2. Saviour




Part 2 - Saviour





It was funny to her. She always admired looking at her boyfriend dressed well in Oxford shirts and slackers that she always wanted Amber to dress like this in the past. But now even when f(x) head to the airport to leave for their next smtown concert , her eyes is fixated on amber’s casual wear. Her usual baseball jacket with a black tshirt inside, sweatpants and cap with a backpack on her. 

How Amber will pull up her baseball jacket sleeve and tattoos were displayed with a mask worn slightly down just covering her chin and mouth. 

How Amber would always be so friendly to smile at the camera that only her eye smiles will show on her face. How she would always wave her hands to any news reporter that was calling out for her to face the camera.  


While Kai on the other hand would have tons of reporters taking photos of him and he’s constantly on the topic of the best well dressed male idol list. 

However, how neat and handsome he wore and he used to take paper bag as a replacement of his handbag to put his personal items that only contain his phone wallet and AirPods, it sounded so stupid to Krystal right now. 


As compared to Amber who is so practical with everything. Carrying her backpack of books, papers of script of song lyrics and a macbook for her to compose music while on the go. Suddenly she preferred the geeky attractiveness that Amber is giving out. 


Now she’s starting to question the old her. The stupid old her whom tried ways to change Amber so called for the better and more to her taste. 


On the plane, it felt like Krystal received another slap across her face. She was paired to sit with Sulli while Amber was with Luna. Vic was in china filming and she will meet them directly at Taiwan for the smtown concert. 

She was feeling cold in the plane with just a thin long sleeve linear material shirt she had on. Her blanket given by the airline was terribly thin as well. She was shivering while watching a movie on the plane. She wanted to get the air stewardess to get her another blanket. Amber noticed it and ask her what’s the matter did she need something. Was she feeling cold judging the way Krystal was constantly fidgeting on her seat. She nodded at Amber , surprised how she knew what she felt before she could even answer. Without hesitation, Amber took off her baseball jacket and stood up walking 2 steps to reach Krystal and evenly spread out the jacket on her before turning back to her seat. 

Krystal’s heart raced when Amber placed her jacket on her. But seeing her walking back to her seat, she missed her when she’s not by her side. Krystal side eye looking at Amber . Suddenly she felt terrified that she won’t ever get to see her again. 


Yes, it definitely felt a tight slap across Krystal’s face that made her face turned slightly red from the gentleman move Amber did. 

She could even smell the perfume that Amber always wear on the baseball jacket, it gave her a sense of comfort and secure that Kai didn’t manage to give from all his expensive spread of perfume. 


Sulli Krystal was on the right lane of the plane while Amber and Luna was on the middle of the lane. Krystal was noticing Amber from the side she just couldn’t focus on her movie that’s right in front of her. 



Amber was taking out her laptop and headphone from her bag which was on the floor. She set it up on the first class seat that has a spacious space just enough for her laptop and a cup of hot drink which Krystal assume it must be milk tea of some sort. She wore her headphones on her head and began engrossing herself with music composing. 


One thing that Krystal admires Amber from the past was her passion for music. Music was amber’s life. Even though Amber appears dorky and playful at times on the camera she’s actually a very serious person when it comes to work. She side eye noticed that Amber was typing while stressing her eyesight maybe due to the dryness in her eyes caused by the contact lenses she’s wearing. 



Sulli who was beside her woke up from a slight turbulence by the plane. Her wired earpiece somehow was loose and out and gentle music was playing in loudspeaker which Krystal was able to hear it and was able to sing by heart because it was her alarm clock song of choice.


It goes like , 

‘I just wanna love you give me that chance wanna hold you baby you know that I need you I need you and I’m wondering all the time”


She suddenly thought back about the few months back when Amber let her listen to her music in the van , the song “goodbye summer” which Krystal herself was the muse to amber’s creation. It was so good that she had to push it up to their management and just within one listen the management agreed to add the song into their album rum pum pum pum. 


Amber starting didn’t want it to be in their f(x) album because it was a song for Krystal. Her muse that inspired the lyrics. It was funny how she felt her feelings were exposed to the public if they were to put it in the album. 


It felt like another slap once again across Krystal’s face when she remembered the lyrics to goodbye summer. 

The fact that Amber whom was just sitting one empty lane away from her love her so much. She closed her eyes and took deep breaths trying to get her emotions under control. 

She placed her hand on top of the baseball jacket where her heart was. She trembled at her fast heart beating. She didnt want to cry. She doesn’t have the rights to cry. It was like crying over spilled milk. She was the one who decided to spill the milk that was always in her mug. 


She closed her eyes and decided to drown herself in the movie trying to focus on what the actor was trying to say. She need to find something to focus on and not think about the past with Amber. Slowly she managed to fall asleep for awhile. 

She woke up to smell of food. She was getting hungry. She realised Sulli was about to be done eating then she realised she missed the food service. She pouted knowing that she’s not the kind that will raise her hand to ask for food. She’s that shy. 

However, within few minutes, one of the air stewardess came over to her serving 2 pieces of chocolate cookies and a glass of milk. She frowned she didn’t ordered anything and the air stewardess pointed to amber’s direction who was laughing with Luna unnie about something on her phone. 


“Miss, she was the one who ordered it and ask me to serve it to you. I will drop by again later and you can let me know if you would like to have fish or chicken for your main course. We are getting the chef to do up a second round of food for passengers who are hungry.” 


She remembered what Jessica unnie always tell her. Whether is it choosing a person to be a friend or a partner. The answer is always to look at how they treat you, not what they say. 


Soojung was enjoying her cookies as if it was Amber who handmade baked it for her. She smiled knowing that Amber still does things for her unknowingly. 

It felt wrong but she felt like she wants to fight and win Amber back. 








One month later,


“Amber Krystal” the two of them had been called in by company management.  They have been told that there’s no interaction between them,one of the hottest pairing kryber. News is out that both of them has not been interacting as usual and fans are having theories that they are in a fight because Krystal is dating Kai and Amber is dating Ji Eun.


 Both krys and me frowned upon being called in by our management in the meeting room but there’s only our managers. 

“Oppa, is something wrong?” 

My manger sighed and pass me a piece of document stating about news reports about Krystal and me. I sighed and pass it to Krystal who is beside me. 


“Oppa, you know it’s just a stupid news from out of nowhere and besides we are all dating someone else. Isn’t it weird if we tried to interact with one another right after the news is out? And besides I’m dating jieun and Krystal is dating Kai” 

I questioned my manager. It’s stupid for calling us in for such reason. 


Krystal kept quiet throughout while I’m trying to say out my mind to our managers. 

“Amber I know. But that’s what the management wants me to enforce on the two of you “ I frowned because it doesn’t make any sense. 

“Why not I try to interact more with Luna? They always ship the two of us too. She’s also one of our member. I just shouldn’t be doing this with krys. It will make everything even more awkward you know since the news is out” I look at managers but only Krystal is looking down at her lap not saying anything. 


“It’s different. Your shipping with krys has been very popular since you guys debuted. It made the whole world thought there’s a possibility that you guys are together. And fans find the two of you suitable for one another. Even though you guys are dating someone else.” I look at managers and laugh. 

“Oppas , you know this is some contradiction there somewhere right? Like the earth is round or is the earth flat” I shoot back. 

My managers looking frustrated with this situation too knowing what I said makes  complete sense. 


Manager Oppas have noticed Krystal didn’t talk a single word and ask her for her input on this “krys, what do you think?” 


“Oppa, I will try it with Amber unnie.”

 I blinked my eyes not sure exactly did I hear her right.   

“Okay end of conversation Amber. Krystal is willing to try. So let’s try first and we see how it goes. “ I sighed and nodded my head since I didn’t have a choice. 


“Okay Amber Krystal need a ride back home or to anywhere ?” Managers ask. 

“Ah it’s okay Oppa maybe I will hang out awhile in the company” I thought of finding Yuri unnie since she’s having practice for their next concert. 


“Okay, don’t play too much and rest more! You look like you don’t even have enough sleep all the time” manager Oppa messing my hair. 


“Krys, what about you?” Manager Oppa looked over to see Krystal still sitting on the chair not moving. 


“It’s okay Oppa. I want to talk to Amber unnie for awhile before finding my sister” 

I frowned thinking why suddenly soojung has to talk to me. 


“Okay kids have fun! And stop disturbing your snsd seniors” before the two managers head out of the meeting room. 


I sit down beside soojung “yes Krystal?” 


She turn her rollable chair to face me 

“Am, why Krystal. Where did princess or krys” 

She reach her hand to touch mine. 


“Krystal, please. Let’s not do this. You’re the one avoiding me that’s why I didn’t want to make things uncomfortable for you and us” I move my hand slightly away so that we wouldn’t touch one another. 


She looked at me with her teeth hitting her lower lips looking like she’s about to cry. 


“Gosh please soojung. Don’t cry “ I came closer. 

I’ve this stupid weird weak spot that I can’t stand seeing her cry. 


She sobbed “no, Amber I understand. I’m sorry for what I did to you previously. I left you hanging. No words can express how sorry I am. And Amber thank you. Thank you for saving me that day.” I think she’s trying to refer to the egg throwing incident. I didn’t want to think much about what she said about leaving me hanging. I’m trying… I’m trying to get over her. The hardest thing in life is finding someone you can’t live without and then try living without them. But I’m going to try. I will try to leave with her, my favourite person, Jung Soo Jung. 


“Krys, you know that you’re my group mate right? If any members were to experience this, I would do it in a heartbeat” I looked at her sincerely trying to tell her I would still do it if this incident happen again. 


She looked disappointed. 


I know it’s time to give up before I face anymore disappointment. I don’t want to go through another disappointment again. 





“Am, I love you and I still love you” I frowned thinking what the hell love? As in lover kind of love. No way, she’s back with Kai again that’s what news are reporting and Kris told me too. I shook my head must be love as in love for a group member. 


I can’t show it to her that I’m still deeply in love with her. I just want to preserve the good memories of what I had with her inside my mind. 


“Soojung, no matter what I will always love you too. Just like how I love the rest of our members “ I replied back. 



She frowned and look deep into my eyes like trying to another answer. I blinked afew times breaking off our stare down. 

I stood up and gave her a hand , she frowned . 

“Come on, let’s go find your unnie and I’m gonna find Yuri unnie. Let’s go “ I smiled. 


Soojung POV 



After one year, our f(x) stopped promoting since all the members decided to leave SM as they were not satisfied with their contracts. 

Victoria continued acting in her homeland china. Sulli continued acting in Korea while dating her rapper boyfriend. I decided to continue acting and I’m still in a relationship with Kai. While for Amber , she has been going to and fro United States , Korea and china. 


Out of everyone she is probably the busiest one. I said Korea but actually she didn’t had much work in Korea. She was promoting in United States and china mostly. She will always fly in Korea because of her girlfriend jieun. Jessica and Yuri always meet up with Amber in Korea when she flies in or whenever Jessica and Yuri was in the United States promoting unnie’s fashion line blanc and eclare. Amber and IU unnie ended their relationship too. It was Amber who ended it, she had to constantly fly to and fro and long distance relationship wasn’t working. So the both of them mutually breakup and even did a Instagram live to announce it. In all the interviews after the breakup, IU unnie still comments that Amber was really the person for her despite their problem of both being far away from one another due to work. She always praises Amber for being a kind understanding and a good girlfriend that she never regretted dating someone like her. Time to time whenever Amber is back in Korea , they would meet up for meals and post themselves two of them smiling for the fans. 


The very last time I saw Amber in real life was 3 years ago during Yuri and Jessica unnie ‘s wedding. 

She attending the wedding with JIA unnie who also does her activities in china who was close to Yuri and Hyoyeon unnie while I was still dating Kai. 



I know all about amber’s whereabouts. 

I know about her schedules since we used back our usual f(x) manager oppas. 


Hojoon oppa has followed me to join my Korea acting agency and hyunjoon oppa has been closest to Amber has decided to follow Amber to join Jackson’s new entertainment agency in china. 


Hyunjoon oppa has been the closest to Amber even in the past when Amber was going around in Korea with her individual activities , he would be like a mum taking care of Amber. He even got fan-sites of him purely because of the way how he always takes good care of Amber. Even jack jack (Amber ‘s dog) likes him too. Jack jack would always snuggle on his lap even when hyunjoon oppa was driving Amber around for her individual activities. 


SM entertainment tried paying Hyunjoon oppa extra more money to keep him in the company but then Amber probably offered him double more to keep him by her side. Which I’m really glad. 


My manager still constantly stayed in contact with amber’s manager. Both our manager knew of our relationship when we are in f(x). They even helped us think of ways how to cover up that’s why there hasn’t been any rumours about me dating Amber at that time. 









“Oppa! Can you please get me some milktea” I’m still stuck in my hotel room for closed to 10hours. I’m getting restless because of the long sitting down of my music composing. 

He is still engrossed in texting on his phone. 

“Hyunjoon oppa!” I tried calling him again who was sitting on the sofa. 


“Amber, I’ve got bad news..” he ruffled his hair frowning while still texting. 

I didn’t know why but my heart skipped a beat like I know there’s something bad gonna happen. 

“Soojung is hospitalised. The firework setup during her drama exploded on set” 

My headphone fall out of my shaking hands my mouth couldn’t voice out anything.


 my manager looked worried and said 

 “Amber don’t panic, I’m going to book the earliest Airticket available right now . Pack up right now in 10minutes time we get out of the hotel and head to the airport.” 


Hyunjoon oppa was stopping at every red light trying to refresh all the available flight to Korea but all was being fully booked or not the earliest was 6 hours later. 


News reports were reporting about Krystal Jung being send to hospital for emergency due to explosion happening on filming set. 


My phone rang and it was Jackson calling. 

“Amber I know you must be on your way to the airport. Please tell your manager drive straight to the private vip plane section. I’ve already informed the airport staffs that you will be using my private plane. And my Korea management team is also there at the Korea airport they will drive you straight to the hospital to get to Krystal . Amber please, don’t panic and please be safe. Krystal needs you and I know you are dying to be there. Please take care of yourself and if you need anything please just call me. “ 


Oppa and me hurried over to the vip section of the airport. It will take about 2.5 hours to reach Korea. Both oppa and me only packed our backpack and quickly head to the private plane that was ready for us. I know oppa has been very close in contact with Krystal’s manager hojoon oppa. 

“Oppa can you please text hojoon oppa that we will reach in 3hours time please also ask him which hospital is Krystal being send to” 

I was trying to reply in the group chat messages that Yuri Jessica and me are in. We always communicate there. Yuri was telling me quickly come over if I could and that her wife Jessica was crying non stop in the hospital. Krystal has been in the surgery room for 3 hours already. She will update me as soon as possible the outcome. 


Krys, please wait for me. I’m coming back. 




After 2.5 hours of flying and another 30minutes of driving to the hospital . Oppa and me finally reached the hospital. Hojoon oppa was waiting for us at the entrance of the hospital we were hugging one another before running to the level that Krystal was having her surgery. 


“Amber, you’re here” Jessica was crying with Yuri side hugging her trying to comfort her. 

“How’s she? Did the doctor say anything?” 

I was side hugging Jessica too. 


“She got 2nd degree burns from the explosion. She had them on half of her right face and right hand. There’s no life threatening risk but 

She’s in a lot of pain because it’s 2nd degree burn. Her first two layers of skin is damaged badly” Yuri stated. My poor princess she must be in alot of pain. She’s so scared of pain since young. I don’t know how is she going through every second. I need to be strong for her and her family. 


Her mum and dad was sitting at the chair nearest to the surgery room. I walk towards to them seeing how the light sign on the surgery is still on. Aunty Jung looked up after sensing someone is around. 

She hugged me tightly while crying. “Amber you’re here” I nodded and tighten my hug with my arms trying to pat her gently. It has been close to 2 years since I’ve saw or talked to them. I held her hand and Uncle Jung hands. “I’m here for Soojung, no matter what happen.” 


“Amber, here.” Hyunjoon and hojoon oppa passing over cups of vending machine coffee to all of us whom is waiting for soojung’s surgery to be over. I took sips of the black liquid trying to reduce the tiredness and sleepiness while staring at the surgery sign. 


Yuri walked over and flicked on my forehead before settling herself beside me. 

“You know Umma and Appa Jung were really happy you’re finally here. It was been 3 years since the last time they saw you. You know there’s so many times soojung finishes her filming and was resting for few months she had so many urge to fly to china to find you. Umma and Appa also did have the urge to accompany her to find you at china. You didn’t know how many times Jessica and me was trying to stop the 3 of them.” I listened and nodded I know all of these beforehand because hyunjoon oppa told me. 



“I hate him really. I hate how she treats my sister in law. “ Yuri mumbled. 

It was big news in the last 3 years right after Yuri and Jessica wedding . Kai cheated on Krystal and started dating Jennie. 

That was the only time I ever ask Yuri how was Krystal doing. 

Yuri answered “she seems fine and seems glad and she just wants to purely focus on her acting career and nothing else but her unnie was not” yes Jessica was not happy about it. It was funny how it felt like Jessica was in the relationship with Kai instead of Krystal. Jessica was full of rage about Kai doing this to her baby sister. She went on afew trips to SM and scolded Kai wanting to give him a few slaps as well but was stopped by Yuri and her parents. Kai explained to Jessica and Yuri that the relationship with Krystal wasn’t what they told it was. Throughout the relationship, Krystal gave excuses not to meet him, not to go on dates etc around the period where I left Korea and continued my activities in china. He knows deep down Krystal was trying to hold Amber in her heart and there isn’t any space available for him. He knows about me when one day he was with krys for a camping date, Krystal was having a nap in the tent, he helped her to cover her blanket to only hear her crying in her sleep calling for Amber and that she started apologising in her sleep that she was sorry she let her go and cried to ask her to come back to her. That’s when he ask Kris about me. Kris then confessed everything about the past between soojung and me. Yuri told me all of these after we broke up but I didn’t say anything back. 


Nevertheless , Fans of soojung started bashing Kai up for cheating and even urge Krystal to date me. It was really fun how hyunjoon oppa read out the comments of our kryber fans stuffs like 


‘Aish that idiot Kim. Amber should have went for Krystal. They would be a match made in heaven now that Amber is still single too’


‘Hojoon oppa, please fly Krystal over to china and date llama! ‘ 


‘Hojoon and hyunjoon oppa please make the two artists date one another please’ 


‘Krystal and Amber ‘s babies should be really cute handsome and beautiful ‘


‘Amber please follow Yuri unnie footsteps and go into the jung family’ 


‘If Amber dates soojung. KBS please have a reality show for the Jung family. It would be fun seeing Yuri Jessica Amber and Krystal hanging out together in Korea and US’ 




The surgery sign turn dark means the surgery is over. Within 5 minutes, the doctor came out from the door, we rush over to hear what the doctor has to say. 


“Everyone, Ms Jung’s surgery was successful. However due to the 2nd degree burn, we still have to do afew more surgery to recover back her usual skin and it will take time. The surgery I just did was to clean up and to disinfect all her scars and blisters but she still have to stay in the hospital for 1 month with daily cleaning of the wounds to let it heal before she could leave to go home. To heal and return to her original flawless skin might take up to 9 months along side with 2 surgeries. You guys can see her once her anaesthetic injection has fully wear off but she will still be in great pain all the time due to the burns. We will give her painkillers if the pain is too overwhelming for her.” 


We all gathered in Krystal private hospital room. She was looking terrible with bandages around her face leaving only one left eye uncovered and the rest of her neck, right arm and right leg are all bandaged as well. It was heart breaking to see the one I love the most undergoing such torture if only I could be the one to replace her to suffer this pain. 


And the moment she woke up with one eye slowly open, she mumbled in pain. I guess the injection was slowly wearing off. She sounded weak while she tried to regain her consciousness looking around to find herself in the hospital ward. She looked at her parents  next to her holding her left arm. 

“Soojung my baby you’re awake” her mum was holding her hand with her dad beside her mum. 

“Umma , im in so much pain” she whispered softly. Jessica and Yuri came forward looking at her. Jessica face was tearing “krys, you will be alright. There is an explosion in your filming set” Krystal nodded slightly after remember what happened that caused her to land in the hospital. Yuri turned to me and turned back to the patient lying on the bed. “Krys, I know you’re in alot of pain. That’s why I brought in a pain reliever for you” and then Yuri turned to me reckon me over to the bedside. 


I slowly took small steps over to the bedside. 

Krystal’s uncovered one eye blinked afew times while looking at me and started tearing. 

“Am,, am Amber .. you’re here” she sounded like she couldn’t believe I’m here. She started crying softly. 

My eyes started to have tears winding up , I tried to hold it back before putting my hand gently on her bandaged right hand. 

“Yes princess, I’m here. I’m here. I’m not leaving you. I’m staying here to take care of you” Krystal moved her non injured left hand raising up to my direction as I move my face closer to her. She my cheek “I can’t believe you’re here. You’re finally here. I missed you so much Am” 


I smiled at her confession “krys, I missed you too.” I placed my hand on her hand which was still on my cheek trying to give her a small smile. 


Krystal has been having a tough time throughout this one month in hospital. She has been in constant pain despite all these pain she’s suffering she still tries her very best to resist taking the painkillers as her doctor said relying on painkillers are never a good thing. I’ve took a 3 months off from work which Jackson and the company has given me after knowing what happened to Krystal. I told her parents I will be the one taking care of her everyday in the hospital. The hospital even push in a sofa bed for me to stay in the VIP ward. I was basically camping in the hospital for the one month. 


In the morning once Krystal woke up, she will take her breakfast, have her usual medication given by the nurses and then I will bring her strolling around the hospital rooftop premises in a wheelchair only for vip patients for an hour for her to soak in some sunlight then we will head back to her ward to rest abit since her medication will take effect in her body. 

Then during noon, her parents will drop by with some home cooked kimchi soup or fermented bean soup for our lunch then we will do some activities like playing some basic games on my playstation which is I told manager to bring it over from my Korea house. Sometimes soojung will just sit beside me looking at how I’m composing music while I tries to squeeze in some time to do some music for the company. Yuri and Jessica would also drop by every few days since Jessica decided to at least be doing her work in Korea for the first 3 months so that she can be there for her baby sister. 


Sometimes some days are bearable for soojung and some days are horrible for her. Soojung did have a few nightmares due to the explosion incident that happened to her. 

Sometimes in the middle of the night, she will scream and wake up having to experience the withdrawal symptoms of this big incident. 

I will be awake trying to hug her gently calming her down and sing lullaby to make her sleep. 


Krystal did mention to me about causing me having to take such a long time off from work as she was worried that my work and popularity will drop. Because I was at that time the uprising star do was doing well in china especially. She didn’t want to be the reason for dragging me down in work. Since she knew how important work is for me. I shake my head and told her I already had a financial capacity to lead a comfortable well to do life even if I stop working right now as I’ve investments which my dad was helping me to keep track of using the past money I’ve earned. 


I told her she will be my priority as of now because all I want was to just be by her side to take care of her especially when she is at her worst. We didn’t talk much about our relationship since we didn’t want to complicate things further. Our main objective is to make sure she gets better. 


Victoria Luna and Sulli also always drop by to visit as and when they are available after work. 

Sulli will as usual tease Krystal about trying to tie me down in Korea even after she recovers. Luna as usual the biggest shipper of kryber straight up voice out that we should just get together and engage once Krystal recovers. Victoria would go even further saying that if Krystal and me finally get together and even married she will sponsor a luxury vacation for us in china. 

We both shook our heads at the three idiots and didn’t respond to them whenever they ask are we back together as a couple. We will always respond that we are taking things slow as the main thing to focus is Krystal’s recovery. 


Sometimes Krystal’s mum will text me leaving messages about trying to hint me to stay over at her house instead of my Korea apartment which was just 15 minutes drive away from theirs. Her dad would even go this far telling me he was doing some furnishing in Krystal’s room like changing her queen size bed to a king size one. Having to go to furniture store to purchase extra wardrobe compartments and also a mini two seater sofa to replace Krystal’s one seater sofa in her room where she always watches tv in her room. Purchasing another working desk stating that it will be useful for me to work and compose music when I wish to. 


“Yah, there’s still one more week you know. So what’s the decision Amber” Yuri asked again I believe Jessica send her to try to convince me to move in to stay with Krystal. 

“Yul, I’m still not sure about this arrangement.” I sighed. 


“Yah why are you still not sure? It will be great to have you in the jungle household you know. We can gym together like how we used to in the past” I chuckled at her wanting to move in so that I can accompany her to gym since Jessica doesn’t step into the gym room which aunty and uncle Jung specially  built it for Yuri ever since Yuri agreed to just stay in their house instead of having to buy a house to stay in after they got married. 

Stating that the more the merrier that their daughter partner will stay together with them.

Which Yuri agrees to it without any hesitation because she herself likes her parents in law too and didn’t want their parents in law to feel lonely at home. 


 So before their marriage , uncle Jung went ahead to sell their original 4 room apartment and upgraded to a penthouse which has 3 levels. The first level consists of living room, kitchen and their parents bedroom. The second level consists of Jessica Yuri bedroom, Krystal bedroom , a gym room and a study/ entertainment room and the rooftop is a small pool with tables and chairs for them to barbecue while looking across the skyline that was facing the Han river. 


“Aish Yul , I should give soojung so privacy you know. Maybe she’s bored of seeing me everyday in her ward already.” 


“Amber are you freaking blind? Yah! Can’t you see my baby sister in law is so in love with you?! Even after you got together with IU! Jessica already told Krystal about the arrangement and Krystal agrees to it that’s why my parents in law send u all those texts about the stuffs they’re adding in Krystal room. And each bedroom is huge it’s no longer the old house. Even after adding all that extra furniture for you , I bet there’s still space to move in 2 more king size beds in her room. “ she feign annoyance at me with a flick on my forehead. 


“I dont care I will take you 2seconds of silence as consent. If not my wife will scold me “she took out her phone sending her wife a text stating ‘llama move in mission successful’ showing me the text telling me there’s no u Turing back. 


I sighed looking at Yuri “ I don’t think you left me with any choice “ 


Yuri raised both arms up “yes mission successful! Amber there’s still an entertainment room which we could convert it to a tiny studio for you where you can work peacefully you know. Jessica and me still can be your part time singer if you ever need an extra voice. I’ve a y deep voice and Jessica as a light y voice. We will do it for free! Come on let’s go if not my wife and your future girlfriend will be nagging at our disappearance “ before pulling me to head back. 


At the 2nd last day of the hospital stay, soojung did ask me whether I could move in to her house. It was so cute that she was still that shy little girl. 

We were at the usual rooftop after our breakfast. She kept quiet while I was sharing with her some stories of me singing in china. 

I kneel down to her look at her eye to eye while she was sitting on the wheelchair. 

“Krys, are you alright? You’re way too quiet today. Are you in pain?” 

She shook her head gently before nervously looking down at her hands asking me 

“Amber, did mum and dad tried to convince you to move over to stay in my room?” 

I sighed and pull her to face me. 


“Do you want me to?” 


She nodded gently but said “I want to but if you need some privacy I understand. I don’t want to cause any inconvenience to you or maybe I can get mum and dad to make the entertainment room into a room for you?” 


I frowned at the last part “krys, you don’t want me to stay in your room? I thought that will be nice we can sleep together and wake up together “ 


She looked at me surprised by my answer and hold my hand “yes I would like that “ 



Guys, please comment and give me some brain juice please! What kind of stories you all would like to read


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Thank you!
hahah didnt know what directions I am heading to
decided to go with Kendall Jenner same "KJ" as Krystal Jung
hope you all have fun reading it

-till next time!


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Appledots5 #1
Chapter 19: Yess thankks a lot for the update 🙏🏼
nancylau0301 #2
Chapter 19: I Mutual PM a week ago, I think. Remember to check your mail. Hope it can give you a bit of ideas.
amhar03 #3
Chapter 18: Thank you for still writing kryber stories, if only i can upvote in every chapter...
Gantengbanget #4
Chapter 17: Nexxt nexxt
1138 streak #5
Chapter 15: The hospital one is so good please make more chapter author nim🫶
amhar03 #6
Chapter 13: Love it love it love it
amhar03 #7
Chapter 11: Woooow kryber moment overload, more please!!
idkwhattoputheree #8
Chapter 9: we need next chapter!!!
(also if there ever is one, jessica should be with kelly yu just a suggestion!)
Llama_18 #9
Chapter 3: Next nextt thorr hahha
amhar03 #10
Chapter 4: This really a mixed feeling story, one side my kryber heart hurt they are apart but the other i feel it is needed so both of them can grown up more and if fate permit when they together again they can respect and love each other better..