Elemental Control


I didn't see anyone for a week after that. I was locked in my room and they tried to drain all the energy I had for some reason. They were watching me, trying to see if I would break.

I smiled at one of the cameras today though. That was the only kind of 'breakage' I had. It was time for them to know that I wasn't the same. Yet for some reason, they let me loose after that. I was free to roam the place again. The barriers were stronger though. I wouldn't be able to leave.

I passed the infirmary to see if my friends were there. They weren't. So I went to our prisons. They weren't there as well. Then I tried to go all the way down into a more dungeon area. I was stopped by the guards there.

I heard a scream that sounded like Key. I smiled at the guards and they backed up.

“It'd be rather smart of you to move them somewhere else, you know. Somewhere I wouldn't find them. Now move.” I said and pushed them to the wall with a blast of air. I went through the door and found them all there, barely alive.

The door shut behind me. “We're keeping you here until we get Minho.” I heard them shout as they locked the door.

“No you aren't.” I said and began to bloodbend all but one of the guards to death. The last one I made open the door, give me the keys, and then die.

“Taeyeon...” I heard Key said, scared.

“I unlocked new powers, don't be afraid.” I said. “I'm going to do something that will scare you even more but please, don't move. All of you.”

I took their bodied under my control and used their blood to heal their wounds as I used actual water to heal it faster. They were all back to normal.

“How did you do that?” Onew asked, eyes wide.

“I told you, I've unlocked new powers. You think there's only 4 things we can control? We can use those for anything really. The only thing I haven't found a subunit for is Air. For Water, ice, snow, and blood. They all have water in them. And you can heal people. For Earth, metal. For fire, electric. Air is so basic that many people can do it. I haven't met anyone else that can control what I can though.

“They told us you were dead.” Key said, hugging me.

“Then there'd be no reason to keep you all alive. I was alive but elsewhere for the longest time. Then I started to become myself again.” I told them. “We should probably move from here though.” I said and started to walk out of the room. I felt drained. With everyone that had come to save me in tow, I visited the kitchen. I grabbed some hand friendly food and ate as we went up to my room.

I saw no guards. They weren't even in my room. I looked out the window and I saw guards surrounding the place though. Minho and Jonghyun wasn't in sight. Everyone else was looking outside as well.

“I can kill them all.” I told them. “The only one we have to worry about is Minho.”

“Where's that catcher though?” Onew asked me. “I don't see him out there either.”

I shrugged and began to bloodbend them all to death. It seemed like nothing to me to do it. They all turned their heads away as each one fell to their death. We left my room after I changed into my uniform.

We stepped outside and the mark on my thigh began to burn. I took my water and tried to heal it but it couldn't be undone. The burning got more intense the further we got from the place. We had reached the exact same spot we were at last time.

“Stop.” I said softly. Everyone froze and looked at me. The burning stated to die down but I knew Minho was getting closer. “Do me a favor,” I said to them all. “Leave.”

They all started to shout their objections until Minho came into view. They were silent. The burn lessened significantly and when he was only a few feet from us, it was gone.

No one said anything. It was a stare down. I could almost taste all the emotions from my friends. Concern, fear, love, and friendship. Yet Minho was more disgusted that I went with them; betrayed.

“Time to go back.” Minho said.

“If you all don't leave now, you're going to die. Again.” I said to everyone.

“You're stupid if you think we're leaving you now. After all we went through to-” I slapped Key across the face and cut him off.

“You're my best friend. Don't waste your life after I gave you another.”

“We'll be heading toward that little island. Keep going past it until you find land. It'll take a while.” Key said, holding back tears. I smiled at him and watched them leave.

“I'm surprised you're not going after them.” I said turning back around.

“Let's go.” He told me.

“No.” I said rolling my eyes.

“You know there's no way in hell you can defeat me, right? No matter what powers you've unlocked. So long as you have that mark, we'll find you.” He said menacingly. He started to walk towards me. I didn't flinch.

“You're rather stupid.” I said bloodbending him. He started to move how I wanted him to but then he started to laugh and lunged at me.

“You're rather naive if you think your tricks will work on me.” He told me, attacking me again.

I pushed all the air out of his lungs and he kept coming at me. It seemed like nothing would stop him. That's when I smiled.

He stopped with a raised eyebrow in amusement. “Did you think of something?” I just smiled at him wider. I let myself drift into my blue eyes.

All the elements combined into his heart, and pulling out my wand I had taken back before we left, I used the illegal death spell on him. Combined, it should kill him. Instead it didn't. Yet he looked shocked and scared.

“What did you do to me?” He asked. He began to age. I could see him begin to grow wrinkles and his hair started to gray and fall.

“I killed you.” I said staring at him. His skin turned to bone. I watch him decay and turn to dust. Before all of it could go away, I grabbed some and kept it with me. It was proof that I was free. Maybe.

Jonghyun was still out there. Although he was only a catcher, he might have something up his sleeve for all I know. The only reason why I though that was because the mark was still on me and he had said 'we'. 



a/n: one more :) sorry!! <3<3<3<3

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Chapter 16: finally tae live happy and she has her freedom
#still hope that she can live happily with minho
Dreamlight #2
Chapter 16: Hi~ i'm sorry i found your story only now but i like it! It was so beautiful^^ please make another series too..<3
Chapter 15: wow
is that minho really become dust?
Please next chap
love it so much
i really hope that she can live with minho
Chapter 14: 2 chapters left
Chapter 13: minho you are so mean
Chapter 12: just continue please
Chapter 11: oh no
so what will happen next
Chapter 10: what will happen next
Chapter 9: wow love it
even till now love this story more
Chapter 8: argh kiss
of course he didn't die he's immortal, isn't he