4. Saviour




Part 4 - Saviour 




I didn't know how but after dinner. 

We were kissing passionately with Soojung's arms wrap around my neck while I hovers on top of her kissing herwith my elbows resting  on the side of her head. 


We broke the kiss to catch air.

"Amber, I'm really sorry for what i did in the past. But I still love you. Really. 

Please believe me" 


I ran look at her silently trying to outline her face features. She hold my shirt seeing how i didnt give her a response. 


"Am, please? Forgive me please?" she sounded sad seeing my lack of respond. 

I lean my forehead on hers with our nose touching. "Krys, I still love you." I gave her a smile and lean closer to give a her peek on her lips and a instant blush is form on her cheeks. 


She raise her both arms linking to my neck and pull me to put my weigh on her hugging me tighter and small sobs can be heard. 


"I love you so much Amber. Thank you for still loving me. You don't even know how much you really meant to me." she said while sobbing tears start dripping. 





I rested my chin on her chest looking at her. We have been talking for the past 1 hour of what exactly happened for the past few years. So called updating one another about our lives even we are away from one another. 

I smiled at the handsome girl who is fast asleep. I was so touched that right after my accident happen during my filming she flow straight over to the hospital and has been there for me everyday ever since. 


I regretted I even doubted our relationship in the past. I was young and dumb who just thinks that Amber wasn't the one for me because she doesn't give me enough attention and I tried to find some other guy who was at that time willing to give me all his attention but to realised that all these are just words of affirmations but what amber gave me was more than that. Which Jessica Unnie has been saying in the past. 

Amber was definitely someone who I shouldn't have let go. Thinking back of how she ends up in another woman's arms brought me to tears. I'm really an idiot despite everyone arounds me say that Amber is the one. 


I lifted my chin from her chest and lean my ear where her heart is hearing it beating slowly, so this is what home feels like. 

I'm finally back home. 






I never felt better for the past few years than now. After last night heart to heart talk with Soojung. She still loves me. I'm gald that I could be here for her. 


"Yah! Are you listening? Helloooooo" Yuri waving her hand in front of my face. I broke my daze and look at yuri standing beside me arm pulley machine. 

"Yah! Am! why are you smiling so creepily out of sudden? Are you overly exhausted till oxygen can't reach your mind?" Yuri walk over to the mini fridge at the gym room talking out a bottle of water for me. 


"I'm just thinking of something" I tiwsted open the cap and drink afew mouth of the water. 


"Ohhhh. Thinking of something or SOMEONE" she smirked.


I rolled my eyes at Yuri. 


"Am. you know I'm really happy that you and krys are finally back together. U don't even know you made how many people happy" Yuri swing her arm on my shoulder. 


I shrugged my shoulder" how many?" 


"at least 20 people. Umma Appa, Jess, Me, your 4 members , Krys manager , your manager, your parents , jackie, jackson. Aish lost count" then she tighten her arm locking my neck leading me out of the gym room to the kitchen together to prepare breakfast for the family. 


"I'm so gald that you're gonna be my future brother in law!!! We can gym together, hang out togther! Isn't it great" while chopping up some sausages. 

I rolled my eyes with my hands full trying to crack afew eggs into the stone pot to make Korean style stream eggs. “Yah because Jessica unnie doesn’t want to do all these with you and you’re bored!” 


“Of course I’m bored. Jessica relaxation list only have two things in mind. SLEEP AND SHOPPING! Besides soojungie relaxation activities are also similar to her unnie” Yuri exclaimed while passing me the plate of cut up sausages to put into the boiling kimchi soup. 


I frowned while stirring the kimchi soup 

“No she doesn’t. Soojung still goes skating and theme parks with me” 

Yuri rolled her eyes “hello that’s because you want to go. And she just wants to accompany you. She’s like her unnie okay just maybe more athletic blood in her from her Appa” throwing over one piece of spring onion. 

I chuckled okay maybe Yuri is right. Krystal doesn’t like to leave house and do things. 

“Aish, stop being childish Yul! “ I throw a piece of radish root at her that was left on the chopping board. 


Suddenly it came a good waste throw fight. 

“Yah yah! How dare you ! I’m your future in law I’m older than you!” Throwing a piece of tofu from out of nowhere 

“Aish your older but you started it first” throwing one more radish back at her that she managed to caught it and throw it back hitting my forehead becausing me to nearly slip, I tried to grip on the table which made me accidentally touch on the hot scoring stone pot. 

“URGH” I screamed from the sudden burn on my hand. 

“Yah Amber what happen!” Yuri rush over pulling me up looking at my reddish hand and quickly pull me over to the let running water cool down my burn side. 


“Yah! How the hell did you decided to grip on the stone pot instead you idiot “ while both of us looking at the tap water running over my hand. 


“Aish! Your fault you threw the piece on my forehead and I got a scare that I move backwards” oh god it really burn. I literally feel the heat coming from my hand despite the cooling tap water trying to cool down the skin. 


“Yah Yuri-ah Amber-ah what are you two doing” Mrs Jung must have heard the commotion in the kitchen came over to have a look. 

“What happened Amber ? It’s so red you have to apply some heat relief cream. I have it in the first aid. Yul, please bring some ice over “ I sat on the dinning table waiting for Yuri to bring ice over. She still got the cheek to throw one cube of ice at me. “Yah you’re really stupid!” 

“Aish I’m in pain and you still can throw ice at me?” While Yuri sat beside me with ice cubes wrapped in a piece of cloth trying to ice my burn hand.  


Mr Jung walked in with Jessica and Krystal. 

Krystal hurried over to my side “am, what happened” seeing Yuri beside me trying to ice my burn reddish hand. 

I scratch my nape “I got into a childish food fight with Yuri, I nearly slipped so I accidentally touch on the hot stone pot” 

Krystal took over Yuri to ice my hand 

“Does it hurt? It’s so red .” She mumbled while trying to ice it gently. 


“Yah! Why are you food fighting in the kitchen!” Jessica was scolding her wife. 

Yuri didn’t dare to say anything back but just head down “this is so dangerous! Why don’t you play your fights with Amber in the gym or somewhere else in the entertainment room! What are you Yul ? 3 years old? Don’t you know it’s dangerous playing in the kitchen!” Yuri was like a primary school kid being reprimanded by her wife. 

I was having fun silently laughing at her being reprimanded only to be met by Soojung icy glare. 

“Stop playing with Yuri so much Amber. Look what happen. Umma!” Shouting for Mrs Jung. 

Mrs Jung walk in with her first aid box lying it on the table to take the heat relief cream to pass to Soojung to apply for me and place a thin bandage over my hand. 


Mr Jung tapped my Yuri shoulder and mine. 

“Kids, it’s fine now. Thank god nothing serious happened. Let’s settle down and it” 



During breakfast, I was being given a fork instead of chopstick since my right hand was being wrapped in bandage by soojung. 

“Here” soojung cut up the sausage into bite sizes before putting on my plate. 


“Aish, this is nonsense!” Jessica look at her phone annoyingly. 

Mrs Jung raised her brows “what happened dear?” 


“Aish Umma, didn’t I told you I’m starting the male fashion line for Blanc. There’s a photoshoot today and the male model we have appointed couldn’t make it on time for the shoot due to airport delay.” Jessica frowned using her fork poking around her plate of food. 


Yuri raised her hand “yah honey what about me? I could just wear a wig and be your male model for today!” Saying excitedly like she found the perfect solution. 

“Yah! Didn’t you forgot we did one shoot for you before already. I want to do something new, something way different!” Jessica pinch Yuri on her arm asking her to put her arm down. 

“Eh I did well okay we got a boost in sales for our athleisure line!” Yuri complained. 

“I know. Now shut up and let me think” glaring at her wife. 


“Amber!!!” Jessica suddenly shouted and stood up from her seat which gave all of us a scare and I almost choked on my tea which I managed to swallow but end up coughing. 

“Yah Unnie!” Krystal was patting my back trying to smoother me down from my cough. 


“You can be our model for the photoshoot!” Jessica exclaimed bringing her hands together looking at me excitedly. 


“Yah unnie, you need a male model but a female one have you forgotten?” Krystal stated. 


Yuri put down her chopstick , folding her arms looking at me. “You know what honey. That’s a great idea. We can use Amber besides she already has that boyish style with short hair. We should just use her! She definitely suits the male clothes that we’re gonna launch!” 


Jessica walk over to me both hands on my face turning to the side to face her. 

“Yah unnie what are you doing?!” Krystal held on my shoulder. 


“Krys, relax I’m not gonna kiss your girlfriend. “Jessica held my chin moving it slightly left and right staring at my face while mumbling to herself “check, check check” 


Jessica then look at her wife “it’s a deal! We will use Amber! “ 


“Yah! You didn’t even ask Amber whether she’s willing to?!” Krystal look at the couple who just self proclaimed me as their model for today. 


Yuri and Jessica now sitting opposite of me back at their usual seat at the dinning table. 

Both of them with palms pressed together looking at me with their upmost innocent eyes. “Amber, please?” Yuri begged 

“Amber, if you do it today. My sales will go up and I, I will …. Treat you to a..aaaa Ah! I will bring the whole family to vacation! Let’s find Jackie at LA! “ Jessica said. 


“Amber! I will chauffeur you around for a day! I will be your driver to bring you everywhere to play your favourite Pokémon go! Prettty please!!” Yuri as Blanc vice president begged. 


I looked at the begging duo and look at soojung. Soojung just give me a shrug shoulder “am, it’s up to you whether you want to help these two poor souls” 


I scratched my neck “hold on , let me ask manager oppa first” I still need to ask my management team first since I’m still under the company. I can’t anyhow accept any job or shoots without permission. 


“Hyunjoon oppa, how isit ?” My manager called back after a discussion with my agency. 

“Noted oppa. It’s okay I’m doing it free of charge. I know I know.” 


“It’s approved!” I smiled back at the two duo who were constantly massaging my right arm. Aish I got a burn on my hand not on my arm. What the hell is Yuri doing. 


Jessica jumped in joy “yes! I will inform my team to prepare!! Amber, you rest awhile and we will leave house at let’s say 1pm okay?” 


“Amber! You’re our saviour!!! I will treat you your favourite boba later!” Yuri exclaimed before hopping happily with Jessica to their bedroom. 


“Yah let’s go “ Soojung suddenly start dragging me from the living room sofa. 

“Yah SOOJUNG! Why are you dragging Amber with you! The wrestling match is about to start” Mr Jung stood up from his favourite one seater sofa. 


“Appa! No time no time! “ Soojung continued pulling me back to our bedroom. 

“Soojung ah why are we rushing?” I let her pull me into the bedroom which she push me to sit down on our bed. 


“Facial time! You need to look fresh for later” 

Soojung went over to her dresser table pulling out a piece of sheet mask from the drawer before walking into the washroom “Am, lie down “ walking out hugging with one arm of a bunch of what seems like small and large bottles of facial products which she placed it on the bedroom side table right beside me. 


“Your fringe is getting really really long!” She frown before getting up again to her dressing table taking a hairband placing it on my forehead pushing up my fringe. 


“Close your eyes Am” 

She start applying some stuffs on my face and then open up the facial mask and place it on my face and spread it evenly with her fingers to make sure the mask reaches every part of my face. 


She then lied beside me doing the same exact routine she did on my face, on her face before lying next to me snuggling on my chest. 


I chuckled “are we taking a nap” 


She replied gently “no talking. Your mask is moving again” she raise her head looking at my mask which has been slightly off the adjustment and use her finger to spread it evenly again. 

She set her phone for 15minutes reminder probably for our masking timing. Then adjust her own facial mask before snuggling close to me on the bed again. 


I was her hair gently just within few minutes this girl already fell asleep. Her slow steady breathing causing her body to go up and down slowly with a little slight snore. It was like soft symphony to my ears. 


*knock knock* 

“Yah! Berber time to go!” Soojung and me woke up from Yuri’s knocking. 

Oh man we woke up in shock, laughing at one another still having our silly face masks on. 

I helped her to remove her mask and gave her little nose a pinch affectionately . “Silly girl , we overslept! Ain’t you suppose to wake us up?” 

She pouted “it’s too comfortable in your arms” 

I laughed and her head trying to straighten her sleepy hair in a proper manner.


“Yah ber ber! Time to go!” I then drag soojung into the washroom to wash off the residue left from our facial mask. 





“Oh Amber! That’s a nice one! Yes yes! Fold your arms and bend a little back” photographer unnie was praising her. 


I see my handsome llama wearing unnie’s new freshly out white basic Blanc T-shirt with denim jeans and white sneakers. I admit she’s even more handsome than before now that she’s more mature. It’s like a mix of gentle matureness with abit of her usual playful in her. Sometimes I wonder she belongs to the cute or handsome side. I guess now it’s even more confusing. 


“Oh yeah Amber! Fold up one of your sleeve higher showcase that y tattoo arm of yours!” Yuri was shouting out instructions. 

“Amber! Smirk alittle more!” Jessica on the other side screaming her instructions. 


Oh my god this two Blanc power couple making her crazy with so much instructions. 

I was standing there with my iPhone up filming a video of her doing the photoshoot she’s too adorable! I need to film all these moments down. It’s an additional add ons to my laptop that has close to one thousands of her photos. 


I looked to my left and rolled my eyes. Jessica’s team of stylist unnies all crowding behind Jessica to catch a glimpse of Amber. 

“Yah god! She’s still so hot! She’s way better than the male model that boss wants to hire over.” One of the unnie was whispering to another. 


“She got even more mature in china. Look look! That arm! It’s lean but at the same time you can see the muscle. Plus the tattoos! It looks so natural like totally not out there to impress you but it’s like the more you look the more you feel impressed.” 


“Hey, do you think she’s single now?” 


“Ya she is single. Remember IU and Amber broke up even she’s still promoting in china? 

I heard she has been back in Korea for the past 1month already. “


“Oh ya I heard she rush to the hospital when soojung hospitalised from the filming accident.  You think she’s back to Korea for good? I heard she’s doing really well in china you know.” 


“So is she single and available?” 


“Yah I think based on how she’s in Korea doing free last minute photoshoot for our bosses, she should be still single? If not wouldn’t she just spend her free time with her girlfriend?” 

The makeup and stylist unnies all giggling while trying to figure out whether Amber has a girlfriend anot. I frowned “tsk. How dare all these unnies eying Amber like a candy in the shop.” 


“Amber, here! Some water” Soojung walk over into the photoshoot while the photographer is still taking photos of Amber sitting on the bench posing. 

“Yah soojung what are you doing?!” Jessica shouted. Why in the hell her little sister suddenly run over to block their shoot. 

Krystal ignored her sister and just uncap a bottle of water before passing it to the model. 

“Thanks krys” amber looked at Krystal with a brow rose up but didn’t say anything and just took over the uncap bottle from Krystal’s hand. 

Krystal started taking tissue out to wipe amber’s forehead before adjusting her shirt collar purposely taking out the necklace displaying it properly in the middle. 


Yuri smirked on the side grabbing her wife from going over to the two of them who are standing at the photoshoot spot. 

“Yah wife, can’t you see soojung is jealous” 

Jessica looked at Yuri then look at the couple standing at the photoshoot spot and then looking over at the group of makeup and stylist unnies and started laughing like mad. 

Yuri smiled seeing how ridiculously her Blanc director laughed and started to laugh along. 

Making everyone in the shooting set looking at the two Blanc bosses laughing like mad women. 

“Yah! Jung soojung come back here! It’s not like anyone here will steal your property!” Jessica shouted causing Amber and Krystal to blush immediately. And the mouths of the group of makeup and stylist unnies open wide. 


“Yah! I didn’t know our little dongsang soojung is dating Amber now?” One of the unnie panicked. 


“Aish we shouldn’t have gossip so loudly did soojung heard what we just said?” 


“Aish if it’s true then holy crap they look so cute together!!!” 


“I knew it! From young, the two of them would always banter cutely. Soojung will always smile and do dorky stuffs with her other than Jessica. Soojung’s contact list will always have her mum , Jessica and Amber at the top as usual. Always texting, phoning and FaceTime them. The stylist unnies always will get to catch a live Amber in soojung’s phone in the past bantering over small nonsense. 


“Yah I’m more worried about our dongsang now. She might kill us in an adorable way later” 


“Aish why didn’t our bosses tell us earlier on!” 


Soojung has always been the well known dongsang to all of Jessica’s team of makeup and stylist unnies. They adore her to death because she’s always so cute despite her usual celebrity cold image. Since they work under Jessica, Krystal would always tag along with them to accompany Jessica overseas for Blanc events or vacations. However they know despite Krystal cute side, there’s also a little typical Jung side in her like the Blanc boss. 

They get easily jealous. It happened to the staffs before whenever Yuri tag along for events for Blanc to accompany Jessica. Since Yuri was always the hyper and friendlier boss out of the two Blanc bosses. The team of makeup and stylist unnies will always enjoy their time being entertained by Yuri. They are always more bias towards their boss Yul instead of boss Sica. 

Sometimes, Jessica will ban Yul from tagging along overseas with her so that their team of makeup stylist unnies can focus their job instead of always constantly blushing and butterfly over boss Yul. 


The photographer unnie laughed before resetting the camera again. 

“Yah baby Jung, only afew more shoots I need then I can return you your property” giving a playful wink. 


“Soojung ah come here to unnie and my side. There’s your favourite churros here ” 

Yul beckon her over. 



Krystal move her hands on the sleeve of amber’s shirt trying to straighten it. Before walking towards to Yuri and Jessica side. 


Yuri side hugged Krystal “yah don’t be so obvious like your sister. Here, your favourite churros!” Whispering into Krystal ear before passing her one stick on chocolate covered churros. Earning a soft punch on her shoulder from Krystal. 


The photoshoot ended earlier than scheduled since Amber didn’t have much issue posing and expressing out what the two Blanc directors and photographer wanted after all she’s a professional celebrity with tons of photoshoots under her belt. 


Jessica and Amber were crowding at the monitor screen while discussing some photos that were taken just now. 

“Jess, what about this one? Uh image 29.” Amber pointing at the screen. 

“I prefer this image 31, the smirk on your face looks cheeky and playful “ Jessica winked before slight push Amber on her shoulder making Amber laughed. 


“Boss Jung, so who’s the better model? Yul or me?” Amber cheeky asked. 


“Yah! Trick question!” Jessica glare playful 


“But it’s you. Dont tell Yul “ Jessica whispered into amber’s ear making Amber grin widely placing one arm over Jessica shoulder. 


Krystal on the other hand was handing out churros to the backend unnies. 

“Yah my dongsang, you didn’t tell me you started dating “ one of the closest stylist unnie pull Krystal to sit down on the sofa. 

Krystal fold her arms and gave the unnie a playful glare which instantly few seconds turn into an innocent look “unnie, what are you talking about” before blinking her eyes afew times. 


The unnie playful push her on the shoulder 

“Yah u little punk! I’m your friend ever since I joined Jessica unnie’s Blanc . I’ve never seen you so attentive and so daring before to disrupt photographer unnie shoot to tender your llama” 

Causing the little princess to blush immediately but quickly return to her usual icy Stan. 

“Yah chorong unnie, stop it” 

The stylist unnie smirk seeing how their favourite dongsang didn’t oppose to what she said then it must be true. 

The stylist unnie came closer to Krystal’s ear 

“Well you got yourself a hotty there. And all the unnies are happy that you’re with her” 


Krystal moved backwards , thinking what the heck. Why is she suddenly saying something like that. 

Chorong pull Krystal over closer to her once again. “Aish , the unnies have hang out with you for few years already. And we all know Amber too you know. She’s really the cutest the kindest soul plus she’s handsome and got a great hot body too” winking back at Krystal. 


"Trust me, she's my saviour" Krystal blushed and quickly covered her face. 







argh running out of ideas 

lets keep kryber alive please! I miss them!

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Thank you!
hahah didnt know what directions I am heading to
decided to go with Kendall Jenner same "KJ" as Krystal Jung
hope you all have fun reading it

-till next time!


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Appledots5 #1
Chapter 19: Yess thankks a lot for the update 🙏🏼
nancylau0301 #2
Chapter 19: I Mutual PM a week ago, I think. Remember to check your mail. Hope it can give you a bit of ideas.
amhar03 #3
Chapter 18: Thank you for still writing kryber stories, if only i can upvote in every chapter...
Gantengbanget #4
Chapter 17: Nexxt nexxt
1147 streak #5
Chapter 15: The hospital one is so good please make more chapter author nim🫶
amhar03 #6
Chapter 13: Love it love it love it
amhar03 #7
Chapter 11: Woooow kryber moment overload, more please!!
idkwhattoputheree #8
Chapter 9: we need next chapter!!!
(also if there ever is one, jessica should be with kelly yu just a suggestion!)
Llama_18 #9
Chapter 3: Next nextt thorr hahha
amhar03 #10
Chapter 4: This really a mixed feeling story, one side my kryber heart hurt they are apart but the other i feel it is needed so both of them can grown up more and if fate permit when they together again they can respect and love each other better..