
Illegal Marriage
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Jessica swung her arms back and hit the incoming ball with her tennis racket. She grunted upon hitting the ball due to giving all her strength to make this ball reach to the other end of the tennis court. The ball manage to make it and the opponent missed it, causing Jessica to win the game. “Ahhh I swear I use to beat you in this game, now you’re beating me,” Mrs Jung, Jessica’s mother yelled from the other side of the court.

It’s been weeks since the Jung heiress contacted her parents, mainly because she is purposely is trying to avoid them. Now that her marriage with Donghae is officially a real marriage, how can Jessica explain herself to her mother that she has fallen in love with their servant? She promised her father that she will never fall in love with him, what does she do? she does the opposite. It’s not like she lied to her parents indirectly, she just didn’t think she would fall in love with this outcast. It’s not like she planned to fall in love with Donghae. She only marrued him to help him come to America. Forming a romantic relationship with him was definitely something she never intended to do. It just happened, fate happened.

So for the last few weeks she’s been hiding from her parents, ignoring their calls, pretending no one is home when they knock. Donghae is the only one contacting them, informing him about how he and his wife is doing.

One time Mrs Jung caught Jessica answering the phone, she invited her daughter to a match of tennis and lunch with her father at the country club like old times. Donghae was forcing her to go so there was nothing she could do but to attend. Apparently the more she hides out the more noticeable it is, and the more her parents will suspect her disappearance.

Not only is she lying to her parents about her secret relationship with their family servant, but she is also going to the country club she apparently love hanging out in. No she never did, her mother just put words in for her. She hated the country club, a place where wealthy people go for leisure. A place Jessica spent most of her weekends at growing up because her mother loved socialising with her two faced friends.

There’s nothing bad about it except that everything Jessica would do was judged by others. No one here was her friend, everyone saw her as a competitor and everyone is waiting for her mess up to take that advantage to her high thrown. Apparently people here value wealth, power and money rather then love and friendship. This is how the ice princess, Jessica’s alter ego rose.

With her mother, they hit the change rooms and dressed in pretty dresses. They then met Mr Jung at the restaurant located at the country club. “I don’t know when was the last time I saw you here,” Mr Jung remised the past. “I honestly thought you were dead,”

“Sorry,” Jessica bowed her head, “I was busy with school,” 


“How is the Lee treating you?” Mr Jung harshly asked. The tolerance he had this boy is much, he wasn’t that bad but his bank account makes him see so low of him. “We hardly see each other, he’s got school and I’m busy,”

“You know even though I hate Ren, I still think he’s a suitable guy for you then that Lee boy, thank god the marrriage only lasts for a year. You should be with someone like him. Tall, smart, good looking,”

“And rich..” Jessica spilt making her mother drop her utensils. She was nervous for her daughter, what she is going to say next. Luckily Mr Jung just chuckled as if it was a joke, “I don’t see how that’s funny. You’ve always wanted me with him because he’s got money. You always want me with someone in our social class so you don’t look bad in fornt of your two faced friends,” Jessica or should I say the ice princess spoke out.

She was gripping on her utensils very hard, the talk about money and social classes just pisses her off. “Ren never cared about me, he cared about money and power more and you're saying you want me to be with someone like him? You..” Jessica was interupted by her mother who changed the subject to avoid the tension between the two. “Next week is your father’s anual gala. You must come with Donghae,”

Jessica looked at her mother as if she’s some idiot. Has she been ignored for the last few years? The amount of times she has told her mother she doesn’t like going to these events, let alone to the country club but still she has made attend to these prestigious events. “Well Donghae oppa and I aren’t going,”

“You have to go!” Just like herself, her mother has a high pitched voice yelled making her daughter and husband jump in their seats. “I’m sorry,” she apologised as she dabbed with a napkin before proceeding. “I know you don’t want to be married to Donghae and that you don't want to be seen with him, but remember we are doing this to help out the Lee’s. I understand that you can’t stand being with him, I mean he must reak of cleaning products and..”

“ENOUGH!” Jessica stood to make a scene. “I hate this life, I hate money, power, I hate it all. I just want someone to love me for me and not see me as a heiress. What sad is that you're my parents, you’re not meant to treat me like everyone else. It’s even more sadder that I rather spend time with Donghae oppa then you guys, at least he doesn’t see me as a price tag,” with that Jessica dramatically walked away annoyed at her parents. She hopped into her car and drove home.

This whole fancy life Jessica has lived for the last 22 years is now getting tiresome and boring. She’s sick of being seen as someone on top, having friends who secretly want to pull her down. She’s sick of how everyone in her world who cares more for money then other important things in life. Apparently, money buys happiness, but being with Donghae she learnt that if you have a roof under your head, food to eat and your love ones next to you then you are already living a perfect life.

The extravagant life Jessica lived with a roof under her head, lavished foods but no love in her family. Even though her parents placed her on a pedal stool, they still put her second when it came to the social lights. After all they are one of the richest family in the coast line, they have a reputation to protect.

When it comes to the media it’s always about protecting a reputation, meaning they have to be sensible, smart looking. Howevever that’s not what Jessica wants. She wants to let her hair down, have fun with life and not be serious. That is how her alter ego, the ice princess was formed. The sadness in her life built up the ice princess. Now that Donghae came into her life again the ice princess imagine slowly toned down a bit as her walls were knocked down by no one other then the quirky boy Donghae.

Suddenly Jessica had something to live for, suddenly the sadness in her life disappeared because of him, she is reminded that life isn’t about seriousness that someone is actually out there to love her. Suddenly her life became colourful as she found Donghae.

“Let me go get her back,” Mrs Jung stood form her chair to get her daughter back to the table. Her husband latched onto her arm sitting her down. “No, let her be,” he disappointingly sighed. His perfect daughter isn’t so perfect anymore, now he knows what side she chose. Her actions and words between the lines was enough for Mr Jung to understand that his daughter is in love with their servant. 



Honestly she doesn’t want to go to this party her father is hosting, however she found herself in a glamorous dress because of her husband. She would much rather hang out in her apartment watching movies with her husband. Since her husband is very into impressing her father, he literally dragged to the party.

Mrs Jung convinced Donghae to convince her to come to this party. Now here she is in a place where small talks don’t really mean much and her every move is being watched and judged on. “I hate you,” Jessica whispered into her husband ear, “I hate you for making me come to this part. You can’t even speak english, so why are you pushing yourself to be in a room full of Americans?”

Donghae just chuckled having Jessica holding onto his arm as they walked through the crowd of judgemental people. “Who cares, what people think,” Donghae whispered back.

“I do when they say you look beautiful but really they are discussing how ugly you look within each other,” Donghae stopped walking and gave his girlfriend a look. This wasn’t the ice princess he knew, this was a sensitive side of Jessica. Deep down this world is psychologically br

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Writing the wedding chapter! Ahhh can't wait to update it


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aryuniee #1
Chapter 47: Oh My God... it’s finally happy ending....
Thanks for the great story!!
SwiftSwiftSwift #2
Chapter 47: Aaaand this story has finally come to an end. Really proud that I stuck to this story till the very end. I remember being curious when I first saw this story 5 years ago and how excited I felt whenever you updated, and it stayed that way until the final chapter. I was already crying because I really thought everything was over between them and it was too late, but the turn of events made my heart jump higher! Thank you for writing this magnificent story! From the first chapter to the last, I read it with a smile on my face (there were some tears too! Hahahahahaha!). Congratulations on doing an amazing job!

P.S. At first I was like 'who names their kid Pudding?' That really made me laugh.
koreaLife #3
Chapter 47: Since the debut of this story i'm here and just want to congrat you.. This story is amazing and will always one of fav. Thank you so much for this story.
aidenjung #4
Chapter 46: Comeonnnn Jessica!! U should chase after donghae!!! Pls i wanna see u both getting back together (again)
Chapter 46: Aww go chase him jess
zicky_yun #6
Chapter 46: I really wanted Jess to go back to be alone and then reunite with donghae and finally be together, but it seems that something different will happen (╯︵╰,)
aryuniee #7
Chapter 46: Go get him Jess!!
Chapter 46: omggg jessica you go girl!!!!
Chapter 45: Oh gosh I almost cried at the end of the chapter
SwiftSwiftSwift #10

YEAH THEY SHOULD GIVE THEIR RELATIONSHIP ANOTHER CHANCE!! Donghae wanted her back and now he decided not to just because he doesn't wanna hurt her again :( that's real love right there! Geez, this fish needs to win his woman back big time! Can't wait for the next chapters!! I really can't believe that you're back and you'll be completing this story, you have no idea how happy that made me! Thank you so much for coming back and deciding to not abandon this masterpiece! I'll be waiting for the next chapters ?