakfast for you,” Mia sighed disappointingly. “Pancakes, but the counter top is to high and it fell on me,” Donghae suddenly check her body to find any bruises or cuts from the falling container of pancake mix, thankfully he didn’t find any, as Jessica came to clean the flour off her skin. 

“How about we make breakfast,” Jessica looked at her husband. “Together,” Suddenly Mia clapped her hands, feeling better nor guilty the fact that she couldn’t make her aunty or uncle pancakes because they were going to make it all together.


When they entered the kitchen they noticed that it was a mess. There was flour everywhere, utensils are out of the cabinet and ingreadients are lying on the flour but they didn’t get mad at the guilty child. How could a sinlge child make so much reckage? They both knew that her intensions weren’t to mess their clean kitchen, it’s not her fault that she couldn’t reach the counters. All she wanted was to make breakfast in bed for her aunty and uncle which Jessica and Donghae accepted, there isn't any use punshing a child for having good intensions. 

Jessica put Mia down on the counter top next to the stove before cleaning the amounts of flour scattered on the counter tops and mostly on the floor. After mixing the pancake mix with his niece, together they cooked it on the frying pan. After Jessica finished sweeping the flour of the ground and off the counter tops, she started to set the dining table with plates, utensils and cups. From another outlook the three looked like a happy family and the three were. They were happy that they have each other around feeding enjoyment from each other. As they looked like a happy family, working as a team and getting along really well. “Ready watch,” Jessica looked up to her husband who was holding a pan and flipped the pancake off the pan which the un cooked breakfast manage to land anywhere else but the pan.

Jessica and Mia laughed at Donghae’s failed attempt of being a chef, well there goes his 5 minutes of his chef career. Mia laughed hard and so did Jessica finding the cute mistake so funny. In fact they did represent a happy family because they are so comfortable around each other.

Jessica fetched Mia and sat her down at the dining table while Donghae placed the cooked pancakes on the table after cleaning his little mismatch with one of the the other pancake. “So what’s the plan for today?” Donghae asked. His wife smiled, she already talked about this with Mia the day before. She learnt that the child loves looking at fishes, and lucky for her, her aunty knew the exact place to take her. “Aquarium by the bay, it’s a famous aquarium in San Fransisco,” Jessica explained as Mia nodded cutely, already agreeing to what Jessica is suggesting.

“Okay, it better be good. I’m skipping school for this,” Jessica reached for her husband’s hand who is sitting in front of her. “It will be so much fun, you won’t be disappointed.”

Jessica dressed Mia  after breakfast while Donghae packed a bag of her necessities, because he spent most of the time cleaning up breakfast and  packing Mia’s day pack. He didn’t get the time to dress himself, already Jessica and Mia are semi ready and Donghae is still in pyjama’s. Being a typical male not caring much of his appearance, he got ready quick.

As he left the bedroom he came across another scene where it flashed him to the future. Jessica was with Mia by the door crouching by her level doing up the buttons of her coat. “It’s going to be a bit cold out there so you need to wear a coat you mother gave you,” Jessica explained. “Also you need to hold on uncle Donghae, and my hand so you don’t get lost, okay?” Mia nodded.

“Wouldn’t want you to get lost at the aquarium and get eaten by the sharks there,” Jessica laughed as she poke the sides of Mia ticking the child. The little exchange of poking turned into a tickle war between the aunty and niece, and Donghae was experience the whole playful game in his own eyes. He, loved it without a doubt.

Being at his age happily married has given him the outlook of having children. They are still young but Donghae already is thinking of having children with his love. He loved the idea of waking up every morning with his beautiful wife in his arms and having children he has to cook breakfast for. He wanted that simple life, he wanted it with Jessica and no one else.

He noticed the thoughts he is having with Jessica never came to him when being with Sun. It even took him years to get the though of marrying her. That was the difference between loving Jessica and Sun, loving your first love and a person you thought you loved. Donghae, saw a future with Jessica, with Sun he hardly saw a future. Marrying her was in his mind, but spending forever with her was unclear to him, it was like a dream full of unclear fog.

For years being with Sun Donghae would always imagine this girl walking to him at the end of the aisle with blurred face, and for years he believed that was Sun. But being with Jessica is was clear to him that it was actually Jessica. Before he would imagine that thought, now he sees having children with her and living old with her.

That was the power of love he shared with Jessica, the kind of love that will suppress the love that he shared with someone for 7 years. The truth is, Donghae has always loved Jessica, and not once did let go off his first love.


“Okay make sure you hold on tight this isn’t like the subway in Korea,” Jessica warned Mia as they got on a tram. Jessica was carrying Mia’s day pack with her important essentials inside while Donghae carried Mia who used the handles from the celling as monkey bars. “Your stupid uncle made that mistake,” Donghae death stared his wife as he was reminded from that embarrassing memory.

Mia is use to a fast subway, never has she ridden on a tram. Her first tram ride in San Fransisco was so relaxing because of it’s slow speed but so thrilling at the same time as it went downhill. She enjoyed it as Jessica showed her pretty sites and Donghae held her closely.

They arrived at the big aquarium, as Donghae went to get the tickets Jessica put sunscreen on her niece to protect her beautiful skin from the sun. “Got them,” Donghae arrived showing the tickets. The two girls jumped up and down for joy excited to enter the place. Upon entering they found pretty attractions, they saw different fishes, corals, they got to touch a starfish and met some sting rays. Now it was time for the underground aquarium. It worried Jessica that Mia may be scared of the living creatures or that they will be at the bottom of the bay, as she noticed other kids exiting the place crying from fear.

However, Donghae assured her that she is a brave one, which she is. Mia proved to Jessica that she is not only smart and cute but she is also brave. Mia entered the underwater tunnel, running to one side to the other talking to the fishes and scary sea creatures. It did creep Jessica a bit admittedly but it did calm her the fact that Donghae is next to her to hold her hand throughout the attraction.

“Have you been here before?” Donghae asked his wife as they walked slowly behind the active Mia who was running around talking to the fishes. Jessica nodded, “One time in high school.”

“School trip?” Donghae’s wife shook her head. “Then with who?” he continued to ask question. The question was just so awkward to answer, she wanted to say his name, she wanted to be honest to her husband but they way he’ll respond pulled her back. “Seriously who?” Donghae asked again when Jessica didn’t respond.

Suddenly Donghae got an idea, “It was Ren was it?” Slowly she nodded. This exact aquarium is a symbolic place for Ren and Jessica. Years ago he took her here as a date, which you can say is the first date Jessica has ever been on. “He actually confessed to me on this very spot,” Donghae laughed it off hearing Jessica’s little story.

Why would he be jealous over something that happened years ago? Please Donghae is a grown man, he’s too old to be jealous over a high school thing. Ren is a part of Jessica’s past and she has made Donghae sure of it. “Infront of everyone? How clique,” Donghae laughed. However Jessica hinted a little sarcasm in his laugh. She knows him far to well that he is jealous.

“No,” She knew he wasn’t going to be happy after hearing this, but since she’s the ice princess. She likes to play around with people, especially with her husband. “He actually hired the whole aquarium, after school he took me here and  confessed to me,” and that shut Donghae up.

All of it was true, Ren using his family’s wealth and name manage to convince the owner of this underwater park to shut the whole aquarium down for the night to confess to Jessica. It was romantic, at the time Jessica sworn she was in love with him. So she accepted his confession.

Donghae was embarrass, jealous and mostly insecure. He doesn’t even have the money to buy a ticket to the place let alone pay them to shut the whole place down. “Well, that’s stupid.” Donghae continued finding the words to respond to the story. He’s gotta admit that Ren’s way of confessing is actually brilliant and that’s when insecurities steps in. He can’t afford anything like that, which Donghae wants his wife to experience from him. “He’s confessing to you in an aquarium under the San Fransisco bay which is filled with rubbish owned by careless people throwing rubbish in the sea. Yeah how romantic,”

“Can you do better?” Jessica suddenly challenged her husband. She didn’t mean to put Donghae on a spot or make him do something he can’t but she can't help it. The way he brags how stupid the romantic experience she experienced with Ren was immature, if he finds it stupid means he can do it better. “Better? I can do better, I can make a better event for you, at a cheaper price and not so cheesy,”

“Then prove it,”

“I will,”



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Writing the wedding chapter! Ahhh can't wait to update it


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aryuniee #1
Chapter 47: Oh My God... it’s finally happy ending....
Thanks for the great story!!
SwiftSwiftSwift #2
Chapter 47: Aaaand this story has finally come to an end. Really proud that I stuck to this story till the very end. I remember being curious when I first saw this story 5 years ago and how excited I felt whenever you updated, and it stayed that way until the final chapter. I was already crying because I really thought everything was over between them and it was too late, but the turn of events made my heart jump higher! Thank you for writing this magnificent story! From the first chapter to the last, I read it with a smile on my face (there were some tears too! Hahahahahaha!). Congratulations on doing an amazing job!

P.S. At first I was like 'who names their kid Pudding?' That really made me laugh.
koreaLife #3
Chapter 47: Since the debut of this story i'm here and just want to congrat you.. This story is amazing and will always one of fav. Thank you so much for this story.
aidenjung #4
Chapter 46: Comeonnnn Jessica!! U should chase after donghae!!! Pls i wanna see u both getting back together (again)
Chapter 46: Aww go chase him jess
zicky_yun #6
Chapter 46: I really wanted Jess to go back to be alone and then reunite with donghae and finally be together, but it seems that something different will happen (╯︵╰,)
aryuniee #7
Chapter 46: Go get him Jess!!
Chapter 46: omggg jessica you go girl!!!!
Chapter 45: Oh gosh I almost cried at the end of the chapter
SwiftSwiftSwift #10

YEAH THEY SHOULD GIVE THEIR RELATIONSHIP ANOTHER CHANCE!! Donghae wanted her back and now he decided not to just because he doesn't wanna hurt her again :( that's real love right there! Geez, this fish needs to win his woman back big time! Can't wait for the next chapters!! I really can't believe that you're back and you'll be completing this story, you have no idea how happy that made me! Thank you so much for coming back and deciding to not abandon this masterpiece! I'll be waiting for the next chapters ?