4. The love that came back


Part 4



Amber was in shocked when her manager inform her that Jessica will be the Jessica on ‘Sister make waves’ but she is glad that Jia will be also the guest along side. Jia and amber has been long term friends ever since f(x) and MissA era in the kpop industry. 

“Hey amber, calm down please!” Jia was on the call with her on the way to the filming site of ‘sister make waves’.
“Yah Jia you know how much Jessica tramatised me before. She threatened me remember?” Amber was remismeming back the past moments with Jessica. Amber sighed actually her friendship with Jessica was really great at the start before everything with Krystal started. Jessica was really doted on Amber alot knowing that she was Krystal’s bandmate and alongside knowing how to speak English. They would always hangout together have meals together whenever there’s f(x) and girls generation events together. 
Jessica treated her like a little brother she never had. And Amber was really polite , friendly and charming so what’s there not to be liked by her the ice princess. 
Amber paused for a moment and thought to herself why was she still panicking and being nervous when she and krystal ended things. No, more like Krystal decided to temporary disappeared on her and bombed her with dating news with Kai. Amber hated what krystal did why she didnt had the nerves to let her know that she didn’t want to continue anything with amber and just shoot her down with a confirmation that she is indeed dating Kai. 

‘Kai , Kim Jong In’ was known was krystal’s long childhood friend by the entertainment news. Which made Amber chuckled how did they even become childhood friend just because their age is the same. Actually it was more like Amber and Krystal was childhood friend since they were 13 and 15 years old they spend almost everyday together. Even if Krystal was still studying in her international school or enrolled into her university. Krystal’s eyes only had amber no one else. Krystal’s friends knows that if she happened to have any form of free time in her schedule she will be spending time with amber phsycially meeting up or not texting her constantly. Krystal’s parents loved Amber so much and trusted amber so much with her youngest daughter whom they thought of as a son they didnt had. 

Amber chuckled at whatever Jia was ranting to her about Jessica constantly trying to get an update on amber. Jia was just giving Jessica very neutral updates on amber which jessica wasnt really satisfied since her answer was always “Well I am not sure Amber is always busy with her schedules. We didnt get to hang out or communicate much.” In fact, Jia knows everything about what amber went through with baby Jung and all of Amber’s struggles with this. Jia was really happy that Amber decided to take a move in the China industry she knew that Amber will do really well here. Jia herself was a fan of Amber. Amber was like a natural born artist with talented singing, rapping skills plus points of being amber to compose songs, make videos and lastly great character. She was actually the one whom push in the idea of Amber joining ’sister make waves’ to the director team. 
She foresee a this will be a great platform to boost up Amber’s fame in China as she will be able to bring in her artistic stuffs in to showcase. 




Amber was being prep talk constantly by Jackson, Jackie And Jia (the 3 Js) with how to go through the filming with Jessica. 
They knew Jessica was trying to get close to Amber. Jessica was helping her sister out. Amber didnt want to get hurt anymore. 
She knows the fact that krystal and her was nothing more than just ex-bandmates. 

Throughout the filming, Jessica was constantly smiling at Amber even thoguh there’s still a slight awkawardness in Jessica. Amber smiled sincerely at Jessica and tried to interact with per professionally as Jessica was still her senior in the entertainment industry. 

Jessica managed to pull in a few short talks with amber at the back of the artist dressing room. “Amber, I hope you accept my sincere apologies I am just afraid of what my sister will receive from the public at that time” 
Amber smiled and slightly tapped on Jessica’s shoulder “Jess, you know that’s fine. I am happy that Krystal found her true love and i believe whoever she decided to be with. It’s her own decision and I am happy if she is happy.” Jessica can see amber’s sincere eyes. Jessica chuckled sadly “Krystal knows that now that she only wants you. and i hope you can give her a chance you know to make things better between you and her.” 
“Jess, there’s no me and her to began with when she didnt even have the courage to let me know beforehand about dating kai.” 
“No amber you dont get it. our parents and me so called force her into trying to date kai. It wasnt krystal’s idea”
Amber shocked her head “No, she allow it to happened. It’s fine Jess, you dont have to talk on behalf of your sister. Actually i thought about it maybe its time she try dating so that she will know actually what she is truly looking for in a partner”
“But Am, are you at least able to talk to her?
she misses you alot. you should know that she has been sending you tons of messages everyday” jessica hold on to amber not wanting her to leave their talk. Amber looked like she just wants to run away from their conversation. 
Amber stopped and looked up at Jessica
“Jess, you know that i am just really glad we are able to catch up with one another but with regard to your sister. Please give me some time to get over this thing I have for her. 
I just really want to focus on my career with no distractions in mind. Besides, it;’s really her life and it’s up to her what she wants and she should explore what she really wants in her long term partner. We both know soojung is really shy and doesnt mix with people other than people she really established trust and has been there since she was young. Have some faith in her and trust that she knows what she's doing. She's a smart princess" Amber pulled Jessica for a short brief friendly hug before heading back to the artist dressing room. 
All the conversation between Jessica and Amber has been recorded. 
Jessica head back to the her part of the dressing room sit down thinking hard whether to send the recorded conversation to Krystal. She knew Krystal will be hurt hearing how amber didnt wish to have any contact with her at this period.
Jessica couldn't bear the thoughts of krystal crying again but she realised what amber said was true, to have some faith in krystal. Maybe Krystal and Amber wasn't ready for all these. Maybe krystal will be able to finally find someone she likes in the future. Jessica managed to hit the send button sending the voice recorded file over to her little sister. 



Krystal cried and cried nonstop after hearing the voice record
'Am, are you really giving up on me on us already?' Mama Jung heard the entire voice record as well.She looked at her little daughter crying at the corner of the sofa in their living room. She sighed knowing that Amber is a gem. A gem that everyone would want to have her. She regretted badly why did they wanted to destroy krystal and amber. Mama Jung poured a cup of warm water for krystal. 
"Soojung ah. My little daughter you know maybe its right that amber is trying to focus on her career now since she will definitely have a bright future ahead espcially in china. Maybe focus on yourself as well, you can try dating around you know to know exactly what you like to have in a partner. If its fated that you and amber will be back together dont you think in the future maybe you will have a chance with her again?" Mama Jung hoped this will motivate her little daughter to be more positive in life and focus on herself and love herself better. 

After the short talk with Jessica, Amber felt there was a good closure to whatever negative vibe between her and Jessica. 
They smiled to one another more and have some short conversation here and there. It felt great for Jessica as well like it was when f(x) just debuted. 
It felt like amber was jessica's little brother. 
Jessica would constantly tease amber behind the scenes while she was filming her own personal vlog. Jessica amber and Jia was having lots of fun especially talking about the past of idol life in korea as well. 
Jessica brought the half eaten american snacks that was neatly folded at the opening shaking in front of amber. Amber smiled teasingly and when up to snatch the bag of snacks from Jessica hands wanting to run away but decided to U-turn back to Jessica Backhugging her shouting ' i love you!' 

Amber walked back to her artist dorm while munching on the bag of american snack that she missed the most. It was really hard to find it in China.
Trying to get another piece of snack in the bag she felt there was a piece of unknow object that doesnt felt like the snack. She pulled out it was a small written note: ' To A, K wanted me to pass it you to. She know u will definitely missed having this in china.' 



The noted make Amber smiled 
she took a picture of the note before attaching a msg to jessica. 
' To Jessica: 

Jessica unnie, please let her know. 
Thank you for the thought. I really do miss this snack. 
I hope the best for princess in whatever she does because I know
she will excel well in what she really wants to focus on. 
I will always cheer on her from far regardless where am I. 
-Her one and only servant-

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Thank you!
hahah didnt know what directions I am heading to
decided to go with Kendall Jenner same "KJ" as Krystal Jung
hope you all have fun reading it

-till next time!


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Appledots5 #1
Chapter 19: Yess thankks a lot for the update 🙏🏼
nancylau0301 #2
Chapter 19: I Mutual PM a week ago, I think. Remember to check your mail. Hope it can give you a bit of ideas.
amhar03 #3
Chapter 18: Thank you for still writing kryber stories, if only i can upvote in every chapter...
Gantengbanget #4
Chapter 17: Nexxt nexxt
1147 streak #5
Chapter 15: The hospital one is so good please make more chapter author nim🫶
amhar03 #6
Chapter 13: Love it love it love it
amhar03 #7
Chapter 11: Woooow kryber moment overload, more please!!
idkwhattoputheree #8
Chapter 9: we need next chapter!!!
(also if there ever is one, jessica should be with kelly yu just a suggestion!)
Llama_18 #9
Chapter 3: Next nextt thorr hahha
amhar03 #10
Chapter 4: This really a mixed feeling story, one side my kryber heart hurt they are apart but the other i feel it is needed so both of them can grown up more and if fate permit when they together again they can respect and love each other better..