Strange Symptoms

The Only One
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Genie- Everlasting Rainbow


One day, the four goddesses decided to meet up for lunch.

Hyuna, Hyomin, and Sunhwa were at the restaurant already. Bomi was the last to arrive.

“Look who decided to show up.” Sunhwa rolled her eyes. “You’re late.”

“Only by ten minutes.” Hyomin stated.

“Ten minutes too late.” Sunhwa snorted.

Hyuna shot her a look, “You’ve been worse.” Sunhwa made a face.

“Sorry, guys. I took a nap and woke up late.” Bomi curled her hair behind her ear and her lower lip.

“You? Nap?” Sunhwa laughed. “What are you? Seventy? You turned into an ahjumma. You are not a goddess anymore.”

“Sleep is necessary for beauty.” Hyuna defended Bomi until the end.

“I’m famished. Let’s order.” Bomi said. They looked through the menu and decided their meals. Bomi ordered creamy pesto shrimp. The girls chatted while waiting for their food to arrive.

“By the way, are you and Yunho oppa almost done with the wedding preparations?” Hyuna asked.

“Almost. We just need to get the dress. Can your cousin make me a dress like she did for Bomi?” Sunhwa asked.

Hyomin sipped her water and shook her head. “No can do. She went to Paris and won’t be back for half a year.”

“.” Sunhwa muttered under her breath. “That better not have been directed towards me!” Hyomin wagged her finger with a disapproving frown.

The waiter came with the food. Bomi eagerly took her fork. She couldn’t wait to eat.

As soon as the pasta was set in front of her, bile rushed up . Bomi clasped a hand over . “Mmpf!” She was on the verge of throwing up.

“What is with you?” Her friends gave her confusing looks.

Bomi put her hand down, “I-“

The overwhelming smell of cream made her want to barf.

“I gotta go-“ Bomi clamped shut and stumbled towards the restroom.

“What’s with her?” Sunhwa asked. “Looks like she’s sick.” Hyuna frowned.

“Oh god, I think it’s the stomach flu. It’s been going around now.” Hyomin shuddered.

Bomi came out of the bathroom stall. She had almost thrown up. Thank goodness she had managed to keep her breakfast inside. Bomi washed her hands and headed back to the table.

“Are you all right?” Hyuna asked.

Bomi nodded. “I’m fine. I don’t know what that was.” She picked up her fork, stabbed a shrimp, and brought it to her lips. Bomi froze. She felt like puking again. Her appetite waned at once. She put the fork down.

“What’s wrong? You don’t like the food?” Her friends asked.

Bomi sighed, “I don’t know. I don’t think I can eat. I don’t feel so well.”

Hyuna put a hand on her forehead and frowned. “You seem all right to me.”

“I bet you have the stomach flu.” Hyomin eagerly nodded.

“You should go home. Don’t force yourself to be here.” Hyuna said.

Usually, Bomi would stay, but today, she couldn’t refuse the suggestion. “I think I should go…” She stood up and grabbed her purse. “I’ll call you guys later.” They waved. “Feel better soon!” Hyomin called.

Bomi waved back and left the restaurant. She drove home, and the minute she stepped foot into her house, she felt another wave of drowsiness hit over her. *I think I need another nap.* Bomi headed to the bedroom and knocked out on the bed.


Kris came home to find the house dark. *Where is Bomi? She usually greets me as soon as I come home. Did she not come back from her outing with her friends?* After drinking some water, he headed upstairs. To his surprise, he heard television noises coming from the bedroom.

Kris entered to find Bomi sitting in bed with a bunch of used tissues surrounding her. He followed her fixated gaze to the screen where a sad romance movie was playing. When the male leads kissed, she burst into tears and yanked out more tissues from the box.

Kris turned the light on, and Bomi looked up.

“Oppa, you came.” She croaked. He sat on the edge of the bed and examined her face. “Baobei, what’s wrong?”

“Nothing is wrong. I just…I like the movie a lot.” She explained as she sniffled and blew her nose.

Kris peered at her face. “That’s it?” “That’s it.” Bomi confirmed.

She looked up at the screen, and her eyes watered again. “That’s so beautiful.” Bomi sobbed into the tissue.

Kris blinked at the screen, wondering what on earth was captivating her heart. To him, their love story seemed like an everyday love plot. Kris crawled closer to him and wrapped his arm around her shoulder. Bomi sniffled and rested against him. She was exhausted from all the tears she had shed.

“I never knew you were the sensitive type.” Kris teased.

*I didn’t know either. I don’t usually cry during movies.* Bomi wiped her tears away.


The first thing Bomi did when she opened her eyes the next morning was race to the bathroom. Her stomach heaved as she doubled over the toilet.

Kris sat up in confusion. Suddenly, he had been wrenched out of his dream, and his precious wife seemed to not be by his side anymore. Kris wondered where she had bolted to when he heard her throwing up in the bathroom. He was awake immediately.

“Bomi?” Kris stood up and walked over to the bathroom. He tried to go inside, but the door was locked.

Kris knocked anxiously. “Bomi? What’s wrong? Are you okay?”

*No, something is wrong with me. I’ve been feeling sick since yesterday, and I threw up just now. Oh God, here it comes up again.” Bomi doubled over the toilet once more.

Kris was going insane just standing outside. He patted his pockets. “I need the key.” He muttered while searching the room. Kris walked over to the drawer and rummaged through it for the bathroom key. Right then, the door opened. Kris hurried over. “Bomi, what’s wrong?”

“I don’t know.” Bomi wearily said.

“I think you should go to bed. You might be getting the stomach flu. I heard that’s going around.” Kris placed his arms around her and led her back to bed. “I have to get ready for work, but call me if you feel worse, okay?”

Bomi nodded and closed her eyes. She was instantly asleep.

*Poor Bomi. The stomach flu is terrible to deal with.* Kris shook his head and went to the bathroom.


Kris checked on Bomi in the afternoon. He bought porridge and came home.

“Bomi? Where are you?” Kris called as he searched around the mansion for her. He jogged upstairs and opened the bedroom door.

Bomi was fast asleep.

*Did she sleep all this time?* Kris walked over to the bed and placed a hand on her forehead. His lips turned into a frown. That was strange. She didn’t feel hot at all. Gently, he shook her. “Bomi, wake up.” Kris called in a soothing voice.

Her eyes fluttered open. She saw him and jerked up. “What time is it?!” Bomi glanced at the clock and gasped. “I’ve been sleeping for seven hours?! Oh my gosh!”

“It’s not a big deal. Besides, you’re sick. Why don’t you come down? I brought porridge for you. After that, you can go back to bed.” Kris said.

Bomi touched her forehead with a sigh. *Seven hours?! I’m a late sleeper, but I haven’t slept so much before!* She trudged downstairs.

Kris opened the bowl of porridge and stirred it with a spoon. “Eat some more before you go back to sleep. I’ll ask the physician to come over and diagnose you.”

Bomi sat down, dipped the spoon into the porridge, and held it to her lips. Immediately, a putrid taste rose up , and she felt like choking. “Mmpf.” She clamped a hand over .

Kris looked at her in alarm. Bomi got up and hurried to the bathroom.

Kris stared at the porridge, wondering if the cook had poisoned it somehow. *Why does she keep throwing up? She was crying endlessly over a movie yesterday, too, and she’s sleeping so much.* He stiffened. He had a distinct idea why she might have all these symptoms but wasn’t certain.

Kris grabbed his keys and swiftly walked out of the kitchen. *We have to go to the hospital. Right now.*


Kris and Bomi entered the hospital. She hated all needles and just hated the atmosphere of the hospital in general. She wasn’t used so such dread and nervousness. This place was so not her style.

Bomi lingered back as Kris dragged her to the second floor. “Oppa, I really don’t need a check-up. I’m feeling better! Honest!” She claimed, but he held fast onto her and plowed forward without a word. “I just had the stomach flu, but I’m feeling better already. See? I don’t feel like throwing up. Come on…” Bomi trailed off as her eyes followed a woman with a protruded belly. She looked to her left. Another expectant woman passe

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TVXQ4everJJ #1
I wonder where writers like this are now
AFF misses stories like this
Chapter 44: It has been 3 years since I’ve read this😍😍
14 streak #4
Chapter 44: The ending was beautiful! I can't believe I read this before.. I don't remember reading this but I guess it's a good thing. Just one thing that I don't get was how fast she got divorced and married again haha
Chapter 44: It feels so good to read this again.
Ahhh the nostalgia. It's been years since the first time i read this story. I remember the excitement i felt every time this story updates. And this is one of my fave stories because kris and Jaejoong were my ultimate biases.
Chapter 16: Such a cruel landlady.
nadya_lau #8
Chapter 44: This is amazing, this is one of my fav stories. I re read this and still need tissues beside me.
Chapter 44: Omg I’m back here again. This has got to be one of my favourite stories!!! It made me cry and laugh and smile even though it’s been 7 years? I still remember the first time I’ve read it and it’s really my type of story! Thank you once again for this and I hope you’re doing well author ^^ great story once again and I’m sure I’ll be back again. Thank you for keeping it on the site. :)