Elemental Control


It had had been 37 days. A mark on the wall each day. Waiting. Something had to happen. Someone had to do somthing. It was in the middle of the day today, after lunch. They left me in the library and I heard movement somewhere. Following where my ears led me, I found them.
"K-Key!" I screamed in a whisper. "O-Onew!" I looked around anxiously, seeing no one else. More people popped out  from the shelfs to greet me. They were fellow classmates and one of my songsangnimdul(teachers) that ran away when the schools changed.
"Do you know how long it took us to find you?" My songsangnim said. "We thought you would have been dead by now... We almost gave up... But then we heard someone talking about this place and we knew you had to be here." She rubbed the side of my arm and smiled at me.
"So you're in but uh... How do we get out?" I asked. "And they have my wand too." I pointed out to them.
"We all know you don't need that. You can get another one though." Key said to me.
"Just follow us. We have to go now." Onew said pushing me slightly. I followed them down some ladder like staircases and there was an exit sign in front of us.
"Stop." My songsangnim told us before anyone went out it. Everyone stared back at her with questioning looks. "It's very likely that an alarm of somesort will go off or that there's people out there waiting for something. We might be being watched right now even. It's very important that Taeyeon gets back to our safeplace. Do everything you can." She said finally.
"Don't you dare risk your lives for me." I spoke up before we went out. "I don't want anyone to die because of me. I'm not as important as you think but I appreciate you all saving me and at least making it this far." They nodded and with a tensed atmosphere, we opened the door in front of us.
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Chapter 16: finally tae live happy and she has her freedom
#still hope that she can live happily with minho
Dreamlight #2
Chapter 16: Hi~ i'm sorry i found your story only now but i like it! It was so beautiful^^ please make another series too..<3
Chapter 15: wow
is that minho really become dust?
Please next chap
love it so much
i really hope that she can live with minho
Chapter 14: 2 chapters left
Chapter 13: minho you are so mean
Chapter 12: just continue please
Chapter 11: oh no
so what will happen next
Chapter 10: what will happen next
Chapter 9: wow love it
even till now love this story more
Chapter 8: argh kiss
of course he didn't die he's immortal, isn't he