Good Company

The Only One
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Mighty Mouth ft Soya- Bad Boy


Bomi gulped and stepped back.

The gorgeous but pugnacious man advanced towards her.

She held out her hands. “Look, I-I-I-“

“You are a .” He hissed.

Her face fell. “No, I’m not. Nothing happened that night. We didn’t do anything!” She felt a rush of cool breeze hit her body and looked down. She was stark in front of him again!

With a high-pitched shriek, she attempted to cover up her body. “NO! THIS CAN’T BE HAPPENING!”

“NO!” Bomi jolted up with wide eyes. She took in gulps of air and glanced around the room. She was in her own bed. She was home, and Kris was nowhere in sight. Relief surged through her like a tidal wave. *Thank God it was just a dream.* Bomi looked to her side to see that it was empty. Jaejoong wasn’t there. *What if he went to sign that contract with Golden Tower?! NOOO! I MUST STOP HIM!* Bomi jumped out of bed and bolted downstairs.

“JAE OPPA!” She charged into the kitchen and plowed straight into him.

Water spilled everywhere, and he held the overflowing cup away to avoid getting wet even more. Jaejoong shook water off his arm, grabbed a napkin, and wiped water droplets off his bare abs.

“Jae oppa! Where do you think you’re going?!” Bomi asked.

“Where else? I have to go to work.” He said. “NO!” She squealed.

Bomi flung her arms around his bare waist and held onto him tightly. “I WON’T LET YOU! YOU CAN’T GO!”


“JUST STAY HOME TODAY!” Bomi moved in front of him and pushed her face in front of his. “Please? I’ll do anything you tell me to.” She stuck out her lower lip and tried her best to make the cutest puppy face ever. Jaejoong ducked his face down and searched her eyes. “Will you give your v-card to me?”

“NO!” Bomi shouted. “I thought so.” Jaejoong smirked.

“But Jae oppa!” She griped. He wrapped one arm around her waist and with her bare feet on top of his, he shuffled towards the refrigerator and opened it.

“Can’t you just stay home for today? Or pick up a really pretty girl and take her to a spontaneous trip up to the mountain? I’ll even book the resort!”

Without replying, Jaejoong put the water bottle back into the refrigerator and shut the door.

“OPPA! LOOK AT ME!” Bomi cupped his cheeks and turned his face to her. His eyes locked on her. “Either stay home or go away! I’ll even introduce you to one of my beautiful friends! She has a nice body, and guys drool all over her! She also has a feisty mouth, and she’s lots of fun!”

“Mmm…I’m sorry, but I’ll have to pass. Sunhwa isn’t really my type.” Jaejoong chuckled.

“OPPA, PLEASE!” Bomi clung onto his neck as she threw her head back and fake-cried.

“Boy, you must be desperate if you’re offering me one of your friends as sacrifices.” Jaejoong laughed as he wrapped his arms around her waist.

“I’m afraid you’re going to accept the contract!” Bomi stated. “I am going to accept it.” Jaejoong confirmed.

“What?! No! You can’t do that! If you sign the contract, that means you two will work together. Because I’m married to you, I’ll have to face him at meetings and parties. I’ll be reminded of that traumatic moment for the rest of my life!” Bomi slapped her forehead. She quickly jerked her head around and narrowed her eyes at him. “You don’t want your wife to be branded as a , do you? That would taint your reputation, mister.” She poked his chest.

“One, ow, that hurt. You need to cut your nails. Two, you’re not a . It was an accident, Bo. Three, if I don’t accept this contract, most likely, my father will harp me about it for the rest of my life. And I’m more annoyed by my father than you. Four, he seems like a decent guy, so I’m sure he won’t spread any rumors about you. Five, what reputation? Everyone already knows I’m a player and that I’m unfaithful to my wife. I think a little more dirt on me wouldn’t hurt.” Jaejoong stated.

“You’re really going to go through with his, aren’t you?” Bomi scowled.

Jaejoong gently pulled her away and looked into her eyes. “Trust me, Bo. Nothing bad is going to happen. If you want, I can talk to that guy-“

“NO!” She shrieked. “Okay then. We’ll pretend none of this happened.” He nodded.

“Fine.” Bomi sighed. Jaejoong smiled and touched her head. “I’m going to take a shower.” He jogged back upstairs.

She sank onto the chair and sighed again. *I hope I don’t regret letting him do this.*


Kris parked his Aston Martin One-77 in the lot and stepped out. He looked up at Royal Ambassador Resort, the largest and most influential hotel in Korea. Its status was reputable, and it was listed as one of the best twenty hotels in the world. Kris walked through the revolving doors.

“Mr. Wu.” Someone called. He turned his head.

A male secretary bowed. “Mr. Kim has been waiting for you. This way, please.”

Kris followed him into the elevator and towards Jaejoong’s office.

Jaejoong’s office phone rang, and he answered. “Yes?”

“Sir, Golden Tower’s director is here to see you.” His female secretary announced.

“Send him in.” Jaejoong signed the last portfolio and stuck his pen into the holder. There was a knock on the other side of the door. “Come in.” He called. The door opened, and Kris entered. He bowed politely.

“Come in, please.” Jaejoong stood up and walked over to the black seats. “Please have a seat.”

Kris nodded and sat on one of the chairs.

“Did you bring the contract for me?” Jaejoong asked. Kris nodded again in reply. “Yes, here it is.” He held it out.

“Great. This is ours. Please let me know if I have to amend anything.” Jaejoong held out the navy blue folder and exchanged it with the black one. Both leaders carefully examined the contract details. Jaejoong looked up and scrutinized the director. *So this is the guy that Bomi ‘slept’ with. I can see why she likes him. He’s the type she likes: tall, pretty-boy who looks cold but is warm on the inside. Wait. That’s me.* He guffawed.

Kris looked up and raised a dark eyebrow in question.

“I’m sorry. Excuse me.” Jaejoong chuckled some more. He placed the open folder on the table. “Everything here is what we want. Is everything favorable to you?”

Kris nodded in agreement. “Yes, everything is fine. We share 50/50 of the profits, correct?”

“Correct. It’s only fair that we share half.” Jaejoong replied.

Kris was about to say something when he noticed a photo on the desk. It was a wedding picture of Jaejoong and Bomi. She looked stunning in a wedding dress. *So they’re really married. I wonder if he knows what I did with his wife. Does he know that she’s such a flirt? Does he hold any resentment against me? I’m surprised he still agreed to meet me. Most likely that’s because she didn’t tell him about that night.* Kris thought.

Jaejoong followed his gaze to the photo. He couldn’t suppress the grin from forming on his lips. “Ah, my wife, Bomi. She’s beautiful, no?” Kris turned his gaze to Jaejoong but kept silent. “She can capture the heart of any man. She’s pretty and sweet. What more could a guy wish for? I’m fortunate to be married to a goddess like her.”

Kris’s lips turned into a thin line. *Pretty, yes. Sweet, no. She’s a goddamn cheater. I think it’s unfortunate that he doesn’t realize that.*

Jaejoong took a pen out of his jacket. “Ready to sign?”

Kris took out his own pen and swiftly left his signature on the contract. They switched folders and signed the other contract. Then they swapped folders again and shook hands. “Thank you for joining hands with Golden Tower. We look forward to working with you.” Kris professionally stated.

Jaejoong nodded, “The pleasure is all mine. I hope to do pleasant business with you in the future. I think things will turn out to be very interesting.”

Kris grew suspicious by the gleam in his eyes. *What is he trying to say?*

Jaejoong withdrew his hand. “We should have lunch sometime.”

Kris nodded, “Sure. Then good day.” He turned and left the room.

“What a sharp, brisk man. Someone like that is suitable for Bo.” Jaejoong grinned and returned to his desk.


With slightly deflated shoulders, Bomi walked out of the elevators and turned into the hallway towards Jaejoong’s office. “Hello, Mrs. Kim!” Workers bowed low as they passed by. “Hello.” She replied courteously. Bomi sighed, slipped her bag through her arm, and looked up. She froze entirely when she saw who was coming her way. *Him. The man who haunts my dreams! I shouldn’t just stay here! I need to hide!*


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TVXQ4everJJ #1
I wonder where writers like this are now
AFF misses stories like this
Chapter 44: It has been 3 years since I’ve read this😍😍
14 streak #4
Chapter 44: The ending was beautiful! I can't believe I read this before.. I don't remember reading this but I guess it's a good thing. Just one thing that I don't get was how fast she got divorced and married again haha
Chapter 44: It feels so good to read this again.
Ahhh the nostalgia. It's been years since the first time i read this story. I remember the excitement i felt every time this story updates. And this is one of my fave stories because kris and Jaejoong were my ultimate biases.
Chapter 16: Such a cruel landlady.
nadya_lau #8
Chapter 44: This is amazing, this is one of my fav stories. I re read this and still need tissues beside me.
Chapter 44: Omg I’m back here again. This has got to be one of my favourite stories!!! It made me cry and laugh and smile even though it’s been 7 years? I still remember the first time I’ve read it and it’s really my type of story! Thank you once again for this and I hope you’re doing well author ^^ great story once again and I’m sure I’ll be back again. Thank you for keeping it on the site. :)