Part 10

On Rainy Days (Junhyung Version)

"One last chance, Junhyung. This is the last time I give you a chance to fix everything."

Her words ring in his mind continuously, and he promises himself that he will not let her down. He will not. Smiling at the reflection on the mirror, he fixes his tie. He has asked Hara to go out on a date with him, and she accepts. While checking himself in the mirror, his mind travels back to the time where they had their first date.


"You wanted to go to Lotte World?" Junhyung said once again to make sure.

Hara nodded her head excitedly. "Yes!" She saluted, grabbing the seat belt and fasted it around her body.

Junhyung chuckled at her cuteness and drove his car off to Lottle World.


The first thing Hara wanted to sit was roller-coaster. Say, she really loved life-challenging sports and games, and on the other hand, shamefully, Junhyung against everything that could take his life easily. He felt as if he was the girl in the relationship when it came to this thing, but again, everybody has something they feared of, right?

Hara looked at him with puppy eyes. Junhyung hadn't told her about his fear, and she was so eager to get on that damn thing! He sighed, finding himself giving in to that eyes. She was just undeniably adorable. Just one look of her rounded eyes, he fell on her feet. Like seriously.

"Alright. Alright. We'll go on that game." He said, gulping.

Unfortunately she didn't see his stiffen body and dragged him towards the entrance.

They had to go up for the entrance, and Hara was hopping happily. Junhyung was walking rigidly beside her, letting himself being drag up to the entrance. He heard the scream from people who were on the game and they sounded so.... so creepy for him. Swallowing hard, he looked in horror as the next stop came and people got out from the thing.

He just noticed it was finally their turn. Hara dragged him towards the front, the VERY front, I might add, and gleefully sat down. She gestured him to sit beside her when he was just standing, looking at the seat.

"Junnie!" She called and he snapped out of his daze.

Slowly he slipped in the seat and hastily grabbed the safety belt. He tighten the belt to the point where he couldn't even breathe, and fortunately the person-in-charge had to make sure everyone's safety by grabbing the belt.

"Sir, you should loosen the belt a bit."

"There's no need to!" He didn't intend to bark, but he just did.

The person backed away quickly. "O-okay..." He then made a motion for the controller to start.

Gripping on the safety around his neck, he swallowed another lump in his throat.... please let me go out of this alive, God!


"You should've told me that you couldn't play those kind of games." Hara muttered worriedly as she patted his back softly.

After the ride, Junhyung wobbled over a trashcan and threw the contains in his stomach out. Hara was shocked, but the next thing she did was patting his back worriedly. She didn't show a bit of disgust when he threw up and he was glad. Most girls would walk away from him and pretended they don't know him.

"Do you want water? I'll go buy real fast." Hara said as she gave him a pack of tissue and rushed over to the nearest food stall to buy a water bottle.

Junhyung had finally let out all his discomfort and sat down on the bench beside the trashcan, wiping his mouth with the tissue. He took a deep breath as he waited for her to come back.

When she finally did, he quickly gulped down the contain in the water bottle, filling in his empty stomach. "Feel better?" She asked concerningly, rumbling through the plastic for something.

"What are you looking for?" He asked, looking at her with one eye opened.

He was already damn tired although they just had one ride.

"I bought you a medicine." She said, pulling out a strip of tablets. "Here, eat one." She peeled the strip and took one out for him.

He took it gratefully and drank it with the last amount of water the bottle still had. His heart was swelling with happiness, knowing that this girl beside him was an angel.

He softly smiled at her and she smiled back.

These was a perfect life.

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Chapter 13: Love this story... long update please... :)
JsDAutumn #2
Chapter 13: Owh, Hara please take him back again. Junhyung really loves you...
Thank you for the update, Author-nim! I'll do what I promised you too, then. ^^
harayoon26 #3
Chapter 10: Naaaaaaaaaaaw :')
rion_01 #5
Chapter 9: Nice chapter. I'm glad that they finally talked face to face with each other and poured everything that they kept in their hearts after all these while. Aw, Junhyung's words at the end <3 I love angst and I love this as well^^
Thanks for the update. Looking forward for more soon~! <3
Chapter 8: Nice nice!!!
Chapter 2: update soon plss....
Chapter 1: This is JunHara fanfic? whoa! I'm looking forward for your updates ^^~