Holy Matrimony

The Only One
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The morning of the wedding was a hectic one. Unlike her first wedding ceremony, Bomi was actually excited and into the preparations. She conversed with Kris over the phone for three brief minutes. After that, she was hurried to the salon and stayed there until late morning.

Time flew by fast, and before she knew it, it was finally time for the ceremony.

Bomi sat in the bridal room, nervously twisting her hands as the stylists fixed her hair and did last finishing touches on her make-up. There was a knock on the door. Bomi looked up to see her best friends entering. “Bomi!” The girls swept in, and the stylists backed away to give them some space.

Hyomin embraced the bride tightly. “Hey, hey, that’s enough. You’ll ruin her dress.” Hyuna scolded.

Hyomin pouted but stepped back. “You look lovely, Bomi.” Hyuna smiled proudly.

“Thanks.” She smiled warmly.

“Yeah, my cousin makes fabulous dresses.” Hyomin winked. “She makes the dress shine, Hyomin, not the other way around.” Hyuna rolled her eyes. Sunhwa crossed her arms with a snort. “I can’t believe you. You’re getting married first again! Selfish wench! I got engaged before you!”

Bomi giggled. “Sorry, Sunhwa.”

“Too bad. You should’ve just skipped the engagement and married right away.” Hyuna shrugged.

“I realize that now.” Sunhwa pouted.

“You guys…” Bomi took a deep breath and looked up at them with a slight frown. “I’m really nervous.”

“Don’t be. You’ll do great.” Hyuna assured. “Yeah, Bomi! You’re getting hitched to the man of your dreams! What more would you want?” Sunhwa asked.

“This feels surreal. I can’t believe I’m getting truly married to someone. My life will be devoted to this man forever. There’s no backing out now.” Bomi gulped.

“If you’re having second thoughts, we’ll help you escape right now.” Sunhwa offered.

“Sunhwa!” Hyomin squealed. Hyuna touched Bomi’s shoulder. “Don’t get cold feet now, Bomi. Think about Kris. He’s waiting for you at the end of the aisle.” Her stomach fluttered in anticipation.

There was another knock on the door. Bomi looked up.

“There she is! I found her!” Krystal hollered. She ran inside and hugged her favorite cousin tightly. “Unnie! I can’t believe you’re getting married again!” Bomi chuckled and patted her back. “I know. And this time, you actually came.” Krystal pulled back, “I had to witness your happiness.” “Thanks for coming. It means a lot to me.” Bomi squeezed her hand.

“Sunny unnie, Soojung unnie, Yuri unnie, Yoona unnie, and Seohyun unnie came, too. Taeyeon unnie sends her love from Japan.” Krystal announced. At that precise moment, her cousins came flocking in. “Bomi!” They cooed. “And don’t worry. My sister didn’t make it, along with the other two witches.” Krystal winked. Bomi grinned. The day had gotten that much brighter.

“We’ll be outside.” Hyuna smiled. Hyomin and Sunhwa waved and followed Hyuna out the door.

“You look beautiful.” “You’re so amazing!” “Look at you, gorgeous!” Her cousins squealed in joy.

“Congratulations, Bomi!” The triplets chorused. Bomi laughed, “Thank you very much.”

Another knock on the door brought the conversations to a halt.

“Bomi!” Her male cousins boomed and flooded inside. The room was filled with chatter now. “You look absolutely beautiful. For sure, you have our amazing genes.” Donghae squeezed her bare shoulders and kissed her temple.

“Noona! You look so beautiful!” Taemin kissed her hand with an adorable smile. “Yeah, noona. Your hubby must be so happy.” Key laughed.

“Again, I disapprove of your marriage.” Jonghyun pouted. “All of my noonas should just stay single and beautiful forever.” Bomi laughed and whacked his arm.

“All right. I want a picture with my pretty noona.” Minho tossed the camera to Siwon. “Hyung, a picture of us and our lovely cousin.” Minho, Onew, Jonghyun, Taemin, and Key surrounded her. She smiled and held up the bouquet.

“Ooo! Us next!” Sunny waved her arm. “I want a photo of just me and unnie!” Krystal hollered.

Siwon took a lot of pictures of the cousins.

Bomi looked around, blissful that her family was here to give their blessing. Now…she just needed her father to come.


Kris anxiously paced around the groom’s room. His stomach tumbled wildly. He had to take several deep breaths to calm his nerves. He wanted to see Bomi so badly, but at the same time, he was nervous about the wedding beginning.

What if he did something wrong?

What if he embarrassed himself in front of all the guests?

What if the priest didn’t come in time?

A knock on the door made him freeze. He spun around just as the door opened.

“Whoa. Nice room.” Xiumin looked around, amazed. Luhan and Chen stepped inside. Tao and Lay had come from China also.

“Congratulations, ge!” Chen smiled.

“Yeah, ge. Who knew you would actually get hitched?” Tao chuckled, amused.

“I knew you would marry her.” Lay smiled. “From the moment you introduced her to us, I knew.”

“Why do you look so pale?” Luhan asked, concerned. Before Kris could answer, Xiumin spoke, “Of course he’s pale! He’s nervous as hell! Look at him sweating bullets! Heck, I’d be nervous, too, if I was walking down the aisle with all eyes drilling holes into my head watching for my every mistake and wondering what kind of a person I am to be marrying the bride.”

Kris narrowed his eyes. “Xiumin.” “Okay, I’m sorry. I won’t put oil on the fire.” He snickered.

Kris rolled his eyes.

“You’ll do well, Kris. You’re almost at your happily ever after. There’s nothing to be scared of.” Luhan assured with a soft, encouraging smile. Kris gave him a small smile. He appreciated his friend’s words of encouragement. Another knock on the door made all heads look up.

Jaejoong poked his head in and smiled, “Sorry, are we interrupting anything?” “Not at all. Come in, Jaejoong.” Kris said.

“Jaejoong?!” Xiumin mouthed with wide eyes. “As in your wife’s ex-husband?!” He hissed in Chinese.

Kris growled a threat, and Xiumin backed away.

Jaejoong and his friends blinked at Kris’s friends. Kris began to quickly introduce them to each other. “Nice to meet you all.” Jaejoong smiled affably and held out his hand. Luhan politely took it, “It’s nice to meet you as well.”

“Yeah, not to mention, awkward as hell.” Xiumin muttered.

“Xiumin!” Kris snapped. “Let’s get out of here before you pop a vein in the groom’s forehead.” Lay chuckled.

“We’ll be out there.” Luhan said. His friends bowed and left the room.

Kris sighed and leaned against the dresser. He was exhausted already.

“Oh, hey, come on now! Be excited! You’re getting married! That’s generally a good thing!” Jaejoong chuckled. “Yeah, you’re marrying Aphrodite. It doesn’t get any better than that, my friend.” Yoochun chuckled.

“I know I’m lucky.” Kris whispered softly. Suddenly, he perked up. “Where’s Bomi?”

“Why?” Jaejoong asked suspiciously.

“I want to see her.” Determinedly, Kris strode towards the door.

“Whoa, slow down.” Yunho and Changmin blocked him. “Why?” Kris asked, baffled.

“You can’t see her.” Yunho stated. “Why not?!” Kris demanded. “She’s MY bride!”

Yunho shrugged, “Sorry. You still can’t.”

“But- but-“ Kris sputtered, stunned.

“Look, Kris. You can’t see Bomi right now. Period. It’s bad luck for you to see her before the wedding.” Jaejoong stated. “But you saw her before your wedding.” Junsu blinked. “So? Our marriage was superficial. It was cursed from the beginning.” Jaejoong shrugged.

“I want to see her!” Kris roared. “No.” Jaejoong sent him a firm look. Kris sighed in defeat.

“But since I’m not the groom this time, I can definitely see her.” Jaejoong smirked. Kris gawked at him. This was unfair!

“Let’s see how beautiful my ex-wife is!” Jaejoong laughed tauntingly and left.

Kris lunged for the door, and it took all combined strengths of Yunho, Changmin, Junsu, and Yoochun to hold him back.


Bomi had received a warning that the wedding would start in five minutes. She was alone in her room, and now butterflies were fluttering in her stomach. Bomi sat back down and looked around the empty room. *Where is my dad? Is he really not coming? Am I walking down the aisle alone?* Her shoulders drooped in sadness.

There was a gentle tap on the door, and she jerked up. *Dad?!* Hope blossomed in her chest.

The door opened, and Jaejoong stepped inside. “Jae oppa…” Bomi was slightly disappointed but still happy to see him.

Jaejoong smiled affectionately. “Hey, Bo.” He stopped in front of her and examined her glowing state. “Wow…you look so beautiful. You shine even more than on our wedding day.” Jaejoong smiled. Bomi blushed, “Thanks, Jae oppa.

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TVXQ4everJJ #1
I wonder where writers like this are now
AFF misses stories like this
Chapter 44: It has been 3 years since I’ve read this😍😍
14 streak #4
Chapter 44: The ending was beautiful! I can't believe I read this before.. I don't remember reading this but I guess it's a good thing. Just one thing that I don't get was how fast she got divorced and married again haha
Chapter 44: It feels so good to read this again.
Ahhh the nostalgia. It's been years since the first time i read this story. I remember the excitement i felt every time this story updates. And this is one of my fave stories because kris and Jaejoong were my ultimate biases.
Chapter 16: Such a cruel landlady.
nadya_lau #8
Chapter 44: This is amazing, this is one of my fav stories. I re read this and still need tissues beside me.
Chapter 44: Omg I’m back here again. This has got to be one of my favourite stories!!! It made me cry and laugh and smile even though it’s been 7 years? I still remember the first time I’ve read it and it’s really my type of story! Thank you once again for this and I hope you’re doing well author ^^ great story once again and I’m sure I’ll be back again. Thank you for keeping it on the site. :)