Marriage Life

The Only One
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Rainie & Show Luo- In Your Eyes


Two weeks later, the honeymoon was over. Kris and Bomi were back in Korea.

The limousine dropped them off in front of a colossal two-story mansion. Only Kris had been into their new home. Bomi had been kept out in order for it to be a “surprise”.

Bomi skipped up to the door and waited for Kris to punch in the code like he used to do for his old apartment.

“What are you waiting for?” Kris asked. “You! You know the key!” Bomi exclaimed.

“We both have the key.” Kris said with an enigmatic smile.

“What?” She asked confused. He took her hand and directed it towards the door.

Kris pressed her thumb against the burnished pad. Beep! Click! Her eyes widened and jaw dropped as the door stood ajar. She shifted her gaze up to her husband. He shrugged with a smile. “The latest technology.” “That was so…awesome.” Bomi giggled and stepped inside.

The moment she stepped inside the mansion, she knew this was her home. She looked around the wondrous blue-and-white house.

The contemporary firehouse was long and rectangular. There was a big-screen TV attached to the wall. Bomi ran into the kitchen and gasped. It was huge! It was so white and clean that she didn’t want to dare try cooking, fearing it would leave a stain.

“The kitchen is so big…” Bomi whispered. Then she realized the problem and spun around.

“What?” Kris asked, knowing that look fully well. It was the same look she had given him on their honeymoon night. “The kitchen is fabulous…but I don’t think you know this about me…” Bomi took a deep breath then spilled, “I can’t cook. I don’t know how, and if I try, I end up messing up big time. Ask Jaejoong oppa. He’ll tell you I can’t cook to save a life.”

“He did.” Kris stated. Bomi gaped at him, “He actually said that?! Wait…when did he tell you about my nonexistent cooking skills?”

“At my ‘bachelor party’.” Kris chuckled. *That jerk! He probably revealed some embarrassing things about me!* Bomi crushed her fist with a scowl.

“It’s okay, Bomi. I didn’t marry you for your…nonexistent cooking skills.” Kris guffawed.

Bomi shot him a look and then pouted. “I’m a terrible wife.”

“You’re my love, and that’s what matters.” Kris kissed her forehead.

“We’re going to starve.” Bomi sighed.

“There’s a housekeeper that will come every day, and she can cook for us. And in an emergency…I can always cook.” Kris offered. She stared at him. “Y-you know how to cook?!” He shrugged, “I lived by myself for a long time. I had to know how to fend for myself.”

Bomi lit up and clapped excitedly. How had she been blessed enough to marry men who knew how to cook?!

“Now, don’t look too forward to it. My dishes may not meet your taste, and of course, I can’t surpass Chef Jaejoong’s cooking skills.” Kris stated.

Bomi threw her arms around his neck. “I will love anything you make! You are probably better at cooking than Jae oppa! I would pick your food over his anytime!”

“You’re biased.” Kris chuckled. He took this opportunity to hold her. He wrapped his arms around her waist and rocked her side to side. It was blissful standing in their own kitchen and cuddling.

Bomi pulled back. “Come on! I can’t wait to see the bedroom!” She darted upstairs.

*She has so much zeal.* Kris thought in admiration as he followed her to the second floor.

There were five rooms in all. “Where’s our room?” Bomi asked. Kris pointed to the last room in the hallway.

She ran down and opened the door. Bomi gasped in awe. She adored everything about their room, especially the bed. It literally glowed blue. Everything looked so modern and clean. She loved it. Bomi jumped onto the bed and lay down on her side of the mattress.

Kris walked over and lay down next to her. They looked at each other and laughed. He slipped his arm underneath her head. She rolled onto her side and rested her hand on his flat stomach. Bomi sighed in contentment as she nestled against his side. “I’m so happy nowadays. This is our place to call home.” She closed her eyes to enjoy the blissful moment.

Kris turned his head, and his forehead touched hers. He watched her just breathe and relax. *This is our home, where we’ll be grow a family and be happy together.* Just the thought of their children running around the home made his heart explode with happiness.

Bomi opened her eyes and blinked up at him with her big, brown orbs. Kris blinked back. Her lips curved upwards into a demure smile. Kris found those lips irresistible and kissed her. Bomi wrapped her arm around his waist and responded eagerly. The honeymoon feelings were back to stay for good. They couldn’t seem to get enough of each other. Kris pulled her even closer by squeezing her against his body and wrapping his free hand around her waist. His fingers slid down her side and down to her exposed legs. He hooked his hand behind her right knee and hooked her leg over his waist.

Right when he rolled on top of her, Bomi pushed him away and jolted up. Her eyes were wide, “I WANT TO SEE THE BATHROOM!” She jumped up and ran off.

Kris sat up and glided his thumb across his lower lip that was now covered with her lip gloss. *I don’t know if she’s doing this on purpose or accident.* He shook his head with a light smirk.

“The bathroom is gorgeous!” He heard her squeal.

*Yup, definitely an accident. She chose the bathroom over me. What a devoted wife I have.* Kris slid off the bed and walked into the bathroom. Bomi was inside the glass shower stall. She spun around, and her smile brightened when she saw him. She knocked on the glass and waved.

“What are you doing in there?” He laughed.

Bomi pressed her lips against the glass and giggled. Kris raised an eyebrow and tilted his head in marvel.

Finally, she stepped out of the shower and spun around. “It’s a waste to see this beauty by ourselves.” Bomi clapped her hands. “I have an idea! We’ll have a party!”

“Party?” Kris asked.

“A housewarming party!” Bomi grinned.


“Catering food, check. Wine, check. Chocolates in glasses, check. It’s all prepared.” Bomi applauded with a bright smile. Kris came downstairs and saw the festive decorations. “Is this a housewarming party or a birthday party?” He teased.

“It’s a party, that’s for sure.” She chuckled. “Oh, and I have this just for you.” Bomi held out a bottle of sparkling apple cider. Kris smiled, touched by her caring preparation. She placed the bottle on the counter looked at the clock on the wall. “They should be here any minute now…”

Ding Dong!

“They’re here!” Bomi squealed. This would be the first time she would be seeing her friends since the wedding. She had missed their presence so much. Bomi ran to the door.

“Slow down, baobei.” Kris warned.

Bomi flung open the door. “We’re here!” Her friends laughed.

“Welcome!” She squealed.

The four goddesses reunited with air kisses and tight hugs. “Look at you, gorgeous. You’re glowing with happiness.” Hyuna winked. Bomi beamed as she touched her cheek. “Hi, Kris oppa.” The girls chimed. He nodded in acknowledgement. “Here. For you, from the three of us.” Sunhwa held out an envelope. It was a $3000 gift certificate for house supplies. “We had no idea what to get in so we just pitched in a bit. Go shopping with your hubby.” Hyuna smiled.

“You didn’t have to bring a gift, but thank you!” Bomi hugged them gratefully.

“Can we go look around?” Hyomin asked. “Go ahead and explore!” Bomi beamed graciously.

Chatting excitedly, the girls went on a self-tour around her new house. The doorbell rang again. Bomi opened the door.

“Hello! Ni hao!” Kris’s friends were here now. They were all here except for Lay and Tao who had gone back to China.

“Welcome to our home.” Bomi beamed and stepped aside to let them through. “Hi, hyung.” Chanyeol and Kai grinned.

“Hey.” Kris greeted them.

“Hello, mei mei. How was your honeymoon?” Luhan asked kindly. “It was a lot of fun. I had a great time.” Bomi replied. “That’s good. Here you go. Kris told us you like tulips.” Luhan held out a bouquet of tulips. “Aww, you shouldn’t have. Thank you though.” Bomi winked at Kris, squeezed his arm, and went to the kitchen.

“So, how was the honeymoon?” Xiumin snickered. “If you’re going to say something stupid, get out.” Kris warned.

“All right, sheesh! I won’t ask you to spill the details.” Xiumin smirked. “Come on. Let’s go look around.” Luhan grabbed his arm and beckoned Chen to follow.

The bell rang once more. Bomi shot out of the kitchen. “

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TVXQ4everJJ #1
I wonder where writers like this are now
AFF misses stories like this
Chapter 44: It has been 3 years since I’ve read this😍😍
14 streak #4
Chapter 44: The ending was beautiful! I can't believe I read this before.. I don't remember reading this but I guess it's a good thing. Just one thing that I don't get was how fast she got divorced and married again haha
Chapter 44: It feels so good to read this again.
Ahhh the nostalgia. It's been years since the first time i read this story. I remember the excitement i felt every time this story updates. And this is one of my fave stories because kris and Jaejoong were my ultimate biases.
Chapter 16: Such a cruel landlady.
nadya_lau #8
Chapter 44: This is amazing, this is one of my fav stories. I re read this and still need tissues beside me.
Chapter 44: Omg I’m back here again. This has got to be one of my favourite stories!!! It made me cry and laugh and smile even though it’s been 7 years? I still remember the first time I’ve read it and it’s really my type of story! Thank you once again for this and I hope you’re doing well author ^^ great story once again and I’m sure I’ll be back again. Thank you for keeping it on the site. :)