Surprise Party

The Only One
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Teen Top- No More Perfume


*Someone's poster link would not work! So I'm sorry I can't use it >.<


“Jae oppa! Wake up! Wake up!” Bomi cried out as if there was a fire in their house.

Jaejoong forced his eyes open and groggily sat up. “What? What?”

There was an explosion that made him jolt. Silly strings fell over his hair.

“HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” Bomi cheered. “You are officially twenty-seven years old! Woo!”

“Aww, man. Why did you have to remind me?” Jaejoong groaned and lay back in bed with a pillow over his head. Bomi blew a whistle as she spun around the room. “Happy birthday to you~ Happy birthday to you~ Happy birthday to my husband~ Happy birthday to you!”

Jaejoong watched her with one eye peeked open and couldn’t help but laugh at her jollity.

Bomi jumped back into bed and shook him. “Get out of bed! Even if it’s your birthday, you still have to go to work!”

“No, I’m the CEO, and I say, since I’m getting older, I get to stay in bed the entire day.” Jaejoong buried himself under the blanket.

“Come on! How do you expect me plan your surprise birthday party with you in the house?!” Bomi complained.

“It’s not a surprise anymore.” Jaejoong mumbled.

Bomi crossed her arms with a frown. “Are you really not getting up?”

“Yep.” He replied. She sat on top of him, threatening to suffocate him with her non-existent weight. “Get up, or I’ll squish you!” He faked a snore. “GET UP! GET UP!” She bounced on top of him.

Jaejoong sat up immediately and gave her a piercing glare. Bomi stopped moving and blinked at him.

“I may not be attracted to you in that way, but you are a woman and I am still a man. Please do not move on top of me like that unless your gift for me this year is your v-card.” Jaejoong growled lowly.

“No way!” Bomi squealed.

“Then get off me, Bo.” He ordered. She stuck her tongue out at him before standing up. “Meanie!”

Jaejoong got up, tweaked her nose, and went to take a shower. After washing, he came out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist. He stopped short when he saw something new hanging by the body-length mirror. It was a three-piece Armani suit. There was a stick note attached to the jacket.

My birthday present to you. Happy birthday, Jae oppa!

-Your Bobo

Jaejoong chuckled. “Seriously?” He touched the smooth fabric, and his smile broadened. *Trust Bomi to know the latest fashion.* Jaejoong took it off the hanger to wear it for the important day. After getting ready, he came downstairs. “Bo?”

“In here!” She called from the kitchen.

Jaejoong entered the kitchen and halted. His eyes rounded at the slightly burnt toast, scrambled (minced) eggs, and definitely burnt bacon. Thank God Bomi hadn’t attempted to make freshly squeezed orange juice, or he would’ve been running out the door. “A birthday breakfast of doom.” Jaejoong sighed and hung his head. “What did I ever do to deserve this?”

Bomi appeared behind him. “What are you waiting for? Go sit down!” She put her hands on his shoulders and led him to the table. She perched him on the chair and sat across from him. “Ta-da! I made breakfast for you!”

“You shouldn’t have.” Jaejoong said. Bomi waved her hand. “It wasn’t hard.”

“No, Bo. You really shouldn’t have.” Jaejoong gave her a sympathetic look. “Oh, shut up, birthday boy.” Bomi pouted.

Jaejoong laughed and patted her hand. “I’m just kidding. It’s great! At least you tried. I give you credit for that.” He picked up his fork and began to eat. Smiling, she spread jelly on her toast.

After breakfast, which Jaejoong forced himself to devour everything (including the scorched bacon), he grabbed his briefcase and headed for the door. Bomi trailed after him. “Have a good day at work!” “Wow. I’m impressed. You’re treating me like I’m really your husband.” Jaejoong chuckled.

She swatted his arm. “According to the papers, you are.” He held out his arms. “You might as well finish the act while you’re at it.” B

omi chuckled, placed her hands on his shoulders, and raised herself on her tippy toes. “Have a good day at work, Jae oppa.” She kissed his cheek, and his lips automatically curled upwards.

“You know, I’m sort of liking this birthday thing.” He puckered up his lips. “How about a bonus?”

“Don’t push your luck.” Bomi rolled her eyes, opened the door, and pushed him out. She waved, “Bye, bye, honey~ Don’t come home until I call you!” Bomi slammed the door in his face.

“Charming.” Jaejoong smirked and left.

Bomi skipped back up to the master bedroom. She pressed a number from her speed dial and put her phone on speaker. Bomi opened her closet and wondered what to wear for the day. “Hello?” A suave voice asked.

“Hello, handsome~” She cooed while pulling out a sheer blouse from her closet.

The deep voice chuckled, “Aphrodite. To what do I owe this pleasure to?”

“I need your help. You do know whose birthday is it, right?” Bomi asked.

“Of course I do.” He replied.

“Then pick me up in thirty minutes! We have to go prepare!” She squealed, excited for the splendid party tonight.

“I’ll still get paid for this, right?” He kidded.

“Come on. You get to hang out with THE Aphrodite! What more do you want?” Bomi laughed.

“True.” He admitted. “Okay, I’ll pick you up.”

“Thank you, Yoochun oppa~” She cooed and shut her closet doors with a wide smile.


Jaejoong and Kris adjourned their meeting for the day.

“I’ll call you if something goes wrong.” Kris gathered the documents and stood up.

“Do you want to grab lunch with me today?” Jaejoong asked.

Kris paused. *Lunch? With Jaejoong?* He mulled over it.

“Oh, come on! You can’t let the birthday boy eat alone! That would be too sad.” Jaejoong stated.

“It’s your birhday?” Kris asked.

“Yes, sir. I’m twenty-seven now.” Jaejoong sighed. “Three more years until I hit my thirties.”

Kris smiled, and Jaejoong narrowed his eyes. “Hey, don’t laugh at me. You’ll be there soon, too, watch.”

“Okay, I guess I can eat with you.” Kris shrugged.

“Such enthusiasm.” Jaejoong stood up and folded his blazer over his arm. “Let’s go.”

The two gorgeous males headed to the nearest steak restaurant. While eating, they discussed work and recreation activities. “By the way, I heard you went with Bomi to see her grandmother.” Jaejoong said. Kris froze in the middle of cutting his steak. His heart thudded in dread. *Is he mad at me?*

“Thanks.” Jaejoong said. Stunned, Kris stared at him, “Thanks? For what?”

“For going with her. I appreciate you taking care of her like that.” Jaejoong smiled.

Kris swallowed hard. His hand shook as he gripped onto his water glass. *What if I wasn’t doing it for you? What if I was doing it for myself? Would you still be so grateful to me?*

Jaejoong tried not to laugh out loud. He could see how disturbed Kris was. *Oh, Kris. Do you know how translucent you are? I can see right through your heart.* When they were done with their five-star meals, they went to the counter. Jaejoong took out his wallet, but Kris held his hand out. “I’ll pay. It’s the least I can do for the ‘birthday boy’.” He smirked and held out his card, but Jaejoong pushed his hand away and stretched out his own platinum card for the worker to take.

Kris blinked at him in confusion. Jaejoong flashed a grin. “You can come to my birthday party instead.”

“Birthday party?” Kris asked.

“Yeah. That’s the least you can do for the birthday boy, right?” Jaejoong chuckled, clapped his shoulder, and left the restaurant.

*Another party?* Kris wondered.


The sun went down. Bomi finally called Jaejoong to come home.

“Hurry! Hurry! Jae oppa might be here any moment!” She squealed as she scurried across the shiny wooden floor.

“Slow down, baby. You act like it’s the end of the world.” Yunho lazily sipped his wine with his feet on the table.

Bomi rushed over and pushed his feet off. “Oppa, I love you, but please stop drinking and start hiding!”

“Is that a confession?” Yunho smirked with a wink.

“Hands off my future husband, Park Bomi!” Sunhwa screeched.

“Oh, right. I forgot. We’re about to be engaged. Sorry, Bomi baby.” Yunho pinched her cheek, finished the rest of the wine, and left the living room to get more wine.

Bomi went to the living room to check if the food was ready. “Ribs, check. Cake, check. Wine, check.”

“Why is she making such a fuss?” Sunhwa rolled her eyes. “It’s her husband’s birthday. Of course she would be.” Hyomin said.

“So? It’s not like they’re really in love.” Sunhwa shrugged. “Don’t you remember what Jaejoong oppa did for Bomi last year? He threw a giant party for her on a yacht in Bora Bora and gave her a car as a birthday present. So it’s natural she feels pressured to please him.” Hyuna pointed out.

Bomi went back into the living room. “Balloons, check. Streamers, check. Birthday sign, check.” She happily clasped her hands together. “All right! Everything seems settled!” “Thank you, Yoochun oppa.” Yoochun mocked with a good-natured chuckle. Bomi beamed. “Thank you~” “You’re welcome.” He winked. “Now, come on!” She clapped her hands. “Everyone hide! Yoochun oppa turn off the lights! Sunhwa, stop drinking all that wine! It’s for Jaejoong oppa!”

Sunhwa made a face. Hyuna snatched her glass away with a firm look and went to hide the rest of the wine.

“Junsu and Changmin oppas! Help me!” Bomi waved at them. They looked at each other and walked over to her. Bomi pointed to the gigantic blue-and-white box that would hide her. “Put me in there!”

“You’re Jaejoong oppa’s gift? Seriously? Lame.” Sunhwa scoffed.

“I think it’s sweet.” Hyomin beamed.

“Damn. I wish that could be my birthday gift.” Yunho slipped his thumb across his bottom lip. “Yunho oppa!” Sunhwa slapped his arm with a pout. “I’m sorry. I keep forgetting I’m going to have a fiance soon.” Yunho shrugged, patted her head, and left.

Junsu and Changmin easily lifted Bomi up and slipped her into the box. “Close it for me!” She bent her knees and ducked down. They did as told. “Don’t ever let her out.” Sunhwa joked. “Hey!” Bomi squealed from inside the box.

“Hey, I think Jaejoong oppa is coming.” Hyuna announced.

“Quick! Hide!” Bomi ordered.

Hyomin and Changmin hid behind one of the red couches. Hyuna and Sunhwa slipped behind the curtains. “Let me join you beautiful ladies.” Yunho followed them. Yoochun and Junsu hid behind the other couch. “This is fun.” Hyomin giggled. “Shhh!” Hyuna put her finger to her lips. Everything was silent. They heard Jaejoong and another voice outside. “Who else is coming?” Yunho asked. Sunhwa clapped a hand over his mouth and put a finger to her lips.

There were beeping noises, and at last, the door opened. Jaejoong turned the lights on, “Bo, I’m home-“

“SURPRISE!” Everyone popped out from their hiding places. Jaejoong smiled widely. He had expected something like this to happen. *Bomi, you really did try hard to surprise me.* “Aww, thanks, guys. You all are so kind.” Jaejoong chuckled and scanned the faces. “Where’s Bomi?”

“I don’t know. Why don’t you go search for her?” Yunho smirked.

Chuckling, Junsu, Yoochun, and Changmin parted the way so that Jaejoong could see the big gift box. Giggling, the girls pointed to it. Jaejoong approached the box and crossed his arms. “Why do I feel like this present is just for me?”

At that moment, the box opened, and Bomi sprang out. She threw her arms in the air with a cheery smile, “SURPRISE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JAE OPPA-“ Her jaw dropped open with a (literally) breath-taking gasp. *W-what is HE doing here?!* Kris was staring at her in both shock and puzzlement. It was like he was trying to guess what kind of bizarre creature she was. “Kris oppa!” Bomi tripped and sprawled forward. The box ripped open, and she landed flat on the ground.

“Omo!” The girls squealed. “Oh shoot!” The guys hollered.

*Oh my gosh. This is so embarrassing!* Bomi wished to disappear into a giant hole right now. Her cheeks flushed hotly, and she refused to look up in fear of seeing Kris’s aghast reaction.

Jaejoong was cracking up. “Oh my god! Bo! PUHAHAHA!” Bomi covered her face in mortification. *God, please feel free to

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TVXQ4everJJ #1
I wonder where writers like this are now
AFF misses stories like this
Chapter 44: It has been 3 years since I’ve read this😍😍
14 streak #4
Chapter 44: The ending was beautiful! I can't believe I read this before.. I don't remember reading this but I guess it's a good thing. Just one thing that I don't get was how fast she got divorced and married again haha
Chapter 44: It feels so good to read this again.
Ahhh the nostalgia. It's been years since the first time i read this story. I remember the excitement i felt every time this story updates. And this is one of my fave stories because kris and Jaejoong were my ultimate biases.
Chapter 16: Such a cruel landlady.
nadya_lau #8
Chapter 44: This is amazing, this is one of my fav stories. I re read this and still need tissues beside me.
Chapter 44: Omg I’m back here again. This has got to be one of my favourite stories!!! It made me cry and laugh and smile even though it’s been 7 years? I still remember the first time I’ve read it and it’s really my type of story! Thank you once again for this and I hope you’re doing well author ^^ great story once again and I’m sure I’ll be back again. Thank you for keeping it on the site. :)