A new side of Bomi

The Only One
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K.Will- I Need You


“I’ll have these documents finalized to you by Monday.” Kris promised.

“That would be perfect.” Jaejoong nodded in agreement.

Kris buttoned up his blazer, piled the files together, and left the office.

“Oh.” A voice said. He looked up and stopped curtly. *What is she doing here?*

Bomi blinked several times at him. This was the first time she had seen him this year. They stared at each other, cautious and careful. Bomi approached him first. “Did you come to see Jae oppa?”

Kris looked away.

“I mean, of course you did. You two work together.” She chuckled uneasily. Why was she so nervous anyways? As far as she knew, she had done nothing wrong.

“I came to give these to him.” Bomi held up the manilla envelope in her hand.

*Why is she telling me this? I never asked.* Kris briskly walked past her.

Bomi looked back just in time to see him disappear into the elevator. *The cold shoulder again.* She sighed and headed to the office.

Jaejoong heard a knock and said, “Come in.” Bomi entered the room. “I brought what you asked me to.”

“Thanks, Bo. I can’t believe I forgot those this morning.” Jaejoong got up and walked over to her. “You mean you forgot this last night. You didn’t come home last night.” She corrected. “Ah, yes my sweet rendezvous with that flight attendant.” He sighed at the good memory of last night and tapped his lower lip thoughtfully. “Hmmm…the envelope wasn’t the only thing I forgot. Apparently, I forgot to meet her for lunch, too. Oh, well.” Jaejoong shrugged carelessly.

“She must not have caught your interest.” Bomi observed. “She did, but you know me. Long term relationships are a no-no. She was talking about marriage already. Not a good sign. Sit down. Do you want tea, coffee, or juice?” Jaejoong asked.

“Nothing. I have to go see my grandmother, remember?” Bomi reminded. “Oh, yeah.” Jaejoong set the phone back in its place.

It had been a difficult search for her. Apparently, Mrs. Park had put a security lock over her mother-in-law’s stay so that Bomi couldn’t find her. It took some bribery to unleash such private information. Now that Bomi did, she was going to visit as much as she could. “Did you pick up some apricots and yogurts to give her?” Jaejoong asked. “Yeah, they’re in my car.” Bomi nodded.

“Have a safe trip, and stay as long as you like.” He generously nodded. She squinted one eye and gave him a distrustful look. “Don’t bring anyone ever and sleep on our bed, okay?”

Jaejoong pouted. “Pity. I was going to have a sleepover party with Yoochun.” Bomi rolled her eyes. “Only Yoochun then.” She conceded. “Thrilled to have your approval.” He chuckled anad walked her to the door. “I would walk you out but that stack of reports are screaming my name.”

“Don’t bother. I can go myself. Bye.” Bomi waved and left.

Kris was leaving the building at the same time also. He got into his car and buckled his seatbelt. Kris placed his hands on the steering wheel and looked up. Bomi was quickly exiting the building. He furrowed his eyebrows in suspicion. *Why the rush?* Kris wondered. Bomi entered her Porsche Boxster and swept out of the resort. *Something smells fishy. Is she having a secret affair? Knowing her, she probably would. Poor Jaejoong.* He glanced at the building, looked at the papers by his side, and glanced at his gas tank. Then he made up his mind and swiftly pursued her. *If she’s really cheating, I should let Jaejoong know. After all, he’s my co-worker, and I’m sure he wouldn’t be happy that his wife is cheating him behind his back.*

Jaejoong was just an excuse though. In reality, Kris was secretly curious of who Bomi was rushing to meet.

He followed her car to the freeway and trailed behind her. Kris looked at all the foreign street names. *Where the heck is she going?*

Bomi made a sudden right turn. *.* Kris rapidly turned his car as well.

She parked her car into a vacant space, and he parked a couple rows behind her. Kris saw the sign. *Seoul Station? What is she doing here?* Just then, Bomi stepped out of the car. She went to the trunk and pulled out a basket. *Is that another scarf delivery for her secret lover?* He narrowed his eyes. Bomi shut her trunk, locked her car, and hastened inside the station.

Kris unbuckled his seatbelt and hurriedly ran after her. He made sure to stay behind a couple yards, so that he wouldn’t catch her attention. Bomi went in line and bought a ticket to Choonchundo. “Thank you.” She accepted the ticket and left. Kris went up the vendor. “Same ticket as her.” She gave him a strange look but gave him what he wanted.

*She must think I’m a stalker. Well, I practically am.* Kris ducked his head. He grabbed the ticket and ran out to the trains. *Damn. Did I lose her?* Kris turned a full circle. He finally spotted Bomi by the vending machine. She bought a can of coffee and sipped on it while waiting for the train.

Kris watched her and automatically mirrored her movements. When she swayed, so did he. When she crossed her legs at her ankles, so did he. When she looked in his direction though, he quickly stepped behind the newspaper store.

There was a blast of air as the train sped into the station. It came to a slow stop and finally halted completely. Bomi entered the train, and Kris quickly followed her. He hurried down the compartments until he found the one she was in. There weren’t many people here, which meant he would have to be extra careful. He could easily be spotted, and how would he explain to her why he was going to someplace he didn’t even know existed?

Kris sat on the opposite side of her and was cautious to stay a few seats back.

Bomi sat next to the window and looked out the window. *Grandma, I’m coming. Wait for me. I hope you didn’t forget me. I don’t care if you remember me as my mom or as angel ahjumma. Just remember me.*

The train began to move. Kris watched Bomi. She wasn’t doing anything particularly odd. She played with her phone a bit and glanced at the basket of goodies once in a while. Eventually, the motion sickness settled in. Bomi put her phone away and reclined her head back against her seat. She closed her eyes for ten seconds. Then Bomi opened her eyes and looked out at the passing scenery. She shifted her head closer to the window so that her forehead touched the cold glass. The coolness seemed to make her feel better.

*This train ride is so long. But it’s worth it if I get to see grandma.* Bomi closed her eyes and slept.

Once Kris saw that she had fallen asleep, he began to relax. *Where on earth are you going, Park Bomi? Who are you traveling so far for?* He rested his head against the seat, and slowly, his eyes began to close as well.

The train came to a stop, jolting Kris awake. He sat up with alert eyes. *What the heck? Shoot, I must have fallen asleep.* He wondered if he had gotten caught by Bomi. However, she was still asleep with her head against the window. Kris looked around. Everyone started filing out of the train. He bit his lower lip nervously. *Should I wake her up? That would be strange though. Crap.*

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TVXQ4everJJ #1
I wonder where writers like this are now
AFF misses stories like this
Chapter 44: It has been 3 years since I’ve read this😍😍
14 streak #4
Chapter 44: The ending was beautiful! I can't believe I read this before.. I don't remember reading this but I guess it's a good thing. Just one thing that I don't get was how fast she got divorced and married again haha
Chapter 44: It feels so good to read this again.
Ahhh the nostalgia. It's been years since the first time i read this story. I remember the excitement i felt every time this story updates. And this is one of my fave stories because kris and Jaejoong were my ultimate biases.
Chapter 16: Such a cruel landlady.
nadya_lau #8
Chapter 44: This is amazing, this is one of my fav stories. I re read this and still need tissues beside me.
Chapter 44: Omg I’m back here again. This has got to be one of my favourite stories!!! It made me cry and laugh and smile even though it’s been 7 years? I still remember the first time I’ve read it and it’s really my type of story! Thank you once again for this and I hope you’re doing well author ^^ great story once again and I’m sure I’ll be back again. Thank you for keeping it on the site. :)