7. The love that came back


Part 7 



Jackson was smiling ear to ear seeing how cozy amber was getting with Kendall on the couch in the music studio. It was pretty obvious to everyone in the studio that Kendall was fond of this Asian llama. 



Hayley and Justin Bieber welcomed amber over to Justin’s private studio to do some fun relaxing music creation. Just hanging out playing some keys and sounds. Justin smirked back at his wife while the wife was teasing and eying Kendall. 

Kendall was feeding amber nonstop tacos. Well, how did tacos came into the studio room. 

Actually after the Givenchy event that night, Kendall came back home full of smiles and she couldn’t sleep so she did a long detailed research on this rising llama singer. That’s how she knows amber had a thing for Mexican food. 


Without a doubt, when Justin and Jackson was discussing openly about what snacks to deliver into the studio. Kendall quickly raise her hand up and say “I know a good place that delivers good Mexican food!” Excitedly. 


Jackson and Justin chuckled knowing that Kendall was just picking up whatever amber likes. 

As usual the dense amber doesn’t know Kendall likes her. 

She immediately “Yes!! I agree we should order Mexican!! I miss Mexican food” amber pouted thinking back about how she lasted in china for few months without having a Mexican meal. 


Food was delivered into the studio. Kendall was busy feeding Amber tacos and making sure that she gets all the side sauces. Amber smiled warmly at Kendall for taking such good care of her. Hailey did hint her back that her model bestfriend was interested in her. She was honoured to have Kendall be interested in her. But She guessed right now she wasn’t really keen to be in a relationship as she really just want to fully focus on her work right now or maybe there’s still a girl holding a spot in her heart and never left. 





Mean while amber was sharing with Jackson and Justin some short recorded stuffs she created whenever she couldn’t sleep in the hotel room back in china. 

The both boys really liked ambers recorded stuffs. 

“Hey amber! Will don’t you think we can do a collaboration together? It would be a bomb!” Justin jumping on the spot with excitement. 

Jackson was holding justin to make him stop jumping “sorry bro, amber has to do a collaboration with me first!” 


Justin pouted “do I really need to queue up? How long more 3 months?” Jackson shrugged 


“Sorry bro, you thought you’re queuing right behind me? There’s someone right behind me “ Jackson chuckled 


Justin walked towards amber pulling her arm. “Amber can’t you just let me cut the queue!!” 



Amber chuckled at both her really childish friends “well Jessica is up next after Jackson” 

Justin sighed knowing what Amber gone through and whispered to her “hey, are you sure you want to collaborate with her sister? Are you doing it in Korea?” Well Justin knew the whole story during the previous studio hangout with Jackson introducing Amber to Justin. Once Justin got to know Amber immediately he clicked with her so well like brother and sister.

“Actually, it was really my honour to have Jessica to ask me whether to collaborate together. I mean she is like really a superstar you know in the kpop scene” Amber smiled thinking back how she used to blast out to girl’s generation and super junior songs all the time before she debut. Jackson added on “yeah, I think your manager told her you’re scheduled to Korea in 2 months” 



Throughout the 2 months before amber is scheduled to head back to south korea for her collab with Jessica she was busy with her tour prepartions in china as well as in LA. Other than tour prepartions, she was always being reported with famous model Kendall Jenner have lunches together, gyming together and spending some quality times with her other LA friends and family. 


Kris was happy there her daughter Kendall was interested in Amber since she met Amber first. She knew Amber was a great kid with great personality and endless talent in the music industry. She didnt mind the fact that Amber was a girl. 

She will definitely welcome her with big arms if Amber will be her family member one day. Kendall would always invite Amber over for casual family dinner as well. 


Kris Jenner sat in her office one day suddenly thought of the family dinner held at her house last weekend. It was really funny. 

Kendall's nieces and nephews were also there at the dinner. Who knows amber was so great with kids and kids love her. 


"Lllama!! lets go lets go!" kendall's youngest nephew was having a great time "riding onto amber back like she was a llama" 

Amber chuckled and scream "hold on! llama is going at the speed of light!" Kendall and Kris was having laughing till their back bendover. 


The video of amber being a llama to the little kids of the kardashians was being uploaded by Kendall Jenner on her Instagram with the caption ‘family day ride :)’ 


News start spreading like wild fire again is amber Liu dating Kendall Jenner. There’s also a vogue interview with Kendall Jenner asking the model “are you dating a new Asian superstar?” 

The answer Kendall gave was “we will see how it goes. And I’m really liking our relationship right now “ 


The answer wasn’t a confirm yes or no but it’s enough to show the public that Kendall is smitten by Amber J Liu.

Meanwhile, whenever Amber got a interviewed about Kendall she will simply reply “Kendall is really a close and dear friend to me as of now” with a shy smile. 


The Kardashain family was really hoping that Amber can be part of their family. She is really nice, humble human being. Being in the entertainment industry for so long Kris Jenner has seen many different people in and out of her daughter Kendall’s life. She hated how some boys would date Kendall because of her frame from being a part of this powerful family and Kendall was already a wellknown model in the world. Kris Jenner liked Amber alot when she met her for the first time. Kris first impression of the asian superstar was she was really sincere towards everyone around her at the same time she is friendly and humble with a plus point of being handsome. 




Krystal was having a hard time trying to absorb what she had just read online. 

“Oppa, is Jessica unnie with you now?” 

“Yes baby.. she’s recording now in the studio “ it was Tyler Kwon. 

Tyler was accompanying Jessica in the company studio doing her new album record. Tyler chuckled “ why did you call me instead of your unnie if you just want to find her” Tyler was mouthing to Jessica whom just finished recording walking towards him. He mouthed to her and pointed his phone next to his ear that it was Krystal before putting it on loudspeaker. 

“Aish oppa! You dote me the most right ? Besides Jessica only have one sister. Can you please tell me when will amber be coming ?” Krystal had ask Jessica beforehand when amber agreed to collab with her on a new song. 

Jessica chuckled and rolled her eyes this Krystal is impatient. “Yah! You’re not the one who is collaborating with her so why do you need to know!” Jessica teasingly said. 

“Unnie! I hate you! Why can’t you just let me know the freaking date. You’re supposed to help me with amber you know” Jessica chuckled pointing to Tyler to reply to Krystal. 





———2 months later ———————




"Amber!!!" fans were crowding at the departure hall in seoul airport. 

Tons of female fans screaming with their home-madesignage of llama photos andpokemon photos screaming for the long awaited Amber liu to be back in korea. 

Amber frowned thinking "can't believe it she didnt have any activities in korea for close to 2 years already and there's still fans" Amber's personal manager Kev chuckled "Hey Ber, looks like your korea era frame is still burning" he tapped on amber's shoulder. 


Amber chuckled and smiled brightly at her korean fans pulling out her sunglass smiling and waving before she walked to the centre of her fan crowd taking off her black cap slightly combing her blue - blonde hair backwards standing there to allow her fans to take photos of her and receiving all the mini fan gifts.





“Hey Amber! Lets golf this week in Seoul City Country club!” tyler kwon boyfriend of jessica called.

“Hey Ty, sure haha if I am able to finish all the collab schedule in time i guess”  Amber knew taylor through Krystal.

"Well there wouldn't be an issue! You're talented! Jessica and I am honoured to have you to join in this song you know" Tyler chuckled behind the phone with the two jungs beside him. 

Krystal was doing all sorts of sign language with her hands and mouth beside tyler trying to dictate him what to say with Jessica looking amused by her little sister.

"Hahaha!! TY how sure are you I'm able to perform up to Jessica unnie standards. I'm worried you know she basically gave me close to half of the songs" amber sighed being really afraid she would'nt be able to perform up to the gold standard for Jessica's song. 


"Hey! you're the rising star you know! At least give yourself some credits! you've done so many crazy tours!!!" Tyler saying while looking weirdly trying to guess what krystal is trying to say. 

Krystal frown at tyler while mummbling "Aish tyler oppa are you stupid?" 

Jessica heard and gave little jung at kick in her . 

Krystal rush over to the table to grab a piece of paper and pen. 

She write and showed to tyler who was still on the call with her deadly glare while pushing the paper to tyler's face.

"Ask her to have lunch together" tyler literally read out the entire sentence


Amber whom was behind the phone "Huh tyler what are you trying to say?" 

Jessica facepalmed and its her turn to glare back at her boyfriend. 

"Erm Amber, what Im trying to say is lets meet up for lunch tommorrow? Since you've just arrvied in korea. I bet you need some time to rest" while looking at the baby jung whom is standing straight up looking nervous waiting for amber to reply. 


"Sure tyler, Lets grab some lunch tmr! Hey tyler, I really need to go. I'm still trying to check in the hotel " 


Tyler was delighted and decided to talk louder so that baby jung is able to know "Well yes Amber I will send over the restaurant address to you later on! Rest well and see you tomorrow bro!"


Right after Tyler ended the call with amber 

Baby jung rush over to give a bear hug "Oppa! Thank you!!" 


Tyler sighed nervously and looked at Jessica thinking how to explain to amber 

the sudden pax increase at the lunch table tommorow. 


Meanwhile Amber was having a hard time trying to check in the hilton hotel in seoul. Previously her seoul apartment was already rented out for passive income as Jackie suggested that there's no point of her leaving the apartment empty since she would'nt be having activites in korea.She was trying to help out with her staffs regarding their huge luggages with tons of fans squeezing to get into the hilton hotel to see the long awaited superstar whom is just back in korea. 


That night, the south korea media was fully max out reports of Amber J Liu returning back to South Korea. 

With alot of fans blasting out comments cheering on the 2nd gen kpop idol whom 

found frame in China. 

"Omg! Did Amber become even more handsome and talented!!"

"Gosh! I knew it! She was real talented! even in f(x) she is my favourite!"

"I've heard that she is back to collab with Jessica!”






Amber was taking a nap in her Hilton Vip suite 

She was dead tired from the crazy jetlag and her previous schedules were straight up tight with only 2hours of sleep everyday. 

Her korean friends were sending up texts checking up on her and trying to get

a short meetup with her. 

She woke up from her 3 hour nap, took a shower before sitting down at the sofa 

replying back to the messages flooded her kakaotalk korean app.


Her manager ordered in a small meal of salad and scrambled eggs and the Hilton chef even send up a special order of iced cold milk tea for the superstar. Right after her meal, she went back to her king size bed to lie down while trying to catch some pokemon on her app. 



“Hey Am! I’m missing you already :( 

i just finish working out in the gym 

Misssing your presence here. 

please remember to eat and sleep properly”


“Hey Ken, yes I’ve just napped 3hours once i check-in.

Just finish some food from the room service. Right back to lying on the bed from the food coma

Will be back soon to gym with you :)”


Immediately less than 1 minute, Kendall requesting for FaceTime 


Amber accepted the facetime call request. 


“Hey you!” Amber smiled while shifting herself comfortably on her hotel bed. 

Kendall was smiling while sitting comfortably in what seems like her house sofa. 

“Hey Am! I miss you so badly” Kendall pouted.

Amber Chuckled “I’m really sorry but Ive work here in Korea”

“How long will you be staying in Korea for?”

“Hmm,, I think around 2 to 3 weeks? Since we needed to do the recording for the song and learn dance moves and record a music video for the song” 


Kendall exclaimed “What!! close to 1 month?” 

Kendall didn’t expect amber will be staying in korea for that long. 


“Yes there will be alot of recordings you know” Amber smiled

knowing that Kendall was missingher.

“but its so long you know. and its only day one without you here.”

Amber shooked her head disbelieve that a cool looking girl like Kendall will be pouting cutely at her. 


“Ken, I need to work you know if not I would not have enough money to bring you out for lunches!” Amber was teasing her. 

Kendall pouted knowing that Amber was teasing her 

“Why not I head to Korea next week! Since I dont have much schedule this 1-2 weeks!” Kendall stood up from her sofa and head to her study room where her laptop is.

Amber chuckled “ Sure why not if you’re free. Have you been to korea before?” 

Kendall frowned alittle “ nope I didnt get to travel much to asian country. But you could be my little tour guide right?” Kendall was sending an email to her management team to help her to book a private flight to Korea next week. 

Amber was in shook “What ? you have never been to Korea?” 

Kendall shaking her head cutely left and right “well I don’t have any business that requires me to head to korea. So why not you be a sweet little tour guide to give me a private tour in korea” It was Kendall way of trying to flirt with the llama. 

As expected the llama on the other side of facetime laughed “Ken, I will defintely give you a good private tour especially for you” with her eyebrow up and down.


The two of them went on to talk for abit more before Amber head back to bed to rest for the night. 

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Thank you!
hahah didnt know what directions I am heading to
decided to go with Kendall Jenner same "KJ" as Krystal Jung
hope you all have fun reading it

-till next time!


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Appledots5 #1
Chapter 19: Yess thankks a lot for the update 🙏🏼
nancylau0301 #2
Chapter 19: I Mutual PM a week ago, I think. Remember to check your mail. Hope it can give you a bit of ideas.
amhar03 #3
Chapter 18: Thank you for still writing kryber stories, if only i can upvote in every chapter...
Gantengbanget #4
Chapter 17: Nexxt nexxt
1147 streak #5
Chapter 15: The hospital one is so good please make more chapter author nim🫶
amhar03 #6
Chapter 13: Love it love it love it
amhar03 #7
Chapter 11: Woooow kryber moment overload, more please!!
idkwhattoputheree #8
Chapter 9: we need next chapter!!!
(also if there ever is one, jessica should be with kelly yu just a suggestion!)
Llama_18 #9
Chapter 3: Next nextt thorr hahha
amhar03 #10
Chapter 4: This really a mixed feeling story, one side my kryber heart hurt they are apart but the other i feel it is needed so both of them can grown up more and if fate permit when they together again they can respect and love each other better..