Elemental Control


“Hello beautiful.” I heard a man say to me as my friends and I teleported back in the forest. I started to run with the other two following me. “Well don't hang about. Snatch 'em!” The man said to the other people there. They looked like catchers. 
Kids weren't allowed to run around anymore, or use magic out of school if they ever even allowed that. We've been on the run since such stupid rules started to appear. Ever since us and others started to disappear from magic school, the higher ups started to hire catchers to drag us back. And once you're caught or even seen by a catcher, there's no use to run away unless you have something to hide from them. All we had to hide was ourselves though, so we ran. 
As we ran, Key yelled at me, “Yah!! Why on earth are we running?!” He screamed at me.
“I am sooo not going back there. I want to use my magic, not hide it away!” I screamed back.
“But they'll try and kill us if we keep this up!” Onew chimed in.
“Then you two can stop, just let me keep running. I can't teleport for another few minutes so I'm gonna get away soon anyway.” I said as they came into view now.
“So you'll leave us?!” Key screamed after they started shooting chain spells at us.
“No! I'm not that heartless!” I screamed back.
“You can be.” Onew said, losing his breath. “I can't last much longer, guys. I'm gonna hide.” We all went our separate ways after that. Onew hid in a tree, Key kept running but in a different direction, and I threw spells back and ran.
Only a few seconds later did I hear Onew scream, letting me know he was caught. Then 10 seconds after him, Key screamed. Now I had 7 people chasing me. I don't know how I lasted as long as I did with all of them chasing me but I managed to injure 4 people temporarily at least.
The pathway started to have more fallen trees and was harder to get my way around. For running it was hard, but for cloning and hiding, it was easy. I made a clone and had it keep going forward as I went another direction. 
Holding my breath for a few seconds as they all passed me to go towards the clone, I hid myself even more into the trees. But then my clone got hit, and it disappeared. My eyes grew wide as I heard it scream, and I felt the pain for a split second where it was hit by the chains. I clinched my teeth in order to not scream and came out of the hiding to run away. Before I could start to run though, the man was blocking my only way out. 
“Hello again, beautiful. Do I really have to use the chains on you? It hurts more than what you felt from your clone.” He said to me. 
“Hello, ugly. Catch me if you can.” I said throwing a spell at him and running away. 
“I love a good chase! Do I get a reward when I catch you?” I heard him shout as he chased me.
“Yeah, it's called death.” I shouted back, throwing another spell at him.
“You're an entertaining mouse!” He said throwing chain spells at me. One grazed my arm and I screamed with my mouth closed at just the pain from that. More of them kept grazing at my legs and arms, some hitting trees and causing debris to shower over me, causing me to scream more than I wanted to. 
“Work on your aim!” I screamed. I only need a couple more minutes then I can get out of here so I changed my direction a little bit.
“I can't when you move around so much.” He said starting to close the gap more.
“What do you think a mouse does?” I asked throwing a branch at him.
“They get caught.” He said throwing a multiple chains directly at me. I screamed as they binded me and I hit the ground hard with nothing to brace it. “Where's my reward?” He asked my cheek then my lips. I bit his hand to which he had no reaction to.
“Sir, we're ready to go over here when we identify them.” One of the catchers said to the man and went back to Key and Onew.
“Perfect.” He said taking my wand from my hand. “Hmm... I like your previous spells...” He said looking at the recent ones I used. “Ahh... You're a teleporter. Easier for us to identify you. There's only a handful of those... Oh, pity. You'd be able to teleport again in 3, 2, 1. Now.” He smirked.
“Are my friends okay?” I asked to hide my anger.
“Oh those two boys? Of course, they have the balls to handle the pain, though you, my lady, could be scarred.” He said liking his lips.
“You're disgusting.” I said.
“You should see me when I've cleaned up.” He said picking me up and carrying me to Onew and Key.
“I already identified them but they wouldn't give her name.” A guy with a book said.
“Gwenchana?(Are you okay?)” I asked Onew and Key.
“Molla...(I don't know)” Key said to me.
“Chesonghamnida.(I'm sorry)” I said to them.
“Wae?(Why)” Onew asked me.
“Waenahamyon--(because)” I started.
“Shut up.” A catcher yelled at us. “If you talk, talk in the language we understand.”
“I understand it.” The ugly man said. “It's Korean and it's pointless talk.”
“Name, girl.” The book man said to me.
“Aniyo(no).” I said simply.
“Look up the teleporters and see how many we have.” The ugly man said.
“We have only one. Kim Minji.” Book man said. 
“Is that you?” Ugly man asked. When I didn't answer he took out a knife. “Is it?” He asked moving it closer to my arm. “Answer me.” He said pressing the blade into my skin enough not to draw blood. Yet.
“Get that away from me!!” I screamed and kicked away while still chained. He held my leg down and started to run it up my outer thigh, lifting my skirt up with it slightly, revealing my hidden scar, the one that everyone knows and can identify me.
He stopped moving the knife and looked at the scar more. I knew I was in trouble then. “That's not her name. She's Lee Taeyeon. And she's not going back to school, but to her owner, him.” He said standing back up.
“What about the others?” A catcher asked.
“Take those two back to magic school and I will take her personally to him.”
~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ 
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Chapter 16: finally tae live happy and she has her freedom
#still hope that she can live happily with minho
Dreamlight #2
Chapter 16: Hi~ i'm sorry i found your story only now but i like it! It was so beautiful^^ please make another series too..<3
Chapter 15: wow
is that minho really become dust?
Please next chap
love it so much
i really hope that she can live with minho
Chapter 14: 2 chapters left
Chapter 13: minho you are so mean
Chapter 12: just continue please
Chapter 11: oh no
so what will happen next
Chapter 10: what will happen next
Chapter 9: wow love it
even till now love this story more
Chapter 8: argh kiss
of course he didn't die he's immortal, isn't he