Elemental Control


"Well well well..." I heard someone greet us all. "So I was right, we did have some mice in there." The voice was familiar. "Well you are all lucky today... It's the last day that you will live. Unless you all just kindly leave without the girl and never come back." It was Jonghyun.
" you!" I screamed at Jonghyun and threw rocks the size of sumo wrestlers at him. Everyone took this chance to scatter slightly and throw spells at the others surrounding us. Slowly we started to move away from the building. I could feel another pair of eyes on me, watching everytime I bended some element. I was being observed. By Minho. 
I looked up to a window above us and saw him standing there, arms crossed and starring at me. I threw another boulder up there and broke the glass with him being out of sight.
"Get on!" I heard Onew yell. I jumped onto his broomstick and held onto his back. Everyone was able to get theirs and we got a head start. The land we were on was deserted but beautiful. When I could see blue coming into vision, spells were being thrown at us. Chains. Flames.
We all went down in the same second. I fell hard, not thinking about my safety as I tried to help the other's impact with air. I couldn't move for a few minutes. No one came to me and everything seemed to had become quiet. Once I regained my body, I picked myself up. Pain was shooting throughout my entire body. 
We were caught. Everyone was. The enemy's wands were at their neck, threatening the illegal death spell. Jonghyun came twoards me, the only one without a body in front of him.
"That was pathetic." He stated, almost spitting at me. "Let's go. Now." I heard him say. I looked around at all my friends and my songsangnim. Not moving, Jonghyun took it in his mind to hurry me up. "Kill one of 'em." He spoke cold. 
Before I could do anything the body of Jiyeon fell to the ground. My eyes grew wide and I felt sick to my stomach. I limped over to her while the man that was holding her began to laugh with the other men.
"Jiyeon..." I picked her head up and placed it so I could see her. Her skin had started to go a bruised white, eyes still open and not focusing on anything. I closed them and lost my temper. 
Throwing boulders at the man who delivered the spell to her, I saw him fall to the ground. I had killed someone. Jonghyun seemed amused as he smiled evily at my paper white face. He stepped closer twoards me, still having the smile plastered on him, and I stepped back as much as I could.
"Another." He said.
"No!!" I screamed throwing a boulder at him. He dodged and I heard another body fall. I again attacked the man and killed him. "Stop..." I pleaded, starting to go insane. 
Key and Onew watched me with fear in their eyes. Fear from their own soon deaths and fear from me, a killer. Jonghyun kept smiling and killing them one by one until Key and Onew were the only ones left. 
Their eyes had closed, waiting for their own death. "Please... Jonghyun..." I pleaded walking twoards him. "I'll go. I would've gone long ago. Please..." 
"Kill them both now." He said coldly with his smirk. I screamed and attacked the men as my friend's bodies hit the ground. 
My eyes turned into the blue ones and once they were dead, I attacked Jonghyun.
"I HATE YOU!!!" I screamed. I threw everything I could at him, no longer keeping a secret of what I could do. Air, Earth, Water, and Fire attacked his body. He didn't stop smiling, enjoying what my anger had me do.
I felt something enter and exit my chest then. All the air was knocked out of me as I fell to the ground, eyes returning back to normal. Minho appeared in front of me and caught me before I hit the ground. 
"You win, Minho..." I said after taking air back into my lungs. "I have nothing now. I'm yours."
a/n: sorry it has been a month since i last updated..... <3 
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Chapter 16: finally tae live happy and she has her freedom
#still hope that she can live happily with minho
Dreamlight #2
Chapter 16: Hi~ i'm sorry i found your story only now but i like it! It was so beautiful^^ please make another series too..<3
Chapter 15: wow
is that minho really become dust?
Please next chap
love it so much
i really hope that she can live with minho
Chapter 14: 2 chapters left
Chapter 13: minho you are so mean
Chapter 12: just continue please
Chapter 11: oh no
so what will happen next
Chapter 10: what will happen next
Chapter 9: wow love it
even till now love this story more
Chapter 8: argh kiss
of course he didn't die he's immortal, isn't he