Becoming One

The Only One
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4men- Love Sick


The wedding had to come to an end so that Kris and Bomi could catch their flight to China on time. After changing out of her wedding dress and into something more casual and cute, Bomi stepped outside.

Kris was already there saying goodbye to the guests. He spotted her and held out his hand.

Bomi came over and took it. “Here is the pretty bride~” The guests chuckled. Bomi beamed at all of them.

“Have a good time, Bomi!” Hyuna, Hyomin, and Sunhwa embraced her tightly. “When you come back, you’ll finally be a woman.” Sunhwa teased. Bomi blushed and lightly whacked her arm. “Have a good trip, Bomi!” Her cousins waved. “Call me!” Krystal waved. Smiling, Bomi nodded and waved back.

“The car is here.” Someone announced. A limo decorated with ribbons, balloons, and hearts pulled to a stop next to her

. Bomi turned around in search for someone. She finally spotted him and walked over. “Dad…”

“Call me when you arrive. When you come back, we’ll work out something with your stepmom. Don’t worry about her, and have a good time.” He smiled supportively.

Bomi smiled appreciatively and nodded. “See you soon, dad.” She kissed his cheek and walked towards the limo.

“Have fun, Bo! Don’t play Chubby Bunny on your honeymoon this time!” Jaejoong waved both arms.

Kris looked puzzled. “Chubby Bunny?” Bomi turned red. “Jae oppa!” She hissed.

“What is that?” Kris asked. “N-nothing! We’re late! We should go!” Bomi ducked into the limo.

Kris looked back at Jaejoong who winked. *Huh. Strange.* Kris waved one more time and entered the limousine. The couple waved at the guests until they were out of sight. Bomi sighed in relief and relaxed against her seat.

Kris arched an eyebrow. “Mind telling me what that was about back there?”

“I’m so tired! I should get some sleep!” Bomi shouted rather loudly, leaned her head against the window, and shut her eyes. She opened one eye and peeked his way. He was still looking at her. Bomi cleared and shut her eye again.

Kris chuckled and shook his head. *Must be something embarrassing.*

About an hour later, they arrived at Incheon Airport. Bomi waited at the bench while Kris went to get the airplane tickets. She looked through the tour book of China. *I want to go to so many places. Good thing we have two weeks until we go back to Korea!* Kris came back, and Bomi asked, “Did you get the tickets?” He nodded and sat next to her. “Two first class tickets.” She beamed, hugged his arm, and leaned her head against his shoulder.

“Have you decided where you wanted to go?” He asked.

“Yes! Here, here, and oh, here!” She pointed to the interesting places in the book.

Kris smiled at her enthusiasm. “Looks like the next couple weeks will be a busy one.” He wrapped an arm around her.

“It will be! I’m so excited!” She giggled. Kris kissed her cheek. “Do you want to go get coffee?” “Yes.” Bomi beamed.

Holding hands, they went to Starbucks. Tapping her lips, she scanned the menu. *What should I get?*

“Did you decide?” Kris rested his jaw against the side of her head.

“I think I’ll get the iced skinny mocha.” Bomi decided.

Kris ordered that and a caramel macchiato for himself. They waited for their drinks to be made.

Kris touched her cheek, ran his fingers along her hair, and kissed her jaw. He just couldn’t keep his hands off of her. He was still amazed at how this perfect goddess was his now. How had he become so blessed? “One iced skinny mocha and one caramel macchiato.” The worker called.

“That’s us!” Bomi darted forward. Kris frowned slightly, not particularly pleased that his wife had ditched his kiss for coffee.

Bomi thanked the employee with a heart-stopping smile and grabbed the drinks. The male employee’s jaw hit the floor as he gaped at her in wonder. “Here, Kris oppa!” She beamed and held out his drink. He took it and glanced back at the worker. *Yes, I know she’s gorgeous, but no, she’s not available.* Kris wrapped his arm around her back and led her out of the café.

They sipped coffee and exchanged conversation while waiting for their boarding time. When it came, they tossed their empty cups in the trash and headed for the gate.

Bomi stood behind Kris and looked up at his back in wonder. She checked his airport fashion out and giggled.

He heard her laugh and spun around with a quizzical expression. “What’s so funny?”

“It’s not funny, really. I just…” She pinched his green jacket with a smile, “I like your airport fashion. You’re like a model, and this is your runway.” “Very funny.” He laughed dryly to humor her, and she burst into giggles. Kris couldn’t help but smile. He her hair and kissed the space next to her left eye.

They went through check-in and went into the airplane. They found their seats and sat next to each other. “I can’t wait until we arrive in China!” Bomi clapped. Kris caught her hand, and she looked at him with questioning eyes. He placed their hands side-by-side, and their dazzling wedding rings sparkled. “Just married.” Bomi beamed up at him. Their faces were just inches away from each other’s.

Kris smiled tenderly and pecked her lips. Bomi returned his light peck with a soft kiss of her own. She pulled back, and he slowly opened his eyes. Bomi chuckled, his cheek, and then settled back in her seat with a magazine in her lap. *You can’t just do that, and leave me hanging.* Kris thought, slightly frustrated. He exhaled slowly and took out his phone. He felt a light weight against his arm and turned his head.

Bomi rested her head against his arm as she flipped through the pages of the magazine. Kris smiled as contentment swelled in his heart.

A couple hours later, they arrived at their destination. Once they had found their luggage, a white limousine was waiting to pick them up. Kris stepped out of the limo and helped Bomi out. She smiled up at Golden Tower. This was starting to become her favorite hotel now.

The concierge came running out and greeted them with a polite bow. “Welcome back to China, sir. Congratulations on your wedding.”

“Thank you.” Bomi smiled. “Is our room ready?” Kris asked.

“Yes, your suite is prepared.” The concierge held out the key.

“Come on.” Kris smiled mysteriously as he led Bomi to the elevator. “Something smells fishy. What are you planning?” She asked. “It’s a surprise.” He smiled as he pushed her bangs away from her eyes. “Just like your wedding dress was.” “You’re getting me back for that, aren’t you?” She mumbled. “I don’t hold grudges.” He stated. “Yeah, right. I remember when you wouldn’t talk to me for a long time because you misunderstood my cousin as one of my ex-boyfriends.” She teased.

Kris turned red. “Let’s not talk about the past. The present is the most important.”

“Okay, okay. I won’t embarrass you anymore.” Bomi vowed.

The elevator came to a stop, and they stepped out. Kris led her down the hallway to the presidential suite he had especially prepared for the honeymoon. He unlocked the door, and it clicked open.

“Ready?” Kris murmured. “Yes!” Bomi nodded eagerly.

Kris smiled and opened the door. Bomi stepped inside and gasped.

The lovely suite room had been arranged just for her. Red rose petals covered the furniture. Some of them had also been strewn on the floor. At the foot of the bed was wine and chocolates. A bouquet of tulips, her favorite, greeted her on the bed. The words ‘Just Married’ hung over the bed. “Oh my god! This is gorgeous!” Bomi squealed. She hopped onto the bed and smoothed the silk blanket with her palm. She picked up a chocolate and popped one into .

Kris set their luggage by the closet and approached her. “Do you like it?”

“It’s amazing! Did you do all this?” Bomi asked.

“I asked for it to be arranged this way, and the maids did it.” Kris modestly replied.

“Aww, you’re so sweet.” Bomi got up, cupped his cheeks, and planted a sweet kiss on his lips. He realized she tasted like chocolate.

“Do you want to go out?” Kris asked. “We still have a couple hours until sunset.”

Bomi gasped with wide eyes, and for a moment, he thought something bad had happened. “What?!” He asked in alarm. She clasped her hands together, “Can we please go get almond milk?”

Kris blinked at her then sighed, “Really? That’s why you gasped?”

Bomi skipped over and pouted up at him. “Please?”

Kris raised an eyebrow then chuckled. “I think I know why you wanted to come to China for our honeymoon. You came for the almond milk, didn’t you?”

“You know me so well.” Bomi beamed.

“Wow. I think I just got beaten by a drink.” He rolled his eyes. “Can we go? Pretty please?” She asked.

“All right.” Kris obliged. “Yes! Let me just go change!” Bomi grabbed her luggage, pulled out several articles of clothing, and popped into the bathroom. Kris opened his bag and searched inside to change his top. He stripped his jacket and shirt off then pulled over the knitted white sweater. *Perfect fit.* Kris smiled.

Bomi came out of the bathroom and folded her other clothes into the bag. “Kris oppa?” She turned the corner and stopped. Her eyes flitted to the sweater he was wearing. Then she looked down at the sweater she was wearing. Her eyes shined. “What do you know? We match.” Bomi giggled.

Kris smiled. She was wearing a white sweater and looked lovely in it.

“Hello, handsome.” Bomi lightly pinched his side. “I like your sweater. I wonder what amazing person knitted that for you?”

Kris wrapped his arms around her waist and rested his forehead against hers. “My wife.”

“Mmm…I bet she’s amazing.” Bomi chuckled. “She is.” Kris wholly agreed. He glanced at her sweater. “Did you knit one for yourself? Was this a tactic to make us wear couple sweaters?”

Bomi laughed. “I hate to disappoint you, but I bought this at the mall. I don’t really knit things for myself.”

Only for me?” Kris mumbled.

“Only for you…and well, occasionally Jae oppa when he threatens me.” Bomi shrugged. He laughed at her comment, and her lips stretched into a wide smile. She liked how she had the ability to break his heart of ice and cause him to relax.

“Shall we go?” Bomi stepped back and held out her arm. Kris rolled his eyes with a smirk. He grasped her outstretched arm and looped it through his. “Now we shall.” Laughing lightly, Bomi hugged his arm. Arm-in-arm, they left their suite.

Kris and Bomi reached the lobby. “Excuse me, sir.” The concierge came running, and they paused to turn around. He greeted her then spoke in rapid Chinese, “There is a problem at the pool. Can you come and check it out briefly?” Kris looked at Bomi.

“What is it? Is something wrong?” She asked. “There’s something at the pool…” He stated.

“Then you should go!” She encouraged. “Come with me. It won’t take long. You can get a tour of the pool as well.” Kris said.

“Sure, if I won’t be a bother.” Bomi nodded.

They followed the concierge to the pool. “Stay here.” Kris led her to a table under the umbrella. He snapped his fingers, and the waiter came running. “Get her something sweet to drink.” “Yes, sir.” The waiter bowed and left.

“It won’t be long.” Kris said. “Don’t worry about me.” Bomi waved her hands.

Kris followed the concierge to the other end of the pool. The waiter came back in no time with her tropical juice. Bomi thanked him with her limited Chinese and took a sip. She spotted Kris at the other side of the pool. He talked with a few visitors and workers. Bomi

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TVXQ4everJJ #1
I wonder where writers like this are now
AFF misses stories like this
Chapter 44: It has been 3 years since I’ve read this😍😍
14 streak #4
Chapter 44: The ending was beautiful! I can't believe I read this before.. I don't remember reading this but I guess it's a good thing. Just one thing that I don't get was how fast she got divorced and married again haha
Chapter 44: It feels so good to read this again.
Ahhh the nostalgia. It's been years since the first time i read this story. I remember the excitement i felt every time this story updates. And this is one of my fave stories because kris and Jaejoong were my ultimate biases.
Chapter 16: Such a cruel landlady.
nadya_lau #8
Chapter 44: This is amazing, this is one of my fav stories. I re read this and still need tissues beside me.
Chapter 44: Omg I’m back here again. This has got to be one of my favourite stories!!! It made me cry and laugh and smile even though it’s been 7 years? I still remember the first time I’ve read it and it’s really my type of story! Thank you once again for this and I hope you’re doing well author ^^ great story once again and I’m sure I’ll be back again. Thank you for keeping it on the site. :)