Chapter 22

The unexpected that changes us

Hyuna POV 

After I finished dressing, I left my room and get down to living room. The living room is still a blank one, with no one there. I head to the kitchen and make myself cereal, at the same time also make junhyung one too. I heard footsteps and it was junhyung. His face look pale and he is walking unsteadily. I feel so worried for him. "You don't look good, kwenchena?" I said. "I'm okay. Don't worry." he said. "Drink this cereal and we will head to work." I said. He drank his cereal and he look okay afterwards. We left the house as he went to get this car. 
Junhyung POV 
I am not okay but I have to show a strong upfront. I feel so hot inside me, as i turn on the engine strengthless. I drive the car and try my best to focused despite feeling so horrible. I turned the car into the carpark. I cough uncontrollable when we get off the car. I try my very best to walk normally. We went up the office by the elevator. We didn't talk because I really have no energy to talk at all. I am a weak man now. 
Hara POV 
Junhyung oppa finally is here. I miss him so much when he took leave yesterday. His face don't look good, he kept coughing and faking a smile. I can see that he is not fine at all. "Oppa! Are you sick?" i touched his forehead and it's burning hot. "Kwenchena. Don't worry, go to work now." he said with his tough exterior. I have no choice but to obey him. I hope that's just heat and it isn't fever. 
Junhyung POV 
Hyuna look so worried and hara look so extremely worried. I will be fine, I told myself. I get into my office room and I went to took a seat as I open my laptop. I cannot even focused but getting weaker and weaker. I think I am going to collapsed soon. I stand up leaning against the wall. 
Hyuna POV 
What to do? I haven't assigned any work yet and Hana was on leave so I head to junhyung room. I went in and saw him leaning against the wall looking at documents. "Sajangnim, what should I do? Hana isn't here today." I said. He start walking to my direction and I was standing beside the sofa. "you just-" before he could say anything, he pushed me and he is on top of me. This is unexplainable until I realized that his body was burning hot. He looked at me with his weak eyes, he didn't faint but instead he look at me looking strengthless. I was shocked and dumbfounded. 
Junhyung POV 
I lost my footsteps and collapsed onto Hyuna body. I look at her with the eyes telling her that I need help but seems like she don't get a thing. I cannot lost conscious just like this. My eyes cannot closed. 
Hara POV 
I dashed into junhyung office room and saw him on top of Hyuna. I thought of something wrong until I saw junhyung eyes striving to survive. "Hara-sshi, don't get the wrong idea. He is boiling hot now, i cannot get up if he don't." Hyuna said. I slowly get the thing but before thinking too much I have to help for the situation. 
Junhyung POV 
I feel like I am paralyzed or totally numb. I cannot do a thing and I could barely move. Hearing and seeing things happened. Hara immediately pull me up as Hyuna got up. They bring me to the sofa so I could rest. I totally couldn't utter a word, I can only mummer or whisper. My hands show some signs asking hara to come. "Oppa don't scare me! Can you talk?" she said. I motion her to come nearer to my face. "Hara, go and plan up the things for the business dinner next week. Call my doctor now! Immediately." I whispered into her ears. 
Hyuna POV 
I was so shocked of what I saw. This is the first time I saw junhyung collapsed and looking like he is paralyzed. All he could do is to motion us. He whispered into hara ears and hara reactions was horrified. "Oppa! Why are you talking about work when you are like this. Arraso. I will call your doctor now." she look super lost. I ran out of the room and head to the storeroom to bring the emergency pulley bed so I could junhyung later. The time when I get back, junhyung motioned me. I went nearer to him and he said something to me. "Bring me home now. Put me on the pulley and exit that way, I cannot let my personnel to see how I am now." as he point towards the mystery exit door. Both hara and I both help him to the pulley bed. I quickly open the exit door and bring him down to the carpark. I immediately hold him into the car as I drive him home. My heart was so nervous. Yong junhyung, you cannot leave me just like that. You cannot! You must be okay. You cannot leave me before I tell you that I love you. All these came to my mind when I drive. Drips of tears start falling down and I couldn't stop crying. I drove high speed so we can reach home fast. Hopefully, his personal doctor will be there on time. 
Junhyung POV 
I lie lifelessly on the back seat of the car. I heard sobbing sound and it was Hyuna crying. I hated myself for making two women to be so worried for me especially hyuna. I hope I could tell her I am okay when I am not. After which, I couldn't held back anymore as i closed my eyes and entered in a darkness. 
Hara POV 
I prayed that junhyung will be okay. Junhyung wanted me to do all these and he forcefully want me to stay in the office to do all this plannings that he couldn't do. I will make something nice and bring to his house tomorrow. I am so worried, i  snapped out of all that and start drafting the plan. 
Hyuna POV 
We reached the house and realized that junhyung lost his conscious. His doctor is here already and we immediately bring him out of the car into the house. We put him on his bed and I couldn't stop struggling when the doctor gave him a check. "Miss, lucky you brought him to me early. He is okay now but he is sufferring from hyperventilation and fatigue. He must be working too much and cause stress to himself." the doctor said after checking on him. I felt so much relief from what I heard. "So what should I do for him now? I asked. "My assistant will bring the medicine over later and all you could do now is to wait for him to regain consciousness and remember to cook something easy to eat for him such as congee and seaweed soup." the doctor said. "Okay thanks doctor, thanks for saving him." I start thanking the doctor nonstop. "Dont have to thanks me, my role is to take care of junhyung body when it's in need. Without further ado, i shall take my leave." he said. I send him to the door as he leave. I go to the washroom and wet the cloth with water and put in the basin as I bring it to junhyung room, I took off his coat and blouse as I start wiping his body with the semi cold cloth. His shirtless body look so fine as I wipe it. After wiping it, I took a new top of his and help him to wear it. I put him lying on the bed as I pull a blanket on him. I go down to the kitchen as i took out the ingredients to make porridge, seaweed soup and macaroni for him. The doorbell rangs and I went to open it. It was the doctor assistant, he passed me the medicine and I went back to the kitchen to check out the food. It was ready okay. I go to junhyung room and he hasn't regain conscious. I look at his face that is so pale and I use my hands to touch his forehead. Looking at him like this, hurts me too. "Junhyung oppa, do you how worried I am for you? Do you know that I am afraid that you would leave me just like this? If you ain't fine, don't have to hide and pretend that you are okay. It hurts me so much." I said to the face that isn't reacting and showing any signs that he is alright. He just lied there without moving. I hold onto his hands tightly, my tears start to come out again as I look at his face. I start crying again due to all the worries, shock and my own feelings for all these. After crying so much, my head fell onto the mattress holding onto his hands and fall asleep without knowing. 
Junhyung POV 
I opened my eyes and realized that i am lying on my bed. It was 7pm already as I look at the clock. I felt someone holding onto my hands tightly, all I saw was Hyuna falling asleep beside me sitting and holding onto me. I found tear stains on her sleeping face as well as my wrist. I bet she just cried to sleep. I feel so remorseful for making her to this state. She must be really worried for me. I still feel so weak and i was wearing a comfortable top. I guess Hyuna change for me when I am unconscious. I slowly put his hands off my wrist. She is moving a little, soon she woke up and gave me a relief expression. "Finally you regain conscious. How are you feeling now? Feeling better?" she start spamming questions to me looking really worried. "I feel so much better now. Don't worry, little girl." I said. "Wait here, I go get something for you." she said. 
Hyuna POV 
I am glad that he's finally regained conscious. He look less pale now. I get out of his room and go to the kitchen, I saw the food is cold now since I cooked this in the noon. I start heating the food up and took out the medicine. After it was heated up, I put it on a bowl and I bring all these to his room. 
Junhyung POV 
Hyuna came up with food, it smells so nice. "Eat all these, before it turns cold." she said. I feel so weak and felt so lazy to even eat by my own so something came up of my mind. "Feed me, I still don't feel so good." I said. "Arraso. This will be the first time and the last time I am doing this." she said. A smiled formed on my weak face as she feed me with the porridge. 
Hyuna POV 
I gave in to him and start feeding him. He is eating so well and happy while I feed him. I guess he is enjoying this pleasure and I am doing this for the sake that he is sick. After feeding him with the food, I gave him the medicine as he eat it all. "Hyuna, thanks for all these." he said. "Take care of your health, our business dinner and our japan trip is coming. Everyone hope to see you get well and work together." I said. "I will get well soon, hopefully." he start coughing again and look at me weakly. 
Junhyung POV 
I start coughing again, the fact that I still don't feel good. Hyuna take my temperature for me and i am still on high fever. "Your temperature is still so high. Ottoke?" she gave the worried face that only my umma will give. " Don't worry and think so much arraso? Oppa will recover well but for now let oppa sleep first. You will see a better oppa tomorrow." as I feel drowsy. I also reasurred hyuna that I will be okay since she look so worried. "Arraso. Hyuna will take care of oppa to make sure he will be a healthy man again." I cannot stop smiling upon what she just said. "Hyuna will be the role of the wife to take care of oppa." I blabbered. Feeling so flustered after realizing what I just told her. 
Hyuna POV 
I didn't say I will married him and he is saying that i will take the role as a wife. He is such a joker. "Go and sleep now! Stop saying weird stuffs." I said. He gave me the weak smile as I pulled a blanket over him. "Goodnight." he said before he closed his eyes. "Goodnight oppa." I said. I turned off all the lights before I went back to my own room. The moment I got back to my own room, I start feeling worried again but I have to stop myself from feeling this way. I took off all my clothes, going into the bathe room to shower. After I done with it, I wear a pair of comfortable clothes before I go to my bed for a well-deserved sleep. The next moment, I open my eyes again is a midnight. I took a look at the clock and it was 4am. I feel so insecure, wondering is junhyung alright in his room. I get out of my room and went into junhyung room, he is sleeping soundly. I took the temperature for him and it's still so high which makes me sighing nonstop. I filled the basin with semicold water and put the towel in it. I sit beside junhyung bed as I put the towel on his forehead. Time by time, I will keep replace it and took his temperature. I keep doing the same thing to ensured his temperature is decreasing. The sky is getting brighter and it is morning already. I feel so tired but junhyung health is more important. I took his temperature again. Thanks god, his fever is stable now and isn't risky already. I yawned and stretched myself, I slept on junhyung bed in a sitting position. 
Junhyung POV 
I woke up and feeling much better, i don't feel that weak anymore. In much suprised, hyuna is sleeping beside in a sitting position. She must the reason why I feel so much better now. I cannot describe how thankful I felt for her, she is the one that took care of me when i am sick and cheer me up when i am sad. So grateful to have her by my side. I want to tell her my feelings but i still have no guts to tell her so. I carried her and put her on my bed so she will be more comfortable in a sleeping position. I don't intend to wake her up since she must have not sleep at all last night. I get up my bed, walking still quite unsteadily as I roamed around the house since I had been on the bed whole day yesterday. I went back to my room and lie on my bed watching hyuna sleeps. I ruffled her hair and looking at her dark eye bags, she must be very stress already. 
No one POV 
So hyuna and Junhyung lied on the bed together as junhyung starring onto hyuna face throughout. It become so heartwarming for junhyung as hyuna still in her sleeping world. 

A/N: Heartbreaking scenes is coming! Hyuna is such a lovely and nice girl to take care of junhyung. 


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Hey I updated chapter 7. Sorry if the fonts some small and some big cause I updated using my itouch. If not hope everyone will like this chapter. Thanks (:


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Chapter 68: I miss this story!
anasilvia #2
Chapter 68: Oh Junhyung-ah pali pali get your memories back soon!
htetooyan95 #3
Chapter 67: I like your story soo,keep updating
firstzyx #4
Chapter 67: woooo so nice
Chapter 67: Hynseung is not cruel Hara. You're the one who is cruel.
*Best update!
Chapter 67: nice chap...
thanks for update..
BabyJoQueen #7
Chapter 67: Uhh.. I want JunAh authornim ><
Chapter 66: Oh god yes have junhyung go home and see signs of hyuna there please!!!!!
BabyJoQueen #9
Chapter 66: JunAh moment please :(
firstzyx #10
Chapter 65: ah naughty junhyung, i want to see drama pls update soom