3. The love that came back


Part 3 

“Well Soojung here have some fish” the handsome actor was picking up a slice of filet from the fine dining plate right to Krystal plate. 

“Oppa, thank you “ she mumbled her thanks trying to be polite even though the guy in front of her she met for many dates recommended by Jessica unnie. 
Shouldn’t this guy know that she doesn’t like fish? There’s beef on the table but the guy didn’t want to serve her beef. It was well known to all Soojung’s friends and fans that she is obsessed with beef. 
“Krystal, stop eating so much meat. Girls should try to be on diet and have more healthier options like fish and salad” Krystal frowned immediately 

“Oppa who are you to control me? Who are you to control what I do or what I eat?!” She exhaled pushing her plate away from her. 
She hated guys like that whom always thinks that they should be the one to control their girlfriend. 
But they weren’t even together yet. Yes they are still in the dating phrase of hangout for meals, going to the cinema and visiting art museums. 

She’s thinking of Amber again before she sighed and took a swing of the remaining wine in her glass. 

She miss Amber badly she called her texted her but to no response. Krystal wasn’t used to this situation of Amber ignoring her. Would it make her die to even freaking respond to one of her text. Why can’t Amber just at least send a text to her. And especially times like this, her heart starts to comparing if Amber was here dinning with her Amber would probably serve up all the beef the restaurant had to her. That’s how much the older girl adore the little princess. 
Krystal was so used to being treated like a princess when Amber is around. But it was all disappointments when Krystal tried to continue dating all the other male celebrities. It wasn’t that other male celebrities was not considerate but Amber set the bar way too high that probably no one else she’s gonna meet will ever hit the bar that Amber set. 

“Seriously Krystal you should listen to me. And start losing some weight if you want to be my girlfriend” Krystal looked across at the classy actor she rolled her eyes internally thinking how dare this guy dare to demand such thing. In fact she’s still in good shape despite not doing singing and dancing anymore. Her abs is still there and probably there until the day she die. 

Krystal push herself up from the chair taking her handbag on the right “Oppa let’s not waste anymore time. Let’s not meet ever again” she looked back irritatedly. Walking out of the restaurant after she paid the meal. She just felt like she didn’t want to owe the guy anything that’s why she paid the bill. She sat in her brand new Audi Q5 suv turning on the engine letting the cold aircon blow into her face while trying to calm down from the anger she get from the guy she started dating for 3 months. 
She opened up her phone went straight into the china news app where all the celebrities update news were. Searching for Amber J Liu Again. 

It was her habit she started once Amber went to china three months ago. She was scrolling and came across a news Amber J Liu is in the guest list of the new variety show sister makes wave. It was the same show that her unnie Jessica was on last year. And this season this year was Amber. 

Jessica was being harassed by Krystal non stop after she’s back from her Europe vacation.
“Yah Soojung I’m still tired from jet lag. Please let me go back to sleep” lying there restlessly with her little sister sitting beside her on the bed. 
“Ya Soojung, stop shaking me” 
Jessica sighed and got up “okay tell me what you want. You have 5 minutes after that don’t come in and disturb me anymore!” Jessica frustratedly rubbing her eyes yawning. 
“Unnie, d.. did you get to see Amber recently? Or did.. did you have any news from your china friends about Amber?” Krystal was trying to pry on more details about Amber’s life in china because all her phone app was only the usual public news on Amber endorsements and career. She wanted to know more privately what was Amber during. 

Jessica sighed thinking to herself what else can Krystal be so excited to be engaging in a conversation with her right when she reach back home. 

Jessica lightly patted on Krystal’s head. “Soojung ah I’m in Europe these few weeks not in china. Besides my friends are all from last year season. Except maybe MISSA jia whom was a guest on last year season as the Jia was the list for the very first season of this show.” Before Krystal could open Jessica continued. “Well of course I asked Jia but Jia didn’t say much because Amber didn’t exactly told her what’s up recently. I guessed Amber has been really up composing songs during some backend music thingy that she always stay up all night.” 
Krystal chuckled knowing that it was Amber’s routine for sure. This llama was really passionate about music composing and MV music video making. 
“ why does she make herself tired when she isn’t a independent artist anymore. She joined Jackson ‘s agency didn’t she?” Questioning her unnie. 
“Yup that’s what I said to Jia as well but she just say you know Amber likes to do everything herself if she could. Even though a whole management team was given to her” Jessica yawning loudly looking at the time on her clock. Krystal frowned thinking Amber must be spending sleepless nights in the hotel room table and chair with her macbook iPad out lying around with tons of paper spread out. And probably cups of boba tea lying around to keep her awake throughout those nights. 

“Unnie, when will you be heading back to china?” Jessica looked at Krystal weirdly 
“What the hell jung Soo Jung! You always beg me to stay in Korea because you miss hangout with me. But now you’re asking me when I’m heading back to china?” Jessica looked at her needy little sister whom always like spending time with Jessica and always complains about Jessica being away. Jessica knew her sister always fancy Amber J Liu. She knew nothing and no one can replace Amber in her heart. It’s just that Korea is a homophonic place especially for celebrities. 
Jessica looked sad thinking that her sister might never be able to love anyone more than Amber Liu. And that’s also because no one will ever ever treat her sister the way Amber treats her. Jessica knows that the only way for Soojung to get lifetime happiness is by being with that prince llama. 
But what can she do to help her sister because she’s the one involve in ruining their relationship to began with. 

Jessica remembered the talk back in the days when Amber came over to have dinner with the Jung family. They were in Krystal ‘s room hanging out talking while Krystal hasn’t came back from filming. 
She knew that day what she say probably hurt Amber a lot. 
She told Amber not to date Soojung because she didn’t want her sister to be in such relationship she didn’t want her sister to undergo the stress and pressure from public eye. Being in a relationship with another idol is already very stressful plus adding on such a forbidden relationship is a no no for Soojung. 
Being in Korea wasn’t like some other countries which allow same marriage and Krystal was still promoting her acting career.

Amber was enjoying herself in her new variety show "Sisters make wave" 
with tons of famous celebrities from different field.
All the female celebrities was also enjoying Amber's dorkiness.
One of the pioneer top model who joined the show commented that Amber
is probably the most doted celeb on the show. "Amber is good looking/ good at
what she's doing and always so respectful and helpful towards others. What's not to love about her" 
Krystal watched every single eps of the show. 
It pained her that her injury came back from her right leg. 
Now that her drama filming ended all she want to do is to fly into Amber's arms
apologised for everything for always putting her 2nd in whatever she does.
She hated the fact that this vietnamese celebrity "Chipu" was being closed to amber. 
The fans even shipped them together. 
"Aish what is with all these comotions going on! Theres no chi-ber only KRYBER!!!" She saw all the youtube comments. 
She hated how amber was being thoughtful to chipu helping her with communicating as amber was able to understand basic chinese and fluent english.

And then towards more eps. There's another celebrity of the name Sarah Liu
was also being shipped with Amber. She hated all the women giving amber all the attention. Jessica looked at her little sister knowing that she's undergoing a hard time with Amber surrounding all the female celebrities.
It's like karma goes around. 
Back in Korea, Krystal was named the little ice princess with a pretty face and 
classy trendy fashion sense that made all the guys in korea go crazy over. Even 
artists and actors all name her as their crush / muse. 
Now Amber is the up and coming rising hot celebrity crush for at least 80% of China population. 

With amber new and improved fashion sense and her new dyed blue fringe hair. 
She was creating a new style of hers. 
Krystal liked the fact that Amber became more confident and knows what she's suitable and good at. Suddenly she felt like amber was drifting even further from her. 

"Soojung ah!! Good news!!!" Jessica came rushing into her room without knocking . holding her phone up high looking at krystal excited.
Krystal shifted the laptop which was on her lap "slow down..Jess what isit"

"Guess What!!" jessica raise her phone up high like it was something honourable.

Krystal raise her brows "I've nothing to guess. So just spill it"


Krystal without any delay snatched over Jessica's phone to check. 
Indeed Jessica received an email from the china management team that they would like to invivte Jessica over for this year's sisters who make wave. 

Krystal quickly grabbed her own phone calling her manager oppa. 
"Oppa!! can you help me to block out all my schedules for this coming month please" 
"soojung ah you know its not possible, even through you have done filming. we still got tons of interview and promoting events to go for! Espically for ralph lauren" Krystal sighed. 
Ralph Lauren was like Krystal's brand for her. She needed Ralph Lauren. 

Jessica chuckled looking at krystal amused by what her little sister is doing
"Soojung dont be stupid to follow me to china just for this please!" 
"Be a good girl for ralph lauren. Your unnie will go and have a talk with your llama" 

Jessica wanted to help Krystal out  since she felt the regrets and misery her sister is feeling ever since amber decided to stay away from krystal. 

"first and for most. What's llama favourite food that china cant provide"
Jessica questioned krystal.

Krystal frown awhile "Amber likes mexican food? Boba tea? and chinese cold cumcumbers" Suddenly she start clapping "Ohoh!! this american chips!! I dont think china supermarket sells these " krystal googled the picture of the chips.

jessica smiled "Then its done! I'm bring this weapon to deal with our dearest llama"

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Thank you!
hahah didnt know what directions I am heading to
decided to go with Kendall Jenner same "KJ" as Krystal Jung
hope you all have fun reading it

-till next time!


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Appledots5 #1
Chapter 19: Yess thankks a lot for the update 🙏🏼
nancylau0301 #2
Chapter 19: I Mutual PM a week ago, I think. Remember to check your mail. Hope it can give you a bit of ideas.
amhar03 #3
Chapter 18: Thank you for still writing kryber stories, if only i can upvote in every chapter...
Gantengbanget #4
Chapter 17: Nexxt nexxt
1148 streak #5
Chapter 15: The hospital one is so good please make more chapter author nim🫶
amhar03 #6
Chapter 13: Love it love it love it
amhar03 #7
Chapter 11: Woooow kryber moment overload, more please!!
idkwhattoputheree #8
Chapter 9: we need next chapter!!!
(also if there ever is one, jessica should be with kelly yu just a suggestion!)
Llama_18 #9
Chapter 3: Next nextt thorr hahha
amhar03 #10
Chapter 4: This really a mixed feeling story, one side my kryber heart hurt they are apart but the other i feel it is needed so both of them can grown up more and if fate permit when they together again they can respect and love each other better..