Elemental Control


I was thrown backwards and into the ground. A loud thud was heard. Luckily I made the impact less than what it should have been with air but I would have some bruises in the morning. Still confused and afraid, I just laid there until he would hit me again.
"Move." I heard him say inseatd of attacking me. "Do you really want to lose?" He asked stepping twoards me.
" no, ." I said attacking him with fists and air. He ended up grabbing my arm and pressing it into my back to stop me from moving. I screamed out in pain, much to his delight. 
"You broke the wand, you cursed at me, and you've been defeated. Seems like it was all such a waste. Thanks for sharing your progress with me." He said finally letting go.
I could feel footsteps coming twoards us; Jonghyun.
"I hate you." I said turning around to smack him. Before my hand could reach him, he grabbed my wrist and smirked.
"Get some rest. You're bruised. I can't have you any less than 100% each time we fight. It's not fun then." He pushed me into Jonghyun who led me back to my room.
"I'd love to clean your filthy mouth out but I'm a little tired. I'll save it for later. You will wake up every morning at 7am. Dinner at 8. Lunch at 1. Dinner at 6. Training, practice, and study will be between each. And do not try to escape. It's impossible and not suggested." The dino said before leaving me in my room. He locked the door and I could hear a small laugh.
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Chapter 16: finally tae live happy and she has her freedom
#still hope that she can live happily with minho
Dreamlight #2
Chapter 16: Hi~ i'm sorry i found your story only now but i like it! It was so beautiful^^ please make another series too..<3
Chapter 15: wow
is that minho really become dust?
Please next chap
love it so much
i really hope that she can live with minho
Chapter 14: 2 chapters left
Chapter 13: minho you are so mean
Chapter 12: just continue please
Chapter 11: oh no
so what will happen next
Chapter 10: what will happen next
Chapter 9: wow love it
even till now love this story more
Chapter 8: argh kiss
of course he didn't die he's immortal, isn't he